Addressing Both Business Goals And Social Needs With Innovation – Dominos Pizza Case Study

Background of the problem

Discuss about the Addressing Both Business Goals and Social Needs with Innovation.

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Dominos Pizza is one of the largest pizza chain restaurants in the world and is popular in every country. In Australia, the company is the largest pizza-selling restaurant and holds more than 1900 stores in the country (, 2018). The biggest achievement of the company was attained in 2005, a year in which Domino’s Pizza was listed publicly in the market. Therefore, it is necessary that the company assist the customers in terms of gaining competitive advantage in the market. Hence, the adoption of innovative technologies can help Dominos Pizza to continue with its dominance in the market. The adoption of drone system for the delivery of the pizza can help Dominos Pizza to increase the satisfaction of the customers. The company can ensure that the drones reach the intended target with the food product and help in increasing the profitability of the company. However, the problems with the drone are that it requires excessive financial support from the investors and technical support so that it can implement its business in the market.

As customer satisfaction is the key to success in business, it is necessary that every organisation undertake innovative tactics. In the case of Dominos Pizza, the innovative tactics applied by the company includes adopting a drone system for the delivery of the products. The idea can help Dominos Pizza to reach the customers in an effective manner and ensure that the satisfaction of the customers in terms of delivery of services is attained. However, the problem that may be attained is gaining the technical support and financial support from the investors. Dominos Pizza is one of the biggest pizza chains in the world and in Australia. Therefore, the related problem can be solved with effective use of techniques to meet the needs of the customers. Other problem that may be faced by the company is the support from the Government. It is necessary that the application of the drone get proper support from the Government (Johnson, 2016). This can help in maintaining the legality of the business and ensure that the drone can be implemented for future purpose of the organisation as well.

Due to innovative ideas being implemented in the organisations, it is necessary to understand the materialistic problems that are faced within the departments. The evidence of the problems related to the application of the drone is that the challenges of the management concerns identifying the proper technical expertise related to the drone. This includes gaining proper innovative ideas for the application of the drone (Newman, Wachter & White, 2018). The management of Dominos Pizza need to ensure that ideas collected from various sources such as introducing benchmark can help in identifying the problems related to the production of the drone system of delivering pizza.

Definition of the problem

To implement innovative ideas in the market, it is necessary that the managers of every business organisations find a proper time to implement the innovative tactics. As observed by Grobbelaar, Gwynne-Evans and Brent (2016) it is necessary that the innovative ideas are created in a manner that can have a positive impact on the organisations. Therefore, gaining proper time for the development of the project is necessary for every organisation. In the case of Dominos Pizza, the organisation needs to take the best interest of the customers and of the people into account. This can help it performing the designs in an effective manner so that it can benefit the customers. Hence, it can be said that the time considerations need to take into account factors such as popularity of the drone system in the market and the future possibilities it may have for attaining longevity.

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Various business organisations can assist Dominos Pizza so that they can be transparent as well as realise the mediator in the MIT. The manager of Dominos Pizza can launch the drone system so that new innovative ways of delivering pizza can be generated and a platform can be launched for the effective promotion of the idea. The workforce related with Dominos Pizza can be materialised so that the interest of the company can be taken into account.

The benefits that can be delivered by the introduction of the drone system are that deliverymen do not have to be stuck in traffic and customer satisfaction can be attained proficiently. The technical prowess of the company can improve and Dominos Pizza can continue to be the leading pizza delivery service in the country. Thereby, a competitive edge can be attained over the rivals.

The drone system can provide ideas to the Government to implement it in the sector. The industries can have significant changes and due to this, the economic condition of the country can improve. A major boost in the economy of the country can be gained as the drone system can be used in every business sector for various purposes. For example, the drone system can be used for monitoring the city or monitoring work of the employees in the manufacturing sector.

The benefit of the application of the drone is that it does not have to be stuck in traffic and can be used to using a remote control. In the case of shortage of delivery staff members, technical people in the organisation can use the drone to provide effective service to the customers. The launching of the drone can help Dominos Pizza to influence the customers and promote a new trend in the technical aspect of the market.

