Challenges In Regional Tourism In Australia: A Literature Review

Project Objective

Tourism refers to the travel that an individual undertakes for the purpose of pleasure or that of business. It is indicative of the business of attracting and accommodating the tourists and it goes beyond perception of concept of tourism being limited to that of holiday activity (Wray 2015). A region can be described as an area which can be separated from another area by dint of its distinctive culture along with structure. Regional tourism refers to tourism which is concentrated within a region. This literature review elaborates on the challenges pertaining to regional tourism within Australia. The literature review discusses how the lack of adequate marketing along with the lack of target that acts like a barrier in the path of regional tourism within Australia.

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The objective of this project is to discuss about the challenges that the sector of regional tourism face within Australia. The objective of the project is to discuss about the dearth of information technology along with globalization that acts like a barrier for regional tourism within Australia. The project states how marketing and understanding the demographics of Australia can prove to be crucial factors that can aid in the growth of regional tourism of Australia. The project also states how lack of service, infrastructure and leadership acts as impediment pertaining to regional tourism of Australia.

The scope of the project is to describe in vivid details the causes that lead to the decline of regional tourism of Australia. The project clearly states how lack of the element of information technology and that of globalization prevents the propagation of regional tourism of Australia. The scope of the project covers how marketing along with demographics act as important factors that deters the prospering of regional tourism of Australia. The project also states recommendations that can act to the benefit of regional tourism of Australia.

Tourism industry refers to a business sector that can operate with the help of information along with communication technologies. Regional tourism necessitates that accurate along with localised data should be provided to the customers. Advance technology should be used in the field of regional tourism that can act as an advantage for regional tourism in Australia. Accurate information is of pivotal importance in the field of regional tourism and this can help in increasing the popularity of regional tourism within Australia. The sector of regional tourism in Australia cannot adapt to the changing technology and hence this sector cannot adapt to the modern methods of marketing (Keogh et al. 2018). Advances in the field of electronic based information is transforming the tourism sector and it has been found that the regional tourism sector within Australia have not been able to make progress at that level and this had negative consequences for regional tourism within Australia. Cost in relation to information and communication technology is falling in the present age and hence its application is of grave importance for the regional tourism in Australia. The increasing use of the information technology can help in creating new opportunities for that of the low-income countries and it can be useful in the promotion of social along with economic development of a country. Internet is an important element in relation to tourism and it can help in gathering knowledge regarding consumers or the tourists. The use of online resources is increasing in the present age and the components of tourism product do not want to risk itself of being invisible in the cyberspace (Mahadevan 2014). The web can help in providing the tourist firms ability of reaching consumers who are highly motivated with messages that are rich in information.  The competitive advantage of the regional tourism in Australia on that of Internet cannot be realized by the application of existing marketing model.

Project Scope

Globalization of economy acts as a challenge pertaining to regional tourism within Australia. It has been emphasized by researchers that nation along with region can be constituted with the help of typology of the overlapping far connections and the relations. Globalized economy in the present age has created barriers for the regional tourism existing in Australia. The concentration of the people should be designed as an active component of the globalized world. The regional tourism within Australia lacks the social along with institutional networks that serves like a barrier in the path of regional tourism within Australia. The regional tourism can operate with the help of sectoral innovation system and these can be achieved with the help of mobilization of the specific constellation of the regimes. Globalization needs qualified human resources along with established personal contacts and these acts like challenges in relation to regional tourism in Australia (Gibson and Connell 2016). The global climate can be said to be volatile and this opens challenges for that of regional tourism existing in Australia. The regional tourism in Australia is not capable of embracing a continuous approach that can help in the monitoring of the future trends. Globalization has paved the path for the creation of new tourism policies and this acts as hindrance for that of regional tourism existing in Australia. Globalization has been responsible for increasing the interdependence that exist between the countries and the people (Ruhanen and Whitford 2017). This has paved the path for creating global tourism and there are many tourism business has made use of competitive strategy pertaining to internationalisation.

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Marketing refers to concept which is made use of by organizations that helps it in carrying out interaction with the consumers that proves to be useful in relation to market segmentation. Research has brought out the fact that regional tourism within Australia lacks the aspect of marketing that proves to be a hindrance in the path of regional tourism in Australia. It has been found that regional tourism in Australia does not have mobile website and the consumers cannot book in real time. The dearth of marketing on the part of tourism business in Australia is a drawback for that of regional tourism existing in Australia. Recent data has brought out the fact that the regional tourist operators of Australia does not have proper website that lessens the chances of success pertaining to regional tourism in Australia (Valente, Dredge and Lohmann 2015). The regional tourism companies in Australia does not have knowledge about the marketing technology and hence they lag behind as compared to the other tourism companies in the world. The regional tourism companies in Australia does not make use of content marketing which is a challenge in the path of regional tourism within Australia. The marketing techniques does not aim at the target markets that throws open barriers in the path of regional tourism in Australia. The tourist companies are not properly positioned in the market and hence this sector incurs losses. The innovative approaches are not taken recourse to in marketing that costs the industry of regional tourism of Australia (Zhou-Grundy and Turner 2014). There are various approaches that can be used by regional tourism that can help in devising innovative approaches that can come to be of use for the tourism sector in Australia.

