E-commerce Monitoring And Control Policy Plan For Simply New Zealand Limited

Intellectual property theft

Intellectual property theft

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It includes the robbing of companies regarding their creative expressions, ideas and inventions which is referred to as intellectual property and which in turn also involves every detailed information ranging from the secrets utilized in trade, proprietary products along with the details of the software and the business processes utilized by the companies.

  • Disclosure of software utilized by the company: The movement of the employees to the competitors causes disclosure of the details of the software which is being utilized by Simply New Zealand (Halbert, 2016). Its disclosure might lead to the competitors in opting for that particular software in improving their performance and competing with Simply New Zealand along with making their mark in the market place.
  • Confidentiality loss of trade secrets: Theloss of confidentiality of the trade secrets applied by Simply New Zealand (Yampolskiyet al., 2014). The competitors will come to know about the secrets of the trade utilized and applied by the Simply New Zealand which in turn will be applied by the competitors for the betterment of their organization and keeping up with their standards in the marketplace.
  • Disclosure of the adopted business processes: The disclosure of business processes to the competitors will lead towards those competitors in adopting those particular business processes for the development of their platform. This might cause harm in the growth of Simply New Zealand.
  • Copyrights: Copyright of the software developed as well as utilized by them would be an effective option for the minimization of the potential impact as this would help in protection of original works of the higher authorities of the company like development of a particular software, utilization of a particular for the creation of a good product etc. The protection of copyright helps the actual holder in having certain exclusive rights such that the software utilized by them could additionally be modified, created, performed, distributed, displayed as well as copied by Simply New Zealand as compared to that of the other organizations (Moore, 2017). The work must get fixed in a palpable expression medium for qualifying under the laws of copyright.
  • Strengthening of trade secrets: In simple words, the trade secrets indicates towards certain process, formula, important information related to business or other devices which are kept private by the organizations for boosting up the productivity and the standards of their respective businesses and for making their business more advantages which could be tough for their competitors to deal with (Klasa et al., 2018). It could involve numerous things like business methodologies utilized by them, lists of the base of the customers, results of surveys for the improvement of their businesses along with certain programming algorithms utilized by them. The secrets should only be known by the higher authorities so that it does not gets disclosed in front of the competitors.
  • Strengthening the privacy of the business processes: The privacy of several business processes utilized by this organization needs to be enhanced such that the employees moving towards several organizations could never become successful in disclosing the business processes followed by Simply New Zealand for the development of the business processes of its competitors.

Demographic analysis is a kind of demographic analysis which is utilized by the marketers so that they might be much efficient with the advertising services or products along with the identification of the probable gaps in their strategies of marketing. It could also be referred to as a strategy for spying in corporate. It could basically be utilized by this organization for keeping track of the marketing strategies on the basis of the needs of their customers which in help the organization in marketing their products in a certain customized manner (Lioukina, 2013). It could also be utilized by this organization for determination of their next step along with the customization of products for certain set of consumers.

This helps the organization in the estimation of investment on various kinds of things starting from raw materials required for the manufacturing of the products, desktops, notebooks, processors handhelds, system cabinets, cables, support as well as system service which in turn would help the organization to perform all its function in a smooth manner (Al-Shamri, 2016). The organization spend must be examined where specific knowledge is captured with respect to a particular area which is categorized.

Customer satisfaction forms an important factor which is necessary for rates of success of an organization. The satisfaction of the customers indicates towards the growth of an organization. The organization could only stay ahead of the competitors if they become successful in meeting the demands and needs of their customers and supporting their customers (Azanza,  Moriano, & Molero, 2013). Sustainability could only be achieved by the organization if they succeed in maintaining a good base of customers through their various services.

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Customer relationship management refers to an approach for managing the interaction of an organization with its potential and current customers where data analysis is utilized about history of the customers with an organization for improving the relationships of businesses with the customers where the retention of the customers is focused which is the driving factor behind the growth of sales.

