Analysis Of Self-perceived Communication And Intercultural Communication Skills

Understanding Self-perceived Communication Competence

In this very specific part, I have given a self-reflection on my communication skill while dealing with my coworkers at the workplace. While evaluating my communication skill I have used five diagnostic tools. The tools that I have used for analyzing my communication skill include self-perceived communication competence, intercultural communication apprehension, Personal report of public speaking anxiety, non-verbal immediacy scale reportand talk-aholic scale.In order to survive at the workplace an effective communication is highly needed. Self-perceived communication competenceis the tool that implies on how a person tends to react in different kinds of situations. An individual human while working at the organization has to face different kinds of situations. In order to become a good speaker in different situations I should have an effective verbal communication skill with the help of which I can share my thoughts and views. I have evaluated that my verbal communication skill is not very poor but I have to face difficulties in dealing with different personalities at the workplace.

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After evaluating personal report of intercultural communication apprehension,I got to know that I become very much nervous in communicating with thepeople of various cultural attitudes as well as backgrounds. While dealing with the employees of various religious backgrounds I feel very much uncomfortable in communicating with them. At the same time, it is undeniable that I have excellent non-verbal communication skill. I can express my point of views through appropriate gesture, body language, voice modulation, written communication and so many. As a result, people can understand my point of views even if they cannot maintain a proper non-verbal communication with me.

Personal report of public speaking anxietysignifies on how a speaker tends to react in delivering speeches in front of the public.As a professional, I may have to face challenges in delivering speeches in front of managers and other colleagues. In this kind of situation, I have to face innumerable difficultiesin rendering my career growth. Seniors would not like to show their positive attitude in promoting me for the superior level due to my communication barrier. However, after evaluating Personal report of public speaking anxietyskill I got to know that I am very much average on this specific skill. Average skill is not sufficient in performing better within an organization. Non-verbal immediacy scale report implies on how much competent I am in showing my body language and nonverbal gesture while dealing with the professional. Non-verbal communication is very effective in dealing interacting with the unknown persons effectively. This diagnostic tool of talk-aholic scaleimplies on how I react in communicating with the persons of different temperament. As my assertive perception skillis good, I wish to react in different situation very intellectually. I do not like to maintain unnecessary communication with others. At the same time, I do not like to stay quite if I should take an action over there.

Evaluating Intercultural Communication Apprehension

In this specific part, I have analyzed the findings based on the evaluation sheet of diagnostic tools.In Self-perceived communication competenceskill, I have scored average. I got 63 in public communication, 62 in meeting, 68 in group, 70 in Dyad, 54 in stranger, 52 in acquaintance, 91 in friends. After evaluating the entire score, I got to know that I am very much comfortable in interacting with friend circle. As a result, I may not have to face challenges in communicating with my colleagues at the workplace. On the other hand, I have scored low in group communication as well as public communication. This particular score identifies thatI am not very flexible in communicating effectively in the professional field. Like the same way, I got low score in meeting as well. Therefore, I cannot communicate with the professionals properly.

In addition, while evaluating intercultural communication apprehension sheetI got very low score that is 45. It is thus inevitable that I cannot communicate with the people of various cultural backgrounds and attitudes properly. As a result, at the professional field I may have to face innumerable barriers in dealing with my colleagues from diverse cultural backgrounds. It is undeniable that I would have to interact effectively with the people of different religious backgrounds if I have to survive. While analyzing the score sheet I have observed that I become puzzled while showing my ideas and thoughts with the people of different culture. As a result, I cannot express my point of views properly to others. Ultimately, the persons have to face immense difficulties in maintaining an effective conversation with me.

