Assessment Of Individual Communication Skills

Recent professional interactions identified and analysed

Communication is important for the business organization in order to reciprocate the emotions and feelings through words. It is therefore an important way through which an individual is ready to communicate in a better way. The communication in a business is forme for the purpose of gaining effective role.  The report is based on 5 diagnostic tools allowing in evaluating the individual communication skills. There are certain issues related to an individual growth and development that is based on understanding individual behavior. It is important to manage the individual communication skills.  The literature review provides with a conceptual understanding and a behavioural knowledge in order to know individual competency.  The action plan describes the focus derived in end of this report focus on the different activities that are identified in order to understand the communication issue.   These issues are important to mitigate by implementing an effective communication plans (Goetsch and Davis, 2014).  The purpose is to mitigate the problems that are taking place in order to share information with the individual.  The different diagnostic tools are important enough for improving the communication. The key to an effective communication is to implement a better method to communicate. These methods are important enough for determining different approach related to the individual growth. Overall purpose is to understand the effective approach that is associated with the individual way of communication (Guffey and Loewy, 2010).

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In order to analyse the type of communication skills it is evident to implement the diagnostic tools like Interview Skills Checklist, Questionnaire in Communication Style, Interpersonal Communication, Johari Window and the Assertive Questionnaire.  

his helps in featuring the relational abilities of a person. Cooperative people are the one devoted, fulfilling, and polite and are extremely caring and just concentrate on the present. Interpersonal communication is an ability that aides in recognizing whether an individual can speak with others or not(Ardichvili. Mitchell and Jondle, 2009). In this demonstrative test higher the quality speaks to that an individual is a decent listener. So in the self assessment test I got 76 out of 95. This depicts that I have a better communication skills.  This for sure depicts my way of speaking to another person. While this helped me in scoring a better method through which I have attained a better understanding in dealing with the other people. This is one of the most interesting and better way of communicating with the other people. I scored decent in the test which depicts an effective way of communication with the other people around. This aspect is necessary for ascertaining consistent growth and systematic approach in an individual. These assessment test has helped in understanding the communication process (Hartman, DesJardins and MacDonald, 2014).

Understanding the results of relevant diagnostic tools

Interview skill checklist is a technique through which it is possible to understand the individual behavior. This is one of the important technique  to evaluate individual behavior towards other people. This technique helps in assessing individual way of talking to others. Consequently in the amiable score, I attained a rating of 12 out of 20 which proposes that my communication style is not controlling. Agreeable individuals have an alternate domain that incorporates formal, casual, individual, inviting and methodical setting.  This allows me in speaking to others in a friendly way. Obliging individuals likewise have different qualities, for example, they are good to talk with, listen carefully to every individual. I found that my style is interesting and attract people. My friendly nature therefore helps me in making more friends. In the event that individuals occupied with communication with each other would take after improving their relational abilities in simple and decided approach.  I have learnt that this is important to ascertain the long term communication effectiveness while interacting with others. In order to gain competency it is necessary to maintain a balance that will allow in allocating a balance while communicating with people. In past ages, instructed individuals created more grounded relational abilities that are regularly utilized today as fundamental gifts for getting by in reality as we know it where all social and business collaborations were exceptionally individual. Significance of relational abilities was exceptionally prized and thought about a source of news, training, and amusement (Jameson, 2007).

We can state we don’t esteem the significance of relational abilities that much. Very viable individuals – in business, social and individual connections – inalienably comprehend the significance of relational abilities, which is the reason a few people appreciate achievement while others persistently experience challenges conveying everything (Mellahi, Morrell and Wood, 2010). The present advanced technique excessively  gives consideration and and make us scam individual discussions while agonizing over our virtual connections. Luckily, we would all be able to figure out how to enhance relational abilities in our own connections, social associations and working environment exercises. One of the other techniques utilized to assess the communication ability is the assertiveness questionnaire. In this assessment test my aggregate score was 13 out of 18. In spite of the fact that, I don’t have a forceful nature and essentially gives my best when I have a considerable measure of weight. Powerful communicating technique is mostly restricted by the empathetic state of mind as it can be found in me that I am not ready to request anything for myself. This is further creating difficulty in managing the changes in a way I wanted to do. My concern regarding the assertive nature has affected my internal capability to a large extent (Murphy, Laczniak and Wood, 2007).  This creates a gap in demanding anything from others. There is a sense of gap in disregarding the communication which can affect the overall purpose to a large extent.

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Communication in business organizations

In the self assertive test, evaluation is done in view of the communication that can be found in the meetings.  The actual shortcoming is that I was quiet hesitant during the meetings.  This has affected the individual behavior and understanding while managing tasks. In addition I begin to mismanage so I even come up short look at the other individual that outcomes into the frenzy circumstance. In spite of knowing every one of the appropriate responses and understanding the inquiry that is being requested that I come up short answer. I found inappropriateness in communication while dealing with the other people.  I find difficulty in communicating my ideas to other people. While there is difficulty in attaining an understanding pertaining to an effective communication behavior((Trevino and Nelson, 2016). For the reason it is important to manage the changes that are taking place while communicating ideas.   This test has certainly helped in understanding different aspects related to developing better communication skills. This is important from the point of gaining better understanding and advance growth (Samovar, et al 2014).

