Business Plan For Engineering And Business Education

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Marketing is such a concept that has become the common phenomenon in the business world. But, marketing in the contemporary industrial era has changed a lot due to the increasing competition and the level of consumer’s need or desire (Cranmer, 2015). Here, based on the instances of successful business model and philosophy, an introduction of a new brand would be performed in this study. Hence, depending on the different aspects of the collaborative consumption markets and the customer to business philosophy exercised by Jack Ma, CEO and self-founder of Alibaba.Com, the researcher intends to present a new brand set up by implementing business models in this regard (Barnes and Mattsson, 2016). Hence, a detailed analysis of the target segment would be provided along with the strategies that would be able to attract the customers or the target segment. Hence, in the succeeding components a start-up business plan would be carried out along with the fact that would be influencing the customers’ needs. On the other hand, a detailed description of the marketing campaign would be evaluated by the researcher in order to deliver insight regarding the ways how the new product would be able to attract customers.

 In this report, the researcher has inculcated the idea to develop a new business plan that would be able to deliver the idea of setting up a new brand.  Here, a new brand named as GoInstant has been introduced in the field of taxi services that are aided with technology.  The main objective of this report is to identify the target market and analyses the need of consumers in the context of fulfilling the requirement of the modern society. In this regard, it can be asserted that a new brand could be launched that will be different from other app based taxi services (Dezhi and Wenjing, 2014). This brand would be targeting the corporate consumers along with the general consumers. The corporate customers include, the organizations acting in the field of IT sector, retail or aviation industry. In accordance with Ma’ business philosophy, in the context of customer to business venture the brand would be concentrating on the customer satisfaction and services provided to them. As per the philosophy preached by jack ma, organizations need to place customer’s first and employees and other stakeholders in the succeeding place in order to gain success in the organizational competition. Hence, the brand would be adopting effective marketing strategies that would be developed in the context of the target market and generate new ways to reach to the end user customers or the service customers with their marketing strategies, which would deliver success to the brand in the market (Espíndola, 2002). Therefore, in order to ensure the fact that the new brand or product would get prominent in the market through the exceptional services or strategies of the product, certain ways of campaigning could be discussed in details.

Description of the Target Market

In this report, the researcher has determined the corporate consumers and the general customers as the target market of the service provider. The corporate customers is apt in this regard as most of the IT or aviation industries providing a pool car system or taxi fares to the employees as a beneficial service by the organization. Hence, the brand could concentrate on the providing exceptional technological services to the customers. According to the customer to business venture, the philosophy delivered by Jack Ma asserts that if the employees of the respective brand or organization would invest in acquiring the good faith of the boss, then the business would never be able to obtain success in the market, instead the employees should concentrate on satisfying the customers then only the success could be attended in this regard (Greenbank, 2000). On the other hand, the business models like product service system, redistribution of market and collaborative lifestyle would also effects the success factors of the brand. Hence, the researcher has opted for Australian market and targeted the Australian corporate and general customers in for the promotion and success of the respective brand. The Australian corporate sector has adopted the transportation services for the employees which is not a new strategy of the organizations, rather previously it has been observed that organisations have provided services like this to the employees. Therefore, the act of launching this new transportation service in Australia will provide customer’s individual attention as the movement of the customer would be recorded through satellite data transcription that would be able to locate the position of the customer before and after availing the taxi or pool car services.

Another exceptional service that has been incorporated by this new brand would be safety measures of the customers who are travelling at night. This would be beneficial especially for female customers working in the IT or in the aviation industry.  The brand would provide or avail a safety measure app in each of its taxies, so that the safety would be ensured by the organization directly. Therefore, through these strategies or services that have been included in the transportation system would be expected to draw attention of the Australian consumers and the benefit of investing in such brands could be depicted in terms of the modern technology that has made people go for an of the easiest option with loads of benefit. Here the customers would get benefited through instant service along with the assurance of both quality service and experience in this regard. It has been also inculcated that a monthly or quarterly feedback call could be made to the customers in order to obtain knowledge regarding the services and other aspects in this regard. Therefore, these benefits would be expected to draw more customers for the brand in the succeeding future (Principles published for NICE Implementation Collaborative, 2013).

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Approach to End Users of the Service

In the context of depicting another section of target market that would be the end users of the service, it could be cited that the general customers could be identified as the end users of the service providers. It is an evident fact that general customers are the ones that would ultimately utilize the proposed services of the brand. In the context of Australia, it can be cited that most of the consumers of taxi services uses taxies as the common medium of their transportation. In order to provide an in depth analysis of the fact it could be referred instead of an affluent country that is have enough financial resources, most of the people in the contemporary modern society would opt for those services that would be cheap as well. Therefore, it can be assumed that people will prefer the intended brand in the Australian market in relation to end users as this product would be providing quality services in cheap price. Instances could be provided in terms of the Australian app based taxi service that has gained a remarkable profit while beating the rivals like Uber in the market with its cheap rides. In the same way it can be expected that the intended brand would be able to set its foot in the Australian market.

In this context this approach, the essential business models that have helped organizations to gain sustainability in the market could be assessed and linked with the purpose of this study in a critical way. At the first place, the product service system could be analysed here in terms of the customers that are coming from different background with a common mind-set that includes the act of paying for any services that delivers benefit to them this could be terms as product service system (Strömbäck, 2007). In the context of generating a new brand in Australia, it could be said that this model has an evident impact on its future market strategies which can be depicted through the common reaction of the end users in this regard. On the other hand, in relation to redistribution market it can be said that, it delivers the idea of reusing the old ones and defeated the traditional myth regarding buying new and buying fresh, therefore, in the context of the proposed brand it could be linked with the model that is included in the collaborative consumption through the idea to reuse the old strategies while, incorporating several new ones. Finally the collaborative lifestyle depicts the fact that, people are not only sharing the materialistic goods but also their valuable energy, time and interest. Hence, it could be depicted that the proposed business plan that is intended for the Australian customer are also sharing their time, skills and energy with the customers to provide best quality service to them (What’s mine is yours: the rise of collaborative consumption, 2011).

