Discuss About The International Conference On Software Engineering

Introduction to eStage Online Backstage Management System

The eStage application is developed for the management of the online backstage and the application is designed to select the role of the each of the stakeholders associated with the management of the backstage. The user needs to login into the information system by selecting the roles and pass the authentication mechanism for using the different features provided by the system. On successful login the user is redirected to the welcome page and different links are provided for the different users. The user can select different options such as home, logoff, competitors, discipline and sections. The user can get the details of all processes on selecting the appropriate option and use the system wisely. The competitors can register into the information system with all their details and the different functionality are provided for each of the users with different roles. Like the stage manager can move the competitor, withdraw or change the sequence of the competitors. The results or the judgement can also be recorded in the information system by logging into the system and inputting the scores and the results for the management of the information and automatically distribute the results to the competitors.

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For proceeding with the testing of the software application different approach must be evaluated and the best approach should be selected for the testing the developed online backstage management system. The limitation of the project is needed to be identified by analysing the scope and objective of the project. The test document is prepared by following the below testing on the developed information system.

Unit Testing – The unit testing is performed for the verification of thee codes and the logics used for the development of the programs and it is compared with the current structure of the framework. It is performed in the final stage of the software development for reducing the errors and the bugs in the end product.

Integration Testing – It is used for testing the functionality of the developed software product and it is done by developing the software into different modules and integrating it with each other for finding its compatibility with the other module. For proceeding with the system integration testing it should be evaluated in different platform such that it can run on different hardware and software configuration.  

Business requirement – The testing of the online backstage management software should be done for the verification of the requirement meet by the solution and reduce the errors in the final software product developed for the management of the information and functionality required by the organization. The software product should be aligned with the business requirement and the different criteria that should be meet by the information system should be evaluated and tested for management of the defects in the final software. Different test case should be designed and the test results should be documented for troubleshooting the information system and increasing its efficiency.  

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Testing Techniques for eStage Information System

User acceptance testing – A group of friendly users should be involved in the testing of the information system and the main objective of this testing is to analyse the usability of the information system. The interface of the final product should be developed such that thee user does not face any difficulty for finding the different function and end to end flow of the information should be identified such that the errors can be mitigated. The main participant of the user acceptance testing can be the users for whom the information system is targeted and different test case should be developed.

The certificates used for the development of the functionality and samples of the data outputs should be tested. The artifact’s that are needed to be tested should be included in the test plan for the management of the information system. High level documentation strategy should be used and a traceability matrix should be developed for the identification of the inputs and the outputs of the information system.  The modules for the stakeholders involved in the system should be developed individually and tested during the integration of the system modules for the identification of the errors in during the development of the system.

The security features implemented in the information system should not be tested because it is not included in the management of the configuration and viewing the control of the information system. It is considered that the risk for the information system should not be considered and the network solution should be secured from the unauthorised access.

A testing tool should be selected for the detection of the fault and the tool should meet the following features such as;

  • Partial or full monitoring of the program codes that should include the following:
  • Instruction set simulator used for providing permission for the instruction level monitoring and providing trace facilities.
  • Animation of the program and permission for providing step by step execution and implementation of conditional breakpoint at the source level and in the machine code.
  • Coverage of the code report.
  • Symbolic debugging or formatted dump and allowing the inspection of the program for the identification of the errors for the chosen point
  • Benchmark used for the comparison of the run time performance
  • Analysis of the performance for highlighting the hotspots and the usage of the resources. 

TC-1 Use Case- Login

The test is performed such that the users does not face any error during logging into the information system.

The user should be selected from the dropdown list and input the password for logging into the system and using the information system for the management of the backstage program.

The user should be able to login into the information system and it should be redirected into the welcome page of the information system. The user must be able to use the information system according to their roles and responsibility and the user must be redirected to a separate link depending on the roles and responsibility of the user.

For designing the test plan the components in the information system should be divided into different components and the testing procedure should be defines. The testing should be divided into functional and non-functional testing. Different methodology should be followed for the development of the specific methodology and proceeding with the test plan. The scalability and the performance of the information system should be identified for testing the security constraints. The defects and the failures should be identified and the usability, performance, maintainability and the security of the information system should be considered and a single defect in the system can cause different failure in the information system.

The faults should be identified early during the development of the information system and it should be fixed for reviewing the requirement. For the testing the software the final step is to create a test summary and the functionality of the different components should be included in the test summary report for identification of the quality issues in the final software product.

Cost to fix a defect

Time detected




System test

Post release

Time introduced




5 -10 x

10 x

10 to 100x





25 to 100x




10 to 25x



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