Applied Portfolio Management For Business Mining Operations: Project Status, Progress, And Risk Analysis

Project Status

Describe about the Applied Portfolio Management for Business Mining Operations.

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This project emphasizes on development of online appointment system and provides a status report of the workflow according to the timeline specified by the management. Project title is “Project Portfolio Management” and Emanuel Medical Center is the name by which business will be recognized. The project was started on 17th August 2016 and needs to be completed by 18th November 2016. The status report is usually based from October end to November starting. Currently, it’s evaluated on 10th November to determine the progress made in the activities undertaken by the organization.




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Webpage designing and development

Creating Payment Gateway

Setting up the medical Center

Scheduling Webpage developer

Resource development and cost allocation

Gene Technology Act

Home and Community Care Act 1985

Specification for service and Fee structure

Developing the team of appointment maintenance

Developing the team of service providers



Within two months

Within three months

Exceeding four months

It is evident from the project view map that the Setting up of the medical center and scheduling of webpage developer will wrapped up during the month of October.

Specification for service and fee structure which was scheduled to be completed in the month of September was completed at the end of October.

Implementation of home and Community Care Center Act 1985 was significantly extensive and was completely implemented at the end of October.

Developing a team of appointment maintenance was a challenging and time consuming aspect.  It was scheduled to be completed in October, but was completed in the first week of November. (Gido & Clements, 2014)

Process of Resource development and cost allocation has been developed in the month of November and has come along halfway.

Developing the team of service provider is yet to start. The delay was caused due to late completion of the task of developing the team of appointment maintenance.

Policies and Standards- there are certain professional standards and federal laws and regulations that can interfere with the opportunities that the online business brings to the medical centers. A care provider organization’s incentives to develop new Internet applications could be affected by the policies of third- party payers and health insurance companies.

Organizational systems management: Another issue that is important is, better quality of services must be provided by the management to the patients and, the management should handle the organizational system efficiently (Fitzsimmons & Fitzsimmons, 2010). Owing to busy schedules and emergency cases to be attended by the doctors, when an appointment is fixed through the online mode, the doctors might not available. Hence, it becomes difficult to administer the online booking systems.

Resistance to change- there can be resistance to change on the part of the organization towards the new technology because of various reasons. A poor fit with the existing strategies, incompetent staff that is unable to understand the technologies or being in a market segment that does not provide for innovation could be some of the reasons.(NCBI, 2016)

Project View Map Progress

Cost factor- another prime issue associated with this project is the allocation of project cost. It is tricky for the management to manage and deem the cost related with the project, as the resources are limited. Budget constraint is always there which limits the scope of online technology (Hill, 2013)

Milestone Report for the preparation of Emanuel Medical Center

Task No.

Project phase




Webpage designing and development phase




Creation of the payment options




Scheduling of webpage developer




Establishment of the medical center




Development of the existing resources and allocating the cost




Implementation of the Gene Technology Act




Designing infrastructure as per home and community care Act 1985




Creation of the structure for the fees and specification of the service level agreements




Development of the team for appointment and the maintenance of the existing facilities




Development of the team of the service providers



(Kevin, 2014)

The timeline details are prepared according to the Gantt chart analysis. On the basis of the above table

From the above chart, we can clearly observe that, Emmanuel medical center’s infrastructural development for setting up of the medical center is scheduled to take the highest amount of time. Form the timeline line analysis we can also find that certain tasks such as the Development of the team for appointment and the maintenance of the existing facilities is in the critical stage. Development of the team of the service providers can be delayed due to late completion of the task of development of the appointment team. For the development of these facilities, The Emmanuel medical center needs to put an enlarged focus for the rationale (Mohammad et al., 2016).

Budgeted expenses


Amount (in $)

Expense for resource development


Salaries to the respected staffs


Webpage maintenance


Expense for equipments


Developing specified teams


Total Expenses incurred


(Botín& Vergara, 2015)

The above-mentioned table forecast the budgeted expenses, which will incur in undertaking the project. The anticipated expense that is most likely to incur is $1,270. Out of the anticipatory budget of $1,270 for the month of November, expenses for resource development and cost of developing appointment team, which was a part of the specified teams has been incurred.  Whereas, cost related to another part of developing specified team and staff salaries is yet to be incurred however,  the budget for these expenses has been identified (Drury, 2013).

It can be seen that the medical center needs to put more emphasis on the development of specified teams based on the various types of planned deliverables. Also, they form a very critical part of the project. Also, focus should be put on the resource development and cost allocation part. Cost allocation and development of resources needs to be continuously analyzed even after their completion. From the time line analysis, we can state that developing the team of service providers is the last and the most important stage and should not miss the project deadline, which has been assigned in the starting state of the project preparation. For developing the team of service provider, the medical centre has set up a dedicated team, who will be responsible for providing improved services to the customer. By the dint of the web page of the medical centre, the customers will be able to gain knowledge about different types of facilities offered by the medical centre well in advance. In this way, the medical center will be able to complete the project within assigned dead line. On the basis of the Gantt chart, which is prepared for the purpose of project evaluation, the health center needs to prioritize the remaining tasks.

Analysis of Project Performance

There are several types of risk factors associated with the implementation of the project which, Emanuel Medical Center needs to take into account. Some of the risks involved are related to the unavailability of services in such areas where the patients may not be able to access the internet facilities, specially the rural patients. Customer expansion will be resulted but only in the semi -urban areas and the cities which are well developed (Kim, 2016). There are various regions of the rural areas to which, doctors may find it difficult to access. That is why it becomes difficult for rural patients to access health services in the remote locations (Rural Health Information Hub, 2016). The online service is also at the threshold of danger as, only those people who have technical knowledge to access the internet would be able to gain the facility. 


By analyzing the various stages of the project, we get an idea about the different types of constraints i.e. time constraint, budget constraint, etc. essential for the completion of the project. The project not only helps in performing individual tasks but also helps us to prioritize   various types of tasks and states about the various types of resources and equipments needed for the efficient development of the medical centre. The various types of risks associated with online appointment process are also suggested in the last part of the report. It requires people from the technological background to apply for the services as well as technical staff to provide the appropriate services to the customers. Policies and regulations pose challenges for the medical centre when planning to go online. Also, issues such as hesitancy to change and cost factor should be kept in mind while establishing an online appointment system in the company.


Botín, J. A., & Vergara, M. A. (2015). A cost management model for economic sustainability and continuous improvement of mining operations. Resources Policy, 46, 212-218.

Burke, R. (2013). Project management: planning and control techniques. New Jersey, USA.

Drury, C. M. (2013). Management and cost accounting. Springer.

Fitzsimmons, J. A., & Fitzsimmons, M. J. (2010). Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology.

Gido, J., & Clements, J. P. (2014). Successful Project Management. Cengage Learning.

Hill, G. M. (2013). The Complete Project Management Office Handbook, Third Edition. Auerbach Publications .

Kevin, R. (2014). LAIS 2:Milestone 1 Report.

Kim, H. (2016). A Study on the Effects of Online Appointment Systems on Patients and Hospitals. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 14 (2016) pp 8213-8216.

Mohammad, I., van den Broek, H., Boots, M. L., & Wong, R. (2016). U.S. Patent No. 9,336,502. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

NCBI. (2016, september 13). Organizational Challenges to the Adoption of the Internet. Retrieved september 13, 2016, from NCBI:

Rural Health Information Hub. (2016, september 13). Healthcare Access in Rural Communities. Retrieved september 13, 2016, from Rural Health Information Hub:

Sharp, S. (2014). Introduction to Project Management.