Commercial Planning And Project Management: A Comprehensive Guide

Learning Outcome – Commercial Planning and Commercial Project

Discuss About The Business And Society Stakeholders Ethics Public Policy.

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Project manager and a project management play a very important role in an organization and in functioning of a project. A project management if planner in an appropriate manner can be very beneficial for the organization. It can also increase the productivity of the organization and reduce cost involved in the project. During the interaction among stakeholders, it is very common that conflicts may occur. These conflicts can be tackled by various measures. The following report discusses various factors that affect an organization directly or indirectly.

A commercial planning is a set of activities that should be implemented in order to manufacture new and innovative products (Hauff and Fischer, 2017). Commercial planning also lists the techniques that could be used in order to bring improvement as well as develop the products or services produced by an organization. A commercial project facilitates as well as structures a business procedure. It acts as building blocks for small scale as well as big scale industries. These industries include industry, hotel and office. Without proper registration, the commercial project cannot function properly (Behzadian and Kapelan, 2015). The commercial planning a d commercial project play different roles that are beneficial for the organizations. Some of the advantages include

Commercial planning helps an organization to improve the quality of products or services manufactured by the particular organization. It also helps the organization to bring about changes in the products and services n order to make it better and attract customers to buy them (McGarry, Bokrantz and Sullivan, 2014). Commercial planning can also be used in order to control the implementation process. An organization uses various methods for increasing their revenue. These methods are to be used in a proportion. Overuse of any method can lead to damage in the products or services provided by the organization. Commercial panning helps in controlling the implementation of processes.

Commercial project ensures that a particular project would be completed in a definite time and in a proper way. It also makes sure that the project uses necessary resources and the required workforce is utilized. The project should not exceed its deadline but it can be completed before the actual deadline. A commercial projects needs to cooperate with various departments of the organization. This is done in order to reduce barriers as well as difficulties. Sometimes in an organization, the higher authority hardy communicates with the employees at lower level. This communication barrier affects the organization.

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Commercial project management gives direction to a particular project. It provides a clear idea that where the project head and what should is the project all about (Demian and Walters, 2014). The basic aim of project management is to list the important activities and calculate the cost that would be invested in carrying out the project. It also decides the tasks that need to be carried out and the resources that would be required for carrying out the project. Besides this project management also ensures that the work is been carried out properly and the resources are used efficiently.


Commercial project management can also relocate the resources if it is found that the resources used re not efficient enough to make the production better. New resources can be allocated and some existing resources can be de allocated. This proper and better allocation of resources help the organizations to improve reduction and reduce the amount of wastes produced.

The implementation of commercial planning and commercial project leads to better outcome of products as well as resources provided by the organization. Implementation of better commercial planning and commercial project had benefits on many organizations.

An organization consists of a group of stakeholders. These stakeholders have different interests. Conflict might occur between them when they are asked for their suggestions. These conflicts taking place among the stakeholders can be avoided or dealt with by using most efficient way. Strategies should be figured out in order to satisfy the needs as well as demands of the most necessary stakeholders. Stakeholders play an important role in a project or a contract (Lawrence and Weber, 2014). A definite level of harmony should be maintained amount the stakeholders of an organization. The fulfillment of the necessities of the stakeholders should be maintained by an organization. If it is not done, there will be conflict between the stakeholders and the particular project would not function properly. Conflicts between the stakeholders or not fulfillment of the demands of stakeholders nay lead in minimization of the risk that arises after the disappointments of the minor parties. Stakeholders are divided into various parts; these parts include employees, shareholders, managers and directors (Zavyalova and Pfarrer, 2016). External stakeholders include members of the organization. External stakeholders include suppliers, customers, pressure groups and government.

Conflict between stakeholders should be avoided by fulfilling their demands and needs. If possible, conflict should be avoided. If conflict occurs then it should be tackled by using various strategies.

