Developing Employability Skills And Self-Awareness For Career Development Learning

1. Know yourself

This aim of this report is to understand the different factors that are contributing to the comprehension of the complexities related to employability. Employability is defined as the skills, knowledge, behaviors and attitudes that are required by the individuals to be seeking, obtaining and sustaining employment at all the levels of the labor market. Currently supporting the individuals with job search, employability and career development has become a key priority. For the individuals to be developing their complete potential there is a need for understanding what would be making them tick. In such situations self-awareness can be helpful. In this report, self-awareness would be carried out with the help of three themes – knowing yourself, knowing the sector and allowing everyone to know you. Inside these themes, self-assessment theories would be discussed, based on which professional evaluation and present skill set would be evaluated. Based on the outcome, learning about the self and the required skills would be discussed.

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The Johari Window model is simple and useful way for comprehending and training personal development, self-awareness, interpersonal relationships, improving communications, team development, group dynamics and inter-group relationships. The model was developed in the 1950’s by American psychologists Harry Ingham and Joseph Luft. The model is extremely relevant due to the focus it puts on and the impact of behavior, soft skills, cooperation, and empathy, interpersonal and inter-group development. The model is also referred to as an information processing tool and a disclosure/feedback model of self-awareness (Saxena 2015). It is representative of information, including experience, feelings, attitudes, views, intentions, skills, motivation and so on, inside or regarding any individual from different perspectives. The model can also be used for representing similar information for any team relative to other teams. The model has four perspectives which are called regions or quadrants. Each holds and represents the information in terms of whether the information is known or unknown by the individual and whether it is known or unknown by the other people. The four areas are: open area, blind area, hidden area and unknown area. In terms of managers and leaders, the Johari window model plays a huge role in the facilitation of feedback and disclosure amongst different group members and while giving direct feedback to the individuals regarding their own blind areas (Bahadori, Shiri and Mahdizade 2015).

Gallup Organization’s Clifton StrengthsFinder is a kind of online tool for measuringpersonal talent that is used for identifying areas in which an individual’s greatest potential for building up of strengths exists. By classifying one’s top themes of talent, the CSF is providing a starting point in the recognition of particular personal talents and the associated supporting materials assist individuals in discovering the way of building upon their skills for developing strengths within their roles.The main application of CSF is like an assessment tool that starts a strength-based development procedure in work and academic settings. I can put this tool to use inside the work domain, but it can be used for comprehending people in different settings. As CSF feedback is offered for fostering intrapersonal development, judgments across profile are discouraged (Seemiller 2017).

2. Know your sector

Johari window is extremely useful in applying to any kind of diversity awareness and meaningful contact activities. By means of learning about cultural differences and corresponding more with the people coming from different backgrounds I have been able to acquire a better understanding of the behavior. Getting engaged in any open dialogue with the co-workers is also applicable to Johari window. By means of communicating with other people, I have a natural tendency of disclosing more information regarding ourselves and ultimately feeling comfortable in providing of candid feedback to them. The perceptual procedure of representing the filter via which information gets passed from the external environment to my brain. In this manner, it is actually the start of the learning procedure (Watson and Hill 2015).

The CSF is most of the time put to use for being a starting point for the self-discovery inside Gallup strength-based development programs.The intended purpose of CSF is facilitating personal development and growth. As intended it is used as a kind of springboard for discussion with colleagues, managers, friends and advisors, also being used as a tool for self-awareness. CSF results are observed as being a kind of preliminary hypothesis for being verified with the respondent. In accordance, feedbacks regarding talents and strengths development most of the time forms the base of additional interventions that assist individuals in capitalizing on the best talents and make application of that to fresh challenges. Because of this application, the psychometric properties of this tool is more than just adequate. The Gallup Organization’s Clifton StrengthsFinder was introduced as a new way of looking at the self, with the lens of strength. Focusing on the strengths would be helping me in being more engaged in my work. When I would be more engaged at work, I would be having a greater amount of productivity and satisfaction. As I would be more satisfied with my work, it would positively influence my relationships at work, home and inside the community. This test is altering the way people are seeing, communicating and relating with one another (Lane and Schutts 2014).

