Developing An Effective Communication Plan For BioOps

Importance of aligning organization development plan with strategic plan

BioOps aims at occupying a leading position in the market as a lead retailer for green and sustainable solutions for a high quality exclusively in the field of products (Cummings & Worley, 2014). They have a well-structured system in the organization.  The only thing that is lacking is the process of communication as this is the primary root of good sale. The report consists of the draft for the development of the organization that the senior manager should consider.

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The aim of a better sale is to develop the organization in terms of profitable sale by improving the relation with the stakeholders and the people associated with the organization. The objective of the organization is to have a transparent and systematic form of sales and communication within the organization. The possible measure of success of the plan would include the betterment of the service and products of the organization that will enable the organization to occupy a leading position in the market. In order to achieve a good sale a good communication process is required. This would enable the company to have a growth in their sale which would have a direct positive impact on their revenue. The plan would include the feedback communication process.

The people in the management that is the HR department, the marketing president and the senior sales manager have a major role in implementing the communication plan. The customer support team and the team of advertising and sales can make the communication more innovative that will be helpful for the organization (Church et al., 2016).

In order to do this the list of stakeholders have to be identified. The stakeholders would include the partners of the company and the customers who are the users of the products of the company. Their opinion has to be kept in mind. The first set of stakeholders are, the board of directors that is Rose Hargreaves who is the Chief Executive officer, Mike Booth who is the managing director of financial operations, Sean Bamford who is the managing director of the business operations, Sayo Yoshida who is the managing director of human resource department, Nancy Tooket, the managing director of retail operations, Fatima Williams, the company accountant, Chang Lin, the business operations manager, Gina Harris, the human resource manager, Liz Hitchens the marketing manager and Johan Tines, the sales  manager. These are the list of the stakeholders who are required to be consulted in this case.

Factors affecting organization development

 The communication process would include collecting information regarding the products through a Google feedback form that will be submitted online. This should be done in a systematic manner. This would enable the company to have a direct communication with the customers. In order to do achieve that the internal communication system within the organization needs to be improved.

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In order to conduct the feedback communication process the company needs to organize a process of communication within the organization in order to make the feedback process a successful one. The design team must be divided into indoor and outdoor team. The indoor team will be responsible for designing the google feedback forms and the outdoor teams and the marketing team will collect the sample by analyzing the like cart scale. This would help the organization to get responsive feedback from the customers and the stakeholders. This would help the organization to understand the acceptance of the product of by the customers. In case of any criticism the company can improve the area where it lagged (Meneses et al., 2016).

The activities

15 -17 days

10-15 days

12-20 days

20-25 days

Designing the forms

Circulating the Google forms

Collecting the feedback

Analyzing the data

Making corrections based on the data

Figure 1: Proposed time line and milestone

Source: created by the author

In order to make the implementation successful the company intends to follow certain steps that might take months’ time. This would include the steps like, designing the structure of Google forms that might take the time of 11 to 16 days. This further include the step of circulating the forms that might take another 10 to 15 days. The further step would include the collection of the forms that will take 12 to 20 days. After this the forms will be analyzed and those areas that require correction will be worked on. This might take one month time (Eggers & Thorne, 2017).

The resources that would require to implement the proposed development plan can be divided into two parts. The first part is the manpower and the second part is the technical devices. The manpower would include the designing team, the marketing team that will collect the data. The members in the designing team must have the knowledge of web designing and computer clouding. The marketing team must analyze the data from the feedback forms and they will work on the betterment of the products. They will find out the areas where the improvement is required. The technical devices required foe this many computers, a department of IT technicians. The internet connection is a mandatory thing. The organization must have a good office where the employees can sit and work in a good environment. It should be located in a good area (Fowler et al., 2015).

Team-building as an organizational development intervention

The only risk is the huge investment in the process. In order to initiate the proposed developmental plan the company requires huge investment. The investment would include in the equipment like the machines and the computers, the internet connection and the fund would require in maintaining the office. Apart from this the there are many customers who are not aware of the use of the internet and even they don’t know to operate the computer. In such case there will be lack in communication between the customers and the organization (David, Sanoubane & Jones, 2017).

An evaluation of the proposed development program

The communication will be limited only upto one section of customers. This will not enable the company to achieve a systematic system of communication (Jones, 2017). The organization will be unable to achieve the aim and objective of communication. The cost of this process can be a bit. This will be a one-time investment. The organization will be able to develop the working condition for a future by adapting this plan. The company will be able to have long-term benefits. With this the company will be able to avoid the potential risk of degrading their quality of service and products (Heldman, 2018).

a). The design team must design a feedback form on the official website of the organization where the customers can submit their feedbacks and even lodge their grievances. This will be communicated to the concerned person in the organization and the organization can work on the areas needed to avoid to eliminate the negative points

A process to manage possible conflict

b). In order to resolve the problems that might arrive, the organization must make efforts to have a one-to-one conversation with the stakeholders. It must recruit technicians who will be able to resolve the conflicts.

A plan that outlines appropriate steps

c). The organization must head towards a training plan that would train the employees and give them adequate knowledge about the developmental plan.

A plan to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the development program

d). In order to monitor and evaluate the development program, a team should be recruited that will monitor the plan regularly. This would include taking feedback about the plan, making necessary changes in the plan.


Church, A. H., Fleck, C. R., Foster, G. C., Levine, R. C., Lopez, F. J., & Rotolo, C. T. (2016). Does purpose matter? The stability of personality assessments in organization development and talent management applications over time. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 52(4), 450-481.

Cummings, T. G., & Worley, C. G. (2014). Organization development and change. Cengage learning.

David, V., Sanoubane, D., & Jones, M. C. (2017). Identifying and Examining Key Stakeholders/Decision Makers. In Evaluating Organization Development (pp. 105-120). Productivity Press.

Eggers, S., & Thorne, S. (2017). Conducting Effective Outreach with Community Stakeholders About Biosolids: A Customized Strategic Risk Communications Process™ Based on Mental Modeling. In Mental Modeling Approach (pp. 153-177). Springer, New York, NY.

Fowler, D., Lazo, M., Turner, J., & Hohenstein, J. (2015). Facilitating program, faculty, and student transformation: A framework for curriculum redesign. Journal of Transformative Learning, 3(1), 59-73.

Heldman, K. (2018). PMP: project management professional exam study guide. John Wiley & Sons.

Jones, M. C. (2017). Reporting Results to Stakeholders. In Evaluating Organization Development (pp. 179-198). Productivity Press.

Meneses, S. M. A., Barnes, T. S., Villas, E. C., Alvaran, P. J. J., Lantican, T. L. D., Lapuz, E. L., … & Domingo, R. (2016). Improving the productivity of the smallholder swine raising in San Simon, Pampanga, Philippines using an ecohealth approach: the importance of a communication plan. In FAVA annual conference. VNM.