Application Of BABOK V3.0 For Social Care System: Solution Document And Performance Measures

Main Objectives of BABOK v3.0 CKA2 and CKA5

Elicitation & Collaboration

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Main Objectives 

The point of starting of the designing and the implementation of the different solutions is a thorough understanding of the needs of the different stakeholders and the tools that are required for the achievement of the different type of tasks. The main objectives of elicitation and collaboration are as follows;

  1. Identification of the different kinds of tasks that are involved in elicitation and collaboration
  2. Identification of the roles of the business analyst during the process of elicitation and collaboration. Here the main task will be to search for the business analysts and to allocate them the main roles that would help in the development of the OKLG program (Carrillo et al. 2015).
  3. The program has also the objective to throw light on the different areas of the child centered and integrated holistic care solutions.

Business Requirements 

The gathering and the analysis of the different business requirements are not an easy task for the business analyst. The business analyst must make sure to formulate a sound business strategy for the identification of the key business requirements of the business (Davis and Fuller 2017). The business analysts identify and gather their main source of information from the stakeholders of the project and thus work in collaboration with the stakeholders to achieve a common goal for the project. The main business requirements for the business are as follows;

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  1. Creating an efficient model for ensuring the success of the OKLG model
  2. Creating an efficient data model to record the different information related to the child care and also the different information that provides the life history of the child
  3. Creating the database for the data collected about the children accordingly
  4. Creating a data dictionary

The following requirements will help the management of the business to gain the idea of getting the data to provide the most value to the customers.

User Requirements 

The different requirements of the users play a major role in the software development process by bridging the different needs of the business to the software. In most of the cases the stakeholders must mix with the business analysts to gain the knowledge and capture the user requirements in a proper and efficient manner (Carrillo et al. 2015). Most of the critics believe that a proper collaboration is utmost necessary for the development of a new process or a technique to be used by the organization in the future. Therefore the development has to be done in accordance with the user who wants a mutual collaboration for the delivery of the best possible results.


Elicitation is all about the determination of the different needs of the stakeholders who are involved in the particular project. According to, Dax et al., (2016) most of the models of the requirements elicitation give proper focus to the different methodologies and the techniques. Very less number of elicitation exist in the modern world. Different authors present a different view of elicitation, however all the authors who have researched on the following have the same idea that a collaborative effort between the stakeholders and the executor of the project can be very useful for the organization and will help to formulate a sound business analysis planning.

CKA5 Requirements Analysis & Design Definition

Main Objectives 

Requirement Analysis and Design involves the completion of those tasks that goes into the determination of the needs and the conditions to meet for a new or some altered product or any forms of project. The main determination and the needs of the people is to make sure that the OK Let’s Go campaign becomes successful and that most of the deprived and downtrodden children can be brought under the following scheme (Konaté Sahraoui and Kolfschoten 2014). The main objectives of the preparation of the requirements analysis and design for the particular program are as follows;

  1. The aim of the preparation of the requirement and design analysis is to determine the needs of the different persons who lend their support or are actively involved in the Ok Let’s Go Campaign.
  2. Application of the new Social Care system within the existing program was also one of the main necessities.
  3. Designing and the development of the different information systems that is necessary for the success of the Ok Let’s Go campaign.

Listing Business and User Requirements

Business Requirements 

The business requirements analysis can be helpful to avoid different kind of problems in the project. The following process involves the documentation, analyzing and defining the specific objectives of the business. The business requirements are find out in a number of different ways namely;

  1. Identification of the key stakeholders who will be involved in this particular project. This will include the likes of doctor, paramedical staffs, nurses and many more as such.
  2. Identification of the requirements of the different stakeholders which may be a varied range of different resources and other items of necessary requirements that are needed for the organization.
  3. Selecting and segmenting the different types of needs to complete the following program successfully. This will involve the participation of the largest number of children who faces different economic or social issues.

The main requirements of a business are as follows;

  1. Operational Requirements-The operations that are carried in the background. This includes the likes of the collection of the different ground level reports and assessing them (Marques-Lucena et al. 2015). The reports are a main source to identify the child and assess the level of deprivation.
  2. Functional Requirements- The way the product/service should function from the users end. The main functions of the stakeholders in collaboration of the other workers were to assess the importance of the different children and allocate specific funds for them.
  3. Transitional Requirements-The steps needed to implement the new product or process smoothly. The different transitional requirements of the OKLG program have to be addressed by the management to ensure the success of the program in the modern days.
  4. Technical Requirements- The following requirements define the technical issues that are considered to be implemented successfully during the creation of a product (Dax et al. 2016). The following program needs a better technological requirement to properly communicate and implement the different types of programs.

