Digital Strategy Review And Planning: Organizational Policies, Objectives, And Review Methodologies

Example Organizational Policy and Procedure Related to Digital Strategy

Various forms of acceptable use policies. The AUP indicates different constraints and practices that any employee using organizational forms of IT assets must be able to agree to access the corporate network

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Change management policy. This is a policy that relates to formal processes for making various IT-based changes, development of software and even security services

Launching of various products or services within a new market platform. This ensures an opportunity to be more specific with different objectives, for instance, launching a given product within a new market

Scaling up profitability levels. Scale up the profits obtained by the organization through increasing the overall performance efficiency with the help of digital strategy.

  • Rebuilding and customizing
  • A new form of marginal supply
  • Products and services that are digitally enabled
  • An advanced form of digital marketing
  • A more organized and digitized form of a business process
  • Digital technologies, together with various capabilities
  • E-products and services
  • Social media profiles
  • Various levels of customer satisfaction
  • Evaluation of various forms of digital marketing goals
  • Evaluation of relevant messaging strategies
  • There is the need to take advantage of various forms of emerging trends within the business environment
  • It is also essential to keep up with various forms of changing content requirements
  • It can be distributed through the use of various social media platforms
  • It can also be executed with some of the best practices that are being carried out within the organizational environment

Some different goals and objectives are all linked to the entire organization. One of the most interesting things about the goals and objectives is that they are providing an appropriate direction that the organization should follow to enhance its levels of competitiveness based on different products and services that it offers to its group of target customers. These objectives, therefore, include the following;

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  • It ensures that different aspects of financial operations performance indicators and a variety of results can fully support different strategic policies.
  • Attain reasonable profits of about 20% on an annual basis
  • Develop reasonable customer services in order to come up with appropriate customer needs together with aspirations
  • It is focused on creating deeper relationships with the customers
  • It also aims towards engaging and developing some of the best staff

The policies and procedures relevant to the entire digital strategy aim towards offering appropriate guidance to make sure that quite several digital processes are perfectly taken into consideration. The policies and procedures therefore include;

Privacy Policy- Grow Management Consultant can comply with the entire privacy Act of 1998 and all the relevant Australian Privacy Principles. On the other hand, when providing different types of products and services to its target group of customers, the organization will always focus on collecting personal information associated with the target groups of customers within the business platform. Interestingly, access to information is also restricted to only the relevant and authorized staff.

Copyright- At all times of operation, the copyright must always be considered within the business environment. If there is the need to consider any report or article, there is the need to appropriately acknowledge the author or even the whole source of publication.

The standard operating environment of the organization is majorly about Microsoft Windows. As a result of this, every documentation within the organization should be perfectly produced through Microsoft Word 2010 or even later versions. This aims to ensure the portability of all the files and a consistent level of operation.

Filing- Every document within the organization must be perfectly filled in an appropriate folder on the computer system of the organization

Example Organizational Objective as Relevant to Digital Strategy

Printing- Any mode of printing within the organization must be perfectly carried out in a single-sided way for external communication and also doable sided for addressing internal communication

This aims towards offering appropriate guidance to the conduct of all the staff members when it comes to performing their respective duties as the employees linked to the organization.

Ethical Principles- This code is fully based on different fundamental ethical principles like respect for others, integrity and many more.  

This adequately outlines how the whole organization can protect and handle quite several personal information according to the relevant obligations under the National Privacy Principles. It therefore includes;

  • Collection of various information- The organization will always collect personal information that is linked to individual creators, publishers and even IT professionals
  • Anonymity- It also offers an option for different individuals not to identify themselves
  • The use together with disclosure of personal information- The organization perfectly uses and also discloses a lot of personal information specifically meant for primary business purposes for which is collected and even related management purposes
  • Marketing material- The organization considers quite several reasonable steps to protect personal information from any loss, unauthorized access or any other forms of misuse.

Grow Management Consultants is a very small management consultancy business that fully specializes in both leadership and development services. Moreover, the company can offer several services to assist different companies in adequately assessing the respective leadership behaviours of all the existing managers alongside their performance metrics. At the same time, they are also in a position of perfectly designing and implementing higher levels of customized leadership programs that are fully based on the whole assessment. Finally, it also offers its services across all the Australian boundaries.

  • It ensures that different aspects of financial operations performance indicators together with a variety of results are capable of fully supporting different strategic policies
  • Attain reasonable profits of about 20% on an annual basis
  • Develop reasonable customer services in order to come up with appropriate customer needs together with aspirations
  • It is focused on creating deeper relationships with the customers
  • It also aims towards engaging and developing some of the best staff

This adequately outlines how the whole organization can protect and handle quite several personal information according to the relevant obligations under the National Privacy Principles. It therefore includes;

  • Collection of various information- The organization will always collect personal information that is linked to individual creators, publishers and even IT professionals
  • Anonymity- It also offers an option for different individuals not to identify themselves
  • The use together with disclosure of personal information- The organization perfectly uses and also discloses a lot of personal information specifically meant for primary business purposes for which is collected and even related management purposes
  • Marketing material- The organization considers several reasonable steps to protect personal information from any loss, unauthorized access or any other forms of misuse.

Copyright- At all times of operation, the copyright must always be considered within the business environment. If there is the need to consider any report or article, there is the need to appropriately acknowledge the author or even the whole source of publication.

Respect for Others- All members of staff within the organization are expected to treat other personalities with both fairness and respect

Integrity- All the staff members have an obligation as citizens and employees to fully observe all the state-based laws together with the commonwealth.

Conflicts of Interest- Every staff member is expected to be honest when it comes to performing their respective roles and even avoid any mode of conflicts between their interests and those of their responsibilities to the organization.

Diligence- All the staff members are also expected to conduct their respective duties in a professional and ethical manner

All the information that has been identified as required in section 1 is very fundamental towards expanding the knowledge of the target audience regarding various aspects of digital strategies that should be considered within an organizational boundary. If the collected information is perfectly implemented, then there are higher chances that the organization will be able to meet all its digital strategy objectives in real-time, making sure that the organization maintains higher levels of competitiveness when it comes to providing different services to all its target groups of customers. On the other hand, if the collected information is wrongly interpreted, there is a high probability that the organization will encounter a lot of difficulties when dealing with digital strategy issues; hence, this might hinder certain modes of operations.

As far as the outcomes of the digital strategy review are concerned, it makes it much easier for the organization to adequately track the ROI through several tactics that are well put into consideration. On the other hand, it also makes it much easier for the whole organization to perfectly deal with its digital marketing issues to enhance its overall performance. To improve the digital strategy, there is the need to perfectly consider advanced modes of analytics. Moreover, it is also appropriate to take advantage of various emerging trends within the business platform and even keep up with all the changing content requirements.

One of the major outcomes associated with the review is to be able to develop a clear understanding associated with digital strategies and digital marketing strategies that can enhance the organisation’s performance. The review also offers an opportunity to adequately understand various management techniques within an organizational environment. As far as the issues of interpreting the information are concerned, there is likely to be the inability to comprehend the written information. To address this issue in future, there will be the need to use simple language as much as possible to offer an opportunity for every target group of individuals to understand what is required. Another issue might also include the differences in opinions given by different individuals. Again, there might also be difficult in hearing the speaker.

In conclusion, the digital strategy aims towards bringing on board improved productivity within the organization and even going as far as encouraging a well-organized digital culture within the operating boundaries of the organization. To ensure that it is perfectly scaled up to higher levels, there will be the need to try as much as possible to be flexible when dealing with different issues. Again, it will also be appropriate to refresh various marketing goals.