Business Model Plan Template For Coconut Travel Ltd.

Innovation Factor

The coconut travel Limited company enjoys some sustainable advantages such as their reduced fare and the high quality of services they deliver. The company gives a cool drive in very cozy seats of the vans.  Some of the disadvantages of these sustainable competitive include the increased amount of money which the company employs in maintaining the best services they deliver. The factors which are behind the sustainable competitive advantages, as well as disadvantages, are highly competitive for the tourism industry in the Townsville (Hazelgren, 2012). The target customers are as well not that rich therefore they will prefer a quality service at relatively cheaper charges.

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Innovation Factor

            The innovation of starting the travel company was very significant as it helps in getting more clients. The company saw the business gap where there were other companies offering the same services but of poor quality and at a relatively high price. Therefore this innovation of starting up a travel company limited was very successful (Media, 2015). 

The innovation can be implemented and encouraged by maintaining high-quality services during their operations.  The company always gives a very cool drive, gives drinking water during the tour journey on a hot day in the company also have an intention of having a very strong WI-FI to the clients as they move to their adventures (Shelton, 2017).  The innovative ability of the coconut Travel limited company was better than the already existing companies in the market offering the same services.

 This is because the vehicles in the coconut travel are more flexible than the buses which are in the market currently. The current cannot move to every part around the town. The buses can only move on the tarmac road.  In some cases, the client may require the company to move in places where there is no tarmac road hence such clients may not be serviced as they need and their movement in the town as they tour would be under a serious check.  The business innovation can be protected through keeping secrete of having cosy seats secrete. The Wi-Fi provided to the clients by the company during the journey can also be kept in secret (make the other competitive company not to realize that Wi-Fi is been offered to the clients).  Some of the Intellectual Property (IP) for this company may include the provision of a strong WI-FI, having a very cosy seat, safe drives among other.

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Avoidance of Pitfalls   

There are some risks which may arise in the operation of this company internally as well as externally. Internal risks may include the leadership wrangles in the company as well as the salary being paid to the employees. Some employees may complain that there are some employees who are being paid a lot of money but they do little job as compared to them (Shelton, 2017). While on the external risks may include government policy regarding the operation of such industry, terrorists, hijackers and poor roads where these vans move to travel with the tourists.  The coconut travel is very sensitive to these internal as well as external risks, these risks should be reduced if not completely eliminated.  The contingencies of coconut travel are to try as possible to eliminate the above internal as well as external in the market.

Avoidance of Pitfalls

Graceful Exit

This type of business has the ability to exit gracefully if the need is, this is because the travel and tourism company is mobile. For that matter, this business can be easily be transferred from one point to another depending on where there is a demand for the tourists in the Town as well as other parts of the country (Podmoroff, 2016). There is no strategy for identifying a potential opportunity of the harvest of the business. Other exit strategies which can be employed may include a high increased number of terrorists and hijackers in a given region.  When such arises in a given region the company may exit and move to another area since this company is highly mobile.

The most vital feature of the services which will be offered by this company is the flexible transport in terms of the destination and fare.  The company will also give their clients some drinking water, sweets and biscuit during the journey. From this the company will actually gain more clients into the business hence it will compete effectively. Due to the aforementioned benefits of the coconut travels most international students, as well as the locals who are new, will be compelled to board this vehicle. The main competitors of the coconut travels are the Bamba Experience and Topdeck.

 And the most advantage of using the coconut in transportation by this two main target is the flexibility and the after sale services of which both have been mentioned. With these benefit, the coconut will definitely stand out to compete with its main competitors. The offers like reduction in fare occasionally, after sale services among others are some of the offers which the clients are anticipated to enjoy when the business kicks off (Ekanem, 2015).  The customer will basically rate fare which the coconut charges and compare it against others (value combination). The Coconut Travels is very unique since the company offers services at the relatively cheaper fare and they are also very flexible as stated above.

This will make the international students as well as the locals who are new in the town to use their services as they go touring the region (O’Donnell, 2016). The company also know every part of the town and they deliver their clients to their destination without any harassment which of late has been reported in most Towns of Australia. Due to this, Coconut Travels realizes a relatively higher profit and this will make the company compete effectively in the market.


Ekanem, I. (2015). Writing a Business Plan: A Practical Guide. Manchester: Taylor & Francis.

Hazelgren, B. J. (2012). Your First Business Plan: A Simple Question and Answer Format Designed to Help You Write Your Own Plan. Hull: Sourcebooks.

Media, E. (2015). Write Your Business Plan: Get Your Plan in Place and Your Business Off the Ground. Melbourne: Entrepreneur Press.

O’Donnell, M. (2016). Writing Business Plans That getting Results. Sydney: McGraw Hill Professional.

Podmoroff, D. (2016). How to Write a Great Business Plan for Your Small Business in 60 Minutes Or Less. Sydney: Atlantic Publishing Company.

Shelton, H. (2017). The Secrets to Writing a Successful Business Plan: A Pro Shares a Step-By-Step Guide to Creating a Plan That Gets Results. Hull: Summit Valley Press.