An Analysis Of Parrot’s Targeting Strategy And Target Market In The Australian Drone Camera Industry

Competition Analysis in the Australian Drone Camera Industry

The analysis in the essay will be based on the ways by which an organization is able to develop the targeting strategy and the target market. The company which has been taken into consideration for this analysis is Parrot. The organization mainly operates in the production of Drone cameras in the Australian market. The entire analysis in the essay will be based on the ways by which the organization is able to operate in the Australian market. The product of the company which is thereby considered for the analysis is Bebop 2.

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The competition which is faced by the company in the market will be analysed in the essay (Thoeni, Marshall & Campbell, 2016). The most important part of the analysis will be based on the analysis of the competition which is faced by the company in the industry. The positioning of the product with respect to others in the industry will also be analysed in the essay.

            Parrot is an innovative French organization which operates in the industry of manufacturing Drone cameras. The company has its operations in Australia and is known for continuously providing innovative products to the customers. The solutions are thereby provided to the clients based on their specific needs and demands. The needs can thereby be fulfilled in an effective manner with the help of different types of products that are offered by the company. The product will be a major part of the analysis in the essay is Bebop 2 (, 2018).

Targeting strategy

            Parrot is a French organization which offers its Drone based products to many other areas of the world. The company mainly designs products and solutions are provided to different business organizations based on their specific needs and demands. The drone market of the country has been affected in a huge manner by the ways by which Parrot has been able to provide the need based products. The targeting strategy of Drone which has been applied in Australia is aimed at providing Drone based solutions to low-end enterprises or companies (, 2018).

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            The organization has been operating in the manufacturing based functions of different types of Drones which will be able to fulfil the needs of the customers. The business organizations are thereby considered to be a major customer base of Parrot. The organization has launched many different products in the market in order to fulfil various needs of people. The product which has been considered for the analysis is Bebop 2. The Parrot Drone Bebop 2 was launched in the year 2015. The product was also known as a flying image processor which was able to provide effective images of the areas in which it operates. The weight of the product was around 500 grams (Schlegelmilch, 2016).

The range which it is able to cover is around 2 kilometres. The top horizontal level speed of the Drone is around 60 kilometres per hour. Drone has also been considered to be a pilotless aircraft that is capable of offering effective images to the business users. The different features that are an important part of the product mainly include, the aerial performance, the wifi range and battery life. The most significant factor in the operations is based on ways by which the camera can be used for providing effective images (Shank & Lyberger, 2014).

Parrot’s Targeting Strategy in Australia

The tests of the products were conducted in an indoor area by the journalists after the launch of Drones in the market. The product of the company named Bebop 2 was considered to be an innovative and limited edition item. The targeting strategy of Drones was thereby developed after the successful launch of the product in the market. The strategy which has been developed by the company for Bebop 2 is based on the segmentation, targeting and positioning based activities (Zia & Kumar, 2016).

Target market and segmentation based variables

            Parrot had decided to test the products in the market with the help of a strategy which was related to the ways by which brand value can be driven by the retail organizations in Australia. The process was further based on the ways by which awareness of the brand can be increased among the audience. The target audience which was selected by the company for this campaign mainly belonged to the age group of 18 to 54 years old people. The Australian males were mainly considered for the analysis which was to be made by Parrot. The data based on the audience was thereby collected by the company in order to the design the activities in an effective manner (Choi & Kim, 2015).

The campaign was thereby named as the national Christmas advertising campaign. The different products which were thereby considered for the promotional activities in the Australian retail based sector include, Disco FPV, Mini drones and Bebop 2 FPV. Parrot had made designed the campaign in order to increase the awareness of the brands in the Australian retail sector. Retail advertising was thereby a major agenda which was fulfilled with the help of effective usage of the Drones for different purposes. The campaign that was designed by Parrot was thereby aimed at more 60% of the total number of consumers of Australian retail based industry (Diamantopoulos et al., 2014).

            The market segment that was thereby targeted by the Drones of the company are an important part of the retail consumers. The target market can be justified with the help of the campaign which has been designed for the purpose of developing a market base for the Drones. The retail companies have been targeted with the help of these products so that they start using the cameras in order to increase the awareness of their products among the consumers (Venter, Wright & Dibb, 2015). The market segment which have been adopted by the company is essential in targeting the different customers in the market and this will improve the overall efficiency of the firm as well.

            The segmentation-based variables that are considered by the company in order to decide the target market are thereby based on the proper identification of the consumers based on their income and age. The customers of Parrot in this case thereby include the organizations which aim to use Bebop 2 in order to increase awareness of the products that are manufactured by them. Moreover, this has been noticed that the respective segmentation of the product will help in managing the innovation in an efficient manner and this will create huge opportunities for the company to become more popular in the entire market.

Product Analysis of Bebop 2

Product positioning

            The positioning strategy that has been implemented by Parrot is based on the product class which are thereby offered to the consumers. Parrot has thereby positioned itself in the market in such a manner which can be helpful for the company to increase its revenues in the industry. The features that are thereby provided by the company are based on the ways by which the needs and demands of different business organizations can be fulfilled. Bebop 2 will also be positioned in the industry with the help of this positioning strategy in order to increase the levels of profitability in an effective manner (French, 2018). The major competitors of the organization in the industry thereby include, DJI and Intel. These organizations are thereby able to provide effective levels of competition to the company and the products that are launched in the market.

Perceptual mapping

            The Drone based industry consists of different types of technologies which are able to offer innovative products to the consumers. The different organizations which are a part of the industry thereby compete with each other based on the levels of technologies which are offered to the consumers and the ways by which their needs are fulfilled. The prices of products are thereby not considered to be an important factor which is based on the competition based levels between the companies. The partnerships that are developed by the companies are also considered to be an important part of the operations of these organizations in the industry (Kubacki, Dietrich & Rundle-Thiele, 2017). The factors which will be considered for the development of perceptual maps mainly include, levels of technologies used and quality of products.


            The discussion in the essay can be concluded by stating that the Parrot has been able to develop its position in the industry in an effective manner with the help of its wide variety of products. Being a French organization the company has been able to provide effective services to the businesses in Australia. The strategies which have been used by the company in promoting its innovative product Bebop 2 in the industry have been effective in order to increase the levels of profitability of the company. The Australian market has been made an important of the company for offering the Drones which are thereby designed by them. The most important part of the operations has been based on the positioning strategies which have been used by the company. 

Reference list

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