In order to depict the beneficial aspects for the end users of this service it can be said that the taxi service provider would deliver ample amount of benefit to the customers in terms of providing consumers from different financial background the affordable medium of transportation in an age while economic collapses takes place. According to Ma’ philosophy, customers holds the leading position in an organizational structure while it is the question of customer satisfaction. Through customer satisfaction organizations would be able to acquire success and sustainability at the same time in an era of tough competition. Therefore, it is recommended for the organization to concentrate on the promotional activities and other marketing strategies in order to gain success in this regard (What’s mine is yours: the rise of collaborative consumption, 2011).

In this report the four collaborative consumption principles would be evaluated in relation to resolve the issues, that are related to the idea of setting up a new brand in the Australian market. Hence, at the first place, the issues related to the critical mass that can be defined as one of the most important ingredients in the context of collaborative consumption that includes a group of loyal and frequent users of a product in the the case of GoInstant that the researcher has intended to launch in the Australian market, it can be said that first it need to build a critical mass that strives for the environmental security. Hence, GoInstant would effectively generate natural gas based fuel for the cars so that the quality services would be delivered for to the customers while maintain the environmental securities at the same time (Laamanen et al. 2015).

On the other hand, the second principle in the context of collaborative consumption can be discussed in terms of power idling capacity that is in general sense could be considered as a waste of something that is not in use. Therefore, if it can be considered as the power consumption or waste of resources which could be reduced as proposed by the strategic management of GoInstant, that is it would concentrate on reducing the power consumption in generating the steatite data transcription process through the implementation of some software that are able to perform the task in this regard.

Another important fact in this regard, is the assessment of the third principle that is belief in the commons which could be described as the common this that is assigned for everyone. In the roman belief that were divided in two segmentations of the same thing that is one places or things that are not intended for every one that is park, roads and other public places . On the other hand, they also belief the principle of things for commons, that is the allowed and delivered for everyone like, air water, land and soon. In the context of GoInstant it can be said that thee brand would maintain all the aspect that is required to fulfil customer satisfaction. The services that the organization intends to provide to the customers mostly depend on the third principle of collaborative consumption as it has been assigned for the convenience and betterment of the common people within the Australian market (Strömbäck, 2007).

Lastly the fourth principle that can be terms as the trust between strangers that is individuals or organization and the customers or other part of human society have the power to assess each other. According to this principle individuals and brand are able to detect the deficiencies in each other through complete assessment of each other (Strömbäck, 2007). Hence,  such situation in the context of go instant it can be realized that the organization needs to acquire the current market demands and the customers ‘need at the first place as in near future it has been customers will be dominating he business industry. Therefore, the respective organization would be conducting an introduction launch plan for the Australian customer to get informed reading the new app based taxi services along with the opportunity to study the customers’ perception in this regards and vice versa (Laamanen et al. 2015).

Therefore, it is quite natural that GoInstant would be performing in the intended market segment with all the aspect keeping in mind so that the social factors would not be hampered along with keeping the business or service facts in line.

In the context of depicting the benefits of marketing massages it can be said that the intended product is expected to have huge success and annual revenues in the succeeding periods. Therefore, the benefit in the context of the service provider can be assessed in term of huge annual profit and sustainability as the service provider has chosen such an industry that has become one of the most popular ways of transportation around the world. Hence, as the organization has launched a new brand called GoInstant in the Australian market therefore, it has been realized to have ample benefits in this regard. The brand has also been observed to be exercising effective new services inculcated for the better experience of the customers along with the safety measure that none of the transportation service providers’ organization has initiated so far. Thus, it can be said that the brand has accumulated the opportunity to expand in the target market that includes the corporate customers and the general customers with the effective strategies related to marketing ( 2016).

On the other hand, in the context of the customers and the end user customers it is also beneficial as it has provided a quality service in the field of transportation. The corporate customers are the main segment in this regard that would always opt for an easy way of transportation which is cheap and at the same time convenient. Apart from this the end users that are the general customers are also get benefitted in this regard which could be realized through the increased rate of app based taxi users only in Australia. Therefore, it could be expected that such brand like GoInstant has effective and wide scope and future prospect in the Australian market.

Along with this fact the campaign approach of the intended brand could be asserted in terms of the organization intends to approach the companies that perform in the IT sectors or in the aviation industry. The reason behind it is that organizations are providing the transportation convenience to its employees and GoInstant would approach the management of such organizations in order to form a contract to be a part of the company’s transportation system for a long term basis. On the other hand, to the general customers who are being considered as the end users of the products or services in terms of promotional acts or free rides in order to make them acquainted with the brand or the product (Venkatesh, 2015).


To conclude this report it could be asserted that in accordance with the philosophy of jack ma and the other collaborative consumption model any organization or brand should be concentrating on the facts that are able to influence the customer’s perception, while keeping the customer’s as the first priority of the organization. Hence, in this report the researcher has intended a brand to be launched namely GoInstant that is a app bases taxi services targeting the corporate customers and on the other hand, the general customers who are being considered as the end users of the product in the Australian market. Hence, in this study the researcher has evaluated the four collaborative consumption principles that are linked with the approach of the organization. Therefore, it has been implied that the brand GoInstnt have a wide scope of opportunities in the Australian market in the future.


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