Armstrong Handbook Of Human Resource Management Practice – Discussion And Strategies

Meeting Invitation

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To: The Managing Director

CC: Marketing and Sales Manager, Office Manager and Construction Manager staff

Subject: Meeting to involve human resource needs

Dear all,

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As discussed last week, we take this opportunity to invite you all for a meeting to be held at the conference room for discussing the human resource needs and strategies for the employees of the company (Bryant and Allen 2013). The meeting will be held on (Date) at (Time) that will continue for the next 30 minutes at the office premises at Sydney in Australia.

Boutique Build Australia Pty Ltd is one of the most famous boutique companies in the land of Australia that has been associated with the building of boutique homes in Sydney metropolitan and around it. The company aims to achieve the best status in the field with their innovative market plans and strategies aiming to provide better working conditions for the employees (Rao and Weintraub 2013).

The meeting will aim to discuss the human resource needs of different employees of the organization and stress on the needs to employ these means to get the best out of the employees. The managers are also requested to consider their needs based on human resource requirements so that the following can be discussed in the above meeting (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). They are also requested to provide ideas for the same including the factors of workforce planning, recruitment strategies, professional development in the workforce so that the recommendations can be implemented on the employees for the betterment of the company.

We look forward to your presence and your valuable recommendations in the meeting that would help us to meet us the requirement needs of the company in the future.

Please confirm your attendance at the meeting by acknowledging the mail and reverting to it at the earliest. If there are any enquiries, please let us know at the earliest so that we can look into the matter at the earliest.

Thanks and regards

Your sincerely



HR Manager

Boutique Build Australia Pty Ltd

The priorities of the company as stated in its strategic report is to increase the number of female employees in comparison to the male counterparts (Goldin 2014). Female employees have always been lagging in every sector of employment due to the heavy influence of male domination in the service and industry sectors. With the effect of male domination in every sector, it is of utmost importance to include more number of female employees in the service and occupational sectors. The company mentioned has only three female employees in its large arena of male employees and definitely needs more of concern to make the female employment prominence more vital and it is extremely essential to include more female employees in the industry. Construction industry, even in a developed country like Australia has always seen a lack of female employees and this is very evident in the discussion of our topic. The HR should take adequate measures to provide intensive details on the employment and retention of more female employees. Boutique Build Australia Pty Ltd has been reported as one of the leading biotique house building companies in and around Sydney but the sex ration of employment in the company is way less than expected. There are only three female employees in a host of male employees. The second priority is to make the company the best in boutique homes in and around Sydney. Their motive is to surpass all their rivals and come up with some innovative strategies to make their name in the said domain. The relation to woman empowerment in workforce and maintain the balance of both the genders is of extremely importance (Diebolt and Perrin 2013). Even to make the institution the best in the sector it is important to consider all the recommendations of Human resource and implement them accordingly.

  • Taxations, tariffs and trade restrictions are some of the major political issues that can influence the political workings of the boutique homes (Rowland 2017).
  • Trade unions and laws of employment stating equal employment of both the genders, which is not followed in the above case can be a major source of political issue for the same (Holgate 2015).
  • Slowing of economic growth in Australia that will make the boutique homes less accessible to the buyers due to the low purchasing power of the buyers
  • Due to recession in the international market especially in Australia leading to loss of jobs and movement of the Australian young generation
  • Change in taste and culture of the people of Australia
  • Innovation of new styles and features in homes which will have a new definition of luxury

Company Profile and Priorities

  • Introduction of new computerised models of building of home by the rival companies
  • New laws regulation that can hamper the profitability of the company in the larger scenario.
  • Penalty and legal framework for not attainment to the quality of homes that has been promised.
  • Adherence to the sustainable mode of environment by the organization in terms of building the boutique houses.
  • Using environment-friendly raw materials making the houses free from elements harming the nature.

