Analysis Of Factors Responsible For Labor Mobility Across Different Countries

Process of International Mobility of Labour

The report helps in the analysis of the international labour mobility along with the effects of the same on different countries. Globalization is defined as the major process of intensified international kind of trade along with competition. Furthermore, with the implementation of globalization, this helps in enabling the movement of the different goods, services technology, labour along with the different production factors across the different borders. When the different kinds of countries try to use the resources in an efficient manner, this will help globalization in enhancing the overall growth along with the social welfare of the country in a positive manner.

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With the implementation of globalization, this will help in analysing the level of competition and whether the country has the certain kind of potentiality and stability of the different resources of production along with resources as well. The trade theory helped in suggesting that the globalization will be analysing along with equalising the different kinds of prices of the different kinds of products as this will help in efficient resource allocation. Furthermore, this is beneficial in nature for the different customers as the respective theory helps in suggesting that there is high competition and these provides the different companies will be in a position to provide low prices of the different products and services to the different customers (Van Der Ploeg & Poelhekke, 2017).

This has been analysed and identified that the level of the competition is existing between the different organizations and the various types of industries which operate in various countries. In the present era, this has been noticed that the competition level has increased between the various workers who are performing similar kinds of tasks in various countries. The level of competition is beneficial for the different workers in the organization, however this can be difficult for the other workers as well (Argent & Tonts, 2015).

The report is based on the entire analysis of the entire internationality mobility of the labour among the different countries. The movement of the labour between the different countries and the reasons behind the entire movement is considered to be an essential factor in the entire economics. The entire analysis is based on report which is based on the different techniques on the different techniques through which the movement of the labour will be in a position to affect the business and the international organizations (Auty, 2017).

There are different kinds of reasons which are required to be considered in analysing the labour migration in various countries.

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Firstly, the different labourers and employees mainly aim for gaining huge salaries as this will help them in selecting the different countries which help them in receiving higher salaries than the others. The unemployment level in the different nations can be caused as this can lead to immigration of the labour.

Secondly, the different kinds of networks which will be developed among the different kinds of relatives and this has helped the different developed countries in retaining and attracting the different employees.

Reasons for Labour Migration

Lastly, the huge level of the corruption in the host country has led to the migration of the different employees in the other countries and this can reduce the talent of the employees in the host country.

From the different points, this can be analysed that globalization is taking place in every country on the entire planet. However, the effects of the globalization are different in various countries or nations. For instance- The expansion of the trade is rapidly increasing at a rapid speed especially in the respective countries wherein the trade with low wage countries. Moreover, due to the immense kind of improvements such as in transportation, technology along with communication, now the condition is much better in nature as this has helped the countries in handling the process of production. This has helped such nations in moving the parts of the process of production to the different nations.

Additionally, outsourcing and offshoring the two main terms which are being used by the companies when they try to move their process of production to abroad. The different kinds of migrant labourers from the different developing countries in entire Asia are having the entire power to provide high level of the commitments to the different economies of the different nations in the entire world. In the last ten years, this has been analysed that the migration of the different educated and skilled labourers has increased in a large manner. Moreover, the knowledgeable and educated employees who have returned to their home country has helped the country in increasing the effective kind of production which will improve the overall production of the country in a positive manner (Jurje & Lavenex, 2015).

There are various kinds of economic effects of the international mobility of labour which is required to be analysed in an appropriate manner. Adam Smith tried to analyse the different kinds of factors which is related to international labour mobility. Firstly, this has been identified that when the similar kind of products are available in the market of the foreign country, this will be a better option for the individuals to purchase the same products from such market and not from the host country (Bense, 2016).

Therefore, this can be analysed that through this, the organizations try to gain competitive advantage in the market which will be helpful in the different kinds of operations which takes place in the different kinds of countries. As per Hansen (2015), the options related to free trade are being provided to the different kinds of organizations which will be helpful in gaining comparative advantage in the entire competitive industry in a positive manner (Hansen, 2015). The labour mobility in the European Nations is low and as per the commission of Europe between the year 2000 to 2005, this was being noticed that in EU, there was only 1% of the population who are of working age and they have moved to the different nations or state altogether (Bauder, 2015).

