Contemporary Issues In Human Resource Management

Key Research on Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management can be best defined as the process of managing the people in the organizations in an organized and proper manner that helps in the smooth running of the business. The HHRM covers a large area that starts from recruitment, retention, pay and parks setting, managing the performance, training and much more. However there has been a complete shift of paradigm of HRM in the recent past. The increasing amount of pressure on the modern organizations and the rapid globalization of the market has been the main reason for such a shift. The role of Human resources has thus evolved with time. The Human Resources management are thus tasked with the additional responsibility to value the employees accordingly and maintain peace in the workplace. It is their duty to ensure coordination amongst all the employees of the organization and increase their efficiency. The following study aims to highlight and analyze some key researches on the said topic to get a more detailed view of the following.

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Stankiewicz, K. (2015). Contemporary issues and challenges in human resource management-introduction. In GUT FME Conference Publications (pp. 7-8). Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology. 

The following research throws light on the crucial elements of Human Resource Management on how to control the workplace with a varied range of workforce coming from different backgrounds and belonging to different classes and different religions or races. Apart from this the researcher has also dealt with a various number of other HRM issues and concepts that are quite common in the modern world. The researcher has stressed the importance for the adaption of sustainable measures to facilitate the smooth running of the business. The researcher has also stressed the importance for the maintenance of a proper work environment to facilitate the proper functioning of the business organization. The researcher has also evaluated the importance of female leadership in the management of the organization. According to the researcher the modern day business world is in high need for improving the gender inequality. Such a move can help the business organizations to register a proper, effective and friendly working environment. The following research has identified corporate governance as one of the most important elements of business. Corporate Governance helps the organizations to ensure a smooth and reliable decision making process. The presence of corporate governance in the business ensures profitability as well as sustainability for the organization.

The Importance of Sustainability and Efficient Workplace Management

Bal, P. M., & de Jong, S. B. (2017). From human resource management to human dignity development: A dignity perspective on HRM and the role of workplace democracy. In Dignity and the Organization (pp. 173-195). Palgrave Macmillan, London. 

The authors in this particular research have focused their research based on the dignity of the employees in their respective workplaces. The main discussion point of the following study is the use of the resource based view of the business organization by means of HRM research. The authors believe that employee behavior is one of the most crucial factors to the success of the business organization. The stress has been given on the recruitment of employees who have valuable, unique, rare and precious set of skills that are hard to substitute or match. The HRM department of the organization must work in tandem and implement the use of such type of skills in the workplace to make sure that the organization can increase their performance and earn enormous profits. However the authors describes the limitations of the following policies as the policies turns the management of the organizations to a profit based firms and the employees are perceived to be merely instrumental to the goals of the business organizations.  This may lead to short term terminations and also to reduction in the strength of the employee size.  Therefore the management of the organizations must take a safety approach to avoid such complexions as such steps can create problems in the modern market. Therefore human dignity is being considered by the organizations to help them work in a friendly environment. 

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Renwick, D. W., Jabbour, C. J., Muller-Camen, M., Redman, T., & Wilkinson, A. (2016). Contemporary developments in Green (environmental) HRM scholarship.

The following study is based on the burning issue of the globalized world which is climate change. The ecologically damaging incidents like air and water contamination, nuclear accidents, gas spill are the most important considerations regarding the safety and security of the employees working in such industries and are vulnerable to such incidents. It has also been seen that the workplace contributes to the largest percentage of carbon emissions in the world. The carbon from the chimneys of the companies and the different machines are the cause of large scale carbon emissions. The report has studied the steps the different organizations are gradually taking up to ensure the safety of the environment as well as the workers. The maintenance of the environmental sustainability helps the organizations to match the different expectations of the employees and guarantee them a safe and secured workplace. The research has taken the help of different published reports of earlier researchers and has also used different web based sites to gather the required information which contains Scopus, EBSCO and many others as such.  The investigations were limited to a sample size of 50 different articles from the mentioned web pages and then analyzing the theories within each of them. 

