Digital Marketing And Advertising: Insights And Strategies

Changes in Digital Technology and Communication Innovations since 2012

Answer 1

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There have been many changes in the digital form of marketing including email marketing, social media marketing etc. Many companies are turning to short term marketing strategies. Various forms of out-of-home marketing are used by the marketers to draw the attention of customers.  Technology has also changed the marketing communication forms as people are much more reliant on tablets and gadgets. E-commerce has become very popular which was not so much in 2012 (Fuggetta and Di Nitto, 2014). Billboards have become electronic that catch the attention of the customers very quickly.

Answer 2a

There is a significant difference between actual and perceived interactivity. Perceived interactivity is the phenomenon which states what the marketers feel that they have interacted with the prospective customers after collecting their feedback. Actual interactivity is the  real outcome from the interaction with the customers by the marketers. Perceived interactivity has the chance of mediating the effect of actual interactivity.

Answer 2b

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Marketers always choose interactive marketing rather than the traditional form of marketing. There are various reasons behind this marketing strategy. An interactive marketing strategy has the capability to convert a reader to a prospective buyer which is known as sales conversion (Abedin and Ferdous, 2015). This type of marketing can also reduce the overhead expenses of the company. Audience engagement is also more. The marketers can get the feedback of the customers through interactive marketing which is its biggest advantage.

Answer 3

Digital marketing can be integrated with the use of magazine marketing. A company can give ads on the magazines or newspapers and distribute leaflets to let customers know about their products. They can also promote through online and collect the feedback of the customers from different social media.  Social site like Facebook is a popular platform for the marketers apart from magazines and newspapers.

Answer 4a

Internet marketing helped Nike to draw the attention of its customers through the social media channels that helped the women to chat about all their barriers. Nike started a campaign where they addressed the issue of the women to run alone at night. The company encouraged the women to share their experiences of running in their Facebook page. People started showing their support by giving their comments and likes and Nike created an app to motivate them for more running.

Answer 4b

Internet marketing is having a lot of advantages over the traditional form of marketing and it has become the future of advertising. The cost is very less and brand engagement is very high in digital marketing (Mathur, Heda and Khanna, 2015). The case study of Nike gave a clear indication that the company received a good response from the customers about their digital campaign.



Answer 5a

The different emerging marketing channels consist of different levels of the channels. The zero level that signifies direct mails, telemarketing or door to door sales helps the customers a lot as the manufacturer directly sells the product to the consumers (). The one level is the intermediary between the producer and the consumer which is ecommerce. Two level channels is the movement of products from company to intermediary and again to another and then to consumers. Here, consumers have a control over all the channels of marketing. Consumers have the options of selecting the required channel before buying the product.

Differences between Actual and Perceived Interactivity

Answer 5b

Marketing communicators can launch the various marketing campaigns using the different channels like direct marketing, email marketing, door to door selling or digital form of marketing as people are exposed to different media now. Social media plays a vital role to attract the attention of any consumer.

Answer 6

The different forms of paid media can be search engine optimization and PPC campaigns, tools like Google AdWords and various types of display advertising. Owned media can be any blog posts, eBooks or any type of contents given to generate new leads. Earned media has the largest engagement of customers and it includes word-of-mouth marketing. Marketers now build an ecosystem of all the three forms of media for marketing. Paid media has a relation with the earned and owned media.    

Answer  7

Search engine marketing has several advantages such as it has the lowest costs per customer acquisition. The pay-per-click campaigns require the marketers to pay when any user clicks on the ad only. When a visitor of a website is converted to a lead or anyone makes any online purchase, tracking becomes very easy. Search engines also increases the brand recognition.

Search engine marketing has some disadvantages like it takes a lot of time for researching keywords and creation of an effective search ad campaign. In order to maximize a budget and improve campaign performance, it requires specialized knowledge to strategically establish and manage any ad campaign. Keywords play an important role in the highly competitive market. Companies having lower budgets, need to strategically use the keywords for better search results.  

Search engine optimization has advantages like it has the capability to deliver a continuous flow of free and targeted  traffic. Cost is significantly reduced when all the SEO activities like link building and content generation are performed. Free is in the sense that the companies need not pay for the traffic. Search engine optimization also gives a good business exposure to the people who need an immediate solution. Web users generally click on the first link that appears on the screen. Search engine optimization also has the chance of generating traffic that has a high proximity of converting.  

