Developing Key Academic Skills For Higher Studies

Key Academic Skills Required for Success

This essay describes key academic skills and techniques required to be successful at level 4 along with evaluating my own learning behaviour and experience to determine plans for future developments. This essay will also consider the learning points that have been internalized over my previous course that will integrate reflections of weaknesses and strengths and initiate to outline future interactions with classmates and tutors. While presenting few analyses of academic and formal aspects of experience, this essay will also discuss the interpersonal elements of learning and development in those capabilities that are required by vocational and educational applications. Negotiating formal structures of requirements and curriculum is another way of learning process that has been identified while going through recent academic journals (Bankowski, 2010). A noticeable process of transformation can be seen in higher educational levels that are away from didactic approach and moving towards flexible and adaptable models for learning as well as teaching. Accordingly, this reflective learning will discuss use of oral, written and listening skills that are considered in self-management and group studies. This essay will conclude after presenting a suitable outline of skills that will be utilised by me to develop and provide indicative points and targets for future studies. This reflective essay presents my own reflection where appropriate research and analysis by authoritative resources have been made to give support to my evaluation regarding how to get prepared for higher studies.

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According to Jayanth, et al. (2014), “Academic success has a great influence on a student’s self-esteem, motivation, and perseverance in higher education”. The authors give emphasis on poor performance results that leads to high failure rates that may be due to unacceptable contribution or reduced graduate throughput. Educators and researchers therefore have always been interested in understanding and identifying variables that contributes in providing with academic excellence (Lew & Schmidt, 2011). From personal perspective, undertaking module 4 have involved my consideration for identification and giving purpose along with sorting multiple dimensions of preoccupations in my regular lifestyle. According to Madden, et al. (2018), education provides students with appropriate “tools of mind” and when required these tools can be utilised to gain competence in other areas also. This intellectual concept provides with conceivable explanation while observing students studying different subjects that are traditionally classified as difficult or easy. Here, they need to acquire paradigmatic tools that can assist them to learn and develop key skills to solve problems associated with it. Thus, this fourth level of my course will be completed “without looking back at my weaknesses” and as a higher-level University student, my main focus will be on acquiring challenging tools to sort out my leaning issues.

Reflections on Personal Learning Behaviour and Experience

It is also significant to be aware about self-personality and self-image that are considered as key determinants while setting objectives and construction of parameters within which I can develop and interact effectively in classroom within University environment. Published in 2014, a literature review on ‘Information behaviour of university students’ demonstrates that there are many ways through which studies are carried in universities such as libraries, usage of electronic databases, through mobile communication and emerging technologies of leaning and teaching (Rubini?, 2014). Furthermore, we often tend to think to set a private domain that details our inner realm of self-made thought, strivings and values. How much self-evident these domains look, locating social continuum is necessary in some or the other way like pre-requisite group orientation and portfolio presentation. This was understood by me while I was engaged in group presentation that had even transformed my viewpoint where I have started considering and giving importance to team work.

Igbinova (2016) refers to emotional intelligence and self-awareness as key determinants for achieving goals through managing own feelings and emotions along with being sensitive to influence other people to balance our own motive and drivers with ethical behaviour and conscientious. The author further signifies the importance of general intelligence that includes self-management, social management and self-awareness that assist individuals to analyse the level of emotional intelligence present for achieving desired outcome. This article has even influenced me to consider self-awareness and emotional intelligence present within me to monitor my cognitive abilities. However, previous semesters have illustrated to me that it is not an option to choose and thus it can be said that interpersonal effectiveness demands development and exercising pedagogical approach. From my previous knowledge, I have found that interactive learning environment and effective curriculum was determined significantly by students that means, the learners, particularly through willingness contribute to gain innovative knowledge. Under this statement, I would like to consider the key aspect of next level study where I would try to develop interpersonal ability and working skills within group dynamic.

