Analyzing Business Activities And Service Delivery Processes Of Sky Plc

Business Activities of Sky Plc

The report helps in analysing the different kind of business activities along with analysis of the service delivery along with manufacturing process of the Sky Plc Company. Proper identification of the different strategies will help in improving the different processes of manufacturing as well. Proper discussion is essential in nature wherein it has helped in making the organization successful or not successful in nature.

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The main aim and purpose of the report is to understand the business activities in an appropriate manner. The different kind of usage of literature has to be done as this will help in solving the different issues in an effectual manner.

The structure of the report includes the service delivery process or the process of manufacturing that will help in making the different process of the organization in a successful manner.

Sky Plc is pan European telecommunications and media organization that is headquartered in London (Sky, 2018). The respective company has the different operations in the United Kingdom, Austria along with in Germany. Sky is one of the largest media organization along with pay-tv broadcaster wherein there are more than 21 million subscribers along with 30,000 employees as in the year 2016. It was founded in the year 1990 in the month of November and the founder was Rupert Murdoch who has tried to serve the entire Europe with an effectual manner.

There are different kind of business activities of Sky Plc media and telecommunications organization wherein it includes sales, manufacturing, marketing and advertising activities. The different business activities of electronic and telecommunications are as follows:

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  • Provision for the network for public communication networks wherein it helps in supporting the transfer of the information between the termination points of the networks that helps in providing service to the broadcast of television that is provided in nature (Brandon-Jones et al. 2016)
  • The electronic communication network helps in switching along with routing the different equipment that includes different kind of network elements and this will be inclusive of the satellite networks that helps in transmitting signals along with irrespective of the kind of information that has to be conveyed

The telecommunication company Sky Plc has to include the different kind of advertisements along with increasing the public relation by increasing the visibility of the different products and services and personalise the brand as well. The respective company needs to build strong kind of relationships and manage the reputation of the company as well. Sky Plc needs to assist with the process of sales of the company wherein it will help them in adding value to the customers in an effectual manner.

There are two kind of trends that is affecting the service delivery or manufacturing process of the Sky Plc wherein digitization along with convergence that helped the companies to create new models of business and include the innovative approaches to growth. Proper and accurate processes have to be implemented wherein identification of basic services is essential in nature and measuring the service delivery as well (Handfield et al. 2015).

Service Delivery and Manufacturing Process of Sky Plc

The process of production refers to the different kind of stages that is required in order to complete the final master copy in an effectual manner. The respective process will help in media production of the different audio recording along with television programmes. The main stages that are included are the following:

  • Pre-production is wherein proper planning along with storyboarding is included in the effectual manner (Jacobs, Chase and Lummus 2014)
  • Production is wherein actual shooting along with recording is required to be done by Sky Plc Company
  • Post-production is wherein everything is included between creating final master copy along with production as well (Carnes, Hitt and Xu, 2015)

There are different other stages that includes screenplay along with distribution and financing that will be happening before forecasting of the entire budget along with finding different kind of investors who will help in creating a separate stage that will be delivering the content in an effectual manner. Furthermore, it can be analysed that these are the different kind of stages of production wherein it will help in delivering the content to the entire audience in an effectual manner.

According to Jacobs, Chase and Lummus (2014), it has been seen that the information is regarded as the fundamental factor of the entire production along with labour and capital. Proper ascertainment is required to be done wherein it is seen that more than half of the gross domestic product of the employment in the organization for economic cooperation along with development (Kozlenkova, Samaha and Palmatier, 2014).

 According to the World Telecommunication Development Report, it has been seen that it helps in explaining that the expression of network in all over the world was accompanied by the increase in the entire productivity of the different telecommunication staffs that is done in terms of the ratio of the number of the different main lines in generation of the operation of the new staffs (Bromiley and Rau 2016).

Furthermore, Hitt, Xu and Carnes, (2016) commented that there are different kind of reports that has been studied that there are new kind of communication modes that are being introduced in an effectual manner in the different cities of the world. The different kind of cellular mobile phones, paging along with E-mail along with video-conferencing are operational in the present scenario that are becoming boon to the entire economy in an effectual manner. There are different kind of value added hi-tech services that helps in providing assess to the internet along with introduction of the different kind of integrated kind of digital kind of services are being properly introduced in an effectual manner in the country (Rangarajan et al. 2018).