Questionnaire in Communication Style is a technique that is used to assess the communication process. Numerous communication issues like communicating considerations, all the more particularly in the associations amid the meetings are important enough for understanding the behavior. With the assistance of indicative instruments every one of the issues and the shortcoming were recognized which happen amid communicating. For instance, the agenda distinguished the need in the certainty where I feel worried  I connect to only those individual who depicts a similar mindset. This is individual to manage the challenges and overcoming them in a quick and effective way (Ulmer, Sellnow and Seeger, 2013). Communicators can likewise be forceful and they should impart their contemplations to other individuals additionally. The vast majority of the viable communicators are for the most part certain which makes it less demanding for them to pass on the message which can be seen well (Van Rie a Fombrun, 2007). Today communication improvement is essential as it relies upon the capacity that depicts the individual growth. Relational abilities can be improved with the assistance of communication preparing and from relational interchanges. These can likewise be upgraded with the assistance of meeting aptitudes. The improvement in the communication ensures that the issues are for the most part tended to in the instructional meetings (Ulrich and Sarasin, 2012; Tran, 2016).

Johari test is the self-assessment test in order to evaluate an individual communication style.I has chosen the five characteristic that I see within myself. This depicts the communication behavioural pattern that is mentioned in the below mentioned test.  The online test allow in understanding my strengths and weakness (Tandon, 2013).

Diagnostic tools for evaluating individual communication skills

The purpose behind an effective communication is through managing a better communication procedure. Listening isn’t the same as hearing. This is important for an individual to develop better understanding skills. Communication effectiveness is important enough for developing better listening and speaking skills. These skills are important enough for gaining goals and matching up with the individual expectations. It is therefore necessary for maintaining a balance in understanding the issues and creating a communication practice. It is necessary to understand the message sent by the companion. This would typically allow in attaining a better understanding (Weiss, 2014).

It is very well signified from the test that it is necessary to be a good listener before a speaker. The purpose of communication is to understand the views of other individual. This is necessary from the point of utilizing the necessary landscape and initiating accordingly. One cannot convey the message without understanding the other person’s perspective. In order to gain competency it is necessary to develop accuracy and develop a quick learning method (Welch and Jackson, 2007).  

 Effective communication is a key in gaining better results in order to accomplish goals. This is evident enough for maintaining better roles and responsibility. Demonstrative instruments that were executed were fruitful in distinguishing the shortcoming identified with the relational abilities which incorporates the issues in communicating the musings which additionally influenced my certainty and influenced me to freeze. Thus it has turned into the constraint in my relational abilities. One of the real restrictions that exist is that I am slightest expressive and can’t express my considerations legitimately which comes about into me being anxious and freeze tone naturally lands with the experts (Chunked, 2013). The principle explanation for this is the state of mind isn’t right way which additionally restricts the relational abilities. In this manner the inactive state of mind can be clarified where an individual can’t give the thoughts. So this uninvolved style has ended up being the constraint in the development of the person and in addition in the relational abilities of the person. This can likewise be inferred that the people who have this sort of style can’t pull in the interviewee. This can likewise be seen that the latent communication is for the most part a disappointment in turning the data to other gathering individuals and furthermore to the general population who are essential. On the other positive side of this report, it is assessed that if an individual is taught different ways then he could beat the majority of the issue in positive way (Bovée, 2010).

Different communication issues arising from diagnosis and reflection

It is vital to make an appropriate plan of the points that must be talked about when an individual is showing up for important meetings.  The communication style is more expressed as self-assured in case if an individual is having an inclination towards the respondent. This style is just viable when the captivity is appropriately distinguished in the individual and thus advance change should be possible on the communication style. It is extremely required to assess all the constructive and antagonistic effect of miscommunication when information is exchanged between two people. It is assessed that individual while conveying message need to utilize particular words and thoughts in order to attain adequacy (Christensen, 2014).

 The self appraisal test communication style has helped in understanding the nature of communication. This is friendly which additionally has restriction makes the relational communication considerably more minimal powerful. Henceforth it is important for a person to have an expressive style. The sentiments and contemplations is the best way without getting anxious. A person who has successful relational abilities can without much of a stretch get into a wide range of condition and furthermore can do what they need and hold up for the things that they really feel . This further changes an individual and furthermore urges them to express their perspectives and considerations. Additionally this method helps in presenting an individual and recognizing about the diverse culture.  The diverse culture does affect the communication skills to a large extent. People often communicate in a language they are comfortable.  It is therefore important to evaluate a better way through which one can develop a communication method.  This is important in achieving positive growth and development (Cornelissen and Cornelissen, 2014).