Literature Review: Lack of Information Technology

It has been found that regional tourism within Australia cannot identify the target and this failure has detrimental effects on that of regional tourism in Australia. The emphasis is laid in Australia on the element of traditional tourism that caters to the needs of the old people. Proper attention is not laid on the needs of all the generations that creates challenges in the path of regional tourism within Australia. In the event of understanding about market demographics, a company can stretch budget that can help a company in finding the ideal customer. The regional tourism in Australia should target the millenials that can help in increasing the popularity of regional tourist companies in Australia. The sector of tourism in Australia can focus on the element of direct mail marketing that can help them in understanding demography of visitors. Regional tourism within Australia does not lay emphasis on various demographic factors like generations, ethnicity and income that acts as a deterrent in the propagation of regional tourism of Australia (Medlik 2016). Regional tourism should focus on ‘Baby Boomers’ along with the ‘Mature’ generations and make products that can serve the needs of all kinds of customers. Regional tourism should make products on the basis of needs of people from different ethnic backgrounds that can increase the popularity of regional tourism of Australia. Demography is an important factor that can be instrumental in shaping future of tourism. The demographic trends can change demand pertaining to tourism that has an effect on the structuring of the industries. The regional tourism within Australia does not keep into cognizance the aspect of population growth that deteriorates success pertaining to regional tourism in that of Australia. The understanding of demographics can help an individual in understanding about the kinds of recreational activities that would be pursued by the people living in Australia.

Tourism service can be called a service industry that is instrumental in providing service to the consumers. The regional tourism sector in Australia cannot provide top service that deteriorates the popularity of regional tourism in Australia. It has been found that there exist shortage of around 38, 000 people in different areas of the Australian industry. The dearth of skills in relation to workers in the tourism industry costs heavily the element of regional tourism of Australia. The tourism industry needs people having varying amount of skills that can help in providing greater amount of customer service to the tourists visiting Australia ( 2018).  There is the need of upgrading and promoting various facets of tourism that can help in the revival of regional tourism within Australia. The funding has been cut by the successive government in Australia and this had a great impact on regional tourism of that of Australia.

There exist three important infrastructure needs in relation to the regional tourism of Australia. There exist shortage of the upmarket hotel accommodation in the important getaways of Australia. This has contributed to a great extent in creating a stagnant market in relation to regional tourism of Australia. Tourism infrastructure is indicative of physical elements that can help in catering to needs of the visitors. Tourism infrastructure is inclusive of the ancillary along with complementary facilities that is crucial for the proper functioning of regional tourism of Australia. The tourism infrastructure can increase efficiency of the production along with distribution in relation to tourism services in Australia. The transport infrastructure is lacking in that of regional tourism within Australia that greatly costs the regional tourism industry of Australia ( 2018). The transport infrastructure can help in providing destination access to the tourists from that of international markets that can prove to be an important factor in popularizing regional tourism within the boundary of Australia. The accommodation facilities are lacking pertaining to regional tourism that do not prove to be fruitful in the accommodation of tourists which can play a pivotal role in attracting the tourists to Australia. Environmental infrastructure is indicative of national parks, reserves along with the marine parks. The element of social infrastructure is not financed by the state that proves to be detrimental for the aspect of regional tourism of that of Australia. Investment is an important component that can help the regional tourism in making profits in Australia. The tourism related products along with services are not properly developed in Australia that acts like a challenge for tourism sector of Australia ( 2018).  The dearth of state investment along with private investment from the business owners proves to be relevant factors that threatens the growth of regional tourism of Australia.


The lack of transparency along with accountability in relation to regional tourism in Australia has cost greatly the regional tourism of Australia. The sector of regional tourism within Australia lack the expertise and the resources that can help them in managing tourism among the public and the private actors. The development agencies within Australia do not know how to work with the government bodies. Australia does not possess economic development agency that can prove to be useful in mobilising the resources in practised manner. The development agencies of Australia are not equipped with the proper kind of funding that greatly harms regional tourism sector present in Australia. There remains local leadership gap that prevents the regional communities of Australia in developing the coherent strategies that can help them in dealing with events ( 2018).  The regional tourism sector of Australia operates in a competitive environment and the lack of proper governance in Australia prevents the development of regional tourism within Australia. Leadership can prove to be an important factor that can help in the sustainable regional development of Australia. The dynamic leaders can help in the addressing the needs of various stakeholders in the field of tourism. Effective leadership in the field of tourism can help in leveraging the external resources and it can help in achieving collective impact on Australia ( 2018). The regional tourism in Australia lacks in relation to strategic planning that prevents the deployment of the resources in Australia. There exist no integrative along with formalised plan that can help the regional tourism in Australia in adapting to the changing situations. The governance in Australia can emphasize on the aspect of short along with long term objectives that can help in the flourishing of regional tourism in Australia.


Tourism is indicative of travel that is pursued by an individual for the sake of pleasure. Accurate data is needed in the field of regional tourism that can help in the development of regional tourism of Australia. Advance technology in relation to regional tourism can act as a positive factor for the propagation of regional tourism of Australia. The social networks are lacking pertaining to regional tourism that is instrumental in acting like a challenge for the spread of tourism in Australia. The companies in relation to regional tourism lack in respect to marketing technology that deters the growth of regional tourism in that of Australia. Importance is laid on that of traditional tourism that serves needs of the senior population of Australia. The needs of the various generations are not considered pertaining to regional tourism that is instrumental in creating challenges for regional tourism in Australia. Transport infrastructure is not developed in Australia that has a negative impact on that of regional tourism within Australia. There occurs lack of the element of transparency that has a detrimental effect on regional tourism of Australia. Regional tourism does not have the expertise that can be useful in managing the aspect of tourism in public along with private actors of Australia. It can be recommended that tourism policies within Australia should be developed with the help of state along with federal government of Australia that can act as an impetus for the growth of regional tourism of Australia. It is recommended that funding should be prioritised in Australia that can remove the obstacle pertaining to regional tourism of Australia. Research should be carried out by the government of Australia that can help them in removing the barriers in relation to regional tourism of Australia.

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