Challenges And Issues In Human Resource Management

Problem Statement

Human resources are considered as the lifeblood of the organization. despite the applications of the technology in the modern management of business, human resources are still considered as relevant and most adaptive resources of the company. The strategic values of the stem of the human resource lie on the fact that apart from other resources employed in the production courses that are passive, human resources are endowed with the discretionary decision-making powers and thus mainly has competitive advantages over theses kinds of resources. Apart from it, the human resources mainly combine she resources in the right mixture for the purpose of framing the right kind of strategies for the accomplishment of the objectives of the company. The essential attribute of human resource assist the companies for making rightful decisions and responds towards the threats and opportunities in the environment of the company. Thus the company mainly depend on son the human assets for the success and survival. Such dependency is mainly increasing considering the critical and turbulent nature of the environment of the business of the century.

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The management of the human resources is very complex and critical as the individuals hardly adapt the changes and the objectives of the company. As individuals, the employees of the company have their needs and aspirations that influence the behavior at work. In the purpose of reconciling the interest, human resource management is a useful tool that is employed for harmonizing the needs of the employees with the objectives on continuous manner.  

The overall objective of the human resource management is making the employees achieve the success in the company. The management of the human resource is considered as a well-defined system and it is also considered as the capabilities of the organization, further it also enhances the company for learning and capitalizing the new and upcoming opportunities. The main objective of the research study is to derive the main issues and challenges that are being faced by the manager of human resource. the report will be offering the brief illustrations about the upcoming issues and challenges.  

The managers of human resources are facing various kinds of challenges in the current scenario of business like the globalization diversity, advancement in technology and many other changes. All such challenges enhance the pressures on the managers of human resources for attracting, retaining and nurturing the talented employees. The professionals of human resources cannot ignore these challenges rather they are required to be in line in with the designing and executing the innovative mechanism of the development of the skills and competencies of the resources of a human for preparing them in accepting the emerging issues.

Objectives of the Study

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  • To determine the challenges and issues that are being faced by the  managers of human resources
  • To determine the methods through which human resource manager can overcome the challenges

Issues that are being faced by the human resource managers are expected to change the environment of business drastically. Thus the professionals of human resource, are required to play the specialized roles in dealing with the changes and should also develop the specific competencies for supporting the roles. Human resource managers will have to accommodate with the employees in the virtual work locations and determine the way for managing the culture and orientation. For the purpose of obtaining and maintaining a competent employees, they must act as the performance experts and shape the behavior of employees without face to face meetings. There is range of issues that are faced by the managers of the human resources in management and implementation of effective human resources.  

Objectives of the Study

Challenges Faced by the Managers of Human Resources

Due to the continuous changing economic, technological and political conditions, the managers of human resource in future should have face to face issues in the management of the labor. The managers of the human resources of the current time might find it obsolete in the future because of the environment changes that might be faced by the managers in the business management. Some of the challenges have been defined below (Singh & Dhawan, 2013):

Collaboration of human resource with the line managers

According to (Irshad & TOOR, 2008) the function of the management of the human resource is a joint responsibility of the managers within the company, i.e. both the human resources or staff and the managers of the line need to involve. The managers of human resources need to be a partner with the senior and line managers in the execution of strategy, helping in moving planning from the rooms of conference t the marketplaces.

Exhibition of expertise of human resource in the organization of the work

Being trained administrators, the professionals of the human resources needs to explore and design the means of carrying out the functions of the human resources in a better and cheaper way for reducing the costing. Besides, the reduction of costing, quality have to be maintained in the delivery of services (Banerji, 2013).

Human resources act as vanguards of the welfare of employees

(R.Balaji, 2014)The professionals of human resources will be holding accountable for ensuring that the employees of the company show some commitment and adds value to the business of the company irrespective of attending the social needs.

