Development Of An Automated System For Online Transactions Of Information Regarding Stud Breeding

Team Members

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Team Name:

OSFMS Experts

Team Members


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Contact No


Arun Kumar Kola

Project Manager

Mobile number

Personal e-mail

Ashmita Ghimire

Business Analyst

Mobile number

Personal e-mail

Sinthusha Kandeepan

IT Manager

Mobile number

Personal e-mail

The project is related to the development of a system which can be used for the online transaction of information regarding the stud breeding, payment from the owner and further communication related to the commercial information. the stud farms in NSW are currently maintaining a manual register for the entry of  any new horse for the breeding so that the stud manager can take appropriate action in the season. This automated system can help this stud farm manager and owner by conducting all communication and do transaction very transparently and without having any excessive manual entry. 

The aim and objective behind the development of the project by the Globex are to generate profit by selling the system which is to be developed for simplification of the entry and transaction method for the stud farm managers and the owner of the horse both. This system which is to be developed is headed over to Virtucon by Globex. The system will help it project between the owner of the horse and the stud Farm Manager. The order of the horse did a book for the season or the breeding period with the stud farm. The features which will be included in the system will be to help both the clients equally. By using this system, the stud farm manager will be able to enter all the details required for the breeding and at the same time, the platform can be used for the contractual agreement between they stud farm and the owner. From the system itself, all the accounting related information like GST and BAS which is required to be submitted to the government so that it can be obtained. All together this system will abide by the International standard and the Australian Standard too. 

Team Members


Skills and Knowledge Inventory

Arun Kumar Kola

Project Manager

Communication skill, leadership skill, human resource management skill, technical knowledge

Ashmita Ghimire

Business Analyst

Communication skill, stakeholder management skill, business handling skill, technical knowledge

Sinthusha Kandeepan

IT Manager

Communication skill, Technical knowledge, Team player


Roles and Responsibilities

Project Manager

Role of a project manager is to bind the whole team with a single string so that all remain focused towards the goal. The responsibility of a project manager is to take the ownership of the whole project and stayed by the decision

Business Analyst

Role of the business analyst is to continuously analyze the outcome of the project so that the progress pictures can be shown to the stakeholders for the growth of the business. The business analyst shall be responsible for the further growth of the business by selling the ideas and practice future be followed by the organization.

IT Manager

Role of IT manager is to work in a team to communicate well with the other team members for gathering the needs and expectation from the system. IT project shall be responsible for developing the overall system of OSFMS fulfill all the expectation of the stakeholders.

Team Communications 

Communication Type

Frequency / Time


eMails and Document Storage location

Video Conferencing


Through VC

The shared folder on a PC

In Person


In Virtucon Office

The shared folder on a PC



In Virtucon Office

The shared folder on a PC

Video Conferencing


Through VC

The shared folder on a PC

Audio conferencing


Through Mobile call

The shared folder on a PC


There are different points of interest of working in a group which has acknowledged as far as I can tell. The positive sides are, it helps in expanding the profitability of everybody, it likewise builds a coordinated effort and aides is doing conceptualizing. For a given arrangement of the issue, it is constantly fitting to tackle with at least two then two individuals, so the arrangement can be accomplished rapidly.


However, in the meantime, the working in a group can negatively affect the undertaking expectations (Paul, 2012). Group working can end up negative if the correspondence between the colleagues isn’t clear to set up of taking care of an issue that issue itself turns into another issue and the odds of raising clash increments. Perhaps unit if any individual can’t settle on his or her own choices they generally need to allude to all the colleagues for taking a choice, consequently the motivation time of taking a choice increments.

Identify and fulfill all the expectations of the stakeholders

Team Values

All the team members are required to maintain integrity in the communication channel so that all the information remain same throughout the team members and everybody knows every bit of thing about the project. Every team member should respect each other so that the excellent work should always be acknowledged (B&B Scenario, 2018). Every team member should understand other members feeling a problem; this can help in avoiding conflict.

Code of Ethics

This code should lead all the team members towards developing a smart approach for handling the work. All the team members should be treated transparently, fairly and equally, there should not be distinguished among the team members (HR Specialist, 2013). All the issues or conflict should be debated inside the room only and the issues should not be taken outside the room in any arbitration or Court. All the team members should follow the procedure properly and in case of any problems they should try to abide it.

Rules and Expectations

All the team members should follow the rules and regulations as bed sheet in the policy paper of the organization. All the members should attend every meeting as per the communication plan. Every team member should attend the office time to avoid any disciplinary action. Before going for leave every team member should get it approved by a senior.

Arun Kumar Kola

Insert Electronic signature

Project Manager


Ashmita Ghimire

Insert Electronic signature

Business Analyst


Sinthusha Kandeepan

Insert Electronic signature

IT Manager


Meeting Date



Meeting outcome


Arun Kumar Kola

Ashmita Ghimire

During this meeting, our internal roles and responsibilities are finalized, so that the project activities can be started accordingly.


Ashmita Ghimire

Sinthusha Kandeepan

During this meeting, types of stakeholders along with the list is identified, so that the scope of the project into fertilized.


Sinthusha Kandeepan

Arun Kumar Kola

During this meeting, if work breakdown structure of the project is developed so that the overall scope can be divided into manageable work packages.

Record of Learnings

The Facts

The Assumptions

The Questions

This online system Will help the stud Manager to avoid the manual entry regarding the horses and their register. It’s so this software will surely become a hit, and all the stakeholders shall you very much satisfied with this system

Globex will take care of the commercial requirement during the project life cycle, as there is always nil profit margin, so all the commercial transactions shall be done by the Globex

For developing the project, you shall be stationed at Virtucon office, so communicating with the sponsor shall become a challenging task, so a channel is required to be developed

By developing this system, this software can be sold to the probable clients very easily at this will automatically develop the profit percentages of the company.