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In Personal report of public speaking anxiety, I got 99, which symbolizes average level of competency in communicating with public. I have observed that I get nervous while talking with a stranger. After being associated with a business process, I may have to face innumerable difficulties in being flexible with unknown faces. Therefore, any kind of nervousness and anxiety can hamper my way of communication. If I start to fumble at the workplace, I would not be able to convey my messages to the listeners. In non-verbal immediacy scale report, I have received 87, which is a good score. As already mentioned, my non-verbal communication skill is good. Whenever I face any kind of difficulties in dealing with thestrangers or inter cultural people, I like to use my body language and facial expression. As a result, people of various cultural backgrounds do not have to face difficulties in making an effective rapport with me. In talkaholic scale, I have scored 27.This particular score symbolizes that I have a complete control over the throw of voice and speaking. I have the strength of showing appropriate reaction whenever it is necessary. On the other hand, it is undeniable that I do not like to continue unnecessary conversation at the workplace for maintaining myprofessional approach.  

Assessing Public Speaking Anxiety

After analyzing the five diagnostic tools, I have identified two major communication issues. The primary aim of identifying these particular communication issuesis to render an improvement within me. I have identified issues in Self-perceived communication competence and intercultural communication skill. I have observed that I cannot react effectively in various situations at the workplace. I am only flexible in communicating with those persons whom I do not know properly. In order to render a growth in my career, I may have to conduct group discussion session, meeting and conference. I would have to face numerous personalities from various psychological backgrounds. In this kind of situation, I would have to improve my communication skill as well as approach based on which I can provide a smart presentation in meeting and conference.

I have also identified that my intercultural communication skill is also very low. I usually fumble while dealing with the persons of other cultural backgrounds and attitudes. A business organization is constituted with diversity management. Therefore, different people of various geographical boundaries are associated with the business process. As a result, I have to face challenges at every step in communicating with them. At the same time, I cannot understand their point of views as well. This kind of communication gap is being reflected on the performance as well. I fail to deliver effective services to the organization due to the lack of my intercultural communication skill. The specific reason of improving intercultural communication skillis making rapport with the colleagues at the workplace.As a result, I would be able to exchange necessary information to them.

In this specific part, I would like to sharemy own experience on how I have faced difficulties in communicating with my new colleagues at workplace. Due to these incidents, I had to face difficulties in maintaining my business image and reputation. In this kind of situation, I had to face difficulties in surviving at the workplace. In a particular day, my team lead instructed me to give a demonstration regarding the financial budget of next one year. In this conference, the entire business units along with the financial managers werepresent for listening this demonstration. While giving the demonstration I have observed that my throw of voice was not very much prominent to reach the mind of listeners. I was not very confident in delivering the presentation because of which listeners showed their dissatisfaction in attending the conference anymore. My team lead at that time scolded me up for delivering such a poor performance. This particular incident hampered my image and reputation.

Measuring Non-verbal Immediacy Scale Report

Another incident was related to intercultural communication skill. An employee was appointed within our organization in the pose of junior human resource executive. This person was from other cultural background. When our human resource manager introduced this person with me I felt very nervous in talking to that person. I was fumbling while delivering my speech. In this situation, my team lead helped me immensely to manage the situation. This particular incident was very remarkable for me as it hampered my image and reputation at my own workplace.

Different scholars have provided various opinions about the significance of Self-perceived communication. Croucher (2013) stated thata professional has to be accustomed with various business situation. Their way of communication approach should sound equal with various kinds of situations. As a result, the professional would get preferences from the upper management as an efficient employee. In this very specific study, Self-perceived communication is highly important in order to handle various business situations. While working at the organization an employee has to face meetings, group sessions, conference, public confession and so many. Therefore, the employee should have that much of flexibility based on which listeners tend to receive the message properly. Being flexible with the friend circle is not the capability of a business professional. An individual would like to focus on different level of situations based on which business managers can show an interest in promoting for the higher position. While attending a meeting an individual should not lack confidence. The entire gesture and way of presentation should be very much focused and logical. As a result, listeners would love to decode the message in appositive way. On the other hand, employees have to face numerous strangers for the purpose of business. In this kind of situation, they would have to be accustomed with every person of different psychologies. Communicating in one specific situation will not help an individual to draw the attention of managers.

