140 Year’s Street Party: A Cultural Development Event In Melbourne CBD

Overview of 140 Year’s Street Party

Identify and discuss the various planning processes of the events industry and explore specific implications to event management. Identify and analyse the economic, environmental, sociocultural and political impacts associated with events and discuss the management of associated issues.

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In the contemporary social world, various events and programs are organized by society and associations to facilitate the cultural relations and beliefs of a society or locality. The prime orientation behind such engagements is to intact the cultural relations and practices of the population. Various performances such as live music, theatre, dance, and poetry recitation also contribute in equal proportion as a cultural development event. Moreover, live humanity lectures and visits to art gallery and museums is also a significant division of the cultural programs (Grodach and Loukaitou?Sideris, 2007). Considering these attributes, the proposed report is commenced to crucially analyze the traits of the 140 Year’s Street Party. In order to make a crucial and informative understanding of the anticipated topic, critical analysis of the proposed event is incorporated in the study. Overall, this research report is formulated in a manner to explore and discuss the various planning processes and implications of the event management.

The name “140 Year’s Street Party” is self-explanatory to some extent indicating towards the basic idea of celebrating the thing, which will complete 140 years by the time. The following event, organized in the Melbourne CBD is a celebration of the Queen Victoria Market’s monumental 140th Birthday. The distinctive idea behind the celebration is to organize a street party considering all the traditional culture of the city. The anticipated fun and festivities is a collaborative blend of affluent history and magnificent future of Melbourne’s highly rated marketplace (Queen Victoria Market, 2018). In the line up of the event comprise some free family activities, live entertainment, roving performers, a variety of delicious food stalls and offers, discounts, and giveaway on shopping.

The event is proposed on 29th April from 10 am to 4 pm, with a chock-a-block line up of dance, comedy, stilt walkers, music, magic shows, mime characters, balloon artists, face painters, and more. The occupancy of the main stage will be shared by various artists such as Tim-Tim and his giant bubbles, The Sweethearts, the gospel sounds of Open Door Singers and the infectious sounds and grooves of La Rumba. Even more, to influence the historic sheds, a pop-up silent disco feature is incorporated into the event. Overall, the association of musical, cultural, artistic, historic and literary programs in the vent potentially indicates towards the alliance of the 140 Year’s Street Party and cultural development (Timeout Melbourne, 2018).

Goals and Objectives of the Event

As mentioned above, that “140 Year’s Street Party” posses a strong influence over the cultural development factor of the masses. Moreover, it will also act a path tracker about the traditional cultural relations for the aspiring generation. All the purpose, goals, and objectives of the 140 Year’s Street Party are presented below:

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  • Social Benefits: Majority of the programs projected at 140 Year’s Street Party are going to be a group event, which enhances the prospect of interaction and relationship development. Population belonging to various backgrounds, niches, passions, religious beliefs, and culture will come up together to participate, which will lead to the development of interpersonal skills among the participants (Tomasello, 2009).
  • Practical Benefits: Active participation in various events will also teach people about team efforts for a common goal and hence, a sense of responsibility will be developed among them. Furthermore, it will boost the level of confidence among the participants and will also teach them to deal with complex situations by implementing effective decision-making skills (Lee, Therriault and Linderholm, 2012).
  • Educational Benefits: Incorporation of a particular individual in multiple programs showcases the potential of the person. Such involvement of a person develops various skills within an individual, which are demanded by the hiring officials. Thus, this event will surely benefit the participant in the educational field as well (Vareiro, Ribeiro, Remoaldo and Marques, 2011).

Marketing of any product/event/service plays a significant role in deciding the response and review of the entity. Accessibility to the right people at right point of time can lead to successful accomplishment of the proposed goals. Therefore, this 140 Year’s Street Party of Melbourne CBD has laid special emphasis on the marketing event to reach its target customers. Few marketing tactics adopted by the management officials of the event are discussed below:

  • Pre-planning of the event: Early planning of 140 Year’s Street Party will help the officials in meeting all the requirements on time. Scheduling of various things such as theme, budget, sponsors, logistics, working committee, partners, governance, policies, and procedures will assist in executing a planned and proposed roadmap to the event (Hall and Sharples, 2008).
  • Intending the target market through social media: The management officials have significantly used the attributes of social media such as Twitter and Facebook to target potential supporters, contacts and influencers for the event. Along with this, the implication of hashtag on social media also helped the event in generating audience as well as embattled following (Getz, 2008).
  • Content Marketing: In order to promote the event at a major level, practices of content marketing were also considered. Interviews, videos, infographics, E-zine, event program, placard, and flyers were circulated over the internet to amplify web traffic magnet and engagement on social media (Pratt, 2010).

The point of reference of the 140 Year’s Street Party held at Melbourne CBD was strictly aligned to augment the diverse cultural relationships among the population. In order to gain a purposeful insight of the proposed event, a critical analysis of the event is indispensable. Evaluation of the 140 Year’s Street Party can provide significant particulars about the impact and outcome of the event. To gain a crucial analysis of the event, the most adaptable practice would be a difference-in-difference approach. Assimilation of difference-in-difference approach provides an apparent overview of the event by comparing the before and after effects (Lechner, 2011).

The foremost advantage of this approach is that it is easy to implement and provide certain results by critically comparing the expectations and reality associated with the program. The only requirement with this approach is a proper acquisition of the before and after data so that a comparative analysis can be made from other similar control groups. Overall, the difference-in-difference approach will provide absolute assistance in the evaluation process by acting as a good trade-off between the earlier implementation and outcomes of the event (Schreyögg and Grabka, 2010).


On the basis of all the aforementioned discussions and arguments, it can be inferred that the 140 Year’s Street Party is a grand celebration of Queen Victoria Market’s monumental 140th Birthday. The following event is proposed to be organized on the 29th April 2018 from 10 am to 4 pm. Considering this, the following research report is embarked on to critically evaluate the event. Initially, a brief indication about the program, location, and duration of the cultural development was presented. Furthermore, purpose, goals, and objectives of the anticipated event were also explored in this report to make better understating over the topic.

Afterward, marketing strategies such as pre-planning of the event, intending the target market through social media and content marketing, which were employed in the cultural development event, were critically analyzed to explore the outcomes. Finally, to evaluate the overall event, the difference-in-difference method was proposed in the report to rationally analyze the before and after the impact of the event. This analysis recommendation is a compact pronouncement to justify the purpose of this study. Overall, it can be concluded that this research report has vitally discussed the topic and also helped the researcher in learning various planning process and specific implications of event management.


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Queen Victoria Market, 2018. 140 Years Street Party!. (Online). [Available at: https://qvm.com.au/whatson/140th-birthday-street-party/ ]

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