Beyond Service Quality And Customer Satisfaction

Mission and Vision Statement

Discuss about the Beyond Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction.

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The VTI Kar Mart mission that will enable employees to deliver a great customer experience is (Cook, 2017):

  • Treating all customers while considering that they have a choice of purchasing from a competitor
  • Providing customers with great emotional experiences
  • Developing the necessary tools or services that will enable all employees to provide excellent customer service

The company vision for the customers is to deliver safe services and products that will support the quality of our customers’ life (Eichorn, 2017).

The company’s customer mission is to deliver stellar customer service in an environment where customers are highly valued and their level of satisfaction is high (Eichorn, 2017).

The company’s customer vision is to be the preferred customer’s choice in terms of the products provided.

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The needs of the customers will be identified through the following methods (Cook, 2017):

  • Customer feedback through online platforms and surveys done by the company
  • Follow-up for feedback by customer service representatives once a car is sold
  • Feedback gathered through social media platforms

The assessment of customer needs will happen through (Cook, 2017):

  • Looking at the frequent and major customer issues that have been raised
  • Analysing the gathered feedback and identifying common factors
  • Looking at customer suggestions

Responding to customer needs will be done through (Cook, 2017):

  • Callbacks to customers to acknowledge their concerns
  • Innovation and product enhancement so that customer needs are met
  • Announcements and advertisements of any intended changes

When it comes to customer service, the regulatory and legal requirements are (Cook, 2017):

  • Consumer rights legislation must be followed
  • The environment provided by the company at their premises must always be safe for the customer
  • Laws on consumer credit must be followed
  • Customers must always be protected
  • There should be no unfair trading regulations
  • Consumer data must always be protected

To achieve quality customer service standards for VTI KarMart, the following implementations will be carried out (Eichorn, 2017):

Setting up a call center – A call center with dedicated customer service representatives will be essential in ensuring that VTI KarMart meets its customer service needs. It will enable the company to have a department that is purely dedicated to customer service hence serving customers better (Eichorn, 2017).

Employee Training – All employees at VTI KarMart will be trained so that they can have a focus on customer service. The emphasis will be on the provision of stellar service (Eichorn, 2017).

Frequent Customer Surveys – To achieve excellence, the company must conduct frequent surveys, so that they are able to know what customers feel about them. This is essential as it will help the company to identify any customer issues and come up with strategies for resolving the same (Eichorn, 2017).

Encouraging Feedback and Suggestions – The company must be open to customer suggestions and should provide a platform for the same. This will be done by offering an online platform and a physical platform where customers are able to write their suggestions (Eichorn, 2017).

To ensure timely car delivery by VTI KarMart, I would set goals for each of the drivers so that they are aware of the importance of meeting targets. I would suggest an increase in driver numbers if the current ones are not enough. Each driver will be expected to perform up to set standards otherwise they can face disciplinary action (Bansal & Taylor, 2015). I would also ensure that there is follow up with the manager to ensure deliveries are scheduled appropriately and done on time.

Customer Needs Identification

The process that will be used in investigating the customer dissatisfaction is engaging the three companies that have left one-on-one to try and understand exactly where the problem lies. The customers may then be asked to lodge formal complaints. Staff will also be interviewed so that the underlying issues concerning customer dissatisfaction can be picked.

2.3 Customer Handling Procedure to Resolve Complaints

The complaints resolution procedure that will be used at VTI KarMart is:

Acknowledging the Complaint – The three clients that have withdrawn will be called and their complaints concerning late car deliveries acknowledged. It is important for a customer to know that their complaint has been received and is being worked on (Bansal & Taylor, 2015).

Developing an Investigation Plan – The next process will be to thoroughly investigate the complaints by engaging the companies that have withdrawn from purchasing cars at VTI KarMart (Bansal & Taylor, 2015).

Seeking Responses- This will involve seeking responses from the people who caused the delay to try and understand what exactly happened. This will be done by engaging the drivers and managers in charge of deliveries to get to understand what exactly is causing the issue (Bansal & Taylor, 2015).

Provide Findings-Findings will be provided to the management on the underlying issues that are bringing about delays in deliveries so that a solution is found (Bansal & Taylor, 2015).