Some of the potential strategies that help to increase female representation in the Boutique Build Australia Pty Ltd is to make separate reservation for the same in the company. Another way is to make sure that they get enough incentives and salary that they can sustain even after coming from a distant place. Maternity leaves and work from home facilities should be allocated to them during times of need. The







Time frames




Performance Indicators

Increase female representation in the workforce

1. Leaves and work from home

2. Maternity leaves

3. Incentives and salary increase

4. Reservation to the female employees

5. Marketing of the company as a brand promoting female empowerment

6. Providing flexible work timings

7. Giving pick and drop facilities

8. Introduction of an anti-sexual harassment cell in the office


2 months

Organizational Manager and Team Leader

1. Productivity level

 2. Achievement of goals

3. Co-operation of the employees

4. Violation of company policy

5. Efficiency of workers

Making the company the best in the manufacturing of Boutique Homes in and around the area of Sydney, Australia

1. Innovative marketing techniques

2. Assessing the strategies of the rival companies

3. Better recruitment of the employees

4. Training and development programmes for the betterment of the employees and involving them in the matters of the business

5.  Using recommendations given by the customers and clients and adhering to them in all possible ways

6. Develop better customer service operations

7. Provide both monetary and non-monetary benefits to the employees of the company

8. Increase organizational culture of the organization

9. Incentives and recreational motivations

10. Flexible work timings along with fixed Sunday leaves to retain the employee strength of the company


6 months

HR Manager, Team leaders and Supervisors, Organization head

1. Higher motivation of the employees

2. Loyalty of the employees

3. Better profitability of the organization

4. Increase in sales and production

5. Arrival of new customers and retention of old customers

To: The Managing Director

Subject: Action Plan Feedback

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your immense contribution to the organization that has immensely helped it in making it one of the most trusted and valuable company in the genre of boutique home development in and around Sydney, Australia. Boutique Build Australia Pty Ltd is one of the leading brands in the construction of boutique houses in the province, which is aiming to expand its value by the contribution of the newest marketing and promotional strategies.

According to the strategy plan, two major issues have been in focus of the planners to make the organization come at numero uno position in the mentioned field. The two major strategies that has to be implemented by the company are namely recruitment of more female workforce as only three of the employees are female workers and to make the company the best in the business.

For the implementation of the first strategy, a number of plans can be implemented. The action plans required for the process can be stated as follows – introducing reservation for female candidates, giving better incentives and salaries, giving maternity leaves to the required candidates, providing pick and drop facilities to the candidates, giving flexible work timings, work from home benefits and promotion of the brand as a company that is focussed on female empowerment at workforce. Even the introduction of an anti-sexual harassment cell can be done to make sure that sexual discrimination and harassment are not entertained at the office premises and by the workers whatsoever. The implementation of the policies should be done on a high priority basis, which will be applicable for 3 months from the starting date. During the whole process, a number of factors is to be seen like productivity level, worker co-operation, efficiency, attainment of company goals and meeting the targets. The attainment of the strategy plan is of utmost necessity as that will bring a greater flow of female employees to the company and maintain the flow in the longer run.

Potential Strategies to Increase Female Representation

For the implementation of the second strategy, a series of plans can be made possible. Plans like innovation of marketing techniques, rival strategies, better recruitment on the basis of merit, providing training and development sessions whenever necessary, using the recommendations given by clients and customers, introduction of a better customer service operation, non-monetary and  monetary benefits to the employees, increase in organizational culture and motivating the employees with incentives and other recreational activities can be of great importance. The work is to be done on high priority basis and the tenure of the plan is 6 months. The responsibility of the task is to be adhered to the HR manager, organizational head along with the organization head to incorporate the required amendments and make the organization the best in the class. The above agenda is to be fulfilled and the level of achievement can be measured by using a number of parameters like increased sales, better productivity of the company, interest of new customers into the company and retainment of the older customers. Motivation of the employees also plays a determinant factor in making the company the best in class. Other than all the stated requirements, the other factors that make the working of the organization better is the improvement in organizational culture and making prominent human resource plans.

The above strategies and plans have been formulated by the HR team and needs immediate attention by the higher authorities. The authorities should make sure that all the requirements are being fulfilled which will further require your attention and feedback on the issue. The HR team would be highly obliged if we get the valuable suggestion to make the process smoother and more focussed on attainment of goals.

Thanks and regards

Yours sincerely


HR Manager

Boutique Build Australia Pty Ltd

Sydney, Australia

Service Level Agreement for Boutique Build Australia that precisely states the services that is being provided by the human resource management team of the company as well as to document the performance level mentioned in the provisions of service.

