E-Business Strategy And Covid-19 Impact On DBS In Singapore


The E-business strategy is defined as the long-term plan that puts up the place of the right technological digitalization. It helps the company to have concrete management of the electronic communication with the partners. Thus, in this assigned paper, the entire dedication is focused upon the business strategy (electronic) for guiding the customers regarding the essentiality of the firm, DBS in Singapore. E-business is considered important because it helps the organization conduct the business with both short-term and long-term business goals. Apart from that, the paper focuses on the business goals and involves skilled planning and carefulness. The discussion has been divided into three elemental progress that determines the basic evaluation on managing, coping, and adapting to the survival of the business orientation during the coronavirus pandemic.

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However, this paper also focuses upon the covid 19 impact on the utilization and adoption of digital technologies in the bank industry in Singapore. Apart from that, the implication towards the organizational operation exclaims the importance of supply chain management. Thus, the key strategies of E-commerce businesses enhance monitoring of the objectives that are being achieved through the feedback loop. On the other hand, a prior recommendation provides detailed facts regarding the use of the social media platform within the commercial management of the bank. The involvement of theories, models, and frameworks has helped support the ideas in this particular report. Lastly, a recommendation has helped the readers achieve the key takeaways of the concerned report in managing the entire discussion.

Digitalization and rapid changes accelerate globally, enhancing the enormous challenges and opportunities with media technology, professional services, and advanced digital journey. Thus, digitalization and new technologies have accepted the unique findings towards the commercialization of the bank. In this situation, Enderwick and Buckley (2019) have stated that the impact of digitalization is more than technology. Having undergone the digital transformation journey, the DBS enhances understanding the technological advancement and solving the business problems. Identifying the customer frustration and the friction enhances understanding the business problems. With further access, the digital adoption happens to take a quantum leap and the consumers have moved towards online channels dramatically. The surprising speedup of the firm has created a digital enhanced offering with developed services and products. The need for different strategies around innovation has apparently given a rise to the expectation of the customers. Nearly 75% o the fintech app has been regulated for betterment in the digital world.

Impact of Covid-19 on DBS

On the other hand, Gunawan et al., (2022) stated that DBS adopted in using the 4-D design management and thinking process. The process has been already developed and delivered with several innovative solutions in the long run. Collaboration has been delivered as the key towards success, and in digital transformation, DBS is working in a building of the construction industry. The banking sector in Singapore after the pandemic situation has adopted the Application programming interface which is powered by advanced analytics and attempts to provide personalization for real-time. Henceforth, the impact of Covid 19 has been of greater use by adopting the various digitalised technologies for better progress.

The revenue model or the pricing model for creating the value has been enhanced and determined accordingly with the further association. Roy (2021) has analyzed that the creation of the business model is quite innovative, and it determines the stakeholders to be revenue in a sustainable way. The strategy implemented is quite simple and clear, and it attempts to define the business with clarity and competitive advantages. On the other hand, the pricing model of the business is quite credible as it facilitates the capital financing to be specialized. Consumer banking enables to serve the individuals with a mass-market analysis and its constituents to be including loans, deposits and the range of banking products happens to have a diverse range in making the business activities such as investments, payments, and insurance (Wijaya and Ferrari 2020). The structure is considered quite elegant, with equity and better collaboration.

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According to George (2021), the Singapore bank, DBS, has mapped the strategic roadmap to becoming one of leadership management’s outreaches. The bank has a headquarter with n imperative position in the home market, and in 2017, good progress was recorded that escalates SGD 1.90 million. With the sudden breakdown of coronavirus, the DBS is considered to be connected with strength, and the local market corporates manage the newly launched services in the banking account of excessive management and illustration. On the other hand, it details that the affordable banking services prophases the SGD derivatives. The Covid 19 has also challenged the business to have the sector more fascinating globally. The forcing scale of the crisis is categorized under the M&A transaction. Dotiwala, Pant and Sengupta (2020) have stated that Merger market data indicate the activities that have suddenly declined in the first half of 2020. Therefore, the deal value indicates the falling of the lowest level of the operational management.  The acceleration of digitalisation has an impact on the supply chain, eCRM and reintermediation. It has been observed that Covid 19 has portrayed that digitalisation can work and it has contrasted the reality of the work progress. Due to the impact of digitalisation, the supply chain management and other reinforcement has been accelerated with positive growth. It eliminated the manual workflow and happens to go digital. Apart from that, an advantage has been taken that reopens the global economy with better progress.