Evidence of the problem

The interdependence of the application of the drone system is that it can help in improving the financial condition of the company. Dominos Pizza can rely on the investors so that they can gain the required resources necessary for the development of the drone system in an effective manner. This can help the company to remain creative.

Dominos Pizza need to gather new ideas that can be implemented to improve the drone. For example, a speaker within the device can help the customer interact with the company while the delivery is made. This can help Dominos Pizza to remain competitive in the business environment.

  • Emphasis need to be provided to hire employees with the skills required to be creative and at the same time remain professional at the work place
  • Dominos Pizza need to maintain the rules and regulations of the Federal Government of Australia so that every rule related to the management of the organisations can be maintained
  • The leaders and managers of Dominos Pizza need to check the ideas that are being implemented by the employees in the organisation
  • The Government of Australia can provide Dominos Pizza with the necessary aid based on legal or financial so that the company can maintain its authority in the market
  • It is the duty of the directors of Dominos Pizza to intervene during any time of the delivery process. Information need to be gathered and implemented so that innovative delivery methods can be adopted
  • It is important for the leaders and managers of Dominos Pizza to remain involved in the research and development of the drone. At the same time, involvement of the stakeholders is also required.
  • Abiding by the rules and regulations of the Government of Australia so that legality of the process can be maintained
  • For a successful project it is necessary to have a proper financial as well as human resource strength so that creativity can be imposed

The stakeholders of Dominos Pizza include the customers and investors. The innovation of the drone requires proper financial support from the investors so that it can be developed and implemented directly for the profitability of the organisations. The support provided by the customers of the company can also benefit in the advancement of the company.

The adoption of the drone system can help in enhancing the effectiveness of Dominos Pizza. The effective analysis of the social events along with the employees can help the company to gain a significant recognition in the business market. It can help Dominos Pizza to improve its profitability in the business and ensure that the economy of Australia can also be benefitted. The economy of the country can gain direct benefit from the social responsibilities such as providing employment to the technically experienced people.

  • The drone service need to be pollution free so that the environment can be kept safe
  • The manufactures of the drone can use eco-friendly fuels and equipments for the manufacturing of the innovative product
  • The adoption of the drone system of pizza delivery can help in improving the economic condition of the country.
  • Profitability of the company can improve which can be beneficial for the popularity of the company

After analysing, the facts provided in the early stage of the discussion it can be said that the application of the drone system for delivering pizza can help in improving the business of Dominos Pizza as well as improve the technical expertise in the country significantly.



Financial risk

The financial risk involved can be making a proper budget and taking care of the expenses. The financial manager is responsible for overlooking this department

Threat from competitors

Analyse strategies of competitors and change in accordance with the requirement of the market

Table: Risk management

(Source: Created by author)

The adoption of the drone system of delivery can bring about huge changes in the business of Dominos. The company can increase its fan base and ensure that the people trust the company in delivering the food on time. It can help in simplifying the challenges that are faced by the deliverymen such as traffic or unfavourable weather. Therefore, the innovative idea can be beneficial for improving the operations of the organisation.

  • The management involved with Dominos Pizza can improve the services with the help of the drone. Every customer ordering pizza from home can get the required satisfaction so that customised aspects can be incorporated and a 24-hour service can be provided to every customer.
  • At the same time, numerous strategies such as marketing segmentation, technical advancement and improving the resources of the organisation can be attained so that the target customers can be reached by using the marketing platform.
  • The board of directors of Dominos Pizza need to ensure that the operations of the organisation remain intact. This can provide the company with an opportunity to improve its delivery services and provide delivery of products.
  • The management can promote the use of drone so that the customers can use the information provided regarding the drone. A test run can be conducted in nearby areas so that the managers can identify the changes required in the innovative process.
  • Every department of the organisation need to have strict performance measurement tools so that the results of application of the application of the drone can be tested.
  • To ensure that the application of the drone system is implemented properly it is necessary that Dominos Pizza abide by the rules set out by the Federal Government of Australia. The rules related to providing services and using technical expertise need to be followed.
  • The managers need to formulate an organised framework that can help the project undertaken by the company to gain proper exposure.

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