The Role of Corporate Governance in Business Organizations

Saundry, R. A., Latreille, P., Dickens, L., Irvine, C., Teague, P., Urwin, P., & Wibberley, G. (2014). Reframing Resolution-Managing Conflict and Resolving Individual Employment Disputes in the Contemporary Workplace. Acas Policy Discussion Papers, 1-21.

The following article has been prepared by the authors to determine the way the management of the business organization deals with the variety of employee conflicts and disputes. The following topic has been an important consideration in the success of the modern business. The more a company is able to provide the workers a friendly environment that is free from any disputes the company will see the optimum use of resources and will ensure the maximum operational efficiency. The modern world is highly competitive and a small inefficiency can lead to huge losses. Therefore the organizations always prefer using new systems of performance management. The new system for performance management utilizes the maximum possible energy and efficiency of the employees and makes them discontent and weak in nature. Therefore the employees are dissatisfied with such a treatment and such a hostile environment leads to problems within the organization. The authors have also stressed on the importance of introduction of an online based management team that can look over the different aspects of the organizations. On the other hand, the centralization of the management will enable them to control the business organization in a proper manner. 

The above mentioned examples of different researches will be a vital source for the future researchers as it will show them the changing modes of the modern needs of Human Resource Management practices in the contemporary workplaces. The proper, efficient and smart management of the workplace can ensure future sustainability and a competitive edge in the market. Apart from such a consideration the management also has to ensure a green technological adaption for the organization to reduce the pollution emitted in the workplace and also to ensure the safety and security of the employees. The four articles have indicated the need for corporate governance in the managerial framework of the organization to make the operations of the business much more transparent and smooth in nature.


The summary of the following report has provided the insight on the aims of the particular report. The researcher has been able to gain a thorough and detailed understanding of the contemporary work environment and the ways to avoid conflicts and work in coordination with each other. The thorough analysis of the report will help in the proper understanding of the Human Resource Management and the effective steps that must be taken in the modern day world to achieve business efficiency. 

Bal, P. M., & de Jong, S. B. (2017). From human resource management to human dignity development: A dignity perspective on HRM and the role of workplace democracy. In Dignity and the Organization (pp. 173-195). Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Currie, D., Gormley, T., Roche, B., & Teague, P. (2017). The management of workplace conflict: Contrasting pathways in the HRM literature. International Journal of Management Reviews, 19(4), 492-509.

Garg, N., & Lal, B. (2015). Exploring the Linkage between Awareness and Perception of High-performance Work Practices with Employee Well-being at Workplace: A New Dimension for HRM. Jindal Journal of Business Research, 4(1-2), 81-100.

Kowalski, T., Loretto, W., & Redman, T. (2015). Special Issue of International Journal of Human Resource Management: Well-being and HRM in the changing workplace.

Martin-Rios, C., Pougnet, S., & Nogareda, A. M. (2017). Teaching HRM in contemporary hospitality management: a case study drawing on HR analytics and big data analysis. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 17(1), 34-54.

Renwick, D. W., Jabbour, C. J., Muller-Camen, M., Redman, T., & Wilkinson, A. (2016). Contemporary developments in Green (environmental) HRM scholarship.

Rodriguez, J. K., Johnstone, S., & Procter, S. (2017). Regulation of work and employment: advances, tensions and future directions in research in international and comparative HRM.

Saundry, R. A., Latreille, P., Dickens, L., Irvine, C., Teague, P., Urwin, P., & Wibberley, G. (2014). Reframing Resolution-Managing Conflict and Resolving Individual Employment Disputes in the Contemporary Workplace. Acas Policy Discussion Papers, 1-21.

Stankiewicz, K. (2015). Contemporary issues and challenges in human resource management-introduction. In GUT FME Conference Publications (pp. 7-8). Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology.

Verma, P., Nankervis, A., Priyono, S., Saleh, N. M. D., Burgess, J., & Connell, J. (2018). Graduate work-readiness challenges in the Asia-Pacific region and the role of HRM. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, (just-accepted), 00-00.