Human resources acts as innovative agents

The professionals of the human resources need to work towards initiation of changes that are mainly focused on the creation of the high performing teams, reducing the cycle timings for the innovation and implementing the new technologies (N, 2013).

Up gradation of the skills of the professionals of the human resources

(Stankiewicz, 2015); (rakowska & babnik, 2015)For being able to cope up with the global issues and being relevant in the current scenario, the qualities of the staff of the human resources needs to be improved (Debrah, McGovern, & Budhwar, 2000); (Werner & DeSimone, 2009). The company needs people that are aware of the business, understands of the theory and practices of the human resources (B. & Debrah, Skills for managing human resources in a complex environment: The perceptions of human resources managers in Singapore., 1995); (Bing & Short, 2003); (Chalofsky & Reinhart, 1988).

Human Resources develops the values in the organization

For meeting the enhanced expectations of the company, the managers of the human resources needs to articulate the roles in terms of the development value. They must measure the effectiveness in the competitiveness of the business and success rather tan the comfort of employee or satisfaction.

Challenging business environment and Globalization

Because of the globalization, the company now faces the challenges of a business that needs the organization for building the new capabilities. The innovation has developed opportunity for the managers of the human resources to play the role of leadership in assisting the company in meeting the challenges of organization (Chan, 2004)

Literature Review

The technology has now made the world small and smaller with the help of internet. Ideas and lots of information now move freely. The main challenge for the managers of the human resources is to make effective usage of the information technology and to develop it as a productive part of the seating of the work and tools (Walsh, Sturman, & Longstreet, 2010).

The risk of privatization

The government privatization involves the divestment of the holdings of public in the companies for the advantage of the shareholder’s owners. The exercises will be ushering in a lot of changes within the private organizations and the professionals of human resources must brace up with the challenges that are being posed by the exercises as it relates to the planning of human resources and management (Garavan T. N., 1991).  

Human Resource and Political process

With the democratic changes  that occur all over the world, the place in which the community of work is inclusive needs to internalize democracies and discharge the civic duties to country (Garavan, Morley, Gunnigle, & McGuire, 2002)

Multi Skill Process

The dynamic changes in the environment of human resources in this particular era of the globalization will need the professionals of the human resources to be multi-skilled. They need to devote the attention towards core strategical issues in the management of human resources and be a facilitator or the initiator of changes and internal consultants to the company (Garavan, Heraty, & Barnicle, 1999).

All over the world, the professionals of human resources had to respond towards the enhanced competition for the globally mobile talent, change sin the attitude of workforce and shifts in the relationship between employer and employee. A new type of knowledge of technology, skills and the abilities would be needing the practitioners of human resources in future who are quite flexible and willing to deal in with the accelerating paces and often the unpredictable change sin the workplaces (Gardiner & Sadler-Smith, 2001). The profession of human resources is required to evaluate the implications of the movement in the era of decentralization, that if utilized in a proper manner can lead towards emancipation. the era will be needing new kinds of organization, on the basis of the varied paradigms that can bring altogether the contributions of the individuals that are autonomous in a sustainable manner. it is quite clear that now days a new way of managing the human resources as a paradigm is coming forward as well as the new managers of human resources need to hold themselves.  The main are of focus for the managers of the human resources of this century is the urgency towards the management of changes in speedily and effective manner in the context of human resource management with adequate competencies.

Varied authors have determined lots of issues that acts as barriers towards effective human resource management. Some of the issues that are pertinent are: top management having low priority and offering a shorter view of what the main issues in human resource management are as per the varied researchers. The practitioners of human resource management are perceived to lack of adequate knowledge and skills that are relevant in implementing the effective human resource management practices at varying levels in the company. The professionals of human resource have not been assertive in the boardroom for guiding the programmes of human resources for achieving the long terms impacts of the initiatives of human resources.

