Assessment Tasks For Business Services Sector

Focus Areas For Improvement

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(As Identified In Relevant Capability Framework)

Agreed Performance And Development Goals

Actions To Develop Capability

Indicators For Success

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Ongoing Review

Sales skills

Need to achieve 75% of the business targets by end of 3 months

Spend more time on the front end of the store and spend as much time with the line managers to learn and pick tactics to do a sale

Achievement of target by end of third month and a consistent improvement in the performance since the time joined the sales team

Yes, it is an ongoing review. Feedback is given after every customer interaction.

Sales process skills

Learn all the processes and the procedures set by the organization for the sales process

Classroom training and on the job training

Clearing all the modules and pass the online test conducted by the organization

Review is done after attempting the online simulation test

Customer handling skills

Have a good customer satisfaction score.  Less negative feedback and addressing the concern and inquiry of the customer in a SLA of 2-3 hours

Customer objection handling/ Negotiation training to understand customer behavior and know various customer touch points to convert the sale

The feedback score from the customers should range anywhere between (3-5) on a scale of 5

On going

Career Aspirations

Career Goals

Actions To Develop Capability

Indicators For Success

Ongoing Review

Short term

Have a good customer satisfaction score.

Advanced training programs are organized which describes how to handle the customer efficiently.

The customer satisfaction ratings has now started ranging between 3-4 on a scale of 5.

On going

Mid term

Increase sales skills to achieve good sales target

Senior sales managers provide training to the junior manager and explain them the tactics used.

Increase in the sales target and adaptation of new strategies.

Feedback is received after the sale is pitched to the customer.

Long term

Generate revenue for business.

Increased client base.

Ensure effective brand positioning.

Excellent customer services

Improve communication skills.

Improve relationship building skills.

Work on consistently enhancing database of potential customers.

Revenue targets being met.

Increase in the number of clients

Client testimonials.

Feedback rating of over 4 by clients

Internal R&R.

Daily updates are determined on the basis of relationship building skills

Signature And Date (Team Member)

Signature And Date (Supervisor/Team Leader)

Review And Recognition Of Achievement

All the above action and steps will ensure a formal development of a performance plan which will help the individual to monitor his performance and excel at his career. Performance development plan has to be developed in close coordination with the manager, the employee and the HR manager. A feedback from the supervisor will help in further working on the performance development plan. The sales target of the company was increasing and the customer satisfaction reviews is also growing good now.

Signature And Date (Team Member)

Signature And Date (Supervisor/Team Leader)