Analyzing Rob’s Leadership And Emotional Intelligence In Child Care Industry

Different leadership styles and Rob’s leadership

1.Leadership is the action of leading the employees of an organization. Different types of leadership exist in an organization, which are like autocratic leadership, Democratic leadership, Task oriented leader, transaction leaders transformational leaders and many more. According to Leithwood and Azah, (2016), autocratic leaders are always inclined to make decisions alone without considering any other’s inputs. They do not delegate authority to the employees and lead them with their strict instructions. On the other hand, Showry and Manasa, (2014) opined that democratic leaders delegate some authority to the employees and give sense of owner ship to the employees. Moreover, the communication in this leadership style is both upward and downward.

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Furthermore, Bottomley et al., (2014) stated that transformational leaders apply innovative ideas and concepts in the business decision for getting high level of business success. They also allow the employees to contribute their business ideas in the business success. Hanson, (2013) pointed out that transactional leaders also apply their innovative ideas in business process. However, they have strict control on the employees and their activities. Owusu-Bempah, (2014) stated that task oriented leaders are only concentrated on achieving the organizational success and they are not much people oriented.

While assessing the leadership style of Rob, it can be said that Rob is a type of autocratic leader. He is always associated with bossing style in controlling the employees. He is always used to talk in high tone with the employees of the organization. Moreover, Rob expects the employees to strictly follow his instructions. Furthermore, Rob is highly task oriented and associated only with the success of the organization. Moreover, he often undervalues the contribution level of the employees. It often lowers the morale of the employees and discourages them to work hard any further. Growing Place is a child care company and the employees caring for the employees, should have high level of sensitivity for nurturing the children. In such situation, Rob undervalues the contribution and effort level of the employees towards nurturing the children. In this way, the CEO is actually making the employees frustrated, which can hinder their capability towards properly nurturing the employees. Therefore, the leader style is not appropriate for this company.

2.Emotional intelligence defines the cognitive ability, which facilitates in interpersonal behavior. According to Garrett and Camper, (2015), emotional intelligence is the ability of a person towards managing his own feelings so that those feelings are expresses effectively and appropriately. On the other hand, Gilbert et al., (2016) opined that emotional intelligence defines the emotional awareness for harnessing the emotion, ability to apply emotion for solving problems and controlling the own emotions for cheering up with other people. In case of an organization, a leader can better understand his strength and weakness, when he has healthy sense self-awareness. Therefore, he can better control his influence on other. High level of emotional intelligence facilitates in better self-regulation in the workplace. Moreover, leaders having high level of emotional intelligence can reveal their intelligence maturely and exercise restraints whenever needed.

Emotional Intelligence (El) and how Rob can develop his own El

As per Batool, (2013), emotionally intelligent leaders are always self-motivated in managing their subordinates. Such leaders are usually optimistic and resilient, when they come across disappointment and driven by inner ambition. Furthermore, Kumari et al., (2014) pointed out that emotional intelligence defines the empathy and compassion within a manager, which enhances their ability to better understand human nature and connect with the employees on an emotional level. Apart from that, the managers having high level of emotional intelligence can quickly build rapport and trust with the employees. In this way, they can gain huge respect from the employees and he can lead high level of team productivity.

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While assessing Rob’s emotional intelligence, it can be said that Rob has low level of emotional intelligence at his workplace. Moreover, Rob has lack of proper emotional intelligence to understand the perspective of the employees, who nurture the children in the organization. Therefore, the employees are quire offended on Rob and he is unable to gain the trust of others. Though Rob has the ability to innovate new ways of child care, he has no confidence and trust upon the performance of the employees in terms of child care. Moreover, Rob has actually undervalued the child care practices of the employees. In this way, the leader has actually made the employees frustrated and the employees have taken decisions to leave the organization. Therefore, Rob should immediately develop his emotional intelligence for understanding the value of others and controlling his emotions with other for maintaining relationship with the employees.

Rob should immediately improve his empathy skills for recognizing the feelings and emotions of the employees, who nurture the children in the organization. Moreover, he should effectively communicate with the employees for understanding their values and perspectives in regards to child care. In this way, the shared value will encourage the employees towards developing trust upon the leaders and it can also lead to more efficient child care. Furthermore, Rob should reduce his negative emotions for effectively managing the employees of the organization. Moreover, Rob should not give any negative expression to the employees, which can discourage them and reduce their productivity. He should always be assertive, open-minded and agreeable with the effort level of the employees for enhancing overall performance of the organization. Rob should positively manage any stressful situation and confidently deal with the stresses without unnecessary scolding the employees. In this way, he will be able gain the employee trust and enhance overall performance of the organization.

3.The value of child care industry is to provide highest quality care and education for the children. The value of the industry lies in properly flourishing the talents and opportunities of the children (Hocine & Zhang, 2014). Moreover, the industry should provide safe and engaging facilities within each setting associated with the child care. Rob was interested in providing the facilities towards playing and exploring their talents with interesting playgrounds and learning faculties. Rob was also capable of providing safe environment for the children within the organization. He has also initiated webcams, which allow the parents in visiting their kids over the internet without leaving their desk. Therefore, this particular industrial value has not conflicted with the apparent value of Rob. On the other hand, the value of child care industry also lies on providing equal access to all kind of children without considering their gender, social inequalities, financial status and others. However, Rob is less interested in providing equal access to the children of lesbians. Less support can be found from Rob in minimizing the gaps between the children of lesbians and other children. In this way, such behavior of Rob can lead to social controversies and it can lead to confliction with the value of the child care industry.

The value of child care industry lies in providing flexible and efficient child care to the children (Owusu-Bempah, 2014). Moreover, the employees nurturing the children should be provided with enough value and respect. In this way, they will be able to better concentrate on the teaching and nurturing with the children. However, Rob does not provide adequate value and respect to the employees, who teaches and nurture the employees. Moreover, Rob has also undervalued the teaching and nurturing capabilities of the employees, which has made them frustrated and de-motivated. It can hinder their capability towards providing flexible and efficient child care to the children. Furthermore, the authoritative style of Rob within the workplace can dismiss the actual value of the organization towards providing efficient child care facilities. In this way, there are several between the value of child care industry and the apparent value of Rob.  


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