User Requirements 

 It is important for the management of the business to have a thorough knowledge about the users and have a clear vision about the different needs of the users. Some of the main reasons behind the failure of the customer or the users are as follows,

  1. Poor selection of the most significant factors behind the failure of the IT project
  2. The OKLG program to be successful must be implemented in such a way that it is clearly understood by the stakeholders of the program. The stakeholders of the program must have a clear and transparent understanding on how to gather the child related data, implementation of the child related schemes and many more as such.

The user requirements are gathered in a number of different ways namely;

  1. Surveys
  2. Interviews
  3. Analysis of the task
  4. User scenario
  5. Focusing on particular groups


The applications of different assumptions by reverse engineering principles can actually be used for the identification and evolution of the solutions and the software that helps to improve the different values. It can be assumed that the OKLG program if implemented on a proper basis will act as a game changer for the success of the planning and programming.

Application of Performance Measures

The different kinds of performance measure elements are as follows;

  1. User Satisfaction-The application performance index or the APDEX score has turned into the most relative standard for the measurement of the performance of a particular application. It works according to the specific goal for how long the specific web request or the particular transaction may take place. The families of most of the children were seen to be unhappy about the sudden intrusion of the state into their private matters. The APDEX score determines the ratings of their unhappiness on a scale of 0 to 5.
  2. Average Response Time- The average response time is nowadays considered to be obsolete because of the precision and accurate measure provided by the APDEX score of the mentioned organization.
  3. Rates of Error- The monitoring of the error rates is one of the most critical performances metric. The market has seen only 3 different ways to identify, analyze and determine the different kinds of processes to track and measure the application errors committed by the company and also overlooked by the business analyst.
  4. Different count of Application-There are instances when due to intense or immense pressure on the different servers the applications of the company might take a lot more time to process accordingly (Muhammad and Darwish 2017). The auto scaling technology will help the organization to automatically scale up the business operations according to the usage of the CPU.

Risk Management Mitigation Plan

Performance of Targeted outcomes


Business Impacts

Performance Improvement Process

Ø Clearly define metrics, target of the OKLG project

Ø Measurement and management and also the improvement of the performance of the stakeholders and also a greater source of participation from the part of the children and the social community

Ø Standardize the supplier evaluation ratings

Ø Enable the performance of mutual assessment of the stakeholders

Ø Continuous improvements in case

Ø Enabling the quick identification of the different cause and effects of the business

Ø It begins with the system of the management of the individuals in the project

Ø Enables supplier rewards

Ø Increase the growth and profit

Ø Stakeholder Performance

Ø Identification of the different problems.

Application of performance measures

The performance of the organization has to be made sure in such a way to avoid any form of risks that might occur in the business. This multiple uses are one of the most important for the business organization. The performance measure scan is used to?

The performance measure of the OKLG program will be beneficial to assess the progress made after the implementation of the scheme. The performance analysis also manages to keep the data in a proper and safe way. It also paves the way to ensure a better communication existing between the different shareholders and other concerned members of the project and makes the work coordinated and easy to manage


Carrillo, D.G.J.M., Nicolás, J., Fernández, A.J.L., Toval, A., Ebert, C. and Vizcaíno, A., 2015. Commonalities and differences between requirements engineering tools: A quantitative approach. Computer Science and Information Systems, 12(1), pp.257-288.

Davis, C.J. and Fuller, R.M., 2017. Requirements Elicitation Techniques as Communication Channels: A Framework to Widen the Window of Understanding. In Systems Analysis and Design: Techniques, Methodologies, Approaches, and Architecture (pp. 35-48). Routledge.

Dax, J., Ley, B., Pape, S., Schmitz, C., Pipek, V. and Rannenberg, K., 2016. Elicitation of Requirements for an Inter-Organizational Platform to Support Security Management Decisions. In HAISA (pp. 78-87).

Konaté, J., Sahraoui, A.E.K. and Kolfschoten, G.L., 2014. Collaborative requirements elicitation: A process-centred approach. Group Decision and Negotiation, 23(4), pp.847-877.

Marques-Lucena, C., Agostinho, C., Marcelino-Jesus, E., Sarraipa, J. and Jardim-Goncalves, R., 2015, May. Collaborative management of requirements using semantic wiki modules. In Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS), 2015 20th International Conference on (pp. 665-672). IEEE.

Muhammad, M.A. and Darwish, N.R., 2017. SuccessFactors of Requirement Elicitation: A Comprehensive Survey. Software Engineering and Technology, 9(6), pp.109-115.

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