Analyzing Management International Development Industry Through Case Studies

Case Study 1: Development of Conference Center

Discuss About The Management International Development Industry.

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The project is designed for generating a reflective journal to analyse the learning outcome from the demonstration of the two case studies which are undertaken during the curriculum. The project planning activities are designed and implemented on the two different cases one focuses on the development of the new conference centre to provide enhanced facilities to its participants (Kwak, 2013). The other case study focuses on the decision making capabilities of the project manager to develop a Rock n Bands with the help of university students. During the course of different action plan taken by the case studies there were some flaws encountered which should be focused to develop a learning outcomes of the project to omit them in repeating it in the coming project plans. The study of the two cases helps me to understand the issues which are faced by the project manager and its team in the completion of the project.

The case study 1 is on the development of the new conference centre which has to organize on the resort hotel of the New South Wales. The development schedule was given to only one party which is responsible for developing team members, hiring of architects and engineers, engaging sub-contractors, and etc. The project manager was not satisfied with the work of the contractor because the development of the conference hall was very poor and all the requirement of the project manager was not fulfilled. There are certain issues which exist with the existing conference which are No acoustic system in the conference hall, the occurrence of echo in the hall, the application of extra absorbent material on the walls of the conference hall helps in resolving the issue of echo problem but it can create the problem of minimizing seating arrangement, the team is not specialised in the construction of the conference hall, the rooms of the hotel are smaller in size, the capacity of the room is nearly about 4 to 6 member, the audio and the video system was not working properly according to the requirement of the owner, failure of the control program, negligence of the contractor in listening the problem of the project manager, and many more. The project manager has asked the contractor to resolve the issues before the occurrence of the event which is going to be organized in just coming month (Ika, 2014).

Case Study 2: Organizing a Musical Festival

The university is going to organize a festive season for the student. The consultant company was hired to organize the Rock n band festival. They asked the university official to prepare a list of required activities which should be included in the festival program. There are various activities which should be taken under consideration during the planning of the musical program which are Organization of the project activities for the development of festival activities, Lighting system installed in the construction of the stage, Organization of the musical activities, Dependencies on the roadies and delegates, Failure in the marketing policies for promoting the musical program, Inefficiency in the parking facilities for the event day, Inefficiency in the recording of the program due to the availability of more crowd than the capacity of the auditorium, and Inefficiency in the proper settlement of the food stall due to the increasing demand of the food item as expected. There are various risks associated with the project are on-time delivery of the program given by the dancers and singers, support from the audience, proper functioning of the audio and the video system, and others.

The application of extra absorbent material on the walls of the conference hall helps in resolving the issue of echo problem. The suggestions from the new resort manager help in handling the problems of the project manager effectively. He suggested that the owner should prepare the list of the problems encountered in the conference hall, timeline for the completion of the project, scheduling of activities which can help in overcoming the problems and constraints associated with it, and the budgeted cost to settle down all the requirement of the project manager. Within the period of three months the project of developing a new conference hall should be created.

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During the development of the project, I was able to learn the tactics followed by the project manager to carry out their required concern by the other party or member. The dedication of the project manager can made the project a success. The management of the activities and to observe the area of concern enhance our skills. The proactive prediction of the problem area make the program to e deploy successfully among the audience.

The planning of the activities which should be undertaken for the development of the Rock n Band festive musical program helps in making it success. The analysis of the requirement specification placed by the high official of the university should be studied and judged to develop a portfolio of the activities which should be scheduled for the success of the event (Kjolehede, 2016). The skills and talents of the project manager and its team member works well in cutting down the extra cost on the arrangement of the resources, development of the stage, handling of the audio and visual system, evaluation of the quality and the service provided, and many others. The emphasis should be given on the distribution of the ticket according to the capacity of the auditorium because over population can make the project a failure and can disappoint the high officials of the university (Mustaro, 2013).  From the course of case study, I was able to learn that the proactive scheduling of the program and to divide role and responsibility among the team members on the basis of their skills and talents helps in completing the task efficiently and effectively.

Learning Outcome

The managerial activities which are learned through the curriculum of case 1 and 2 can be effectively applied in bringing management and discipline in our day to day activities. The process of planning should be applied before undertaking any activity or program. The proactive scheduling of the programs helps in completing the project within the limit of the budget and time with minimum efforts. The leadership qualities which are learnt helps in pointing out the flaws and errors which are occurred or can occurred in the daily activity schedule can be determined (Morris, 2015). Creative thinking should be applied for achieving and enhancing the expected output of the given situation. The failure of the past should not be applied to the future activity schedule. New plans should be generated for imposing better result of the project (Hall, 2012).

From the study and analysis of the given projects my perception to the project management activities are completely transformed and become a basic skill which I should learn in bringing perfection in the completion of the work taken. The development of the working plan helps in pointing out the area of concern which should be resolved on top priority (Munns, 2013). The priority should be given to the activities undertaken so that it should be clear in mind what we have to do next. The follow up of the complete life cycle of the project helps in observing the area of improvement, how the small change in the activity can give better result, how we can give our best in front of other people, and how we can recognise the flaws and errors in the work which is already completed by us (Passenheim, 2012).

During the course of project leaning that I have learn many things and tactics to improve my daily curriculum activities but I was unable to provide Ideas and thoughts to solve the area of concern. This means that I have to focus on my creative thinking because the generation of ideas, opinion, and thoughts helps in synchronising the pitfalls of the program effectively (Mooi, 2012). The area of observation should be made broad so that we can measure the flaws in the work performed by us. The disorder in the activity schedule will affect the end product of the scenario. The expected output will not be gained unless creative thoughts are generated. I was not able to judge the next step which should be taken according to the requirement of the program.


From the analysis of the case studies, I was able to judge the efficiency of project management requirement in performing daily curriculum activities. The required output can be gained by undergoing the proactive action plan which should be designed by setting priorities to the action taken. I was able to learn that the proactive scheduling of the program and to divide role and responsibility among the team members on the basis of their skills and talents helps in completing the task efficiently and effectively. The development of the working plan helps in pointing out the area of concern which should be resolved on top priority.


Hall, N. (2012). Project Management: Recent developments and research opportunities. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 01 Apr. 2018].

Morris, W. (2015). Research and future of project management. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 01 Apr. 2018].

Passenheim, O. (2012). Project Management. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 01 Apr. 2018].

Munns, A. (2013). The role of project management in achieving project success 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 01 Apr. 2018].

Mustaro, P. (2013). Project management principles applied in academic research project. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 01 Apr. 2018].

Kjolhede, E. (2016). Project management theory and the research project. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 01 Apr. 2018].

Mooi, H. (2012). Innovation project management: A Research Agenda. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 01 Apr. 2018].

Kwak, Y. (2013). Amazing project management research: Perspective from top management journals. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 01 Apr. 2018].

Ika, L. (2014). Project Management in the international development industry. 1st ed. [ebook]. [Accessed 01 Apr. 2018].