The employere like HR Managers and Line Managers will provide the services to the new and old employees of the company

The recruitment of the female employees needs to be the priority of the company as there are less number of female employees in comparison to the male counterparts. Another aim of the company is to make the brand attain the topmost position in the genre of boutique homes in and around Sydney, Australia

  • Provide training and developmental programmes
  • Making work timings flexible with increase in casual leaves and maternity leaves for the candidates required for the job
  • Increase sales through marketing and improves customer service communication
  • Using recommendations and complaints by the clients to improve the amount of work involved and so be better with each time at the respective work.
  • Using merit based tests and assessments to assess the merit and work capabilities of the candidates
  • Developing new strategies in lines and better than the marketing strategies of rival companies in the same genre.
  • Providing incentives and bonus for overtime
  • Recreational activities other than normal tasks

Action Plan Feedback

The human resources team will ensure that all activiities assoicated with recruitment are actioned in the following timelines.




SLA target


After receiving complete position description template and approval form, post of advertisements on different form of media including print media, social media and also on electronic media. News papers can also be a source of information for the candidates seeking for a job in that very position.

HR Team

Within 2 days of receipt of position description template and approval form


Applications are to be arranged according to merit and capability, sort the applications according to the needs and then forward to the manager for the further assessment.

HR Team

Within 1 day of closing date of application

Shortlisting applications according to the needs and merits and then return the same to HR for further processing the same.

Line Manager

Within 3 days of receipt of applications

Candidates contacted

Information should be given to  successful and unsuccessful candidates through mails and telephonic conversations.

HR Manager

Within 1 day of receiving shortlist

  • Under take the process of recruitment in association with the HR team
  • Recruit new employees and make them accountable to the process of work
  • Indulging in new policies made by the company in lieu to recruitment
  • Looking into the specific targets set by the HR team in accordance to recruitment and also making sure that the candidates looking for the job are suitable for the mentioned post.
  • Making every possible measure so that the company attains height as per the strategies planned by the brand.
  • Monitoring the number of candidates that come for interview that will detemine the amount of interest generated by the advertisements
  • No of CVs that are submitted by the probable candidates to get a job in the mentioned company.

To: The HR Team

Subject: Advertisement and Shortlisting

Dear HR Team,

I would like to extend my heartiest congratulations for the excellent work you have done in recent times that has made the company value attain heights and has been named as one of the most prestigious companies in Boutique homes in and around Sydney, Australia. However, in recent times due to the low female employment rate in the company, the company has seeked the help of the HR team in the accelerated recruitment of more female employees in the company for which advertisements to the different medias were required by the organization. The HR team is to advertise through various kinds of social media and print media and even electronic media for the same.

Though the advertisements have been published on electronic and print media, social media is lacking a lot in the above matters. The recommended performance stated that five to ten posts of different content should be posted on social media sites like Facebook and Likedin but in realtity, only one to two posts are going on the same. The intended actions that should be taken in this matter is to employ a different team that should deal with the online marketing department as with time, more customers are engaged in social media which will enable the company to have more coverage in the minds of the youth, the main access most of the social media. If any one of the team and even new recruiters are willing to be engaged in the above mentioned job, then they will be liable to get extra salary as per their salary terms. Even team support and required training modules can be arranged in case if required by the selected candidates.

Please acknowledge this mail and revert with your suggestions and enquiries for the same, if applicable. The suggestions are always welcome and will be implemented as and when required by the organization.

Thanking you

Warm regards

HR Manager

Boutique Build Australia Pty Ltd

Sydney, Australia

To: The Line Manager

Subject: Shortlisting of Candidates

Dear, Sir

I would first like to congratulate you on your excellent performance in the company for over two years. After your joining the team of recruiters as a line manager involvement was considered essential for the new joinees and their understanding of the work demanded from them, you have again showed your potential in the given task and has showed excellent skills at the responsibilities provided to you. The task assigned to you was to shortlist candidates after receiving the job applications of the candidates from the HR team and send the resumes of the selected applicants to the HR team.

The targets have been met at all possible ways as the task was done within the deadline of the 3 days from the day of receiving of the application from the HR team. However, more accuracy and better performance is expected in the matters in terms of selection would be appreciated as some of the selected candidates are not fit for the job in any of the specifications stated. In this matter, the most important action that needs to be ensured is to select candidates by crosschecking the requirement files and candidate profile extensively. The new trainees and employees should be made well aware of the tasks and the duties they are about to encounter which make your work of more responsibility. The authorities at all level would provide training and support, if required for the job.