SEO has a number of disadvantages like it takes a lot of time. If a person needs any result immediately, he can face some problems. SEO also take a longer period of time for a better return on investment. SEO has another disadvantage of a huge investment requirement. 

Answer  8 a

Personalized ads are also known as targeted ads. Personalized advertising is the form of communication of a media content or any message to any potential customers to match their interests (Tucker, 2014). These types of ads can be customized based on the preferences of the users like dialects, product types and cultural icons.  

Answer  8 b

Yes, indeed, personalized ads can be sent to the customers who do not provide the permission to the marketers to interact with them directly. It creates awareness about a product among the consumers without direct interaction.   

Integrating Digital Marketing with Magazine Advertising

Answer  9a

Smart phones play a significant role in a digital marketing campaign. Most of the internet users access the internet through their smart phones while they are waiting for anything. Smart phones on the other hand, help the customers to use various apps based on Android or iPhone platform. Users can read different blogs using smart phones and can let others know about any product through word-of-mouth.   

Answer  9b

Smart phones have become a very powerful tool for digital marketing campaigns (Armstrong, 2014). Smart phones are used by shoppers to make extensive research about any product and make any comparisons before purchasing online. So, marketers can perform digital marketing campaigns through the creation of apps accessed by smart phone users. Customers use smart phones to access internet and social media sites. Thus it helps in ad campaigns in Facebook, Twitter etc. Smartphones also assist in the email marketing where users can know about a product when he opens the email through it.

Answer  10a






Answer  10b

A media mix of television ads, email marketing, internet and social media marketing such as Facebook can be very effective where the marketers can attract my attention.  I am very regular on the social networking sites so any ads there can attract my attention.

Answer  11a

There are various reasons for the usage of billboards by marketers. Billboards and banners cost very less than any other form of outdoor marketing (Siddiqui, et al., 2016). It has a constant exposure to the customers. There are possibilities of endless designs in the billboards. People have no possibilities to escape from it.  Billboards also have frequency and repetition areas as the main aspects that outdoor advertising has that can provide a better marketing strategy.  

Answer  11b

According to the Recency Theory, there are two possible variations (Hertwig and Frey, 2015). It states that purchases may occur continuously everyday or some days of the week showing more purchases than the other days.   The first one states that the media planning strategy should be to to reach out to as many customers as possible in as many weeks as possible. The second one signifies that the marketers need to assign greater values to the ads that need to be aired immediately.  

Answer  12

This is to describe a remarkable and memorable day in my life when I was selected as the marketing office of Apple Autonomous Vehicles and I joined Apple after leaving Hyundai Motors. I was able to gain an insight into the technological developments that have been reflected on the automobiles of every brand. Thus I was able to bring noticeable changes in Hyundai and I was given an offer to join Apple. I would like to state that the competition is huge in the automobile sector and it will be fiercer in the future. I need to make more efficient and effective marketing strategies to attract more customers and make the price reasonable so that it is within their purchasing capacity. I need to make more fuel efficient cars than the competitors of Apple Autonomous Vehicles. I may also resort to digital marketing taking social media as a good platform to make brand awareness.


Abedin, Z. and Ferdous, L., 2015. Promotional Strategies of Telecommunication Industries and Customers Perception: A Study on Airtel Bangladesh Limited. Global Journal of Management And Business Research, 15(3).

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Fuggetta, A. and Di Nitto, E., 2014, May. Software process. In Proceedings of the on Future of Software Engineering (pp. 1-12). ACM.

Hertwig, R. and Frey, R., 2015. The challenge of the description-experience gap to the communication of risks. In The SAGE handbook of risk communication (pp. 24-40). Sage.

Mathur, S., Heda, S. and Khanna, V., 2015. Exploring The Level of Digital Alignment of Marketing Channels in Businesses of NCR and Rajasthan. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 6(4).

Siddiqui, K.A., Tarani, S.S.A., Fatani, S.A., Raza, A., Butt, R.M. and Azeema, N., 2016. Effect of size, location and content of billboards on brand awareness. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 8(2), p.40.

Tucker, C.E., 2014. Social networks, personalized advertising, and privacy controls. Journal of Marketing Research, 51(5), pp.546-562.