Developing Leadership Skills For HR Managers

Why Does The Change Need To Take Place?

A successful manager needs to possess several leadership skills for the efficiency of operations within the enterprise. According to Amanchukwu, Stanley and Ololube (2015) such skills are: communication skills, negotiation skills, conflict resolution skills, decision making skills, strategic management skills and critical thinking skills. As a postgraduate student in the field of Human Resource Management, these skills are very vital for my future career. I am going to discuss on the skills I have developed and further outline how they may be relevant in my future career as a human resource manager. I shall also outline the efficiency of PALS group in the process of developing my skills. Lastly I shall provide a general overview of the lessons I have learned from taking part in visiting speakers programme and various organizational visits.

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Being a human resource student has enabled me to develop a number of skills that shall be relevant to my future career which are:


Various roles of leadership in the University has enhanced my self-confidence because Iam usually confident to express my opinion when there is a necessity.

Team work

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In various group assignments, team work has been the key to our success which is also a very crucial aspect for any organization that needs to succeed. Without team work, the objective cannot be achieved.

Socializing (interaction)

I have obtained most of the management skills as a result of interaction with my colleagues. From this, I have appreciated the fact that working with individuals and understanding their individual needs, strengths and weaknesses can result to greater levels of success within the enterprise.  I have learnt to appreciate the diversity that usually exists in the society.

Communication skills

This is the most significant aspect for a leader. I have developed my communication skills from various roles  as a student. Presenting the group work in class has been vital for my communication skills. Being a student leader has also contributed towards enhancing my communication skills.

Decision making skills

In my life as a student I have always learned to make wise decisions which has been helpful for my success. I have been able to excel in my exams due to the wise decisions I have been making like taking my time to prepare for my exams

Peace is my dream each day. When people are in harmony life is usually good hence I always try to resolve any conflict that arises among my friends and I have always been successful.

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According to Grubaugh and Flynn (2018) these skills are very important for several reasons. Proper communication for instance is key in ensuring the flow of information is not tampered is through this that direction can be given both vertically and horizontally at the work place. This is important in the firm, as it will increase workers’ morale, reduce wastages and hence ultimately cause higher productivity to the firm (Hall and Rowland, 2016). When there are problems with communication, there is likely to be production of sub-standard goods and services which will come with its own share of problems.

The ability to work both independently and in groups is another key skill given its importance. Being able to work without supervision means a lot both to the firm and to me as an individual. From the perspective of the firm, it would mean I can be trusted with tough tasks, and can be held responsible for the well-being of the firm. From my perspective, it would mean an improvement to my self-esteem. It would also mean I get more creative and innovative to face challenges whenever they come up. Working with groups effectively will be of great importance as well, given the opportunity it gives for one to learn new concepts from others (Reichenpfader, Carl fjord and Nilsen, 2015). Learning to work with teams will mean that I will be able to understand how to deal with people who for instance may be stubborn, unwilling to change, and the very talented and focused ones. It will be an opportunity for me to understand their points of view on various issues which will help reduce wrangles by great margins.

Given that conflicts are always bound to occur, knowing how to deal with them effectively will be relevant in the development of my career. It is an open secret that conflicts have been accepted as being instrumental in the wellbeing of a firm, particularly when kept in check. Keeping them in check means having the ability to deal with them as soon as they appear. How useful these conflicts will be to our firm depends on my abilities to deal with them, reason why I need to learn the techniques. According to Preston et al (2015) good decision making skills shall enable me as a manager to make wise decisions that shall enhance the success of the organization. Finally, given the importance of change, particularly technological changes, it would be reasonable and necessary to learn how to introduce, manage and perpetuate changes in the firm. This is key, given that firms which choose to remain obstinate to changes end up required to be phased out of the industry.

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As a Human student I felt it necessary to join a certain online forum for managers and CEOs who discuss various issues in management together with the challenges they face as leaders in their various organizations. They usually discuss various current trends in management which keeps me updated with what I should expect in the real organizations in the near future. I have learned much from the Pals group just to mention a few. From the various forums, I have come to discover that leadership requires persistence and resistance in order to achieve success. Managers face various challenges in organizations but giving up is usually the last thing they would think of doing. Through interpersonal relationship with successful managers, I have been able to acquire various tactics in leadership. The motivational theory of leadership states that a successful leader should be in a good position to motivate the employees. After a thorough analysis of the theory, I have discovered that there various ways through which the employees can be motivated in the organization. These are: participative decision making, enhancing a conducive work environment for them and offering various categories of compensation. The Pals group has been of great help because we always brainstorm over various subjects and come up with various ideas such as how managers can achieve the required change with minimal resistance and many others.

According to Smallbone, Kitching and Blackburn (2015) the following are the lessons that I have obtained throughout my experience in life as a human resource student

Leadership is about solving problems

An effective leader should always be in a good position to solve any problem that arises among his subjects. This improves the trust that people might have for their leader.

Efficient leadership comes with efficient style.

A good leader should strive to choose an efficient style of leadership that achieves the maximum support of his subjects towards the achievement of the desired goals and objectives.

Leadership is dynamic

This is a never ending process in the entire life of a leader. Furthermore a leader acquires new ideas everyday on how to be more efficient in his position.

Acquiring these techniques will require a given method and plan to achieve (Owen, 2017). There is need therefore to know how best to learn, what thing needs a clear map. Some of these means will include joining a management college, attending seminars and workshops, finding information online and seeking to obtain knowledge from real world experiences such as working through internships. This is portrayed in the appendix section.


As a future leader, one needs to be practical as it makes perfect. Good leadership comes with acquisition of various skills which have to be applied by an individual in everyday life.


Amanchukwu, R.N., Stanley, G.J. and Ololube, N.P., 2015. A review of leadership theories, principles and styles and their relevance to educational management. Management, 5(1), pp.6-14.

Grubaugh, M.L. and Flynn, L., 2018. Relationships among Nurse Manager Leadership Skills, Conflict Management, and Unit Teamwork. Journal of Nursing Administration, 48(7/8), pp.383-388.

Hall, R.D. and Rowland, C.A., 2016. Leadership development for managers in turbulent times. Journal of Management Development, 35(8), pp.942-955.

Owen, J., 2017. The Leadership Skills Handbook: 90 Essential Skills You Need to be a Leader. Kogan Page Publishers.

Preston, G., Moon, J., Simon, R., Allen, S. and Kossi, E., 2015. The relevance of emotional intelligence in project leadership. Journal of Information Technology and Economic Development, 6(1), p.16.

Smallbone, D., Kitching, J. and Blackburn, R., 2015. Anchor institutions and small firms in the UK: A review of the literature on anchor institutions and their role in developing management and leadership skills in small firms.

Reichenpfader, U., Carlfjord, S. and Nilsen, P., 2015. Leadership in evidence-based practice: a systematic review. Leadership in Health Services, 28(4), pp.298-316.