Airtasker: A Disruptive Technology Business In Melbourne

Overview of Airtasker and its operations in Melbourne

A disruptive innovation or technology is an innovation that seeks to create a totally new market and by so doing it totally disrupts an existing market (Jimoyiannis, 2010 p.35). It is important to note that not all innovations are disruptive and many times these disruptive innovations and technologies are often produced by outside rather than the already existing market leading companies. This report aims at looking at one disruptive technology business operating in Melbourne, who the customers might be and what the company provides for them among other things.

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a). The disruptive technology business you have selected and how it operates in Melbourne

The disruptive technology business I have selected is Airtasker. Airtasker is a common business disruptive technology in Melbourne. It basically provides an online/mobile market place where various users are provided with a platform to outsource various tasks each day they want (Moon, 2013 p.67). These users just describe the nature of the tasks they want to be performed and therein they indicate the budget they have for that particular task. From this information provided, various community members bid to complete the task.

b). Who the customers might be and what this company provides for them

The customers for Airtasker are both the random community members who bid the various tasks and the users who place those tasks in that platform. Airtasker just plays the role of providing that platform where various individuals can place tasks to be outsourced while others bid for those tasks. Basically, Airtasker is a great component and provides its customers with the right platform they need (Meier, 2012 p.87).

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c). Who may be considered as employees and what the company provides for them and for people who operate under its name

Airtasker has no specific group of employees rather it is the persons who work in various sections for this particular disruptive technology business. Having stated that, we see that some of the employees of Airstaker comprises of engineers, designers and other technicians/experts who work day in and day out to ensure the success of this disruptive business technology.

Airtasker provides these employees with an opportunity to realize their career dreams by providing them the required resources to make the world a better place, a place where various persons would be valued and recognized with their skills and knowledge (Blair & Jansen, 2012 p.137).

d). What challenges this company poses to existing businesses and any dilemmas this business poses for the wider community

Who the customers might be and what Airtasker provides for them

Airtasker has posed a really great challenge to the existing businesses. With Airtasker coming to play, it has revolutionized the way of doing things and the existing related businesses have been totally out shinned (Darling-Hammond & McLaughlin, 2011 p.99). Airtasker has been the limelight in Melbourne for quite some time now. In the case where one wants any of his/her tasks to be done then Airtasker has been the only solution.

However, there are some tremendous dilemmas that Airtasker has posed to the wider community. A lot of people not only in Melbourne but also the entire Australia have depended so much on Airtasker. For quite some time though, Airtasker has not been in a position to maximally satisfy its customers. People all Melbourne have been complaining. For instance, the persons bidding the various tasks do not show up and when they do show up, then it is always very late. This really inconveniences some people.

Moreover, there are always some complications, some tradesman is highly rated but in real sense they are not good at producing the required/expected results.

e). What possible solutions can your group recommend to address the dilemmas that you have identified and considered

Based on the challenges mentioned above, it is the duty of Airtasker to take the appropriate action so as to minimize the cases of incompetence among the persons who bid. They should have like some kind of guidelines that should guide them in the selection of appropriate persons to bid these various tasks.

f). Summary of your consideration of the pros and cons of this disruptive technology

Pros of Airtasker

Airtasker has the following advantages;

There are no currency exchange fees

Connects customers to services they need across the world no matter where they are

Incredibly easy to use and understand

Simple and instant

It is not that much secure/reliable

Only applicable to literate people

g). Explanation of where you think your group could contribute to extending, improving or enhancing this business

My group could play an important role towards contributing to improving this business by simply developing much secure software/logarithm that could be used to ensure the safety of customer’s information in regard to their ratings once they have successfully completed their various tasks (Jimoyiannis, 2011 p.123).

h). Discussion of how you would pitch your ideas to request funding from this business

Our idea of installing software/logarithms into this piece of technology will be a very advantageous to Airtasker. We would therefore try to convince the technical team of Airtasker into implementing our ideas since it would grab them so many customers.


Airtasker is a disruptive business technology that has a very good place into the market. (Blandford, 2012 p.67).It can be used to fill the existing gap that already exists in the market. Like all disruptive businesses, Airtasker has a role to play on the market. 


Blair, K.A. and Jansen, M.P. eds., 2015. Advanced practice nursing: Core concepts for professional role development. Springer Publishing Company.

Blandford, S., 2012. Managing professional development in schools. Routledge.

Darling-Hammond, L. and McLaughlin, M.W., 2011. Policies that support professional development in an era of reform. Phi delta kappan, 92(6), pp.81-92.

Jimoyiannis, A., 2010. Designing and implementing an integrated technological pedagogical science knowledge framework for science teachers professional development. Computers & Education, 55(3), pp.1259-1269.

Meier, R., 2012. Professional Android 4 application development. John Wiley & Sons.

Moon, J.A., 2013. Reflection in learning and professional development: Theory and practice. Routledge.