Designing IT Infrastructure For ITech – A Logical Network Approach

Aim and Objectives of the project

Aim and Objectives of the project

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The main objectives of this project are discussed below:

  • Blocking unauthorised access to the network
  • Configuring a domain webserver
  • Configuring DHCP and DNS Servers
  • Configuring email services for its users
  • Enhance the web experience
  • Enhancing current design for  growth in future

The main aim of this project are discussed below:

  • Providing the best network solution for organisational growth in future
  • Providing file sharing service over the network
  • Installation of firewall to prevent third party access
  • Assigning IP addresses to the network devices automatically

Contents covered

The logical network is designed for iTech based on the analysis made out of its future requirements or scopes. It divides the applications with the users and for developing the logical network for each building IP subnets are calculated. The configurations of DHCP and DNS servers are done using Cisco Packet Tracer software. The cloud service provider bases the design of cloud hosting upon a survey. It is also selected accordingly iTech requirements.

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Organisation Description

iTech organisational network requires design of five storey building having three hundred devices in each of them. The same way it requires design of LAN for the individual buildings that will modify the old infrastructure. The Cloud hosting design and the dedicated server design are the two types of proposed designs. The hierarchical model has been followed during the development of data centre building’s logical design. Those are discussed in the report.

The fundamental part required for the advancement of the IT foundation of the association are the power cooling, stockpiling subsystem, switch, switch, physical link, firewall, and so on. The server farm of the organisation is required to have appropriate cooling and is required to be secured from a physical access of the unauthorised staff. The building is required to be secured for usage of a devoted server and store the information in the in-house server of the association. The SaaS model can likewise be embraced by the organisation for including an outsider arrangement supplier to have the workloads of the association and decrease the upkeep cost required for support of the nearby database. For the execution of the distributed computing arrangement in the association, the no imperative It foundation is required, and it diminishes the upkeep cost of the system of the association. The association needs to dissect the IaaS demonstrate for breaking down the adaptability of the distributed computing arrangement and actualise the administration and the capacity alternative as per the workload of the association.

The system required to be set up for iTech is partitioned into three distinct layers for the different proof of the working of the system and build up the system as per the prerequisite of the association. The layers are the Core layer, Distribution layer and the Access layer. The appropriation layer goes about as the outskirt for speaking with the different gadgets associated inside or outside the system. It lies between the entrance and the centre layer and can be used for the administration of the blockage or the activity in the system. The Access layer is utilised for exchanging the information parcels in the system and allowing or obstructing the client from getting to the system assets. The centre layer of the system comprises of the conventions and the switches that are used for the interpretation of the system address and foundation of the association between the distinctive hubs associated with the system. The host getting to the system can be denied for utilising the system assets and the hubs related to the system.  The conveyance of the information bundles to the goal has subject to the entrance layer.

Contents covered

The present necessity of the association is to build up an in-house database framework for the administration of the web and the email benefit in the association. The records living in the database of the organisation are required to partake in the system, and it is necessary to be secured from outside specialists. 900 hubs are required to be associated with the system, and 300 PCs are expected to be related to various subnets for each of the floors in the building. The switch utilised as a part of the system is necessary to be arranged with DHCP for consequently allotting the IP deliver to the hubs associated with the switch. A server is needed to be arranged in the system with an area name, and an association is needed to be made with the server for addressing the necessities of the organisation.

The web server is required to be designed with DNS and DHCP server is required to be arranged for designating IP to deliver to the costs associated with the system. A legitimate cabling plan is needed to be utilised for lessening clog in the system and enhance the activity administration. The system is required to cover the two building and the three stories that must suit three hundred PCs.

The proposed arrangement is necessary to meet the prerequisite of the organisation for the coming five years and accordingly the current innovation is required to be connected to making the system answer for iTech. It is normal that there would be an expansion in the number of hubs in the system and subsequently, the subnet cover for each of the floor is required to be computed with the end goal that it can suit the future development of the association.

The issue of the present framework is that if any of the servers get over-burden the clients lose the entrance of the site. Now the system of the association contains two servers one is utilised for facilitating the location of the organisation, and the other is utilised for promoting the database. The server farm of the association is required to be made with stack adjusting and adaptable for the administration without bounds needs.

The web and the database server should react to the client amid the pinnacle time, and the execution ought not to be down. A heap balancer and database balancer is required to be introduced in the system for exchanging the load to such an extent that the front end is adjusted.  The association needs to get to the site and the assets of the organisation from any of the level and remote area.

