Comparing Water And Energy Sustainability In Australia And Saudi Arabia

The Importance of Sustainable Water and Energy Management


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Discuss about the Availability and Sustainable Management.

Sustainable water and energy management is the driving role of a nation that adapts quick innovation and strategy to build better impact over the counties framework. These are the environmental accounts that take the demographical transition to the effective base of the country. Water has the highest value as the most risk orientation is depended on the availability of this environmental product. Natural water sustainability is the key underpinning function that provides infrastructural necessities and improves the quality of electricity, business, and artificial powers.

In this report water and energy sustainability is being discussed and analyzed in comparing to Australia and Saudi Arabia. The approach and incorporated factors regarding this issues and government interventions for this process may surface the appropriate comparison of these factors. Technical innovations and evaluation process from non-governmental sector also make the difference in project implementation and these are also being discussed in this report.

The Australian government has taken certain initiation to make sustainable conservation of natural resource in Australia. Water reformation is one such achievement that Australian government has done in recent days. Murray-Darling Basin plan is the sustaining mannerism of ecological function in Australian water reformation (Grafton and Horne 2014). Commonwealth water and environmental progression is the major helping process that provides sustainable future generation of ensuring healthy strong community, power impacts, rivers and food and fiber productions that provides the utmost clearance in the environment. Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act is being implemented in a revised way so that strategic assessment form this act determine the impactful condition to sustain those natural waters and energy resources. There are several indigenous programs in Australia that invest maximum achievements and fulfill the developmental change in Australian environmental and economic indicators. In this act, the proposed urban development has been done where six new suburbs have been streamlined and facilities are delivered to the 13000 homes. In case of energy conservation and making good opportunities for the future, a certain process like QVMAG Museum where the reduced energy consumption has been proceeding and those facilities are used by the government for the further understanding ( 2017). Heating and cultivation, radiant heater control all these are expected to save the electricity as well as the power consumption for the development of the nation for future implementation. Through all this, estimated process water can be saved by 15,400 KL per year and almost 425,000kWh energy can be saved in a year (Alshuwaikhat et al. 2017). This saved energy and water are the form of good resource for the better fixtures and conditions.

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Sustainable Water and Energy Management in Australia

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia Government has aimed for the better energy installation and concern over the future energy sustainable condition that may enrich their productiveness in power and natural resource accumulation. There is some technological assistance also used for this mentioned development, however, the implementation of policy and innovative thinking of adjusting the installation process enhance the quality and role of the process. WFES 2017 is the new master plan of Saudi Arabia that impact over the solar and wind process and resultant on the energy and water viability in Saudi Arabia ( 2017). Energy trading and ventures are under this plan and that generated electricity and commits the Independent power purchase to provide huge opportunity in the national economy. UAE solar innovation process is another process for maintaining the energy conservation and support the strategic implementation of the nation (Grindle, Siddiqi and Anadon 2015).

In case of Australia, research techniques and innovations are being introduced to maintain this process of sustainability of water and energy process. Green Growth is a productive process of water sustainability that provides the consumption of non-renewable energy and continues the use of high-value use. In the aspect of climatic change and estimated population is a concern this strategic change in Australia must enhance the demographical and exponential growth of the nation. Australian agricultural activity is depended on the water usefulness and this management innovation can serve the advancement in technological aspect and water supply and distribution throughout the country. Annual renewable water resource form this innovative implementation figured as 400,000 GL which has been used in manufacturing products, mining sections, urban distribution, agriculture and other issues (Brookes and Carey 2015). R & D innovation program is a technological implementation that provides increased productivity and mitigates the environmental changes and restores the useful resources. Installation of low energy high-efficiency pumping, groundwater extraction, and monolayer based evaporation reservoir, harvest storm-water, bio-filter stormwater, territory waste water all these are the supply and treatment process that ensures the highest value of the nation by implementing those technological impacts.

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia has implemented the government leads plan KAPSARC which revised the climate research method and advances the energy efficiency in global development and aim to lead in the energy market. Technological enhancement like CCS is the major renewable process that created for the development of UAE structural framework. There are certain Saudi universities who have indulged in this process of power and resource gathering where the technical implementation and scientific amalgamation of blending are quite helpful for the development of the country (Ouda 2014). The nation has the potential of converting their oil into gas and energy generation however for the change in the environmental and economic section they have to confront this strategic scientific implementation and technological invention.

Sustainable Water and Energy Management in Saudi Arabia

There are different nongovernmental organizations in Australia who have worked on the best viability of water and power conservation. Water efficiency and the supply of groundwater and capturing the rainwater form stadium roof and applied them in toilet ground is the purpose to mitigate the water effect and sanitation cleaning process. Australian Lutheran World Service, Action Aid Australia, Act for Peace- National Council of Churches Australia all these are the nongovernmental organization and they have the good involvement in this process of acceleration in water and energy viability (Jones 2014). From the implementation of new innovations, daily consumption of water has dropped down in an emphatic manner in different sections. Inver may park tank is being used in this process and 60,000 liters of water has been stored. Possible movement in the fluorescent tube or the change in LED lights is the concern alteration that has also mitigate the energy expenses and conserve the energy in a good manner (Ghaffour, Missimer and Amy 2013). The annual energy consumption has been reduced to the 100,000kWh per year by the implementation of new strategic changes and technological assistance.

In case of Saudi Arabia, development and estimation of nongovernmental organization and their effective indulge situation in the contemporary process of sustainability can provide the strong recommendation in this prospect. The nongovernmental organization like Human Rights Watch, International Islamic Relief Organization, al-Haramain Foundation all these working on the estimating requirement of power and water usage (Marchettini et al. 2014). This is the way of help generation that these organizations have done and implementing the innovation system and provides the best possible way to sustain water and energy in their nation.

Australian projects like Eco Smart Biz, Community engagement process to provide knowledge about the water and power conservation, different collaboration process to assist the safe and secure water extraction is the wider settlement of innovative programs ( 2017). The Green Effective plan is the kind of exemplar project that provide the operation energy and power of sustainability in water and power section for the implemented strategic change and impose session.  

On the other hand, Saudi Arabian projects have provided relative strength in mechanism and explore the possible reinforce to the improvement of water and energy viability. The changing process of PV module or the HYSOLAR programs is the creating mannerism that can influence the contribution to the natural resources as well ( 2017). In case of exemplar discussion the natural reservoir of water conservations like Saq-Ram, Wajid aquifer is the main source of sustainability of water. Distillation of water pipes and the intervention of the technical aspects are the discursive mart of fulfilling the sustainable criteria. In case of the establishment, the right way of renewable energy sources and the natural water effectiveness with the power of research and technical assistance enhance the process.


The potential change in water energy and change in the environmental demographic process are featuring the landscape for the efficient measure extension for the sustainable condition of the nation. Water Demand Management and the wise consumption of significant irrational use of water is the application process of convinced measure and educating the judicious use of awareness. If the use of power consumption and wastewater controlling has been done in an effective way then the problem from these issues may be mitigated and urbanized area controlling by supplying water will be more specific and well under control. The issues are same for the Saudi Arabia, as the country has enough demand regarding the oil mines thus the controlling energy through the process and use of that energy for the development of nation and to build more natural water sustainability for the economic, social and environmental efficiency is relevant and important as well for the development of the world.


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