The manpower requirement for the execution of the project shall be provided by the client and Virtucon shall hold the stakeholder position for the proper management development of the project

Clear information about the stakeholders is not available and so the list is required to be developed before fixing the needs or the requirement

Virtucon is a long-time consultant to Globex, and so Globex could provide the contract of managing and developing the project to Virtucon directly without conducting the contractual evaluation process

The system is going to be very famous about the clients and customers, and so Globex will not have to take any extra additional effort for marketing, the product will itself do the marketing of Globex Corporation due to its brand innovation

There are many hardware and other material which are required to be purchased for the project, but due to very less cache location direct purchase by the Virtucon shall not be possible, hence the Purchasing responsibility matrix is required to be fixed before the placement of an order

Action Plan:

The Questions


By whom

By when

For developing the project, you shall be stationed at Virtucon office, so communicating with the sponsor shall become a challenging task, so a channel is required to be developed (NCPEA Publications, 2013)

Proper communication method along with well-developed plan is required to be developed so that the same can be used for further communication

Project Manager and Globex Team members

During Initiation stage of the project

Clear information about the stakeholders is not available and so the list is required to be developed before fixing the needs or the requirement

A list of clearly identified list and requirements from the stakeholders is required to be developed and subsequently, approval should be obtained before the start of the work

Project Manager, Sponsor, and Globex Team members

During scope management phase

There are many hardware and other material which are required to be purchased for the project, but due to very less cache location direct purchase by the Virtucon shall not be possible, hence the Purchasing responsibility matrix is required to be fixed before the placement of an order

Item list containing all the materials which are required to be purchased are to be developed so that the approval can be obtained either from Globex or they can plan for purchasing of the material to avoid any delay with the project execution

Project Manager, Business Analyst, IT Manager, Sponsor, and Globex Team members

During procurement management phase

Stakeholder name

Information to be shared

Frequency of information exchange

Location of information exchange

Purpose of communication

Mechanism of communication

Hardcopy, pdf, ppt, word, email, etc







Arun Kumar Kola (Project Manager)

All reports of all knowledge areas

Daily and weekly

Office premises or at other respective locations of the employees

So that always remains updated regarding the progress and the concerns of the project

All forms of communication for sending the information

Ashmita Ghimire (Business Analyst)

Business projections and earned value results


At project Manager’s chamber

Update the other stakeholders like the project manager

Hardcopy and e-mail

Sinthusha Kandeepan

(IT Manager)

Progress and the concern report


At project Manager’s chamber

Update the other stakeholders like the project manager

Hardcopy and e-mail

Sponsor (of Globex)

All reports of all knowledge areas


Sponsor’s chamber or as per their wish

Keep satisfied with helping in financial management

Hardcopy, e-mail, and presentation

Team – Globex

Schedule and quality report


Globex office

Always keep updated and aligned

Hardcopy, e-mail, and presentation

Team – Virtucon

All reports of all knowledge areas


Virtucon office

Always keep updated and aligned

E-mail and pdf

Stud farm members

Only key updates on project status and time progress


Stud farms in NSW

Always keep updated and aligned

The presentation slide, pdf report

Veterinary Doctor

Only progress related points


Doctor’s chamber

Always keep updated and aligned

The presentation slide, pdf report

Head of NSW

Progress and Concern report


Secretariat building

Always keep updated and aligned

The presentation slide, pdf report

For a project to be successful, in this assignment, I could gather the knowledge regarding the roles and responsibilities of a project manager, that the project manager must have the team building capability. While developing this assignment along with my classmates I could Discover the inherited characteristics present inside myself, I realized that for the success of a project the project I need to have total control over the project team members and in return the projector papers should also have faith and trust in the project manager (Koganti, 2017). This situation can only happen if the project manager poses the leadership characteristics. This assignment has provided an insight view of the requirement to successfully lead a project. So, it could be concluded from my experience of developing this assignment that for achieving the success of a project, the manager of the project did to be a leader too else the chances of failure get increases.

ICT ventures are essentially determined by HR, acknowledge the utilization of programming and rationale else everything in ICT venture depends on the aptitude and learning level of the labor. The labor which is being utilized for creating it anticipates is greatly gifted in the meantime they are additionally sufficiently proficient. However, in the meantime to convey a task legitimately the venture supervisor needs to control all the HR who are being associated with the undertaking. Hands to administrator ICT venture in IT division, the task supervisor need the human control expertise, which can be best accomplished by utilizing initiative capacities. The venture administrator of ICT undertakings ought to have solid transaction expertise alongside the compelling listening ability, include the percent is likewise required to be straightforward with the goal that all the colleagues can take after as a brand image.


B&B Scenario. (2018). Team Values. Retrieved April 24, 2018, from

HR Specialist. (2013, December 12). The smart team leader’s code of conduct. Retrieved April 24, 2018, from

Koganti, S. (2017, September 28). Establishing Trust: A Very Important Quality of a Project Manager. Retrieved April 23, 2018, from PM Books:

NCPEA Publications. (2013). Using Peer Learning Support Networks and Reflective Practice: The Arkansas Leadership Academy Master Principal Program. Retrieved April 24, 2018, from[email protected]/using-peer-learning-support-networks-and-reflective-practice-the-arkansas-leadership-academy-master-principal-program

Paul, D. (2012, December 12). Advantages and Disadvantages Team Work. Retrieved April 24, 2018, from

Ripley, R. (2017, August 25). 5 Critical Elements of Project Communication Plans. Retrieved April 24, 2018, from