Applying Nursing Theories To Enhance Patient Care: A Case Study

Patient-centered Care and Family-centered Care

In this essay the patient experience and collaborating in care of a patient who has experienced the hospital care is described. In this case, the case study 1 is chosen to analyze. In this case, Mr. Jack Simpson has shared the experience of patient care of himself. The experience he had during his hospitalization period is described in this essay. Jackson was 45 years old and had  experienced of 12 nights of hospitalization due to the rupturing of disc in his back during him was helping a person in car rash. He was admitted to a private hospital and there he had experienced the nursing care. Although he had overall a good experience. In this essay, the patient centered care, family centered care and the Erickson’s theory of development is described. The main aim of this essay is to analyze the experience of Jack by relevant nursing theories.

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The person and the family centered care refers to the practice in which the nursing personnel and the patient are an important member of the medical team.  The patients and the health care members both are involved in the care of the patient. In order to enhance the quality of the health care facilities  given by them, there should active participation from both end (Coyne et al., 2013).In this concept of patient centered care the patient is placed in the center of his own care and along with this the patients family requirements is also considered  (Lusk  & Fater, 2013). In this case, scenario of Jack Simpson the person and family centered care is very much important because during the injury Jack was helping a person who faced a car crash. Therefore, Jack was the only person who can brief the history of the incident to the doctor properly. Along with this, the effect on Jack’s family should also be considered as they were also in a bad condition (Jahangiri et al., 2016). According to Erickson’ developmental theory jack was in that category where people try to do social works to get social recognition (McLeod, 2013). Jack was very upset due to his accident , at the age of 45 ,as he was instructed to lie straight and thought that world had stopped for him. Family and nurse had played a great role to keep Jack out from this condition. Patient centered care increases the patient satisfaction where lack of lack of medical knowledge of family member shows hindrances to this concept (Grol et al., 2013).

Erickson’s Theory of Development

The ineffective care refers to the treatment in which patient is neglected in terms of giving proper care (Huynh et al., 2013). In this case, study of Jack we can see that the doctor was not always available there to give proper care to Jack. However, it was very important in this case. Jack became very depressed, as he was bed ridden due to his ruptured disc. In this condition doctor should encourage Jack by giving him self-confidence. Moreover, in this case doctor was not always present there to give proper guidance. He was given the choice of surgery and the option of treatment by the physiotherapist. Probably there was also an option of both the treatment together and Surgery is the better way to recover from this condition. However, Jack chose the option of physiotherapy as he came to know that the surgeon was not so good. The doctor had an early bad a report related to this type of surgery. This encourages jack to nullify the option of the surgery as he had only one chance to be recovered from this condition. The bad reputation of the doctor was the only reason of Jack’s refusal to surgery and he had the mindset that if he had not cured with the physio treatment then he would go to the surgeon of the city (King & Hoppe, 2013). 

The term effective care refers to the fact that how a health care personnel increase the quality of care they are giving to a patient through proper supervision and by meeting the need of the patient (Giger, 2013). In this case, study, the nurses were giving the proper care to Jack by several ways. According to Jack, the nurses were the key factors in giving him proper care and they filled the gap of the medication process. The nurse took the case of Jack so seriously that even during the doctor visit she was there to help Jack in asking something to the doctor related to his treatment as because Jack might hesitate to communicate with the doctor. The nurse had given the realization of a proper support with her intense care to Jack. The nurses had established a well interpersonal relation by her communication skill with Jack so that jack can feel easy and comfortable in that condition (Arnold & Boggs, 2015). Although Jack was in intense pain, still Jack had shared his personal experience with her as because he got a family like feeling. Jack also appreciated the approachable nature of the nurses (Kieft et al., 2014).

Effects of Ineffective Care

 The term ‘Partnering in care’ mainly indicates towards the matter of patient centered care. Partnering refers to the partnership between the patient and the health care provider. This encourages the fact that with mutual respect, trust, information sharing, a proper environment, and participation from both the patient and nurse will enhance the quality of health care services (Tobiano et al., 2015). In this case study, it is seen that doctors are not involved very much with this case and Jack was not even easy with the doctor. The main concept of patient centered care can be applied here in order to give more importance to Jack. However, Jack had enough support from the nurse. Doctors even hardly communicated with Jack about his medication process. Lack of proper communication with the doctor was the main reason of Jack’s hesitation. However, if there were proper communication, Jack would go for his surgery, which was a better process than the physiotherapy. However, jack was influenced by words of other person to take therapy instead of surgery. In order to give quality service the doctors should take part in this process.  The health care organization was also failed to make Jack understand about the positive side of the surgery and as a result, Jack refused to take the better option as he came to know about the bad reputation of the doctor. Although the hospital did not provide other surgeon for Jack’s surgery and that is why Jack had chosen the option of physiotherapy. The hospital should use the patient experience regarding this, so that in future such treatment would not take place at all.  The health care provider should enlist their positive and negative aspects in order to give better facility. Along with this hospital can organize health literacy campaign to increase the health care knowledge of the patient in order to give the best care to the patients (Anhang et al., 2014).

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Lastly, it can be concluded that by maintaining proper environment in the health care sector the hospital can increase the quality of the facility that is given by them. In this case, patient centered care is very much effective. Along with this, nurses played a crucial role in maintaining the flow of Jack’s treatment and their effective communication covers the wounds of ineffective care in the hospital. Jack became so familiar with them that they even shared personal information with each other. This boosted the medication process of Jack by many folds.


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