Collaboration of human resource with the line managers

This chapter will be focusing on the methodology of research that has been utilized for addressing the proposed question associated with the challenges of human resources. Descriptive research methodology will be utilized for the current study. This style of the research study will be helpful in illustrating the characteristics of the sample that is being studies. For this research study both primary and secondary data will be utilized for bringing a base understanding. Further, we will be using the primary data for knowing the opinions of the managers of human resource in the market in respect of the challenges they face in human resource management. Questionnaire method was selected for the purpose of collecting relevant data. For the purpose of secondary data, journals and research articles were studied.

For questionnaire analysis, a sample of 30 managers of human resource was selected with the help of convenient sampling methodology. Convenient sampling was used for the purpose of saving time and cost.

  1. Gender of respondent

The majority of the human resource managers that were undertaken for the research study, were males.

  1. Education Qualification

The majority of the human resource managers were post graduate

  1. Age of the respondents

33 percent of the respondents belongs to the age group of 31 to 35 years of age

  1. Do you think as companies are going global managers of human resources are facing challenges in management of human resources

The majority of the respondents agreed to the fact that the human resource managers are facing challenges in management in human resources.

  1. For the purpose of expansion, human resource managers have to develop the work culture

The managers of human resource face issue sin development of culture.

  1. As the time is becoming more narcissist, it is becoming important to have ethics and values to be in place that decides the sustainability

As the business environment is changing, human resource managers have to follow the ethics and values for the purpose of sustainability

  1. The human resource managers, in the current scenario, have the responsibility of managing the work-life balance.

Because of the dynamic changes, it is responsibility of the human resource managers to manage the work life balance

  1. The technology advancement affects the operational working of human resources

More than 50 percent of the managers of human resource department believes that the advancements in the technology make the procedures and techniques obsolete.

  1. The privatization of government organizations requires lots of changes in organization and management of human resources

Majority of the managers of human resource departments believes that the privatization concepts requires managers of human resource to understand the new changes in labor laws and management of human resources

  1. Do you think professionals of human resources should become partners in strategy execution

For the purpose of managing the new changes in the human resources the managers of the department have to adopt the proposal of becoming partner for the purpose of managing strategy execution

  1. There is requirement for exploring and designing means of carrying the functions of human resources

The majority of the respondents believe that as the role of HR manager is changing, it is now time that the HR managers needs to adopts means for designing for the purpose of carrying their functions.

  1. As the human resource environment is changing, professionals of human resource are required to be multi-skilled.

The respondents believe that the changes in the human resources demand the professionals of human resources to be multi-skilled.

According to the primary and secondary research analysis, collaboration of HR with the line managers, Multi-skilled process, privatization, globalization, information technology, Political process, value development, innovative agent and employees welfare are some of the factors that affect the human resource management. These are the factors that make the working of the manager difficult. The challenges do not stop here, in fact, manager of HR have recruited the right person at a right place and at right time. The challenge would be developing a performance culture in opportunities are offered for enhanced performances and wherein the optimum performances mainly becomes a way of life. The future of the role of the manager of the human resource will change from less administrative role to more strategical roles in coming time. the manager of human resource will be required to prove their effectiveness every now and then.  

