Benefits And Components Of Cloud Computing

Introduction to Cloud Computing


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Discuss about Cloud Computing and Its Components.

Cloud computing is an internet based computing service, which offer the collective information and other computer processing services. Cloud computing makes the organizations able to utilize the resources for computation, such as; application or storage, virtual machines and other utilities rather than developing the computing arrangements in house. This is the practice of processing a network or channel of remote servers, which are hosted on internet to keep, maintain and process that data and information, rather than a personal computer or a local server (Abramowicz, Tolksdorf & Wecel, 2010). These services are like applications, which can be accessed using the servers all over the world and moreover it can be accessed anytime and from any device without the installation of that specific application to the personal computers. The major objective of cloud computing services is to offer rapidity in which the applications are organized, decrease the costs and enhance the technology and which in turn increase the liveliness of the business.

Cloud computing services provide many benefits to the businesses. There are different services, like; SaaS, PaaS, IaaS etc, which have been proposed for cloud computing. There are some cloud service providers, which provide security like service on the basis of VM reflection that assures the best of both domains, i.e. effective protection and efficient centralization. As the customers can transfer the data or information and apps from one cloud to other cloud, a real solution needs teaching what the service providers to work with and what they make safe. Utilizing these services will eliminate the need of Information Technology manager to maintain the computing resources in an organization (Abs, 2013). It decreases the costs of the company because they have to pay only for the resources and services, which they use.

According to Shrivastava (2014), cloud computing is the general work, which is used to define a channel of network on the basis of computing. The architecture of cloud computing is made of various components, that consolidates server resources on an accessible platform for providing the computing services and resources on demand. It is the shared platform for providing configuration computing (Allen, Heurtebise & Turnbull, 2010). It includes various components like; application, storage, network and server. All the components of this service connect with each other. Generally, these clouds are transparent to each other. Furthermore, Shrivastava (2014) stated that generally these clouds are visible to all the users and apps means there is no barrier or challenge in using the cloud services from both the sides of users (Shrivastava, 2014).    

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Benefits of Cloud Computing

According to Chaudhary and Mishra (2016), in the process of cloud computing, the client connects or links with the server to gather the data or required information. The above model shows the software systems, which includes the delivery of cloud computing. Generally, the system contains several clouds computing components, which interact with each other above loose linking mechanisms like; messaging queue.

El-Gazzar (2014) stated that two of the major elements of this architecture are recognized as the back end and frond end. In these ends, front end is the area that is visible, i.e. users of computer. This includes the network channels of clients and the applications, which are utilized for running the cloud through a user interface, for instance web browser. The back end of cloud computing is a cloud itself, which include many computers, servers and storage devices. With this, there is one Cloud Service Provider that is generally written as CSP (EL-Gazzar, 2014). It is the one, who has many critical resources and knowledge and expertise in creating and maintaining the servers of distributed cloud storage, possesses and runs live system of cloud computing. Another component is computer user, who is willing to collect the data and information to be, collected the cloud and depends on the cloud for computing the data, include both organizations and individual customers.

According to Gong (2010), the diagram indicates the different components of cloud computing, which help in developing the client server network model. In this diagram, the clients are the system device, which the end user communicate to maintain the data or information on the clouds. There may be three types of clients, like; mobile clients, thick clients and thin clients. Further datacenter is gathering of server, where the application to which one subscribes is housed, it can be a room that is full of servers which the one operate via internet. The cloud clients in the system work on different applications, like PaaS (Process-as-a-service), SaaS (Storage-as-a-service) and IaaS (Information-as-a-service).

These are the applications, which work as models of cloud computing. These cloud computing models are used by the business for making the operations smoother.

In the system of cloud computing, an application or program runs on the linked server or many servers rather than on the local computer like; tablet, personal computer, Smartphone etc. From all of these applications, Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) is a platform, where the cloud software can be created, exercised and installed, that is the complete life cycle of that software can be accessed (Kaufman, 2009). This application is established is keen to the developers of applications, testers, managers and other administrators. This component of the cloud computing works as a complete platform, which includes all the activities, like; database development, application development, interface development, storage of data or other specific information, testing etc. These all are delivered to via a distant hosted platform to the users and subscribers. On the basis of time-sharing approach, new platform-as-a-Service providers offer the ability to develop the enterprise class applications for utilization locally and on demand for a small amount of subscription or it may be for free of cost.                         

Different Cloud Service Models

This is a significant and mostly accessed type of cloud computing, which provides the development environment to the business. Generally, this model includes development atmosphere, like testing tools, compliers, programing languages and techniques and mechanisms for development. There are some organizations, which use this type of cloud computing model, like; Google search Engine and

This is the component of cloud computing, where the applications are being established and the database is being developed, stored, implemented and then finally tested (Gong, 2010). In current times, this component permits develop of enterprise-level applications simply and it is very cost effective. This is the cloud computing service that offers the users with the databases and application platforms as a service. This is equal to middleware in the non-cloud computing or traditional delivery of databases and application platforms.

This cloud computing service delivers the databases and applications over the internet. In this model, the cloud service provider offers software and hardware tools, which are generally required for developing the applications and to the users as a service. This service provider hosts the software and hardware on the infrastructure (Chaudhary & Mishra, 2016). Resulting from this, PaaS makes it free for the users to install the in-house software and hardware to create or operate a new application. This system does not replace the whole infrastructure of business. The organization depends on the PaaS service providers for some services, like; application hosting and Java development. For instance, installing a business tool may require IT experts to purchase and install the operating systems, hardware and actual application and define the access from user or security and then include the application to the current system management (Chaffey & White, 2010).

In the IT sector, the growing trend is utilizing the visualization in cloud computing can be deployed allowing various instances of virtual server, which are to be utilized. In this way, one can have half dozen of servers operating on the physical server. The growth of mobile and smartphones can enhance the growth of cloud computing (Bocij, Greasley and Hickie, 2008). People can access the cloud based computing anytime, anywhere. With the growth in the cloud computing services, the businesses will allow a greater level of collaboration and communication across all sizes’ organizations. Other future trend in this are the social tools, like; blogging, can increase the collaboration to the cloud services.


From the above report, it can be concluded that cloud computing services are very beneficial for the businesses. It will cut the costs and improve the competitiveness. Cloud services system allows the businesses to speedily meet fresh demands and produce new opportunities, without purchasing and installing the new hardware and upsetting about application rate. PaaS is one of the components of the cloud services, which is frequently used by the businesses.


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