The resolution of problems and coordination of efforts along with maximising individual skills are added in developmental strengths that will be highly required in former studies. As recognised in literature, when there is a demand to analyse traditional capabilities, we must think critically and work independently since a growing demand for such analysis has been recognised immensely in past few decades. Transferable skills and communication along with problem solving and team works requires careful curriculum planning (S.Ramaraju, 2012). Support mechanisms and teaching methodologies along with assessment strategies are also considered as range of factors that helps in forming individual effectiveness and attitude within self-dynamism. Many of these factors are developed culturally and can be interpreted within different frameworks like Hofstede’s Cultural Dimension model. According to Hofstede’s dimension, each culture has peculiar behavioural norms and tolerance that dedicates group behaviour along with providing strategic thinking frameworks. I consider that identification of individual weaknesses and strengths are the key factors that not only recognises individual contribution, but also provides with building an effective team work (Akindele, 2012). Through my previous experiences, I have undoubtably learned that working in teams is a skill itself where pushing together in a random team of individuals cannot be considered as team building.

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Interpersonal Elements of Learning and Development

After evaluating present literature and identifying key skills that makes students gain success in higher studies, few skills have been discovered that needs to be developed by me that includes study a little and at times and often. This is because University calendar is structured and thus learning can be done after completion of weekly activities only. Under such circumstances, I can discuss materials with friends along with making additional readings regularly and soon after each class to make use of time efficiently. Time management is utmost important while studying for higher courses since if you are a skilled planner and organiser of your days, it will become easier to take out sufficient time for studies. Effective time-management can also refer to scheduling ongoing study sessions instead of cramming them a night before examination (Rubini?, 2014). Time management will not only help me in feeling more relaxed during examination hours but also help me in retaining information’s more precisely. During my previous semesters I have learnt that taking class notes is a good skill that allows me to study more efficiently while concentrating and participating in class lectures. Active reading is also required by me since I lack concentration techniques and keep on sliding eyes across pages during exam days.

According to Gettinger & Seibert (2002), “Study skills are fundamental to academic competence”.  Effective study skills not only reduce chances to failures but also ensures taking advantage of various opportunities that are available for students during academic sessions. For becoming an effective learner, students require wide array of strategies related to study at their disposal and must comprehend when and where to utilise these strategies. Many researcher and authors have documented that enhanced study skills can be developed only after students give importance to their study skill. Along with it, efficient student will always try and be competent to score the needs to emphasise on maintenance and development of effective study skills across academic levels (Rubini?, 2014). Study shows that students who have future orientation, strong executive functioning capabilities and persistent in performance are listed among the ones who remains successful in academics as well as in professional fields. Students who are able to set their goals at an early level also experience probability of maintaining higher levels without getting much burdened. Stress and poor academic responsibilities like not attending classes and procrastinating results in distraction where salient factors keeps students away from reaching their goals (Gettinger & Seibert, 2002). Therefore, stress and distraction will be strictly avoided by me during my course studies as I tend to achieve my future goals with prominence.

The above essay has been prepared after making self-evaluation as well as identification of skills that will be required by me for performing effectively in level 4 studies. After going through various articles and journals, it seems that there are many factors that can affect performance of students in achieving academic success where few of them are significant determinants. Researchers have shown intellectual and non-intellectual factors that can impact students desire to remain successful, and lastly academic success of individuals.


Akindele, D. O., 2012. Enhancing Teamwork and Communication Skills Among First Year Students at the University of Botswana. TESOL Journal, 06(01), pp. 2-15.

Bankowski, E., 2010. Developing Skills for Effective Academic Presentations in EAP. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education , 22(02), pp. 187-196.

Gettinger, M. & Seibert, J. K., 2002. Contributions of Study Skills to Academic Competence. School Psychology Review, 31(03), pp. 350-365.

Igbinovia, M. O., 2016. Emotional Self Awareness and Information Literacy Competence as Correlates of Task Performance of Academic Library Personnel. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 22 09 2018].

Jayanth, S. V. et al., 2014. Factors Contributing to Academic Performance of Students in a Tertiary Institution in Singapore. American Journal of Educational Research, 02(09), pp. 752-758.

Lew, M. D. & Schmidt, H. G., 2011. Self-reflection and academic performance: is there a relationship?. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 16(04), pp. 529-545.

Madden, A. . D., Webber, S., Ford, N. & Crowder, M., 2018. The relationship between students’ subject preferences and their information behaviour. Journal of Documentation, 74(04), pp. 692-721.

Rubini?, D., 2014. Information behaviour of university students: a literature review. Libellarium: journal for the research of writing, books, and cultural heritage institutions, 07(01), pp. 11-14.

S.Ramaraju, 2012. Psychological Perspectives on Interpersonal Communication. Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce , pp. 68-73.