Critical Incident Analysis: A Nursing Student’s Experience

Identification of the critical incident during the group presentation

This report is about a critical incident which occurred during the group presentation. The incident happened to one of the group members who had to be hospitalised for some days. A lot of changes were observed in the student when she returned to school, most of which had a positive impact on her studies and future career (Bager-Charleson, 2012, p. 134).

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Task 1: Identification of the critical incident during the group presentation.

I was pregnant during the group presentation, and at that time I was admitted. Most of the time I faced a lot of challenges attending meetings which were organised by my colleagues which forced them to continuously keep updating me on the progress which they were making as a group. Most of my time in  hospital I spent observing as how the nurses and doctors work, even though I was hospitalised during that period I managed to prepare my presentations by the help of the updates which my colleagues kept updating me via phone. I presented ten days after others had presented .it was an incident which motivated the other group members and enabled them to work extra to finish preparing their presentations even though I was absent in most of the occasions (Downey, 2011, p. 149).

After I was done with my presentation it was stated by my tutor that I showed great concern in my study. My confidence was withstanding and most of my colleagues were challenged if they would have overcome the incident and be able to prepare presentations. I explained to my group members that the spirit which I have was purely founded on my culture. I had a lot of energy which was pushing me to be able to carry out my studies that were also another factor which made me be able to overcome the challenge (Debra, 2011, p. 215).

My stay in the hospital changed my perception of the hospital environment. This was due to the careful observations which I made during my stay and the interaction with the medical staff together with other patients who were admitted. I was able to identify the strengths and weakness of the health professionals. In that way, I had a higher advantage of knowing the areas which require improvement once I was to join them.

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While in the hospital I was made to understand attitudes of different people, own beliefs and values. The patients who were admitted to the hospital were coming from different cultures and through the interaction with them was able to understand their cultural values and believes which were much different from my own (Currie, 2012, p. 124).

Observations made during hospitalization

In most cases, I felt embarrassed, and many emotions were running through me when the incident ended. I had a lot of fear that the incident would have adverse effects on my results which made to lose my confidence in my classroom. I feared that my tutor was to have a negative attitude toward my behaviour (Downey, 2012, p. 98). Later on, I came to realise that the comment which the tutor wrote for me were much justified. My contributions were lacking through the semester, and I was much aware of that that also made me develop a lot of worries. It was an unfair situation for me to undergo through. In most of the cases I was doing well in my studies, and in most cases, I had turned out to be the best student.

I felt guilty due to my situation, and in most cases I was uncomfortable. The little contribution which I made to the group made me ashamed. Even though my group members understood the incident. I felt that I did a lot of injustice to them (Bulman, 2011, p. 67).

The incidence of me becoming pregnant it was much demanding to me. In most cases I was forced to be in an area which I did not like to be in, I was forced to acknowledge the areas which initially I lacked confidence completely. I feared that the tutors would change their attitude towards me. I worked under pressure in the remaining part of the module to be able to build the confidence which I taught other tutors would have lost in me. The worry within me was also rising as in most cases I found out that I needed to develop the confidence once again (Bradbury, 2014, p. 141).

Even though the incident which occurred caused me a lot of discomfort in school for a short period. I came to realise that the event was a very significant occurrence in my studies. After I delivered, I was forced to change my attitude and behaviour, and I became much aware of how my colleagues view me. Initially, I taught that I was much invisible to the tutors and my colleagues only come to realise that not talking and performing well in my studies made me stand out from my fellow students (Bolton, 2016, p. 265).

The tutors and also the group members advised me on how to develop my confidence gradually. The group discussions which took place while I was in the hospital I requested my group members to organise simple tutorials so that they would teach me what I did not cover while I was in the hospital. At the last days of the module, I had been able to cover the whole content which other group members had already covered (Bager-Charleson, 2014, p. 45).

Action plan as a result of critical incident analysis

The critical incident which occurred during our group presentations was of great importance to me. This is because it made me understand the different attitudes of different people who I interacted with while I was hospitalised, secondly it made me understand how different people view me which also enabled me to develop my confidence and finally I was able to understand how the hospital environment works, the strengths and weakness of different health professionals and the areas which they should improve (Ian, 2010, p. 102).

