Analysis And Recommendations For Improving The Performance Of A Toy Manufacturing Company

Key Systems that Led to Downfall of Toy Manufacturing Company

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The company had succeeded initially with its innovative form of production but soon the change in the entire generation created a gap between the previous market demand and the present demand. The company faced a huge gap in the generation demand and was unable to identify the main cause for the downfall.

Supply chain- initially there were distributors who would deliver goods to purchaser using contract transport who would further sell the product to the direct customers. Later on the supply was conducted through independent manufacturer that was cheaper than maintaining in house sale force.

Operational system- the operation system was perfect at the beginning. It had perfect system of planning and manufacturing the products according to the requirement. However in th elater period the entire operational system was disrupted and damaged by replacing the experts from the leading posts.

Productive delivery- earlier the company had a co-ordinated delivery system that included a systematic delivery that was contracted by the delivery agent and thee purchaser. Later the delivery system was changed and replaced by independent manufacturer.

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Analysis of the key systems and development of review strategy- the strategies had started to go down since the generation growth. The generation was looking for better and innovative way of toys and games. The old fashioned systems were not entertained any more the company was unable to realize that and thus saw a down fall in the entire system.

List of key result area: the key result that could be derived from the case study is it lacked proper investigation and analysis of the market condition. The company could have focused more on the market condition and then decided their production.

Performance monitoring: the company had started with well framed planning and development system but they missed only one important part that is they have not focused in the  market analysis. The company was later on taken by Jack Wrather who also tried to make few changes by increasing staff, instructing them to improve the sale. But the company did not consider their price and manufacturing style and kept on continuing the old method.

Key result area performing with

Quality- the quality was initially extremely good and attractive but later on the quality was reduced due to a down fall of the company in the market.

Sales- the sales were reduced as the market demanded for other type of product and the old fashioned toys.

List of Key Result Areas

Profit- the profit of the company got reduced and soon it meet loss at a huge scale and for a longer period of time. Thus it decided to shut down.

Supply chain performance- the supply chain was initially conducted by the delivery person but later it was conducted by individual manufacturer.

Business growth- the business saw a prosperous growth in the first stage till the time of senior A.C Gilbert but after his death the stability was lost. Mismanagement and generation gap both were the reason that caused the downfall. The business was supposed to see a further height but it soon saw a worst phase due to lack of proper investigation and analysis.

Market share- the market share was fairly high in the first duration but with time the company did not change its fashion and production style that caused a downfall in the entire system.

Reputation- they had a good fame in the market and hence the price of the products were also equally high in the market.

Stability- the stability of the company was quite high in the earlier period and thus it gained a new height in the company. The company saw a destroying change in the future time and thus the resulted was seen.

Profit- the profit of the company was decreased in the after the death of the senior Gilbert. The generation change made drastic change in the company’s profit.

Sales- the sales of the company got decreased after the company saw a change in the market demand. The market was demanding for latest toys and games whereas the company was still producing the back dated toys.

Ability to adapt- the company did not have the ability to adapt the latest trends and generation demands. It believed to stick to the previous pattern with an increasing price rate. On the other side the other companies were decreasing their price and selling new and latest products in the market.

Customer service- their customer service also got decreased by not using effective products. The company that used loyal and productive products in the market. Later on the product quality were declined and hence the reputation was destroyed in the market.

Innovation- they did not support any innovation and thus they did not change their product type and soon the quality of the company product was also declined.

Employee performance- the company that encouraged their toy production was also equally balanced towards the maintenance of their employee however the old workers were replaced by new workers when the company was not working well.

Recommendations for Performance-Based Management

Production and manufacturing- the production and manufacturing was well planned earlier with designing, planning, manufacturing and marketing.

Probable advice that the company would have been given to the company:

  • They could have initiated market analysis
  • The prices should have been reduced
  • The quality should not have been damaged
  • The product should have been improved to the latest toys available in the market.

Recommendation for performance based management:

  • The employees should have been encourage to survey the market and design the latest plan for the organization.
  • The employees can be entertained for a quality production and efficient management in the work place.
  • The supply chain should have been modifies
  • The company should have focused on how to conduct market survey and analyse the market demand for toys in the present days.
  • The company should assure a quality standard of worker instead of focusing on the quantity.