The Implication of the Firm During the Pandemic

The pivot strategy implemented in the financial service for success states the focus towards a breath to new life and manage the implication in managing the better analysis in the long run. In this corresponding analysis, the entire focus is dependent upon the pivot strategy of tiding the business after the corona situation globally. The pivot strategy of the firm is quite a dovish stance, and its contrast to the other pivot strategies (Reardon et al., 2021). Therefore, the freeing up of the space and implementing the liquidity often initializes the non-rate methods for managing the excess reserves and running low with anticipation of increased government.

The Singapore financial service, DBS group, enhances the microenvironmental analysis and focuses upon the financial sector’s holding management. Thus, with further reference, the competitive rivalry of the firm in the market is considered to be quite intense due to the presence of local financial sectors and international banks (Porter 2019). Further, the threat of substitutes is considered high because of the feasible and with better options. The threat of new entrants in the Singaporean market is high with the competitive landscape, and financial technology has been knocking the foothold. The bargaining power of the buyers has a high-power range of bargaining due to the negotiable pricing strategies. Lastly, the bargaining power of the supplier is considered to be moderate to high, and the supplier, and by considering the factors, embrace the increase in competition due to the excess availability of human resources.

The SLEPT or PESTLE analysis of the market claims the extraordinary growth in the economy. The considered high-income economy and the macro-environmental factors are measured to be an acronym with the factors impact in the country. Thus, the political risk in the country emerges to be quite low because of being democratic (Qin 2020). The people do elect the stability, which has translated the better standard for living. On the other hand, the country’s economic factor is considered vibrant free, developing fast. The country’s per capita income is ASEAN and is also a corruption-free environment. Henceforth, the government is quite diversifying, and it also attempts to be substantial and geographic (Phan 2021). The social factor of the country is considered to be traditional, and family values with materialism desire and it expect the higher purchasing power from the customers.

Further, the technological factors emerge to be based upon the change in the lifestyle, and the technological advancement is increasing its connectivity. Thus, the internet and social networking emerge to penetrate household broadband with internet services. Hence, 70% of e-commerce and eB2Cmodels have improved IT infrastructure (Christodoulou and Cullinane 2019). The Singaporean market is going to move towards the electronic government era. Lastly, legal factors think that electronic commerce depends on transparent and favourable legislation with economic growth (Sirimongkarakom 2021). Thus, the Intellectual Property Rights and Content regulations support the e-commerce facility.

Macro and Micro Analysis

The competitive analysis of DBS Bank strengthens the leading banking power with a diversified portfolio, forefront in leveraging the digital technology in the financial services and consistently delivering strong performance. The strong CSR initiatives had robust risk management with a mitigation framework (Rangkuti et al., 2020). On the other hand, Benzaghta (2021) NPA for the DBS group in gas and oil exposures. The firm’s opportunities in expansion plans in the Middle East and India forecast increased intra-regional trade. Further, the development of the PHY-digital experience has been observed. Thus, the large platform emerges to have a fintech start-up that challenges established players. Thus, an increase in competition and trade war relies upon protectionism policies.

Furthermore, the new normal has been looking like for the business, and it enhances the replumbing of the supply chain and through reshoring the shift of the supply chain management with diversification. The rise of the ecosystem with an entire supply chain management happens to participate on a single platform. In this section, adapting a new look to the future enhances the home-based business travel for better digital transactions in the banking business.  