Chae et al. (2014) has commented that proper analysis is required to understand that the entire telecommunication and media industry needs to be extremely price sensitive. There are different kind of socio-demographic factors that helps in developing the growth of the gross domestic product wherein there will be booming the knowledge sector in an effectual manner that has helped the company in solving the different kind of voice tariffs in order to improve the operations of the companies of the telecommunication and media in an effectual manner (Krajewski, Malhotra and Ritzman 2015).

Factors Affecting Service Delivery and Manufacturing Process of Sky Plc

Chae et al. (2014) has seen that the competition in the entire telecommunication area was intensified in nature wherein the different kind of service providers took different kind of new initiatives that can be provided to the different customers effectively. The different kind of consumer segments in the entire cellular market helps in explaining the rapid expansion of the entire telecom sector that is continuing to witness the different kind of staff competition in the industry. The different kind of services that has been provided to the company is required to be provided by the different telecommunication and media companies.  It is seen that there has been tremendous kind of growth in the entire economy wherein the revenues have been that the different kind of driving forces for the different kind of manufacturing of the handsets by the different giants, the telecommunication companies will help the entire media and telecommunication industry to increase their market share in the market along with the frantic growth rates and this helps in conforming the different global standards (Pilkington and Meredith 2018).

The entire telecommunication and media industry is being characterised in such a manner that will help in innovating the services provided by the companies. The legally protected kind of public along with private kind of monopolists do not have the same kind of incentives in order to foster the innovation process and this helps the industry in matching with the different goals of the entire competitive environment as well. Proper invest in maintenance is required wherein the linkage with the costs has to be done as this will help the company in solving the issues effectually (Slack 2015).

The author Kauppila (2015) has helped in commenting that there are different kind of detailed reports that has helped in analysing the biggest kind of players in the entire market. It was seen that the company needs to increase the overall subscribers in the entire competitive market with the help of the analysis of the innovative kind of strategies that are used by the different media and telecommunication companies in an effectual manner. According to Ketokivi (2016), communication is defined as the entire process that helps in allowing the different kind of information as this will be passed between the different senders along with ideas from one kind of location to the other in an effectual manner as well.

Haksever and Render (2018) commented that there are different kind of researches that has been done wherein it can be seen that there are different kind of processes that has been adopted by the different media companies in the entire industry wherein it is seen that the analysis is done to analyse the different kind of trade offs along with analysing the economies of scale in the market in an effectual manner. Ketokivi (2016) commented that the different kind of mobile technology or telecommunication kind of technology is rapidly in the world as there are people in the world wherein there are different kind of services that includes TV, interoperability along with different other conditions that will help them in becoming popular in nature.

Analysis and Strategies to Improve Business Processes of Sky Plc

Sky Plc needs to adopt different kind of strategies that will help the company in improving their different processes of delivering the services in an effectual manner. Proper analysis is required to be done in an effectual manner that will help the company in gaining competitive advantage in the entire market and this helped the company in gaining proper value and profit in the entire market as well. Different kind of strategies has to be adopted by the company in an appropriate manner wherein the different tactics will help them in gaining revenues in comparison to the other competitors in the market.

Proper quality management is essential in nature wherein the processes has to be relevant in nature and examine the different kind of business processes in an effectual manner. The identification of the different pain points has to be analysed that will help the entire company named Sky Plc in considering the value mapping that will help them to enable themselves in solving the different strategies and solve the issues in the media company.

Furthermore, the company needs to update their business processed by the integration of valuable strategies as this will help the company in sharing the current workflow problems and this will involve the improvement plans for the manufacturing process. The respective media company wherein the budgets has to be maintained and this can help in evaluating the performance and interpret the different kind of changes that is appropriate in nature.

Proper encouragement is required to be done in order to encourage the collaboration as this will help Sky Plc in making the different kind of activities more productive in nature. Proper focus has to be provided wherein the work has to be given most priority as this will help the company in engaging the different employees in solving the different issues in an effectual manner. Different kind of members in the team of Sky Plc has to be analysed effectively wherein this will help in encourage the productive kind of work culture.


Therefore, it can be concluded that proper analysis has been done wherein different kind of strategies has been implemented effectively to improve the business of the company. The media and telecommunication company named Sky Plc has tried to engage the different members of the team in such a manner that has helped the company in solving their issues relating to the company wherein the programs have been done in an effectual manner to solve the different issues with an effectual manner. The quality management has to be managed in an effectual manner wherein this will help Sky Plc in machining the different tools as this will help them in managing the resources and activities effectively as well.


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