Developing Critical Thinking, Decision Making And Self-awareness: A Comprehensive Overview

Thinking outside the box

Write about the Theories for International Journal of Health Governance.

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In week 1 I have learnt about the phenomenon of thinking outside the box which implies the process of stretching the boundaries of thoughts beyond its limit that we have set for every other day. The thinker needs to possess a clear understanding of the scenario and problems in order to arrive at better deductions and inferences. Mike Kallet stresses that one can only be able to develop a thinking process which is far from being clichéd when he will be able to identify the purpose behind its necessity. The other most fundamental thing that the person I required to do is have a comprehensible idea regarding the box and analyse the current assumptions that he has on the situation. While the person is trying to bring forth unconventional thinking into the scenario it is required to ponder on the impossible side, develop strategies to make it possible and evolve thinking process.

I have also learnt about the different types of critical thinking, automated and critical which requires the three steps of decisions, conclusion and clarity. However in case of automated thinking the foundations for decision making skills are weak and time-consuming. Another most important theory is Kuhn vs Popper and the development of a theory in feasibility which is largely reliant on deduction.  However to form a sharp contrast and opposition to Popper’s theory, Kuhn has introduced the concept of formal and revolutionary science. Popper believed that scientists should be more akin to the approach of a critical nature and examine their views in the light of empirical reasoning. Kuhn and Popper clashed on the historical inaccurateness of science and creating the room for irrationality due to the paradigm based research. Popper is against the view of a dominant paradigm and he believes that results could only be deduced via experiments. Popper had little faith in empirical evidence from which valid arguments can be borrowed.

In week 2 I have learnt about the prospect theory of decision making which emphasizes more on the alternatives related to decision making that involves risk. It is on a sharp contrast from the traditional theory of utility since it elaborates on how people make decisions under risky circumstances in the backdrop of the person’s psychology which is involves in the critical thinking process. The theory gives comprehensible analysis on how people base their outcomes according to profit or loss and how the outcome can benefit them in the end.

Types of critical thinking

In week 3 learnt about triangular thinking which results from the proper combination of hypothesis, prediction  and observation which lets the thinker think in a positive manner even during frustrating periods. Positive thinking is the most important aspect of triangular thinking which enables the individual to cope with the help of optimistic mental attitudewith the balance of putting a fresh perspective in those situations, at this juncture the person may come up with unconventional solutions to problems.

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The other important theory is critical thinking which requires a though reflection of the problem scenario, checking the veracity of the decisions taken, the ability to identify the flaws in the decision and critique it at the same. At the core level critical thinking requires to have a very objective take on the given scenario and the flexibility to shape the approached as per the requirements of the crisis. Critical thinking is essential to get rid of biasness and therefore the ability to develop oneself as a better and efficient learner. Critical thinking will also allow for a better implementation of strategies through the manipulation of available information and choices. In order to develop critical thinking within oneself one has to reflect on the steps, evaluation of the judgments or decision , synthesise of the old information for the creation of something more effective, analysis and the ability to make a detailed examination, ability to understand  with the application of knowledge and critical faculties and remember the result of the act for future purposes.

In week 4 I have learnt about two fundamental theories concerning self-awareness, Johari Window being the primary one who provides a comprehensive model for self-awareness, personal development , working on one’s communication skills as well as inter-group relationships. The theory is developed after American psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham developed the model which has four quadrants consisting of open area what the person knows about his/her own self and the information is also common to others, blindspot what the person is unaware of but known by others, hidden area the knowledge individual has about herself but not shared with others and unknown area consisting of what is unknown by both the individual as well as by the others. The theory also enumerates why developing the open self can help the individual in leadership.

I have also learnt about self-efficacy theory which defines self-efficacy as the perception or notion about oneself that she/he is capable of achieving goals and is intricately associate with motivating oneself. According to the theory individuals who possess high self-efficacy indicate agility, motivation to accomplish goals, capability to invest effort, optimism and enhanced social interaction. Self-efficacy is assessed by individual’s strength, generality and magnitude. The theory proves that people’s faith in their perceived efficacy result in failure or accomplishment. People who have showed declined self-efficacy have also shown degenerated problem solving skills, critical thinking faculties and inefficiency to take complex decisions.

Kuhn vs Popper

In week 5 I have learned about abductive thinking results from syllogistic thought process or when a person is able to form a synthesized and structured perspective or conclusion from incoherence with the application of insights, creativity, the ability to form expectations and the expansion of structured beliefs given the environmental factors remain constant.

I have also learned about innovation, creativity and conclusion which elaborates on devising fresh perspective on a critical or problematic0 scenario departing from the conventional reasoning and perspective of others. The person will be able to produce inventive and nobel ideas resulting due to the admixture of analytical and practical thinking skills.  These components play a vital role in order to make space for intellectual thinking. Creative thinking and arriving at conclusion results in critical evaluation, quick problem locating, critiquing ideas and producing brainstorming concepts.

In week 6 I have learned about cynefin framework in the light of decision making. According to the framework, there are five domains that help an individual to grasp the situation in an orderly manner. The five domains are simple, complicated, complex, unclear and chaotic which can be used to analyse a problem and implement steps accordingly. The framework can also facilitate in better decision-making skills. In ‘obvious context’ where the available options are apparent and so are the cause and effect relationship. One needs sense, categorize and respond in these obvious contexts.  In complicated cause and effect are not very  comprehensive to everyone, the complex contexts provide a critical sphere to find the correct solution and requires adept communication. In case of chaotic contexts, there is no existence of relationship between the cause and effect, where as in disorder the situation itself becomes quite abstract to identify. It requires apt response suitable to the crisis without any delay.

I have also learnt about risk evaluation process which requires the careful consideration of upside risk and downside risk. In this context the individual needs to assess whether their decisions are capable to minimizing the downside risks.

I have learnt that I can engage in a fluent way with the person communicating with me and capable of providing insightful opinions about the conversation topic. My improved cognitive skills also allow me to function in a coherent and agile manner. I have also the capabilities to adjust myself according to the demands of the situation and mold by opinions or strategy accordingly. I have oratorical skills with which i can easily convince others into something. 

  1. I have learnt the necessity of creative thinking even in everyday life for the effective and prompt solution of any problem. One can only emerge triumphed after life’s critical situations if the person has enough faith and optimism within him.
  2. I have learnt to harvest self-efficacy which will help me to achieve long-term goals both in personal and educational domains.
  • With the help of Cynefin framework I have learnt the necessity of evaluating my decisions and actions in the face of a crucial scenario. It has also taught me the value of flexibility which should be used according to the demands of the situation.
  1. Kallet’s emphasis and lecture on the need for thinking out of the box will help me to develop my cognitive skills as well as problem solving questions in the academia. It would also allow me to implement new changes in my personal schedule that would help me to achieve long-term goals. I have realized that thinking out of the box will help me to achieve a number of things in life with the careful usage of lateral thinking skills and would help me to stay ahead of my peers.

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