Career Information, Salary, And Promotion Of Policeman In UK


Discuss the career information including salary and promotion of policeman in UK?

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Policeman in United States also called as police officer, police agent and patrol women or patrol man also constable. For lower rank policeman in United States is known for officer.  Another countries officer is common name and this not identifies any rank. Their main objective is to prevent the people from crime and it could be any crime, give protection to their public and property Police man avowed an oath and they can arrest the people because policeman has right. Their work can be dangerous stressful etc. As per the US Bureau of labor statistics a policeman must fulfill the criteria. They must be citizen of United States, minimum age should be 21, also responsible enough to handle the financial part, clear all medical tests, physical fitness to become police officer, and have to complete higher secondary or higher degree from college or university. After qualifying the criteria they need to do on the job training for minimum three months.


For becoming policeman minimum requirements are: Person must have U.S citizenship because qualified candidate required showing the proof at the time of selection process, Candidate age must be 21 year. Candidate must be qualified from high school and higher degree from university. They must qualify the medical test as well as physical fitness and hearing test otherwise it will not be taken into consideration and may disqualify. Candidates have to clear the POST i.e. police officer selection test it includes basics of math and grammar. Candidate must score 70 in each of the sections. Psychological test also need to be in consideration if they not qualifying the examination they may disqualified from exam and it is not be taken in consideration. These are the process of hiring an appropriate candidate. Written exams, Interviews, drug test, background of the candidate also require checking, and psychological examination is taken place. Educational as well as training requirements also have to meet by the candidates.

Training and Education:

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Educational requirements are different for each agency. As per U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics requirement is diploma from high school some time agency require college degree from university. People are encourages by many agency to do law enforcement course from college for their career. Require to complete the criminal justice degree it will help you to gain knowledge in law and educational requirement, criminal behavior, criminal justice system or many more. (Criminal Justice USA, 2009)

Handle the situation in each inverse circumstance. Right action has to be taken by the policeman to handle the situation analyze the condition quickly. Know how to talk with people, he can speak and write efficiently. Potential to learn new things and to develop skill sets (Pope, 2000).

Enforcement of law:  when law has been breaches by people this power is used in case to identify the suspect and arrest the criminal. Most clear examples include like murder, robbery, burglary, etc.  It is the main function of every policeman but the activity is depending on the time and the layout. (, 2015); (, 2015)

Training and Education

Maintenance of order: this is the important function to keep peace and good behavior with people which might lead disturbance. Situation could be anything it could be start with fist-fight to barking dogs.  All the description tells us to handle the every situation to police in any discretion. If they not understand deal with them strictly which is enforceable by law? Authority must deal with the situation which is based on disobedience (Duties & Responsibilities of Police Officers, 2015).

Service: This may include giving first aid, performing as educators, given that tourist information. As per the survey or research we finding that 80% of police help did not occupy in any crime. But this is not the case in every country. Because policeman always available i.e. 24 hours service. People call police when they are facing trouble and also when citizens are in just inconvenienced. The service of a police could be anywhere like road side support, giving referrals to the agencies, seeking animal who lost etc (, 2015).

Salary would be different for police man. It may depend on the rank. Top earned policeman earn more than 9300 and the below will get less than 33000. And as per given date may 2012 medium or average policeman will get more than 55000.  For median age group of police will get wages in May 2012 as follows: for criminal investigators and detective $74300, for sheriff’s police officer and police was $55270, for railroad police and transit $55210 and for game wardens and fish was $48070(, 2015). It is projected that employment was growing 5% from 2012-22 for the policeman. For average police it grows very slow. New openings are available for the policeman public safety interest. The policeman job is very difficult to find because competition is very high and it is also depend on the location of the state.  Promotion of police officer is depending on the performance of police at their duty. Also it depends on the qualification of the candidate and experience also matter in everywhere at every field. (Criminal Justice USA, 2009); (, 2015)