Exhibition of expertise of human resource in the organization of the work

In the current scenario, the human resource is facing varied challenges like the diversity of the workforce, globalization and much more, human resource managers find it difficult to retain and attract the nurture, talented people. But it can be possible from the motivational techniques, the executive of human resources cannot motivate the employees from the financial techniques but they can easily motivate from non financial techniques. The role of the human resource management is changing very fast. the change is needed in order to help the companies in achieving their goals. In the past years, we have seen the human resource management has undergone the varied phases. the role of the human resource is changing drastically nowadays, because of the merging industrial growth in countries. The findings of this study reveal that the changes in the technology advancement, affects the human resource management a lot. These findings are similar to the findings of the study of (HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES IN NIGERIA UNDER A GLOBALISED ECONOMY, 2011), which has revealed that the advancement in technology is encroaching on the traditional model of a human resource like the recruiting, administration and payroll. dynamic changes in the human resource management methods make the old models obsolete and for being up to date human resources are required to follow the changes in the technology advancements. Not only this, even the study done by (Kaur, 2014) corresponds with the findings of our study, which states that changes in the political and legal environment because of the new laws are also dominant factors that affects the working of human resource managers. The change taking place in the legal and political frameworks within which the industrial relation system is functioning, affects the role of manager . it is the responsibility of the human resource manager to anticipate the changes and document them for facing them. the study shows that the organization is made up of heterogeneous groups. the practitioners of the human resource need to ensure that the group members of the organization are not having the advantage and disadvantage over others in the organization. The output of the study is supported by the study of (Srivastava & Agarwal, 2012)which states that the managers of human resources need to ensure that the productivity and commitment of employees are maximized while meeting the requirements of the diverse interests. According to the results of the study, the primary challenge faced by the human resource is to select the right person, at right time and at the right place, The spread of the globalization has ensured level playing field for companies in respect of the information and availability of the finance (Kaur, 2014). It is considered that the literature of the study to be important for the owners of the companies to hire educated, skills and employees in the company, as they are the main human capital of the company (Elangovan & Karakowsky, 1999); (Garavan, 1991).

Similarly, the practitioners of human resource are also deemed to be important human capital in companies because of the knowledge, skills and competence for managing the complex and broad functions like the human resources (Bates & Hatcher, 2002); (Bates R. A., 2001); (Budhwar & Debrah, 2002); (Buyens & Dewettinck, 2001); (B. & Debrah, 1995). Unfortunately, lack of intellectual in the professionals of human resources, who are the main human capitals in the functions of human resources are regarded as impeding the effectiveness of the functions of the human resources in firms (ABDULLAH, 2009).

Conclusion and Implications

For concluding it can be said that the practices of human resources are becoming more and more challenging day after day. they have to face lots of issues like the retention, employee attraction, dealing with the varied cultural people, management of the workforce diversity, technological changes for overcoming the issues in human resource management.  For reducing the mobility of the professional personnel people of human resource needs to motivate them for monetary and non-monetary functions. Proper evaluation system of performance  and proper career development plans are to be utilized in the organizations for reducing the professional mobility

In general, the challenges faced by managers of human resources in the effective management of human resource varies from concerns in respect of the lack of intellectual of professionals of human resource in coping with the demands of the knowledgeable workers. Furthermore, the lack of commitment towards training can be considered throughout the companies, from top managements to shop floor workforces. The top officials and the managerial level employees are determined to be uncooperative towards human resources, though the lower level employees lack of commitments for participating in training. This shows that the employees may be embedding the pessimistic attitudes towards the training and being resistant towards changes. Of course, the phenomena of change is often resisted by employees for taking aboard the leanings and adapting the skills and competencies. The point of fact is that the practitioners of human resources are considered to be confronted with the individual employee negotiated characters of the learning rather the resources that are required for supporting the learning. Indeed such dimensions, in learning are said to be important adaptations in respect to fostering learning. The literature review has successfully determined that challenges towards effective management of human resources. However, the findings from the research study mainly reflect the major issues being faced by human resource managers in effective management. Therefore it is considered that the findings will contribute towards and expand the literature son human resource development. It is important the role of the human resource manager should parallel the needs of the changing companies, Successful companies are becoming quite adaptable and resistant towards changes. Within the new environment of business, the professionals of human resources need to learn how to manage effectively through the planning and leading the human resources and becoming knowledgeable of the emerging needs and trends in employee developments.

  • The managers needs to change from ethnocentric views to cultural relative perspectives
  • One of the effective way of handling diversity issue sis through the initiation of diversity mentoring
  • Organization of talents strategically
  • Human resource manager needs to conduct regular assessments of the issues like pay and work environment
  • gain sharing programs should be initiated in the common effort of improving the organizational performance
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