Cryptocurrency Exchange App Development: A Solution To Secure Financial Transactions

Problem domain

The tile of the project is to develop Cryptocurrency exchange app.

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Problem domain

It is identified that earlier when transaction was done by using debit or credit card, then an individual need to provide access of full credit or debit line as they generally operate on pull basis where the stores generally initiates the entire payment and then pulls designated amount from the account. This process of payment that is used is not appropriate as it can create number of security as well as ethical issues.

The Cryptocurrency Exchange App Development generally resolves the issues and challenges. It is found that cryptocurrency exchange app utilizes Push mechanism that helps in allowing the holder of cryptocurrency to send exactly he or she wants with no further information. In addition to this, it is found that utilization of cryptocurrency helps in identity theft and immediate settlement.

The supervisor or the sponsor provides recommendation for completing development of Cryptocurrency within the budget that is approved. It is necessary to finish the project within the approved budget otherwise the project manager can face issues related to project.

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The research questions are provided below:

  • What are the issues that is faced during the use of cryptocurrency exchange app?
  • What are the benefits of cryptocurrency exchange app?
  • How cryptocurrency exchange app provides more security as compared to other payment methods?

According to Narayanan et al. (2016), cryptocurrency is defined as one of the digital asset that is mainly designed for working as a proper medium of exchange that utilizes strong cryptography for securing financial transactions, for controlling the development of extra units as well as for verifying the transfer of assets.

 It is stated by Delmolino et al. (2016) that due to data security as well as political interdependence, the users of cryptocurrency enjoys benefit that is available to the users of flat currencies. It is found that the government can be able to easily freeze a bank account that is mainly located within its jurisdiction. It is very much difficult to do the same with the funds that is held in cryptocurrency.

It is opined by Hayes (2017) that both technical controls as well as source codes helps in supporting as well as securing the cryptocurrencies that are very much complex. Functionally it is found that most of the variations of cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin. It is found that there are number of concept that helps in governing the value, security as well as integrity of cryptocurrency.

Blockchain: Cryptocurrency blockchain is considered as the master ledger that helps in recording as well as storing all prior transactions by validating all ownership of the currencies at a particular time.

Purpose and justification

Private keys: It is found that every holder of cryptocurrency has a private key that helps in authenticating their identity and helps in allowing them for exchanging the units (Li & Wang, 2017).

Wallets: It is found that the assets of cryptocurrency have wallet that contain unique information that helps in confirming them as the temporary owners of the units.

Miners: Miners generally serve as record keepers for the cryptocurrency communities as well as indirect arbiters of the various value of the currencies (Narayanan et al., 2016)

Research and Systems Development method

The project utilizes Rapid application design method is mainly used for developing Cryptocurrency exchange App (Liu et al. 2016) It is identified that the utilization of this method assists in giving rebuilt programming, advanced tools and object-oriented technologies.

It is found that secondary data collection method is mainly used for collecting information about Cryptocurrency and its use. In addition to this, it is identified that primary data collection method is also used in order to interview the project managers as well as IT managers who have experience in the development of cryptocurrency exchange app development.

 It is found that detailed system design method is mainly utilized in the project as it is helpful in giving overview of each of the tasks that needs to be executed in order to develop the Cryptocurrency exchange app (Yang et al., 2014).

The ethical issues are as follows:

  • The staffs do not follow security steps during the development of cryptocurrency exchange app.
  • The workers are pressurized for working after their schedule shift hour

It is important to follow safety rules and regulations for the safety of the staffs and for avoiding accidents as well as injuries. The compliance requirements are quite essential for the caring about the health and safety of the employees.

 It is found that due to the development of Cryptocurrency exchange app the chance of fraud reduces as with the help of this app, identity of an individual can be determined. In addition to this it is found that this app work of Push mechanism that is quite safe as compared to the mechanism that is utilized in credit card.


 It can be concluded from the entire assignment that development of cryptocurrency exchange app is quite helpful in resolving the challenges and problems that are associated with other exchange app. It is identified that this app helps in securing financial transactions, for controlling the development of extra units as well as for verifying the transfer of assets.

 The work breakdown structure is provided below:

Figure 1: WBS

(Source: Created by Author)






 Inappropriate budget

It is necessary to estimate the budget that is needed properly.

Proper estimation of budget will be quite helpful.

Inexperience team members

Due to lack of experienced staff, it is quite difficult to manage the project.



Hiring experienced staff will be helpful.

 Schedule slippage

 If the schedule of the project is not followed then the project will not get completed within the estimated time.



 It is necessary to follow the steps of the project schedule.

The table that is provided below reflects on the duration of the project.

Task Name




Cryptocurrency Exchange App Development

113 days

Mon 13-08-18

Wed 16-01-19

   Initiation phase

12 days

Mon 13-08-18

Tue 28-08-18

       Development of business case

2 days

Mon 13-08-18

Tue 14-08-18

      Undertaking feasibility study

3 days

Wed 15-08-18

Fri 17-08-18

      Establishing project charter

3 days

Mon 20-08-18

Wed 22-08-18

      Appointing team members

4 days

Thu 23-08-18

Tue 28-08-18

      Milestone 1: Completion of project initiation phase

0 days

Tue 28-08-18

Tue 28-08-18

   Planning phase

25 days

Wed 29-08-18

Tue 02-10-18

      Development of project plan

4 days

Wed 29-08-18

Mon 03-09-18

      Development of resource plan

5 days

Tue 04-09-18

Mon 10-09-18

      Development of financial plan

4 days

Tue 11-09-18

Fri 14-09-18

      Development of quality plan

3 days

Mon 17-09-18

Wed 19-09-18

      Development of risk management plan

5 days

Thu 20-09-18

Wed 26-09-18

       Development of communication plan

4 days

Thu 27-09-18

Tue 02-10-18

      Milestone 2: Completion of project planning phase

0 days

Tue 02-10-18

Tue 02-10-18

   Execution phase

63 days

Wed 03-10-18

Fri 28-12-18

       Development of new blockchain

8 days

Wed 03-10-18

Fri 12-10-18

      Creating bitcoin fork

7 days

Mon 15-10-18

Tue 23-10-18

      Launching crypto coin

7 days

Wed 24-10-18

Thu 01-11-18

      Accessing features for built-in decentralized exchanges

9 days

Fri 02-11-18

Wed 14-11-18

      Utilization of community

8 days

Thu 15-11-18

Mon 26-11-18

      Development of prototype

9 days

Tue 27-11-18

Fri 07-12-18

      Building trust

7 days

Mon 10-12-18

Tue 18-12-18

       Searching investors

8 days

Wed 19-12-18

Fri 28-12-18

      Milestone 3: Completion of execution phase

0 days

Fri 28-12-18

Fri 28-12-18

   Closure phase

13 days

Mon 31-12-18

Wed 16-01-19

      Post project review

4 days

Mon 31-12-18

Thu 03-01-19

      Stakeholders sign off

5 days

Fri 04-01-19

Thu 10-01-19


4 days

Fri 11-01-19

Wed 16-01-19

Figure 2: Gantt chart

(Source: Created by Author)


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Narayanan, A., Bonneau, J., Felten, E., Miller, A., & Goldfeder, S. (2016). Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technologies: a comprehensive introduction. Princeton University Press.

Yang, T., Zhu, J., Hou, W., & Jin, G. (2014). Design method of freeform off-axis reflective imaging systems with a direct construction process. Optics express, 22(8), 9193-9205.