The police of the US typically have three functions. The first is maintaining the order of the country by restricting the destructive behavior of the citizens that have the potentiality to harm others. The second important function is law enforcement and the third function is the services in relevant field like first aid, rendering tourist information and even they have the ability to act as an educator. (Johnson, 2005) For all these three function, it must be ensured that the appointment and recruitment of policemen are based on the capability and intelligence of the probable candidate for the post of police. For the selection of the deserving candidate, it is necessary to conduct an interview to judge the efficiency of the candidate who has applied for the career of policeman. (Miller, 2012) Some of the relevant interview questions for a policeman are discussed below: (Nilson & Oliver, 2006)

Interview Questions:

Probable Answers:

1. Why do you want to join this industry?

I have always admired the role of the police who risk their lives for the well being and protection of the society. The desire to join this industry intrigued me when I witnessed a local dispute that was harmonized and the problem was solved by the intelligence of the law enforcement officers present there. This is the exact reason why I want to join the industry and serve the people of the nation.

2. Tell us something about yourself

I am a very enthusiastic and dedicated person. I possess the ability to work in teams and coordinate with my team members. I have also done advanced medic course that was informative in terms of first aid techniques.

3. What are some challenges?

I had an inhibition of speaking in the public which was a constraint to this job. In order to overcome this weakness, I participated in a speech workshop which enhanced my speaking skill now am I able to deliver safety presentation to the public.

4. How do you get motivated?

The challenges in the workplace are the source of my motivation. In my previous job, I was given the role to train the new recruits for the firearm safety. It was challenging for me as I had never done that before. But while the commencement of the training; I made sure that each and every new recruit passed the course properly. It is evident from the functions of the police which is diverse in nature and multi faceted and thus the challenges comes at a very fast paced which motivates the most. (Smith, Powell & Lum, 2009)

5. What did you learn from your previous Chief?

I have learnt the value of time from my previous chief who had proved to be an efficient leader guiding through the principle of no-nonsense. His attitude motivated me to work harder with dedication and rendering my service within time and achieve the goals.

6. What advise do you give me to be you?

I am a very hardworking person who is constantly looking for avenues to learn and acquire skills. I would suggest you be dedicated and hardworking towards the work and maintain the decorum within the working environment.

7. What do you like best and lest in your job?

The best thing about being in this field is serving the people so that they can lead a better life. Through this job, there are potentialities to expand the horizon. As such I do not find any flaws in this job as I willingly want to serve the nation.

8. What is your being salary?

I generally give more preference to the duty and role of my work rather than the wage pay. But it is worth understanding that the fair scale of wage should comply with my work experience and also the cost of living in United States must be accounted for.

9. Relate an incident where you had a dispute with one of your fellow worker?

I had a fellow co-worker with whom I had disagreements with almost in all fields from the civilian communication to the interaction with the family members of the victims and even disagreements over the shift timings. I felt that there was a communication problem between us which I sorted out after having a talk on our differences. Now I have a friendly relation with him and work collectively. (Thibault, Lynch, McBride & Walsh, 2015)

10. Why should we hire you?

I have gained some relevant years of experience in this field which enabled me to act swiftly in tensed and complex situation. I have also learnt a lot of non-standard skills which might help the department and lastly I am dedicated and responsible towards my work.


After doing the whole research we found the united state police man career was depend on the education , their age, gender, citizenship , agencies in which they work, candidates physical fitness, skills sets , willingness to learn new things, polygraph examination etc. here we found the basic function of the policeman in united states. What is the objective of policeman? if they applying for becoming police he has clear certain criteria it includes interview in which interviewer ask tell something about yourself. Why they want to join and their strength and weakness? Why should they hire you? How do they get motivated? What made you to leave the previous job and join us etc? Also explain here is how much salary they will get on the job and how they will get promotion. Police man basic three functions are maintaining the order of the country, enforcement of law and services.

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