Annotated Bibliography On Talent Management In The Manufacturing Sector

Discuss about the Determinants Of The Quality Management Practices.

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The following annotated bibliography includes the global manufacturing sector; particularly the car manufacturing organizations. For this annotated bibliography, I have chosen five different peer reviewed journals articles and each them is on talent management in manufacturing sector. The first article is about the talent management in manufacturing system using fuzzy logic approaches, which mainly talks about how potentials talents in the organization can be retained and managed using computing approaches where truth of fact is based on its degree rather than only one variable. Likewise, the second article which I have chosen is about succession planning and its impact on small micro and medium size organization in the manufacturing sector. Succession planning is a part of talent management which usually influence the employees of small and medium size organizations.  The third article is about talent management in India and China; in this article, the authors have presented a clear comparison of management perception and practices but the major theme is talent management. The fourth article is about human resource diversity management in the manufacturing sector and I have chosen this article because diversity management is also a part of talent management. Organizational members come from a different cultural backgrounds; thereby, it is mandatory to identify how those members can be managed in a workplace. Similarly, the fifth article is about determinants of quality management in the manufacturing sector of financial Zealand.

Article 1

Full Reference [“Karatop, B., Kubat, C. & Uygun, Ö., (2015). Talent management in manufacturing system using fuzzy logic approach. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 86, pp.127-136”]

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Keywords:  [Talent management, human resource management, selection and retention]

Paragraph 1:

Summarizing the main idea of the articles, identifying the hypothesis, purpose, research methodology and conclusion

              Manufacturing industry is one such industry where employee attraction and retention are highly necessary. Moreover, human resource remains as the most significant element in manufacturing organization as organizational productivity highly depends on how the employees perform. Thereby, attracting and retaining talent remain as a challenge for the organizations in the manufacturing sector. The topic of this annotated bibliography is about managing talents in manufacturing system using fuzzy logic approach. Hence, the talent management in the article has been discussed with considering the importance of retaining talents.

            The major idea of the article is based on the fact that now days manufacturing organizations have been working on the basis of people-oriented approach. The manufacturing organizations understand the fact that customer satisfaction cannot only be considered for external customers but it is highly necessary for internal customer environment. Thereby, the author of the article have mentioned that human resource is the most significant resource to retain as well as vital for manufacturing firms with respect to customers, managers and employees. The authors of this article have also stated that retaining talents have become stiff job for the companies; rather this is a challenge because the organizations in the manufacturing sector have observed a regional shortage of talents. The purpose of the article is to develop a model for examining the level of competency of employees. Based on the model, the article develops a suitable method to enhance employee’s skills as the strategy of retaining talents. In order to suggest the method, the authors have used a fuzzy logic approach for managing talents in the domain of human resource.

Hypothesis financial

H0: Talent management cannot influence employee performance

H1: Talent management can influence employee performance

The article finds the conclusions that talent management often contributes to remove waste of the organizations and support shelf improvement of the employees.

Para 2: Criticizing the article and explaining it is useful to my study

            Even though the findings of the article can be applied to manufacturing organizations, the finding of the article is relevant to my domain of study- attracting and retaining talents. I can use this finding in my further research where I may need to develop an employee performance plan for the organizations in any other sector. I can use the fuzzy logic approach when I need to conduct an analysis with the context of human resource business management. Particularly, when I have to develop strategy of enhancing the human capital, I can use techniques used in this article. In addition, critical analysis conducted on this article helps me to avoid the conventional approach of human capital management where I may have to use a vague system. Additionally, when it comes to practical implementation, the human perception and decision-like processes are the major techniques that I have gained from this article, will use in mu future work.