Other impediment that occurs in the absence of certainty that I get is due to my non versatile nature for the compelling communication style. Such a large number of creators have additionally proposed that an individual ought to be positive about communicating their contemplations and perspectives in general and ought to likewise pass on their messages to individuals legitimately. Communication issue is the term utilized when nervousness while speaking with other individual actually or competently. This likewise depicts the anxiety level while doing business meetings. Thus there ought to be viable communication expertise and there ought to be less anxiety (Fatima Oliveira, 2013).  

A decent communicator should support up the certainty of the general population with the goal that they begin to express their perspectives and build up a powerful relational expertise. Furthermore, this must be secured by getting ready for the introductions previously going for the meeting. Also this will come about into the rise in the certainty and will definitely impact the communication in the best way. The learning about the topic can be improved by getting ready for the topic with a decent procedure which will additionally help in balancing the anxiety while meeting new people. When endeavouring to talk and listen adequately, it’s basic to create compassion with every individual whom we take part in discussion. In case you are a product manufacturer, don’t utilize specialized terms and language when conversing with somebody who doesn’t comprehend the language. Rather than getting the message, this individual is probably going to block out or view the speaker (Goby, 2007).

Conceptual understanding of individual competency in communication

It’s likewise imperative to consider someone else’s passionate and mental state when conversing with him or her. Somebody who’s distracted at work won’t value being told about the previous evening’s social capers however may react well to efficient proposals. Somebody who simply got disrupting news is probably not going to assimilate complex directions at work from a manager. A superior method to pass on fundamental information is to set aside opportunity to sympathize and request that the individual talk later or get guidelines to finish the work on time. This procedure will frequently help the individual who got terrible news recoup rapidly to concentrate on business related fundamentals (Guffey and Loewy, 2012).

Stress and even elated feelings can trade off our relational abilities by making us misrepresent issues or not give them due thought. Multitasking makes it difficult to listen effectively and react suitably. Nonverbal prompts can be confounded as lack of engagement, recommend what we’re stating isn’t valid or infer inferred endorsement of neglecting the message. Nonverbal signals change what other individuals say to us, so it’s basic to concentrate on them and not on wandering off in fantasy land, forming instant messages or thinking about different things while speaking (Hair, 2015). Utilizing antagonistic signs, like tapping feet, crossing arms, staying away from eye to eye connection and shaking the head, influences other individuals to respond protectively. Notwithstanding when we don’t concur and need to tell other individuals, it’s critical to listen effectively and set aside opportunity to consider information disclosed before communicating our resistance (Madhav and Gupta, 2014).  It is suggested to clearing up the Messages and Considering Meaning It’s by all account not the only dialect that influences seeing yet in addition enthusiastic states, fixation and our assurance to comprehend others and convey what needs be unmistakably. Compelling listening is the initial step to expanding verbal relational abilities. Unpretentious inflections, nonverbal signals, and vocal tone can change the implications of words, which may be clear, mocking or just perplexed (Saxena, 2015). Abstain from interfering with others until the point when they’re done talking, and take rehashing information disclosed in various words to elucidate any befuddling terms. Endeavour to support focalizing sees when conceivable, for example, tolerating some portion of a proposition. Know about conceivable social contrasts among individuals of various ages, ethnic foundations, sexual orientations, religions and national sources on the grounds that these speakers regularly express extraordinary nonverbal signs to depict their state of mind. This approach of elucidating correspondences and responding to their importance can be utilized as a part of individual, social and business circumstances with some minor tweaking in the dialect utilized and changing the strategies for formal and casual settings (Locker and Kienzler, 2013).

Action plan to mitigate communication issues


Activities plan


1-2 months

Learning new communication ways

There are a few short courses which could be utilized to improve the knowledge.

5 days proficient advancement program will be directed for improvement.

2 days course work preparing improvement program


2-4 months

Reading books in order plan

Books and article perusing will help in encircling right structure.

2-6 months

Peer reviewed articles

A personal journal is recommended in order to understand the views. The journal would be used to enhance the understanding related to the topic.  This will allow in evaluating topics on daily basis. This will exceptionally allow in gaining knowledge about a particular topic.

1-6 months

A team assessor

The tutor will allow in managing the realities of communication ability and assessing impression of supplementary individuals.  It is helpful in deciding how the communication will help in imparting considerations and perspectives with others.

4-6 months

Completion of the program in order to understand communication technique

After culmination of a half year, communication test will be actualized to increase communication plans. There are different test and analytic tools, for example, Johari Window, questionnaire, etc to access weakness and strengths.

The chart depicts the series of program undertaken in order to purse the program. The chart helps in understanding the overall schedule and allow in accessing the capabilities. This type of assessment is best suitable for managing the activities.  It is important from the point of managing time and creating a balance. It is evident from the point of gaining a balance and accomplishing long-term effective goals. It is therefore important for ascertaining necessary goals and attuning maximum results within a short period of time.

Gantt Chart showcasing Action Plan







Learning new communication ways

Reading books in order plan

Peer reviewed articles

A team assessor

Completion of the program in order to understand communication technique



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