If the company would have followed these strategies then they would have surely faced a better result in their working system. The employee management, market management, production management all needs to get revised in the company for a better outcome.

The company can improve their goal by implementing new strategies of performance management, they can use latest techniques and technologies to improve their production system. The new products and management strategies will help the company to reach its new destination and target.

The proposed process defines the formation of the condition when the company will target to improve their production style and match with the latest trends and fashion. The company should focus on how they are producing the products and how they are meeting the market demand for the present generation. It basically focuses on the improvement of the company and makes sure that the company is facing profit in the future days.

The proposal will improve the performance and competitiveness of the company. The proposal basically focuses on the improvement of the company and meet the market demand of the company. The company has already made a high fame in the market and will improve their standard by implementing the scope in future.

The key resources of the company will be met once these plans are implemented as they basically focuses on the development of the standard of the product of the company. The company is facing many rivals as new brands are running and bringing new products and the prices are also low for those products. Thus to meet with such competitors the companies must assure a well framed production standard.

The proposed strategies should be initiated by all as it assures a well framed working culture and environment that will help the company to give efficient production in the market. 

The strategies have few pros and cons like:

  • The production should be innovative but if the society does not accept it then the company might incur loss.
  • The company might have to face loss in the initial level
  • The company will face a high standard profit once the market gets attracted to their product type.
  • The company will incur a good fame once the customers are interested in their product type.

The changes that will be seen are the production level of the company will be improved, the market reputation of the company will be enhanced. The standard of the company will be raised automatically.

The company will be improved in every aspect starting from packaging to quality standard of the company. A regular meeting and review will give an approximate idea about th e standard.

Pros and Cons of Proposed Strategies

Thus to conclude it can be said that the company will face a change in the entire system if they focus on th e required changes that has been suggested to them. Thus the company must make sure that they are not taking and wrong step and risking the entire organization. Instead a judicious step is required to be taken by them.

Transition: the company has to take few major steps that will include the changes in the working system of the company. The company must make sure that the production standard is meeting the production standard of the rival company. The market demand for toys have changes but the company did not change its strategies to change the production. They believed to produce the old product which had no demand in the market. The company should make these necessary change for a better future. The activity of the company should be much more practical and target oriented. Their objective should be to create a market demand for their personal product. The only risk that will be related to this company is they have to make sure that the changes are accepted in the society. The society should not be offended by the changes.

Communication: the communication skill of the company not very clear. They have very less interactive session with outside world thus they have least idea about the working of the entire system. If the y are planning to survive in the market with prosperity then they have to change this though pint and take initiative to make necessary changes that cover the gap in their production level. The activity in this role is to communicate more with the consumers who are the back bone of the industry. The workers should make sure they communicate and interact with the market to get a better idea about the required changes that they need to make in the future.

A schedule for evaluation and continuous improvement:

  • The y can regularly conduct market survey
  • They can market their product in an efficient manner
  • They can communicate with the market to get an average idea about the product
  • The can change the product type
  • They should have a proper idea about the latest demand and trends in the market
  • Proper time management
  • Knowledge about the market
  • Regular meeting that will discuss about the condition of the market
  • The company must make sure that they are maintaining their quality and standard of the product.
  • The supply system should be improved
  • The workers should be motivated
  • The workers should be educated about the entire proposal and its implementation plan.
  • The work processes should be improved with respect to the technological advancement that is improving every day.
  • The workers should be educated about the changes that are being made in the entire system.
  • The company should make sure that the analysis and surveys are giving accurate result and they have a proper record of the environment.
  • The company should target to meet the present market demand and adapt the latest trends that are present in the market.

Thus to conclude it can be said that the company has seen a huge down fall due to lack of proper management system. The company should have been more customer oriented and target motivated to improve their standard in the market. They should have also adjusted with their prices and make required changes in the management system. Instead the company focused on how to reduce the quality and create a low costing in production which impacted the reputation of the brand in the market.