Once I am practising as a nurse, I will be much more efficient on the service delivery to the patients. I learnt a lot in the hospital which was to allow me to be able to deliver high-quality services to the patients. Also, the confidence which I developed when I returned to school can enable me to be able to carry out clinical examinations on patients without ant fear. The spirit was also to help me to feel to be in much control and help me to experience fewer nerves when I am carrying out my objectives on the structured clinical Examination assessment.

From the beginning, my tutor was very right on insisting that a health professional such as the doctors or nurses must have the capability of expressing his/her opinions and ideal confidently and apparently without any contradictions. For health professionals, good communication skills are very essential for them to perform their duties with ease. For me being able to interact with the different patients who we were admitted together in the hospital I developed some skills which will enable me to communicate with the patients without any difficulty (Jasper, 2013, p. 185).

The confidence which I developed in communication and understanding of different cultures was to enable the patients to have a high trust in me. The discussions which I was able to do with my group members even though I was under enormous pain was to help me to be enabled to solve any cases which were to arise at my workplace as a nurse. While I was in hospitals, I observed that the health professionals such as doctors and nurses they work in teams. The group members who I was working with was to give a chance to be able to know how to work with colleagues without any challenge.

Task 3: Action plan as a result of your critical incident analysis

After the critical incident analysis was done an action plan was required which was as follows:

To create a change team. I was to assemble different staff members and leaders. The selected individuals were to be having the qualities which were to drive successful initiatives. The change team which I picked was consisting the senior leaders, technical/clinical expertise and a front line of the members who I selected I ensured that he has a lot of knowledge on the strategies of the team, training techniques and the tools which the group was to use. The clinical expertise had a lot of experience in the processes improvement which was including the treading methods of performance (Kent, 2012, p. 275).

The primary purpose of having the change team was to improve the processes which were taking place in the hospital workplace. That is the lesson for me choosing the members who had experience with the clinical environment (Sicora, 2017, p. 69).

After the change team was created, the problem was defined. For my action plan, I identified an opportunity of improving the performance of the workplace and at the same time to ensure that the data of the patients were kept safely. The documents which were to be held safe included the team assessment questionnaires, the tools which were used to observe the performance of the workspace and the outcome measures (Loughran, 2012, p. 143).

The aims of the action plan were defined, and they included; increasing the number of trained nurses and other health professionals to be at least 80% within the period of study which the change team was going to carry out. The change the perception and attitudes of nurses and doctors and also to increase the number of unit staff who were working in the clinic workspace. The aims and objectives which were generated were mainly aimed at addressing the challenge which the change team identified to enable they solve the problem (Redmond, 2014, p. 134).

The intervention of the team was designed by use of the process improvement techniques which are to enable the reduction of human error. The step by step interventions which were to be implemented is to be observed to ensure that the objectives which the change team came up with are achieved (Swartz, 2013, p. 236).

A plan on how the effectiveness of the interventions was is tested if the responses which were put in place were able to achieve the objectives of the study. The plan on how the testing will be done is designed in a way if time and resources can’t allow all the interventions to be tested then the intervention is to be tested then the outcome is compared to the set-out objectives. The front line leader was to be in charge of the data collection and was to ensure that all the data which was collected was to be kept safe to obtain the best outcome.

An implementation plan is developed to enable my staff to be trained the knowledge and skills which are required to be able to implement the interventions in a much easier way. The plan for training the medical team was also developed. This is to ensure that all the medical professionals and all the other person who will be involved in the interventions are equipped with the necessary skills (Reed, 2012, p. 54).

A plan for sustained continues development is developed. The program which is developed is to allow space for improvement in the interventions which was to enable future growth on the responses which are put in place at this current time.

Within this action plan, a communication plan was developed. This program was targeting the major parties which will be involved in supporting the initiatives which are implemented by the team. All the stakeholders are carefully identified. For each of the stakeholders who were identified a communication plan was developed for member of the change team was tasked to oversee the communication plan (Ruch, 2011, p. 23).


In conclusion, the critical incident which occurred during the group presentation had a positive impact on the development of skills, studies and my future career. The action plan which I developed was to help in improving the services which were delivered at clinical workspaces. Which was to ensure that healthcare professional were to deliver their responsibility with a lot of dedication and determination.


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