A specific business organization is surrounded with the people of different geographical backgrounds and psychological attitudes. While dealing with numerous personalities an individual should have multilingual flexibility.  Inter cultural communication implies the level of interaction among the people of diverse cultural backgrounds and attitudes. If an individual person tends to get nervous and apprehend in communicating with other cultural people that person has to face challenges in surviving within business sector (Okoro, 2012). People have to face innumerable challenges while communicating with the people of other cultural backgrounds. Language barrier is one of the most important reasons due to which two persons from different cultural backgrounds cannot communicate properly. While taking business decision managers tend to involve the employees for receiving collective decision. In this kind of situation, employees tend to use different languages while presenting their views and thoughts. However, this very specific study has focused to make an in-depth overview about the importance of making intercultural communication and the ways on how to overcome barriers among inter cultural people. Stepanikova et al, (2012) suggested thatnon-verbal communication is one of the most effective ways based on which an individual can maintain an effective communication with the intercultural people. As per the point of view of Jacket al, (2013), employees can expose their views and thoughts with the help of written communication, voice modulation, specific posture, body language and so on. As a result, they can deliver necessary messages to the listeners. At the same time, Paul (2013) suggested that it is also undeniable that non-verbal communication is not effective enough in maintaining a smooth conversation in the business field. Therefore, employees need to render multilingual flexibility for making a proper and effective communication.

Analyzing Talkaholic Scale

An effective communication can render transparency in the business field about the mission, objective and vision of a company. An efficient employee has to be very much focused on the business goal based on which they would like to perform. If the employees do not maintain a proper communication among each other, the organization is not able to reach the mission. In addition, exchanging necessary information at the workplace helps in maintaining a balance between supply and demand. Customers do not have to wait for a long time in receiving the services. As emphasized by Karangeset al, (2015), an effective and proper communication increases the workplace rapport among the workers. People of diverse cultural backgrounds and attitudes are primarily inclined with an organization. Therefore, the role of a business manager is to make an agile and flexible work environment at the workspace. Participating on the group discussion session as well as various organizational activities can help existing workers in making proper communication with each other (Zhang &Venkatesh, 2013). Employees get more scopes and opportunities to be familiar with the culture of each other.

On the other hand, in order to get organizational promotion an effective should have proper communication skill and competency. With the help of an effective communication method, the individual can interact effectively with the business managers. They get the scope to share their views and ideas to the senior managers flawlessly (Mishra, Boynton & Mishra,2014). This particular situation acts as a major positive aspect for the career growth of an individual. On the other hand, in order to play the role of a manager communication skill is one of the most significant aspects that an individual should have while dealing with the persons of various geographical backgrounds and attitudes. Therefore, in order to become an efficient employee an individual has to focus on communication skill effectively.

Several ways are there to overcome communication barriers. An individual should utilize different methods for avoiding communication gap between each other at the workplace. Receiving a training and career progression session is one of the most effective ways of avoiding communication barriers. While working at the organization employees may have to face challenges in maintaining communication through non-verbal method. Therefore, employees can be provided a proper training method in order to render multilingual flexibility (Cleveland-Innes & Ally,2013). As a result, both the speakers and the listeners would be able to make an effective conversation with each other.

Identifying Communication Issues

It has been identified that some of the employees working at the organization are very much focused and introvert. They do not like to share their views and ideas with everyone. As a result, communication barrier is created among the workers (Glavan& Ana, 2016). In this kind of situation, the business managers can conduct an effective group discussion session for making strategic management. The primary role of business managers is to involve every single employee at the workplace. They have to present their own thoughts at the workplace. As a result, they have to make an effective communication with other colleagues.

