- September 06, 2024/
The Center for Biosecurity of UPMC recently hosted a conference entitled: Charting the Future of Biosecurity: Ten Years after the Anthrax Attacks. Let’s go to the conference, shall we: Go to Conference
Panel 1: Watch the conference video Present and Future Biothreats moderated by Col. Randy Larsen with panelists D. A. Henderson and Richard J. Danzig.
Panel 2: Watch the conference video Looking Ahead in U.S Health Security moderated by Richard Besser with panelists Thomas Frieden, Andrew Weber, and Nicole Lurie.
Do you recognize these guys? Just curious… Now then: listen carefully to the questions asked by the moderator and from the floor, critique each conference with careful writing and critical thinking. What did you find intriguing and what answers did you find interesting and learn from? What surprised you? What disappointed you? Do you agree with the panelists, their present appraisals on biosecurity, and the problems we face in the future? Which conference did you enjoy the most? Explain and interact with your colleagues with increased depth of discussion. God forbid we have an old-fashioned argument…
APA format, 1 1/2 page, in-text citation, references include, answer both panel.