In this discussion section, the Ansoff matric is considered a strategic tool developed to facilitate and guide people accordingly. Consequently, the business enhances four consecutive strategic choices in the long development. Thus, market penetration strategy equips brand productivity (Dawes 2018). The increase in productivity allows the DBS group to control overhead costs and increase sales and consumption. On the other hand, the increased marketing investment relies upon engaging communication and the investment that focuses on digital activities. The enhanced distribution and its channel focus on concrete strategies for improving supply chain management. Therefore, competitive pricing and product development rely on market share growth and its new geographic reliance on the trending strategies. Hence, through the above discussion, the diversification mainly relies upon the business growth and its development for occurring over the engaged enhancement of the digital banking services and facilities for the customers (Wee 2018). The vertical diversification and the horizontal diversification enhance the corporate transformation of the bank, and it is beneficial for becoming quite a conglomerate in engaging the diversification towards the new business.

Furthermore, the enhancement of marketing mix orders to execute the marketing and also to execute the strategic plan for better diversification in the long run. Through the observation of the concrete understanding, Attar (2020) has stated that the generic strategy measures the broad and narrow segmentation of the firm. In order to understand the diversification, the low cost and the unique services have been managed by the cost leadership strategy and its differentiation, focusing on the strategy. The changes or the enhancement of developing the digital business modifies to be quite strategic and innovative. In this sequence, Akshoy (2018) has stated the adaptation of the business during the covid environment.

Porter’s Five Force

Further, it can be centralized that the covid environment has been developing the promotion and its mode for effective analysis in the long run. The entrance of virtual media has helped much of the population maintain financial activities through online mode. Apart from that, employee engagement relies upon the marketing strategy, and during the pandemic period, online processes have been given better insights. Thus, the recruitment of the employees happens to be quite innovative, and it adapts the innovation management for better development in the long run. The pricing strategy is quite based on premium standards, and in response to the SWOT analysis, Tsatsoula (2018) has stated that the better enhancement of the business mainly relies upon the opportunities and threats. It focuses on the new services available in the market and the alliances for the channel conflicts. The business strategies adopted have been quite effective, and the two most elements of discussion have helped in better execution and management.

This section of the discussion can be visualized or portrayed that the fundamental pages on the social media platform have made a complete alert of the customer behaviour and fraudulent pages. It firmly details that customers have been reminded of the personal information, and after the Covid situation, the entire scenario has been analyzed under virtual consent. Yahia (2018) has stated that DBS clinches for global accommodation for better innovation in digital banking. The impressive and the better access of the digital exchange has been considered the first consent with major bank trading and enhanced in creating a new platform scale. On the other hand, Osatuyi and Turel (2019), the innovation of the banker, recognizes the initiatives, strategies, and commitment towards digital transformation. Further, the technological project and its managerial implication initiated the award constraint in 2021.

The business insights have the latest market and industry insights with leadership articles. Digital sustainability dedicates to being under treasury customers. On the other hand, transaction banking happens to have strategic advisory and project finance with the future retail of a sustainable ecosystem. Thus, experts attempt to weigh the planning for the year 2021, and transaction banking leads to the future of retail sustainability and the future ecosystem (Mishra, Singh and Koles 2021). Thus, the latest market and the dedication towards the treasury customers. Further, the liquidity management in an unprecedented time evaluates the experts to have the share insights (Mishra 2021). The strategies for reviving the sustain and supply chain strengthen chains in the mentioned country.

SLEPT Analysis

The covid 19 and its unprecedented acceleration rely upon the Indonesian consumer behaviour shift. The outline of the changes relies upon the companies and the GDP contracts by 5% to 1%. On a macro-level, the expectation of shifting towards the consumer companies has been based on the uncertain future and its need for diversification. Thus, the virus’s ascertained impact has led to consumer behaviour responding and adapting to the growth with large-scale associations. Henceforth, the sudden impact of the virus leads to the outbreak of the lockdown on consumer behaviour (Mistrean 2021). Apart from that, the long-term expectation is considered intact and expects some changes between the 2022-2022F. Hence, a decline in the economy recovers a touching impact on the Pandemic with readjusting views. The differentiation in the present consumer behavior manages the competent leadership with internal controls in the long run. The value-led culture and its purpose-driven with strategical implementation with recognizable connectivity.