Employees have to increase their self-perceived skill in order to overcome communication barrier. While facing any kind of sudden barrier at the workplace employees should gain the skill of managing situations (Bakar & McCann, 2015). As a result, people of various geographical backgrounds and attitudes get motivated in maintaining proper communication. Business managers should provide motivational speech to the employees so that they like to participate in making strategic business decision. As a result, both the managers and employees would be able to maintain a good rapport at the workplace. The employees can receive a professional development training as well in order to overcome communication barrier.

Laswelle’s model of communication is constituted with five phases that include “who, says what, channels, to whom and with what effect” (Sapienza, Iyer&Veenstra,2015). An individual speaker (who) with the help of a proper channel has to transmit the message to the listeners. If the listener is successful enough in providing proper feedback to the speaker the entire process of communication is effective. The primary message of Laswelle’s model of communicationis thatthe encode and decode method between the speaker and the listener has to be perfect with the help of which they can maintain an effective communication(Sapienza, Iyer&Veenstra, 2015). If an individual is not successful enough in delivering the message to a person proper that specific individual has to face communication gap. Every business organization likes to follow the same way of communication. By following this particular model, organizational managers tend to communicate with the employees. If a specific businessperson is not efficient enough in maintaining a proper communication among the employees that individual should enhance communication skill. Laswellin his model of communication has stated that intercultural background, language barrier and psychological barriers are the specific reasons due to which an individual has to face communication barriers at the workplace (Sapienza, Iyer&Veenstra, 2015).

Personal Experiences of Communication Struggles at Work

However, the role and responsibility of an efficient employee is to communicate with every individual coworker effectively. Therefore, language barrier and psychological barrier becomes a major concern for the employees. A particular work floor is constituted with the people of various people from different religious as well as psychological backgrounds and attitudes. If an individual employee is not able to share information within workplace, the entire customer service system gets affected. However, this specific literature review is not devoid of some of its major drawbacks as well. The study has not focused to discuss the various factors that highly affect effective way of communication within a specific business organization. The study has not depicted the major ways on how communication barriers can be overcome.

An action plan is the systematic procedure of taking initiatives of overcoming own barrier. In quest of overcoming the communication gap, the study has focused to make an effective action plan for rendering an improvement within me. In this following action plan, I have tried to highlight the activities that I should take after identifying my issues.With the help of a graphical representation, I have tried to present those activities in order to render an effective solution.

Task Name





Making an effective approach to human resource manager for receiving training to improve communication gap

3 days

Mon 1/29/18

Wed 1/31/18

Setting appropriate aims and objectives of the training and development session

2 days

Thu 2/1/18

Fri 2/2/18


Providing the name of other persons who needs training

10 days

Mon 2/5/18

Fri 2/16/18


Using appropriate tools that would be used at the training room

4 days

Mon 2/19/18

Thu 2/22/18


Data collection as per trainers’ feedback

8 days

Fri 2/23/18

Tue 3/6/18


Data analysis based on trainers’ feedback

7 days

Wed 3/7/18

Thu 3/15/18


Evaluation of the training program properly

3 days

Fri 3/16/18

Tue 3/20/18


Go back to the work floor again

1 day

Wed 3/21/18

Wed 3/21/18


Table 1: Time horizon of the Action plan

Source: Created by the author

After identifying my issues, I have decided to make an effective approach to my human resource management so that they can provide me an effective training and development session. I have presented the aims and objectives of enhancing the communication skill to my managers so that they show their interest in providing me the training and development session. While providing the approach I have selected the name of others who have showed their interest in receiving this kind of training method. As per the instruction of trainers, I had to make an approach to my human resource managers for providing available technological resources so that my performance can be evaluated effectively. After receiving thee training, it is necessary to collect feedback from the trainers in order to know their satisfaction level. Trainers tend to evaluate whether the trainee needs more training process or not. Based on the evaluation made by the trainers the trainees would be provided necessary recommendations. If the trainers feel the thee individual would be able to communicate with the persons in any kind of situation the individual would be instructed to go back on the floor. If the employee needs more training session for enhancing the level of performance the trainers would provide them proper training more effectively.

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