Article 2:

Full Reference: [Garg, A. & Van Weele, E., (2012). Succession planning and its impact on the performance of small micro medium enterprises within the manufacturing sector in Johannesburg. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(9), p.96”]

Keywords: [Succession planning, SMMEs, Manufacturing]

Para 1:

           The chosen sector for this particular annotated bibliography is manufacturing but the article additionally considers the small and medium size organizations in the sector.  The topic of the article is about developing a succession planning and its impact on the performance of small and medium size organizations in the manufacturing sector. The topic helps to understand that secession planning remains as the major problem in the small and medium size originations. Even though this particular element is supervised by the founder of the company and very few operators in the sector have been able to develop a proper succession planning. This particular article explains that small and medium organizations is largely under-utilized the industry to keep sustainability in the communities.  The article also helps to understand that t new business owners or the entrepreneurs are the initiators of small and medium size organizations. In addition to this, the author of this article have also stated that succession planning is a deliberate as well as systematic approach by the organizations to make sure that leadership continuity is there in retaining the key talents and develop the capital for coming future. Nonetheless, the investigation done on the small and medium size organizations can only be made applicable to this research, as most of the small and medium size firms are mainly the family owned business; thereby, it is easy for owners to keep the scope for such planning. The purpose of this article is to ascertain what the status is within the manufacturing sector. The study used a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methodology to receive response from 15 organizations.


H0-Succession planning as talent managements has no impact on small and medium size organizations in the manufacturing sector

H1: Succession planning as talent management has impact on the small and medium size organizations in the manufacturing sector

The article finds the conclusion that a significant gap exist between perceived and actual status of talent management in small and medium size enterprises; thereby, there is significant room for the improvement of this area.

Para 2:

While this study applies to small and medium size firms in manufacturing but its findings are clear and helpful to design a sustainable succession planning.  The findings of the study helps to understand how succession planning ca be used to strengthen the internal position of the organizations. For example, if I am required to develop internal management strategy, where organizations internal performance has to be assessed and developed, I may use the technique of succession planning. In addition, the finding of this article helps to understand how talent management can be established even in the small and medium size organizations.

Annotated Bibliography 3:


            This article revolves around the practices of retaining and managing talents in two different nations. The article considers the manufacturing sector and shows how talent management is considered and applied by the organizations in the sector. The topic of the article is about talent management in India and China, which means a clear comparison of management perception and human resource practices. The topic has been chosen based on the needs of conducting a research with empirical data on talent management to learn the factors that make organizations develop strategies of retaining and managing talents economics.

Article 3:

Full Reference: [“Cooke, F.L., Saini, D.S. & Wang, J., (2014). Talent management in China and India: A comparison of management perceptions and human resource practices. Journal of World Business, 49(2), pp.225-235.”]

Keywords: [Talent management, Rewards,  Culture and Strategic HRM]

Para 1:

This article revolves around the practices of retaining and managing talents in two different nations. The article considers the manufacturing sector and shows how talent management is considered and applied by the organizations in the sector. The topic of the article is about talent management in India and China, which means a clear comparison of management perception and human resource practices. The topic has been chosen based on the needs of conducting a research with empirical data on talent management to learn the factors that make organizations develop strategies of retaining and managing talents. The article explains that talent management have widely been conducted in the context of a develop economies, while small of research made a significant contrition in enhancing and advancing knowledge on talent management. The study particular signifies the fact that the concept of holding or retaining talent and the extent to which these concepts or perceptions could be similar or different is the major gap of the research. This is unclear due to the reason that China and India hold almost one third of the population and both the nations are going ahead with young and educated populations. The purpose of the article is to examine and identify how Chin and India considers ad applies talent management. 

Para 2:

While the findings of the study applies to India and China’s contemporary approaches of managing talents, it is relevant for my own study because I can use the findings to justify my point that talent management depends on the  regional or external factor. This means this article helps me to ascertain that approaches of talent management can differ regionally, one statistic concept of talent management cannot be applied to all organizational context.

Article 4:

Full Reference: [“D’Netto, B., Shen, J., Chelliah, J. & Monga, M., (2014). Human resource diversity management practices in the Australian manufacturing sector. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(9), pp.1243-1266”]

Keywords: [Talent management, Diversity management, strategic human resource management, employee perception, labor turnover]

Para 1:

The sector selected for this particular annotated bibliography is manufacturing industry where human resource and diverse talent management practice are the major theme. The topic of the article is about examining and identifying how human resource management and diversity management practices can be adopted into the organizational practices. It is also important to identify what and how employees perceive or consider the benefits and challenges of talent management. This article starts with explaining few challenges faced by the organizations in today’s dynamic business environment. The authors have mentioned that the concept of diversity has a direct link with managing talents. This means retaining talents can be challenging if the organizations suffer from workplace diversify issue. Moreover, the empirical data provided in the article helps to understand that employees do not prefer to work with organizations where the workers are not treated equally. The purpose of the study is to develop an effective human resource and diversity management practices through which the talents can be retained and attracted.  The authors have found that discrimination of talents do not exist in Australian manufacturing sector. However, from the article, it is also found that organizations in the manufacturing sector of Australia tend to adopt a “legalistic compliance approach. Organizations did not adopt any effective HR diversity management practice. The article used primary data collection methods, where the employees of few manufacturing organizations have been considered.

Para 2:

Even though the findings of the study is applicable to Australian manufacturing industry but the findings can be used  to my field of study, where I need to analyze how improper diversity management practices create challenges in attracting and managing the key talents  in the organizations. Moreover, by using this finding, I can conduct a research about how diversity management can be a significant requirement or opportunity for retaining the key talent in the organizations.

Article 5:

Full Reference: [Agarwal, R., Green, R., Brown, P.J., Tan, H. & Randhawa, K., (2013). Determinants of quality management practices: An empirical study of New Zealand manufacturing firms. International Journal of Production Economics, 142(1), pp.130-145”.]

Keyword: [Performance management, talent management, employee retention policies and reward structure]

Para 1:

This article considers all sizes of organizations in the manufacturing sector of New Zealand. The topic of this article is about finding out the determinants of quality management practices. The determinants of quality management are highly related to retention and attraction of talents because if the organizations are not able to keep or hold the key talents, it will not be able to keep a desired quality of services. The topic of the article also considers some related the theme such as the importance of goal setting, performance management, and reward structure and employee promotions. The article explains that the significance of goal setting, performance management system and employee promotion in an effective quality management practices. The article particularly mentions that firms in the manufacturing sector should adopt broad-based management practices. According to the author, if there are management practices that include the potential or capacity to increase productivity globally of the manufacturing organizations, their late adoption by all organizations in such environment or markets often remains as a pertinent question.  The article used a mixed research method where both qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques have been used. The purpose of the study is to determine the potential determinants of quality management. The article reaches the conclusion that management practice score is widely associated with different productivity performance and other areas; and these MPS acquire relevant into information about the management practices. The size of firm, ownership structure and range of education could affect the strategies of retaining talents.

Para 2:

The findings of this article are relevant to my study areas, because the findings help me to broaden my focus to some extending areas such as organizational structure and ownership. If I conduct a comparative research between organizational culture, leadership and talent management, then this findings will help me to analyze how organizational structure impacts on retention strategies of the organization.

Agarwal, R., Green, R., Brown, P.J., Tan, H. & Randhawa, K., (2013). Determinants of quality management practices: An empirical study of New Zealand manufacturing firms. International Journal of Production Economics, 142(1), pp.130-145.

Al Ariss, A., Cascio, W. F., & Paauwe, J. (2014). Talent management: Current theories and future research directions. Journal of World Business, 49(2), 173-179.

Collings, D. G. (2014). Integrating global mobility and global talent management: Exploring the challenges and strategic opportunities. Journal of World Business, 49(2), 253-261.

 Cooke, F.L., Saini, D.S. & Wang, J., (2014). Talent management in China and India: A comparison of management perceptions and human resource practices. Journal of World Business, 49(2), pp.225-235.

D’Netto, B., Shen, J., Chelliah, J. & Monga, M., (2014). Human resource diversity management practices in the Australian manufacturing sector. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(9), pp.1243-1266.

Festing, M., & Schäfer, L. (2014). Generational challenges to talent management: A framework for talent retention based on the psychological-contract perspective. Journal of World Business, 49(2), 262-271.

 Garg, A. & Van Weele, E., (2012). Succession planning and its impact on the performance of small micro medium enterprises within the manufacturing sector in Johannesburg. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(9), p.96.

Karatop, B., Kubat, C. & Uygun, Ö., (2015). Talent management in manufacturing system using fuzzy logic approach. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 86, pp.127-136.

Oladapo, V. (2014). The impact of talent management on retention. Journal of business studies quarterly, 5(3), 19.