Improvement Recommendations- Measures will be put in place to sort any issues among staff and ensure that deliveries now happen on time and customer service is given priority (Bansal & Taylor, 2015).2.4 Possible Reasons for Non-performance by Drivers

There seem to be underlying staff issues that are making drivers be demotivated. The drivers may feel that the current scheduling is not being done adequately hence leading them to have too many cars to deliver within a short span of time (Bansal & Taylor, 2015). There might also be an issue of negative attitude as these team of drivers may feel that the other teams are being favored more or doing less work. There may be internal conflict among the three drivers hence leading to their lackluster performance.

The five actions that can be taken to manage driver difficulties are (Bansal & Taylor, 2015):

  • To manage the team of drivers, one must first understand why they are behaving like they do by having a one-on-one talk with each of the drivers separately.
  • Have customer service training for the team of drivers who are having difficulties
  • Set perfomance targets and emphasize the importance of this plus outline consequences of non-perfomance
  • Have the team of drivers undergo coaching and mentoring by their supervisors
  • Have frequent monthly evaluations to evaluate whether there is attitude change and perfomance has improved.

The reasons for the recommendations that have been made is because they will enable the company to re-focus on customer service (Cook, 2017). It will also lead to resolution of any employee issues that are hindering the provision of excellent customer service.

3.1 Customer Service KPIs

The key performance indicators that will be measured are:

  • CSAT-Customer service score. This will be used to measure customer service satisfaction in customers (Naor, Corman & Ronen, 2016).
  • Net Promoter Score- This will be used in the measurement of how likely VTI KarMart customers are likely to refer the company to somebody else (Naor, Corman & Ronen, 2016)
  • First response time-VTI KarMart will be able to determine how customers feel about their first response time rate.
  • Customer retention rate-This will enable the company to determine the number of customers that they have been able to retain (Naor, Corman & Ronen, 2016)
  • Servqaual-Here, the company will be able to measure the quality of the service offered by staff in terms of reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness
  • Employee Engagement-Will measure how satisfied employees are with their jobs at VTI KarMart (Naor, Corman & Ronen, 2016)

Customer feedback will be used by VTI KarMart to improve their cars. Customers will be requested to fill in a feedback form and responses will be used to determine the type of features they would like in the cars that are manufactured by the company (Schuetze, 2018). Once improvements are made, customers will be involved as testers so that they advise if the improvements are in order.

Record keeping of handling customer issues are very important as in future they can be used as a reference point when coming up with resolution strategies. It also offers evidence of whether the problem was solved to the end and if there are any pending issues that may still need to be looked at.

Using technology to address customer needs is advantageous because (Guarjado & Cohen, 2017):

  • It enables product or service enhancement
  • It enables the customers to engage the company more
  • It leads to better innovation for the company

Three human resources needed would be:

  • People
  • Information
  • Skills (Schuetze, 2018)

Five physical resources needed would be:

  • An effective Customer Relationship Management system
  • Reliable telephone system
  • Reliable IT Network system
  • Buildings
  • Reliable power system (Schuetze, 2018)

The important thing would be to listen to the customer and as the team member to allow you to meditate on the issue. Explain to the customer what is going on and a reason for certain decisions and assure them that their issue is being resolved. Once the customer issue has been sorted, it is vital to speak to the team member and advise them on how to handle the customer in future.


Bansal, H. S., & Taylor, S. F. (2015). Beyond service quality and customer satisfaction: investigating additional antecedents of service provider switching intentions. In Proceedings of the 1999 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference (pp. 75-82). Springer, Cham.

Cook, S. (2017). Measuring customer service effectiveness. NY, Routledge.

Eichorn, F. L. (2017). Internal customer relationship management (IntCRM) a framework for achieving customer relationship management from the inside out. Management (open-access), 2, 1.

Guajardo, J., & Cohen, M. (2017). Service Differentiation and Operating Segments: A Framework and an Application to After-Sales Services.

Naor, M., Coman, A., & Ronen, B. (2016). Exploiting bottlenecks. Quality Progress, 49(8), 34.

Schuetze, R. (2018). An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Approach for Service Level Management. In Improving Service Level Engineering (pp. 129-143). Springer, Cham.