Please acknowledge the mail and revert with the suggestions and feedbacks that you have for the required job from your side. It will be implemented and made into action whenever the need arises and felt by the authorities.

Work-life balance is being defined as the capability of the worker to maintain stability and a healthy balance between the professional life and family life and is able to maintain the duties and responsibilities of both the sectors with ease and comfort without overlapping each other (Isaacs 2016). With the increase in competition among brands and companies to attain a superior position among the rivals, there has been a tremendous misbalance in the work-life equation of the employees on the professional level (Haar et al. 2014). However, a number of plans and programmes have been formulated keeping in mind the need of the balance and these plans have a number of effect on the employee life.

  • Better health: One of the principle benefits that work-life balance has on the lives of the employees is the attainment of better health opportunities. Better health is obtained by incorporating an even standard of healthcare and regular heath check-ups that enable them to make them more efficient for the organization. With the attainment of better health, the workers are able to make timely entrance to the workplace and be able to continue with their jobs.
  • More productivity: Productivity is directly related to the amount of balance that a person has in terms of personal and professional life. If there is a misbalance in the work-life balance, then the person would not be able to perform as per the requirements and that would effect the productivity of both the worker as well as the company in question (Chimote and Srivastava 2013). In order to make the worker a better productive employee of the company, then the work life balance programmes should be made compulsory to them.
  • Better family life: Better family is life is attained when the work and life balance is implemented in a well organized manner. With the overload of work and even bringing professional work at home can make the personal and family life be hampered on a large scale (Skinner and Chapman 2013). The attainment of a prosperous family life is inevitable when there is a perfect balance between work and life.
  • Social life: Social gatherings are important for the cognitive development of a person and for that a proper balance between work and life is essential. If a person is only dedicated to his work and has no social mingling, there is a high probability that person will turn anti-social which is not at all expected from a social animal like human beings (Kumar and Chakraborty 2013). So work life balance is essential in maintaining a proper social life among human beings.
  • Better utilisation of the resources: Proper utilisation of monetary and no monetary resources is essential in the lives of human beings and for that, a proper work life balance is mandatory (Dutton and Ragins 2017). The proper utilisation of resources is mandatory in the lives of the people working most of the week and so if they do not get a proper work life balance, all their efforts and energies devoted to the work will be ruined.
  • Achieving the target: In order to be more productive to the company and increase goals set for themselves, the workers of the organization are to maintain a proper work life balance. When they do so by engaging in programmes related to that, then they become more productive to the enterprise and can also elevate the daily target given to them by the brand. In this way, they can get attention of the higher authorities which can help them in getting further promotion and incentives based on their work.

Most of the companies in the continent of Australia are seen to implement a successful work life balance in keeping the priorities set and tracking time for the better management of the roles (Brough et al. 2014). The companies that execute a massive work life balance are IBM, ABC Industries, Ticket Master, Colgate, Google and Virgin. They have their own set of programmes and plans that help them to achieve their target and make up for the business associated. Important companies like IBM and others provide as large as more than 50 different policies to make their employee life as stable as possible. They also make sure that most of them do not work for more than 8 hours a day and even if they do, they should be provided with the required benefits and incentives for doing so (Bannai and Tamakoshi 2014). For the female employees, they provide extra benefits like providing early leaves whenever necessary and making their roles a bit easier when they are on their maternity leaves. The companies even implement certain recreational features to entertain their employees and give them different kind of vouchers to make them more focussed on their duties outside jobs. Parties and social gatherings form an important part of the programme where they are required to bring in their families and children to enjoy the benefits of the company’s policies other than just work (Venkataramani, Labianca, and Grosser 2013). The companies like Google and Nexus also makes sure to grant leaves on a priority basis after a peak season so that the work load can be shed by the workers and they get the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the life after they have finished their own work (Kar and Mishra 2014). The companies, in order to retain their employees, make sure to engage in more constructive jobs outside their regular routines to make them more enthusiastic about their work. Rewards and awards hold an important part of the balance programmes that these companies adhere to. They make sure to award the employee on a lean season who has maximum production on the season of work (Powell and Sang, 2013). Other than these, they make sure to incorporate family outings with the families so that even on their professional trips, they are allowed to be accompanied by their wives. These help to maintain a balance in the lives of the workers so that they can get the maximum benefits from their workplace and can lead a normal and personal live without any hassle.

