Development Of Balanced Scorecard And KPIs For LFR

Financial Perspective

Answer to task 1 (a)

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Development of a balanced scorecard for LFR at the organizational level 




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FY 1

Financial perspective

Optimization of firm’s returns

Attainment of Growth in the profitability

Base of Leverage of specific asset

Control of functional cost


ü Growth Attained in Revenue

ü Rate of utilization of firm’s assets

ü Functional Cost 






Enhancing  loyalty of the clientele

ü Rating satisfaction of clientele


Loyalty program for customers

Internal Processes

Growth in the business

– Capitalization of diverse deregulation prospects

– Maximization of diverse trading prospects

– Designing innovative products as well as services

– Leverage company’s established research and development (R&D) system

Constant Support of the public

– Positive management of diverse associations

– Delivering certainty regarding dependable services

– Communication with the clientele

Customer Service Excellence

– Optimization of utilization of asset

– Maximization of return obtained from allotment of assets

– Administration of Firm’s Cost

– Enterprise wide risk administration

ü Revenue acquired from company’s products as well as services

ü Percentage of Revenue obtained from services

ü NPV of diverse pipeline products as well as services

ü Percentage of delivery

ü Percentage capacity utilization

ü Productivity enhancement of employee

ü Percentage of decrease in firm’s  cost










Enhancement of overall firm’s infrastructure

Coalition Programs

Defensive maintenance

Service Dispatch computerization

Marketing functions

Learning as well as Growth

Market Driven capability

Contentment of members of the staff

Leadership of global standard

ü Tactical coverage ratio

ü Hours devoted for tactical training

ü Rating for contentment of members of the staff    

ü Efficacy of ratio of leadership (measured using 5 points scale)





Competency profile

Reimbursement related to performance

Training for leadership

Answer to task 1 (b)

Development of a measure in the form of a KPI for each objective recognized

Financial perspective





Optimization of returns earned from the corporation

Accomplishment of growth by enhancement of firm’s profitability can help in optimization of return (Valmohammadi & Ahmadi, 2015).

ROCE, Growth Attained in Revenue

-Return on capital employed can help management of the firm in understanding the rate of return earned by the firm out of the employed capital (Jahanshani et al., 2014). In addition to this, rate of growth in revenue also indicates the compound annualized growth rate in revenue (Youngran et al., 2017).

Customer Perspective





Enhancement of loyalty of clientele

The enhancement of loyalty of customers can help the company to retain the existing customers of LFR

Rating satisfaction of clientele

 The feedback gathered from the clientele can be rated for proper appraisal of the level of customer of the customers (Agnihotri et al., 2016).

Internal Processes





Attainment of business growth

Growth can be attained by LFR by appropriate capitalization of different deregulation prospects, maximization of different trading opportunities and designing of ground-breaking products as well as services (Tjader et al., 2014).  

Revenue derived from firm’s products and services

 Revenue from different business segments of LFR can help in understanding the rate of growth of business (Tjader et al., 2014).

Learning and Growth





Contentment of employees of the firm

Satisfaction of the employees of the firm can help in the development of the business of the firm LFR (Perkins et al., 2014).

Hours dedicated by the firm LFR towards training

The total number of hours dedicated towards tactical training can help in the development of the career of staff and lead to contentment (Tjader et al., 2014).  

Description of internal perspective measures that is appropriate at an organizational level

The internal perspective helps in identifying the area in which the firm needs to excel at. The internal perspectives that has the goal of enhancement of technological potential, manufacturing excellence, design productivity, introduction of new products and excellence in customer service for attainment of growth potential of the corporation (Jahanshani et al., 2014). Particular objective of delivering a continuous stream of diverse attractive solutions to the customers can be attained by customizing the products as well as service of LFR as per the needs of the customers identified at the micro level (Perkins et al., 2014). Therefore, the measures for analysing the internal perspective at the individual store level of LFR might not be the same as that of the organizational level (Tjader et al., 2014).  

Development of two KPIs that can be appropriate to include in the internal procedure perspective of a balanced scorecard for the individual stores

  • Reliability of Index – The reliabilitycoefficient essentially delivers an index that talks about the relative impact of both true as well as error scores on specifically obtained scores (Hoque, 2014). In general, the reliability coefficient can be referred to as the ratio of particularly score variance to specifically the entire/overall variance of test score (Valmohammadi & Ahmadi, 2015). This index can help in understanding the scores of internal processes at the individual store level of LFR and at the level of organization (Mutale et al., 2013).
  • Customer satisfaction rate- Customer satisfaction rate that is also referred to as the CSAT can be considered as an additional KPI for the firm LFR. This indicator can be treated as a metric that asks the clientele of the firm to properly rate the level of contentment of the customers with the business products as well as services (Valmohammadi & Ahmadi, 2015). Essentially, this metric can help in providing a score that can present an average rate of the responses of the customers. This in turn can help the management of the LFR in understanding the level of efficacy of the internal procedures of the business of LFR (Jahanshani et al., 2014). 

For each measure included explain the way it links back to the strategy of LFR



Link to DDR’s strategy

– Reliability of Index

– This index can assist in the process of understanding the scores attained for the internal processes at particularly the individual store level of LFR as well as at the organization level (Saeidi et al., 2015).

This can help in understanding the efficacy of the internal procedures of the firm both the at the individual as well as company level (Youngran et al., 2017). In order to evaluate whether the firm was attaining its objective of delivering reliable, as well as responsive supply, LFR turned to assess internal procedures both at individual as well as corporate level

– Customer satisfaction rate

This is a measure/dimension that can help the management of the firm LFR to understand the extent to which the products of the firm along with the services can meet or else exceed the overall expectations of the customers (Saeidi et al., 2015).

Keeping all the clients of the company LFR can be considered to be very important (Saeidi et al., 2015). However, the only way to get to know about the level of satisfaction of the customers of the business id to undertake a survey for analysing the level of satisfaction of the customers. Thus, this dimension can help the management of the firm to understand the efficacy of the internal procedures of the firm and assist in development of the same (Agnihotri et al., 2016). An effective survey of the customers can help the management of LFR to understand how contented the customers of the company and relate the same to product and service delivery efficiency, experience of the customers as well as overall contentment.


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