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In the event and entertainment industry, being selected as an event manager would be asking for advanced professional qualification. Due to that, professional courses that are related to this field have been designed for producing those professional who would be able to handle different events. Professional qualifications, other than graduation would be helpful in providing employment in both private and public sector. MBA courses for event management students makes them being able to present the purpose of the event across in the best possible way that would make it easier for the public or the audience understand what is going on and what would be the next stage in the event. The only kind of people who should be opting for these qualification courses are the people who have interest in challenging activities, outing, public relationships and presentations as this path would be a very interesting part of their career (Silvers 2012).

It is necessary that event managers and organizers are having strong communication skills and possess creative thinking and they must have the ability of organizing everything that is required in any event. Inside this career option, team building and leadership qualities can be an added benefit. Today, different companies are hosting and organizing events on a frequent basis. These range from the small time private events to the large-scale all inclusive events. A better than average number of youths are entering in this field since they comprehend the ability of the market and the demand and supply condition. Honestly, the most beneficial piece of this field is the necessity for inventiveness. Additionally, that is the methods by which and where one wins. The management of events calls, largely for coordination, from stage one. The essential thing required is to get the orders for the event. This system is generally called pitching for an event. Normally, paying little mind to whether it is for small time events (birthday social occasions and weddings), or then for the larger ones doled out by associations (introductions and trade fairs), or the worldwide shows; the event manager is influenced a demand to display a project to report, with the finances included (Bladen et al. 2012).

The field of event management not simply requires a magnificent measure of innovative capacities yet likewise incorporates bundles of instruct and critical planning. Planning an event is an event in itself. The action of dealing with an event begins with the exceptionally stray pieces. The client would come to me, to the event manager, in perspective of an indistinct idea. It is totally up to me to tackle the idea and change it into a reality. Events could be anything from concerts, product launches, conferences, promotions, press conferences, jubilee celebrations and farewells to television based events, fashion shows, wedding or parties – it could be essentially anything. To the extent informational abilities, a formal preparing as a diploma or degree in event management or in advancing or public relations with a specialization in event management should be great. As an event manager I would be requiring to access my organizational skills, the ability of carrying out multiple tasks simultaneously, good communication skills, and creative approach to problem solving, higher attention level and the ability of working under pressure (Jones 2014).

In the context of the job description of an event manager, it can be seen from my CV and my LinkedIn profile alike that I possess a lot of skills required for being an event manager. I have good communication and negotiation skills. I am good at managing things and working in a team. I even thrive in supervising, directing and coordinating.

The three questions identified for the job interview and their answers using the STAR method are:

  1. Describe an instance when you had to complete any task under a tight deadline.

Revenue was falling off for the agency and long term clients were not renewing contracts during the peak season. At that time an employee left days before a big project of his was due. I had to take over it with very little time left. I created a task force, delegated all the work and the assignment was completed with a day to spare.

  1. Was there any time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty?

There was a time when was to generate new materials, ideas and incentives that would be helpful in increasing by 15% in the number of clients from the year before. This job is generally taken care of by the business development team, but since the situation was out of hand for the agency, I had to step in. I helped design new promotional packets and compared our benefits with other agencies in the area. I even helped in setting up special training sessions.

  1. What step you take if any team member refuses completing his or her part of the work?

Whenever there arises any team conflict I always attempt making sure to step up as a team leader. I believe my communication skills would be making me be an effective leader and moderator. On one instance, I was working on a project and two members got into an argument, refusing to complete the assignment. They were dissatisfied with their work pressure and I arranged a team meeting for rearranging the assignments for the whole team. It made everyone happier and more productive, making the project a success.

I found out that applying the STAR method while answering the questions was quite an easy job for me. However, I need to make sure and learn to use all the parts of the method and attempt at being more specific, as I rambled and included vague information. I need to keep in mind to eliminate any example that does not paint me a positive light.


In conclusion it can be said that this report understood the different factors that are contributing to the comprehension of the complexities related to employability. Employability is defined as the skills, knowledge, behaviors and attitudes that are required by the individuals to be seeking, obtaining and sustaining employment at all the levels of the labor market. Currently supporting the individuals with job search, employability and career development has become a key priority. For the individuals to be developing their complete potential there is a need for understanding what would be making them tick. In such situations self-awareness can be helpful. In this report, self-awareness was carried out with the help of three themes – knowing yourself, knowing the sector and allowing everyone to know you. Inside these themes, self-assessment theories were discussed based on which professional evaluation and present skill set was evaluated. Based on the outcome, learning about the self and the required skills were discussed.

References and Bibliography

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