In a commercial negotiation, the commercial project manager plays an important role. The commercial project manager helps the organization to attain success. The commercial project manager identifies as well as implements the opportunities in a business (Martinelli and Milosevic, 2016). The manager also manages the human resources of a team. It is the manager’s responsibility to reduce the risks of negotiation in a project. This is done by researching market as well as analyzing the data obtained from sales. The manager defines strategies that are appropriate for every negotiation situation. This enhances the reputation of an organization along with maintaining a stable relationship among the parties involved with the organization. Not every project is similar to others. This is the reason that the causes of conflict and type of conflict differs in every project. The strategies applied in order to tackle the conflicts are also different in every project (Kerzner and Kerzner, 2017). The strategies used in order to manage the conflict should be analyzed properly based on their standards as well as lifecycles of every project. This is done in order to ensure positive outcomes after the conflict. Conflict management can be carried out by applying g various techniques, these techniques include:

  • Accommodation: In this process, a party agrees to the other party because it does not want any conflict and wants to maintain peace.
  • Avoiding: this process includes avoidance of conflict and taking measures that could help in avoiding the conflicts.
  • Collaborating: this process involves taking a particular decision that would be agreed upon by everyone. This would lead in no more conflicts
  • Compromising: this process includes the compromise of a party and let the other party go ahead. This deals with compromising of a party and agrees to the other party’s decision.
  • Competing: In this process, none of the parties is ready to compromise. They do not agree in giving up and thin k the opposition to be a competition.

Learning Outcome – Stakeholders and Conflict Management

The use of the strategies by various organizations has brought peace in them and a better relationship between the stakeholders and other members of an organization.

RBP associates itself with a good strategy of negotiation. This strategy lets the contractors as well as parties to seek for their mutual goals as well as objectives. This focuses mainly on the relationship between the embers of an organization (Blaschke and Schoeneborn, 2016). The communication gap between the members is reduced or at least measures are taken to reduce the gap between the members. This strategy of decreasing the communication gap among the members helps in supporting the negotiators. For maintaining peace among the stakeholders, it is very important to define properly their needs and expectations from a particular project. This helps the organization to understand the stakeholders and know figure out how conflict can be avoided among them. This helps in better relationship among the stakeholders and increases the production of the organization. The development and maintenance of the relationship include maintaining a better communication among them (Bloom, Garicano and Sadun, 2014). Communication plays Avery important role in creating a good relationship among the stakeholders a well as members of the organization. Good communication allows the parties to share their opinions and suggestions among themselves without any hesitation (Cornelissen and Cornelissen, 2017). This also helps them to know who agrees with their opinions and who do not agree. Steps might be taken in order to maintain a healthy relationship among the members of the organization.

The organizations applying methods to increase collaboration among their members have achieved success and their stakeholders have better relationship among themselves. Communication gap between them has been removed by taking various measures.

A project manager plays an important role for the functioning of a project. A manager plays different roles for different projects. Every project has different nature, number of people involved in the project and characteristics of the project. This is the reason a manager plays different roles in every project because it helps in increasing the efficiency of the project and decreasing the chances of negotiation and conflict (Modaff, Butler and DeWine, 2016). The role of project manager does not differ based on site or sector where he works. This is because in every industry and domain the risks faced by the organization are different. The strategies to maintain the peace is also different. Project managers are responsible for similar activities, such as they establish unique plans, decides schedules, carry out documenting, estimates cost, influences strategies as well as partners business. Relationship based procurement has been a common concept in many fields (Meng and Boyd 2017). The project delivery mechanism should be a problem solving mechanism as well. Delays as well as changes and disruptions in any of the projects under an organization will cause damage for those projects. Thus, damages could be financial as well as non-financial. The damages are dependent on the risks faced by the organization. The damages might be increase in the capital of investment, the damaging of brand’s image and failure of the project affecting the organization directly or indirectly.


The project manager should be a guide to the project functioning. He decides various factors, which the organization follows in order to gain success in a project. These factors if followed properly results in better outcome of project as well as the process being cost effective.

It is very important to define the difference among engagement management and project management. Engagement management allows an organization to increase its capacity (Badaloo, Chavda and Denesuk,  2015). It also helps the organization to achieve success as a whole instead of individual group. Project management is narrower than engagement management (Kerzner and Kerzner, 2017). The role of a project manager is extended in the concept of engagement manager. This helps in approaching clients that have potential in them as well as make use of their skills. This is done for securing deals. The engagement management process is nearly similar to an approach that is systematic.

Engagement management and project management if used efficiently is very beneficial to the organizations. The benefit may be financial as well as non-financial.


From the above-mentioned lectures it can be concluded that project manager, project manager, engagement management plays various roles in an organization. The stakeholders of an organization should be cooperative and their needs as well as their demands should be fulfilled. The relation between the members of an organization has to be maintained. This maintenance of relationship is done by promoting a good communication skill among these members.


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