Apart from that, Davenport and Miller (2020) have stated that nimbleness and agility depict the meaningful scale and the culture of innovation and experimentation. It is stated to be purpose-driven and financially transformed with leading management. Thus, management and finance enrich the effectiveness of internal controls, and it leads to the purpose-driven with trustworthiness and transforming. Thus, Jelassi and Martinez (2020) have stated that effective informational technology and the adequacy of stakeholders have been the most important elements in upgrading the digitalization of the bank in Singapore. Covid 19 has hammered the global economy and its incalculable toll on human life with further reference. Indeed, the stronger the bond, the stronger the human spirit with the ability to overcome the collective testament. On the other hand, the resilient performance in the face of the crisis with humanity faced the better pandemic rolling shrank 5.8% in 2019.

The technological company, DBS’s transformation, igniting the new growth areas and advancing the sustainability agenda. The scaling of the business in the large Asian markets or the Singaporean new growth areas has been with a positive outlook (Vlados 2019). The customer hope and hard-hit funding the moratoriums seamlessly with the safety of the homes. On the other hand, building up the morale details the protecting jobs with DBS internship unabated programs. The record operation results in an elegant execution for addressing the magnitude of business models. Henceforth, the strong business momentum was despite an economic slowdown of 6% and the interest rate (Kiron and Spindel 2019). The business unit performance has been resilient, and it offsets consumer banking with wealth management and the impact of lowering the interest rates with lower bancassurance. Thus, net interest income with a basic point is maintained to have better engagement from LVB. The traditional key performance indicators achieve sustainable growth with financial outcomes and determine the people with the living tool.

In this section of the discussion, the change in the customer behaviour and digitization in shaping the future insurance. The declared Pandemic experiences the crisis with a flattering infection rate. It can be stated that the world is currently deeper in the recession with a global financial crisis, and it depicts unprecedented monetary and fiscal measures. The recovery happens to be staggered and difficult with significant policy support, and it is competitive in the labour market (Kiron and Spindel 2019). On the other hand, the domestic demand orientation has been decisive for stabilizing the economic recovery. Thus, the changing customer and its impact on the insurance industry has no such turnback. It can be recommended that the Covid 19 has been becoming more than a bank. The digital transformation at DBS discusses the mindsets at the bank approach to digital transformation with technological imbalance. The most important recommendation that can be presented depicts the value of digital. It portrays the digital transformation. It has captured a realization of the technology and demonstrates the P&L.

Further, setting others apart from a crowd measures the operational metrics. It can be recommended by saying that the DBS bank can aim to intermediate the trade and investment between Southeast and South Asia. The universal bank attempts to serve the customer segments for becoming the best-digitalized bank (Sia 2021). Thus, DBS has dramatically reduced the time-to-time market penetration, and the digital bank has been added for better effective customers.


From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the project’s entire purpose has outlined the importance of e-business, especially in the world of the Pandemic. The chosen business has been authorized, and it is quite accelerated for analyzing the revenue and pricing models. The pricing model considers to be unique and innovative and focuses upon accelerating management. Further, the business model adopted focuses on the B2C strategy for effective imposition in the long run. On the other hand, the paper has also focused on a business pivot, and it justifies that the DBS financial service centre implies the customer need pivot. By initializing the importance of macro and microenvironment, it has been observed that Porter’s five forces focused on the threat of new entrants due to emerging facilities. Apart from that, SLEPT analysis dealt with Singapore’s external market scenario and concluded that the market is a complete political free market for establishing the new innovative form for effective production after Covid. Lastly, the internal environment and business strategy such as the Ansoff matrix is adopted to portray the firm’s developed competitive advantage. The focus on the marketing mix is quite interesting, and the consumer behavioral changes implemented better management through effective research.


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