The web server creates database movement, it is sent to the database balancer, and the database server with least load is chosen for sending the demand. The working of the engineering is shown in the accompanying figure.  The heap balancer is arranged to such an extent that a DNS can utilise any of the heap balancers and the heap balancer thus picks the server with the least load for handling the demand. The design proposed for iTech is that a front end stack balancer is required to be connected to the system for meeting the execution shrinkage of the system and the adaptability to move between the servers are expanded.

Organisation Description


The servers are required to have top of the line setup with the end goal that it can be virtualised for taking care of the developing requests.  The database balancer is utilised for the diverting the demand created by the web server and if any of the database balancers quit reacting the balancer put at the front end would send the request to the next. On the off chance that one of the webservers ends up plainly over-burden or quits reacting it would be recognised by the heap balancer and whatever remains of the demand are sent to the next web server. If any of the heap balancers come up short, the need is exchanged to the next load balancer, and all the application are sent through that heap balancer.

Network ID:

IP addresses required 900

Available IP addresses in allocated subnets: 1530

Subnet Name

Size Required

Subnet ID

Net Mask


Broadcast IP







The risk related to the in-house server, for example, inadvertent harm, fires, control disappointments and abuse by the workers could likewise be maintained a strategic distance from with the execution of the cloud arrangement. The implementation of the cloud method would also lessen the month-to-month costs required with the administration of the servers and diminish the labour necessary for the management of the server.  The cloud based outline can be connected as an answer to the present issue of the association, and it would diminish the need of up degree of the in-house equipment stages for settlement without bounds development of the organisation.

There are many cloud specialist organisation, for example, Google, Amazon, VMWare, and so forth. Amon them Amazon and Google are decided for actualising in the present system of the association for expanding the proficiency of the organisation. An exceedingly robust cloud benefit is conceivable, yet the cost of keeping up is significantly higher than typical cloud benefit, so both this thing ought to be said to the client. The client may pick substantial cloud benefit on a new instalment. However, the administration ought to be made accessible to them. There are diverse cloud benefit associations offering the cloud benefit from the organisation, and the organisation is required to be chosen by the highlights and estimates provided by the cloud merchants and the prerequisite of the association. The adaptability provided by the seller needs to be noted before picking the merchant since it is hard to move from the cloud stage once the information being transferred to the cloud servers.

Amazon web benefit is most appropriate for iTech because it gives the best in a class administration to its clients and it meets all the necessity of the association. The rundown of policy offered by AWS is as per the following:

  • Analytics-It can be utilised for the management of the hunt administration and working with the ongoing spilling with information.
  • Artificial insight It can be utilised for examination of the picture and biometry and the machine learning system can be enhanced with the utilisation of the false consciousness.
  • Database-It can be utilised for the administration of the query and the deal with the memory store framework
  • Developer Tools-It can be utilised for the advancement of use and building and testing of the codes created by the engineer in a product organisation. The application can be repaired utilising the administration.
  • Internet of things-It can be utilised for the capacity of the information produced from the IoT sensor gadgets.
  • Management instruments It can be utilised for checking the assets to and implementation and deal with the system assets utilised for the advancement of the cloud arrangement.
  • Migration-It can be utilised for relocation of the on start application to the cloud and increment the effectiveness of the system
  • Security, character and Compliance-It are utilised for expanding the safety of the cloud server by including encryption and access administration.
  • Storage-it can be utilised for development of the storage room and deal with the documents of the association requiring little to no effort

Access layer diagram


DHCP Configuration


DNS and Web Server Configuration 


Client dynamically obtaining Network Configuration



Recommendation and Conclusion

The distributed computing has made an upset in the business; it has changed the administration innovation for companies and IT industry. For picking the cloud arrangement, distinctive administration show accessible is required to be dissected. The administration models are connected to each different IaaS is the base of Cloud registering and comprises of capacity, virtual machines, stack balancers, systems, firewalls and so forth. The multifaceted nature of the distributed computing is required to be evacuated, and the boundaries are required to be expelled for the fruitful reception of the cloud arrangement. Besides the cloud administration can be a powerful answer for dealing with the calamity circumstance in the association because the information is put away repetitively in various area and it can be utilized as a reinforcement of the hierarchical information. From the above report, it can be presumed that from the above-proposed arrangement is cloud benefit is the best perceptive arrangement that can be received by the association for expanding the productivity of the present business process. It can be utilised for the convenience of the new hubs associated with the system.  

Required IT Infrastructure components


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