Conference On Environmental Degradation Of Materials – Discussions And Recommendations

Lack of Tree Preservation Action Causes Environmental Degradation

Discuss About The Conference On Environmental Degradation Of Materials.

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The paper mainly focuses on the aspect of environmental degradation and thereby brings in the actions and the activities of humans as well that has contributed towards the degradation or towards the downside of the environment. WHO says that environmental degradation is occurring in a rapid space and one among the most important statistical evidence is the melting of the glaciered of Antarctica that has speeded up to 8% in the year 2017. The paper has been presented in two broad paragraphs that broadly explores over this idea and also provides a detailed study of the same so as to make the paper all the more through and relevant.  The issue here is lack of attention and care by the humans for the Mother Nature or environment and that has resulted in environmental degradation. The opinion here is lack of positive action and activities or approaches by humans for developing the environment has resulted in environmental degradation. The idea such as lack of trees preservation action and also lack of sustainable approaches action to living and use natural resources can be used to substantiate the opinion or the thesis statement here.

Tree preserving activities need to be done. There have been no enough tree preserving activities around the world. It is argued here that lack of tree preserving activities have lead to environmental degradation and environmental downfall (Wright,  Paraventi and Jackson 2018). Example in this context can be provided. As per report or survey result it is known that in eminent places of the world like USA, UAE and others nearly 42% of trees has been cut and that there has been no preserving approach or control by humans and this has lead to increasing temperature and also has lead to global warming which is naturally and obviously a degrading condition. Trees are left open, unprotected to be cut mainly to free spaces to build multistoried buildings (Wright,  Paraventi and Jackson 2018). It is explained here that the trees are not preserved or protected since the people do not understand the importance of it and also in face of economic development and modern day progress a huge number of trees are cut on daily basis and this disturbs the environmental balance and also disrupts the ecological balance where the amount of carbon-di-oxide as well as the issue of soil erosion and falling of other number of trees could be found. The lack of tree preservation approach has lead to the condition of environmental degradation and this is harmful for the entire world (Wright,  Paraventi and Jackson 2018). The evidence here is presented that includes global warming in places like Australia and others and also lack of pure and fresh oxygen in the surroundings across the world.

Unsustainable Approaches to Living and Using Natural Resources Contribute to Environmental Downfall

However past research says that or it has been deduced from past research that lack of tree preserving activities does not bring in environmental degradation as the research says that this is not only the reason of environmental degradation and that activities like planting trees or tree plantation can also be one of the steps to combat the situation (Howard 2017). Example here includes countries like Africa, USA and others have not dwelt much on tree preservation despite that the prospect of environmental degradation is high in these places. It is explained here that environmental degradation is a condition that occurs due to many reason and preserving of trees alone cannot help the situation (Howard 2017). Evidence like the prosperity of some of the countries like Russia, China and Japan despite the lack of tree preserving activities is environmentally sound and fit than most other countries. 

Sustainable approaches need to be advocated to help in development of environmental condition. There has been no enough sustainable way of living by people around the world. It is argued here that lack of sustainable approaches to life and utility of natural resources have lead to environmental downfall or environmental degradation (Howard 2017). Example here can be cited that includes the lifestyle of the modern day humans in this busy world where there is extensive use of vehicles emitting toxic gases, extensive use of power and energy in offices or workplaces like in form of 24 into 7 air conditioners, laptops and others (Wright,  Paraventi and Jackson 2018). Besides this example also include reckless use of plastic bags, utilization of natural resources like coal, water and fuels without thinking about the next generation or depleting it in a reckless way (Howard 2017). These are some of the examples that can be referred to here or can be broadly cited here (Wright,  Paraventi and Jackson 2018). It is explained here that due to improper actions and activities of human that include unhealthy and unsustainable living conditions the environmental degradation has been brought in. the negligence and the lack of acre and attention of humans for the nature has brought in the situation of environmental degradation and this is very harmful for the normal growth and development of the society or the natural surroundings of the society (Al-Mulali et al. 2015). Evidence like unsustainable way of lifestyle way of transportation in USA where all own a private cars, thus increasing to the toxic gases amount in the environment and also use of natural resources without conservation, wastage of water and others have contributed to environmental degradation.

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Non-adherence to Environmental Policies and Norms is also a Contributor to Environmental Degradation

However as per past research by WHO it is known or it can be said that the actions of humans like unsustainable way of living cannot be solely considered to be the reason behind environmental degradation as the prospect of environmental degradation also crops up or comes into context from non adherence of environmental policies and norms (Al-Mulali et al. 2015). This accounts to environmental degradation and also disruption in the environment that is harmful for all (Howard 2017). Example here is provided through the data collected by WHO where it points out only 30% of the countries in the world adheres to environmental policies and norms and the rest does not comply to that. It is explained here that sustainable living and sustainable approaches to use resources and also other natural element is very necessary and mandatory but other than this the lack of adherence to environmental norms and laws are also responsible to bring environmental degradation (Al-Mulali et al. 2015). Evidence here includes riding over the laid down rules of sustainable living and sustainable living condition as well.

Environmental degradation is brought in by maltreatment of waste products. This needs to be stopped and that can be done through proper waste treatment approaches (Howard 2017). Example in this context includes chemical discharge and discharges of waste industrial products into water bodies, into soil or ground and others (Howard 2017). It is explained here that due to this kind of discharges waste product get instantly mixed with environment and pollutes the environment which is harmful for living beings. Evidence includes mixing of harmful chemicals in oceans and also dumping of wastes in hay wards location thus polluting the soil surface.

However it is argued that male treatment of waste is not only the reason of environmental degradation and example includes environmental degradation due to personal habits and personal way of consciousness of environmental sustainability as well (Howard 2017). It is explained that environmental degradation can be saved through personal perspective as well and personal way of caring for environment. Evidence includes responsible citizens working towards betterment of environment.


The paper thereby brings in the context two important points or two important lacks of actions like preservation of trees and also unsustainable way of living and improving the condition of unsustainable living which leads to environmental degradation. Other than this is also referred to that how the human activities and functions and actions are mainly associated with or are the main reasons behind environmental degradation. It is recommended here that attention and acre and positive approaches towards environment needs to be taken to develop environment and save it from degradation.


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