Lower mobility is seen as resulting in higher equilibrium unemployment and in order to cope with the higher rate of unemployment, this is essential in nature to increase the mobility rate of the labour is essential in nature (Bearce & Hart, 2017). For instance- This can be analysed and seen that increase in the labour mobility was gone along with the decrease of more than 5 million unemployed people. The labour mobility might help the different labour market in order to cope with the difference between the supply and demand of the different workers in different European regions.

Economic Related Effects of International Mobility of Labour

Figure 1: Repelling borders of International Labour Mobility

(Source: Choi et al., 2015)

The different results of World Gallop Poll, more than 40% of the different adults are known to inhabit poorest quintile of nations of the entire world. The skilled workers are ready to huge amount of money as to enter into the different developed countries for the different kinds of purposes along with paying hefty fees to smugglers as to gain jobs in different states of United States. The different major reasons behind all over the investments which will make the labourers in gaining huge opportunities of employment and earn effective level of wages (Carney & Gushulak, 2016).

International Migration occurs when the different individuals cross the boundaries of the state and stay in the host countries for the minimum length of the time. There are various causes of migration among the different labourers in different countries as there are various kinds of economic opportunities in the other country (Andrijasevic & Sacchetto, 2016). The other individuals migrate to be with the different family members who have tried to migrate as there are different kinds of political conditions in the host countries (Findlay & Lundahl, 2017).

Figure 2: Labour Mobility

(Source: Choi et al., 2015)

Furthermore, education is the other major reason which is required to be analysed in an effective manner for the international kind of migration as the students try to pursue their studies abroad. There are few main reasons which are required to be taken into consideration behind the different kinds of investments which are being made by the various labourers as to gain various kinds of jobs in the various foreign countries which help in earning effective level of wages in the respective work environment of the different countries (Fornalé, Guélat & Piguet, 2016).

Figure 3: Expected Wages Gained
(Source: Jayaraman & Ness, 2015)

There are different kinds of destinations which are popular in nature which is inclusive of the following countries such as: Germany, France, United Kingdom, United States and Australia. These respective countries are the ones which is capable of providing the different kinds of effective and appropriate kinds of chances of improvement which is required to help the migrants in becoming successful in various areas of their choice and gain more competitive advantage in the entire market as well (Choi et al., 2015). There are various kinds of skilled and educated workers or labourers who have migrated into the United States of America wherein around 10,000 dollars PPP in a particular year is being considered to be double that of the developing country in an efficient manner (Jayaraman & Ness, 2015).

Figure 4: Migrant Stock till 2017

(Source: Rain, 2018)

From the above figure, this can be analysed that till the year 2017, there has been huge increase in the rate of the migrants travelling to the different developed countries which helped them in becoming successful in the different approaches and gain more knowledge on the different impacts of migration to the developed countries. In North America, this has been noticed that there have been more than 58 million migrants who have shifted there and the main focus of the company is on the different kinds of approaches which is helpful in becoming successful (Sunam & McCarthy, 2016).

As hypothesised by Donato et al., (2016), the elimination of the entire trade-based barriers has been able to increase the level of the global wealth between the overall percentage of more than 50 along with 150. The increase in the entire level of the global capital is considered as the higher in nature in comparison which will be gained with the help of movement of the goods and capital on the international basis. The effective kind of analysis which has been done in analysing the international mobility of the labour is based on the various kinds of economic kind of impacts. This can create huge impact on destination countries along with the different labourers as well. The entire immigration of the process will help in overall increasing the supply of the labour in an appropriate manner.

The immigrant kind of labour has the huge kind of potential in order to affect the native kind of labour in different kinds of developed countries. On the other hand, the process of substitution of the native kind of labour by the various immigrants are not always possible in nature as the different immigrants are not skilled in nature in performing the various kinds of activities in the entire organization. Moreover, the sub populations of the immigrant labourers are being able to act as the direct kind of substitutes of the native labour.

Reddy and Sarap (2017), has commented and hypothesised that the level of wages is being provided to the different native workers. This affects them in a negative manner in different kinds of countries and the different kinds of wages are being offered to the various immigrants in such a manner which will be helpful in managing the labour force and markets in the different developed countries or nations. The immigrant’s entry in various kinds of positions in the various countries are being able to affect the different activities which are related to immigrants in a huge and ineffective manner (Melina,Yang & Zanna, 2016).