There are a number of strategies that help to maintain the work-life balance of the employees in an organization. These strategies not only help to get the employees the maximum benefits of working in the enterprise but also makes sure that each employee gets the maximum production for the company without compromising on the family lives (Jones, Burke and Westman 2013). The strategies are as follows:

Tracking time: One of the piviotal strategies that would help the worker to attain a perfect work life balance is to track time invested in each work. The worker must act smartly and then decide which work to invest how much time and in which condition (Kerzner and Kerzner 2017). The worker must have an idea regarding the time that should be taken by each of the work assigned to him and make plans accordingly.

Determining priorities: Priority determination is one of the major things that should be done by the workers. At times when the organization needs the efficiency of the workers, then the worker should delve adequate time to it and when the worker has to deliver to family commitments, he shoud make time for it leaving the work for the day behind.

Setting goals: Setting up of goals is one of the basic task that is required by the employees of the company in order to attain the perfect work life balance. The worker should attain the daily goal set by the organization and self and should focus on the attainment of the goals by the end of the day. Goal set up and adherence to the task is of great importance as that would help the worker to make the work easier and more focussed on it.

Scheduling boundaries: Scheduling tasks is one of the premier tasks that a worker should do while maintaining the concept of work life balance. The worker when given a task at an organization should schedule the tasks as needed and then perform the work given to the worker (Pinedo 2016). This will make sure that he has time for completing the work on time and also to give time to his family in need.

Health: Health is an essential factor that determines the work life balance of the person at an organization. Health means wellbeing and that is essential when a person is working at a particular organization (Leijten et al. 2014). If he falls ill at a place then he would not be able to complete the tasks allocated to him thus missing the productivity expected. This would lead to further health issues and will make the worker prone to depression. So a perfect work life balance is crucial for the health strategy of the worker.  

Family relationships: For the maintenance of family relationships, work life balance is mandatory (Parke and Ladd 2016). Family life is as essential as professional life and so it is to be noted that no work pressure should come between the time allocated by self to the family and friends of that particular being.

Leaving work after office: Leaving work and work pressures after office is of great importance to the worker to maintain a proper work life balance (Kroemer and Kroemer 2016). Leaving work after the office at the premises is of real importance as that would enable the person to be more focussed on the other needs as well.

Smart work: Smart work is better than hard work and so it is mandatory for a person with loads of work pressure to adjust the work according to the needs and take pressure not on a regular but on a timely basis (Kim et al. 2014). Smart work is of real importance as that enables a worker to make time for himself and attain a better balance of work and life in spite of all the loads and pressures at workplace.

Ask for a helping hand: Asking for help at times of need is one of the most important things that is required for smart work and maintaining a proper life balance with the work (Folger, Poole and Stutman 2017). Asking for help when required from seniors and colleagues make sure that the work is completed on time and so no dire pressure is accumulated on the person at any given point of time. In addition, this helps to maintain the work-life balance of the employees and make it a principle strategy in maintaining a perfect work-life balance.

So the above considerations and strategies should be considered while making a perfect balance between work and life of any efficient worker at any particular organization. This balance is essential in achieving a better outlook for achieving organizational goals and help the workers attain a perfect balance in the sector of professional and personal lives. The above mentioned points and considerations should be taken into account in maintaining a perfect balance so that worker need not sacrifice his personal life for attaining something at their professional level.

Therefore, from the above analysis, it can be mentioned that the involvement of human resource and management in the recruitment of an extensive number of female employees and also to make the organization attain top notch in their own genres in comparison to the other rival or competitive companies in and around the city of Sydney in Australia. The different methods of achieving the targets along with Service Plan and work life balance has been mentioned in details to help the associates focus more on the strategies implemented by the company in maintaining the growth and sustainability of the organization. Other than that, the organization focusses to contribute more of female empowerment through its plans and operations, which make the strategic plan achieve attainable heights, if followed on a proper and sequential basis.


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