The employment along with the different immigrants have quite less impact and influence on the employment of the different natives in the United States of America. Moreover, the influx of the different kinds of migrants within the progress of the work process in the different companies which operates in United States are being able to affect the overall working hours of the various natives by around and more than 2 to 3 percentage. On the other hand, Fuchs (2016), has commented that this kind of similar effect has been found on the different kinds of natives of the other developed countries. Furthermore, there are various kinds of negative impacts of the different types of wages which will be taking place in various kinds of countries which is temporary in nature and reduced within time as well (Saxinger, 2016).

There are different kinds of individuals who are tending to remain the different kinds of emerging countries from wherein the different immigrants tried to depart and they can still face the same kinds of consequences in the other countries as well in a negative manner. The different immigrants’ movements from the native to the other developed countries for their further growth has been able to affect the different kinds of wages of the different natives of the different emerging countries.  

Hansen (2015), has commented that as the UN specialized agency has faced various kinds of issues related to labour wherein the ILO has been dealing with different kinds of migration since the foundation of in the 1919. The very Constitution of the ILO helps in specifically mandates the different organizations in the Preamble to provide proper attention towards the overall protection of interests of the different workers when they are being employed in the different kinds of countries other than their host country.

Migrant is the process in which this helps in promoting the ratification along with implementation of the different kinds of international standards which helps in facilitating the tripartite constituents in formulating along with implementing the different policies related to migration which is inclusive of providing advisory kind of services along with forum for consultations. These serve as the global knowledge on the international migration of the labour along with coordinating the different kinds of projects as this will help in strengthening the capacity of the ILO’s tripartite constituents in an efficient manner.

As per Hansen (2015), the international kind of labour mobility related process is being able to increase the overall chances of the different citizens who will be following the different kinds of policies which are being formed by the different kinds of countries. The international kind of labour mobility-based process is not effective in nature in comparison to the domestic mobility.

The potential kind of influence that the emigration has on migrant origin based various countries which is the main subject of the interest for the reform along with proper quality of the different institutions. Moreover, the labour movement from one country to the other have created major environmental kind of impacts as well and this is one of the major reasons for the entire environment degradation. The relationship has been developed between the overall environmental impact of the different kinds of operations along with the level of the income of the different labours.

The relationship has been able to developed between the different kinds of environmental impacts of the operations along with income level of the labour in a positive or negative manner. The different kinds of production activities which is related to the international labour mobility affects the environmental along with cause the effective level of the production in relating to degradation as well. The environmental degradation affects the growth of the business and the entire growth of the overall economy as well. The entire production is concluded to be environmentally friendly which helps in reducing the overall impact on the overall environment.

Additionally, as discussed by Hansen (2015), the major impact of the movement of the different labourers from the native countries to the different kinds of developed countries on the international level is based on the various techniques by which the different kinds of urban areas are being affected. The level of the diversity in the different kinds of countries are increasingly affected by the various types of communities which are present in the different countries (Galgóczi & Leschke, 2016).

There are various kinds of factors such as age, income and education level along with the different opportunities related to the job which helps in influencing the individual’s participation along with the different households in the migration along with creating social networks supporting as well. The different native employees or the different labourers had left their own native country and entered the developed countries in a continuous manner which will be a huge negative impact on the overall business of the organization as well (Ewers, 2017).

The international kind of labour mobility-based process has created huge impact on the economy of both developing along with developed countries. Furthermore, the development of the additional kind of growth of the various countries is considered to be main and major concern of international kind of movement of the different leaders from one country to the other country. The main principle of the different comparative advantage is being applied in the respective case has led to removal of the different barriers of the policy as this helps in facilitating the labour movement (Nyce, Cohen & Cohen, 2016).


Therefore, this can be concluded that international labor mobility is essential factor which helped in able to affect the overall economic kind of growth along with increase the wealth of the country in a positive manner. Furthermore, the movement of the workforce is essential in nature which helps in providing the different kinds of opportunities to the different laborers which helped in providing the different kinds of services along with improving the level of skills of the employees in the organization as well. The different kinds of developed nations are required to develop the various kinds of policies which will be helpful in nature for the proper and appropriate growth of the different countries.

The entire movement is helpful and benefitting the developing countries along with the overall growth of the developing economy as well. Lastly, the overall relationships which have been developed between the various countries is an essential facilitator of the growth along with the overall development of the both developed and developing nations in the entire country. The different problems with the different kinds of problems relating to the social integration will be helpful in managing the different kinds of issues in an efficient and appropriate manner.


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