Four factors of an e-commerce CRM are as follows:

  • Cultural change: A culture should be developed by the organization where all the staffs are encouraged for learning and sharing from new structures of work along with the information that are based on the customers for the realization of the objectives and a successful customers relationship management (Kherbach, 2016). The resistance towards the execution of several tasks in an advanced manner within the culture of an organization should be minimized and addressed as well.
  • Key information on customers: The process of analysing as well as acquiring the correct quality and quantity of information the base of the customers is very helpful in meeting the needs and demands of the customers (Mrwebi, 2019). The correct amount of information for a base for the process of designing of various customized services and products according to the needs of the customers.
  • Management of IT structure: The management of the It structure forms a major issue as the role of an enabler is played by IT for the management and acquiring of valuable data which are based on the customers (Alvesson & Sveningsson, 2015).Certain factors like abilities of data warehousing, internet influence and configuration of software are vital for the successful implementation of CRM.
  • Inter-departmental integration: Successful management of the custom information flower relationship demands the integration of various departments and functions of the organization along with the connection of the structure for occurrence of successful information flow (Fernández, 2013). These kinds of integration becomes necessary for delivery of the organization along with its products or services to the customers in successful manner.

Demographic analysis

Four reporting features offered by Google Analytics are mentioned below:

  • Traffic reporting: The role of a traffic reporter is played by Google Analytics. This particular service will help in the determination of the total number of sites visited by total number of people on a daily basis (Giuliano & Nunn, 2017). The trends could also be tracked overtime with the help of Google Analytics. This in turn will help in influencing the various kinds of decisions regarding online marketing.
  • Conversion tracking: The other feature offered by Google Analytics is conversion tracking where the conversion points could be set up by the users once they have been identified on the websites of the users like e-commerce sale, submission of contact forms or a phone call etc. and could be utilized by the users for tracking within Google Analytics (Gunter,  & Önder, 2016). The users would be able to witness the conversion of the traffic sources by somebody that referred towards them.
  • Third party referrals: This reporting features helps its users in the identification of the websites of the third parties which are accountable for sending traffic towards them. This feature is also helpful for the users in the identification of various kinds of sites which are worth of spending much time on. It is also helpful for the identification of the new sites which have commenced to link with the websites of the users.
  • Custom dashboards: An ability is offered by Google Analytics for the creation of semi-customized dashboards for the purpose of analytics which are performed by the users. The keyword referrals as well as conversions could be added to the dashboards of the users despite of traffic in web (Filvà, et al., 2014). The dashboard forms the first screen after logging in the profile of the website which then is exported in a pdf format. This in turn helps in easy sharing of the reports.

Three methods of user authentication are mentioned below:

  • Biometrics: Biometrics forms one of the most important security feature and is referred to as the measurement as well as the statistical analysis of unique behavioural and physical characteristics of the people. This typical technology is utilized for the identification as well as access control by valid individuals who are under surveillances (Clark et al., 2014). It refers to those metrics which are connected to the characteristics of human beings.
  • Facial recognition: This an advanced method utilized for authentication of the users of the e-commerce site of Simply New Zealand for illustration of security control robustness for successful and secure online transactions. It is referred to as a technology which possesses certain capabilities of verification and identification of human beings from a video frame or a digital image. There are numerous methods by which the system accountable for facial recognition works.
  • Two-Factor authentication: Two-factor authentication refers towards a kind or a subset of multi-factor authentication where the identity which is claimed by a user is verified by the process of utilization of a password which is already known to them along with a second factor other than something which is already known by them. The second factor is received by them via their contact numbers and helps in the verification of an authentic user.

A weak password becomes very easy to detect both by the utilization of the programming algorithms as well as by humans. Examples of weak password comprises of name of any member of the family, date of birth or contact number etc. like 14051992 which could easily be exploited.

On the other hand, a strong password should constitute of a maximum of twelve characters with a mixture of characters, numbers, alphabets etc. like [email protected]

Three potential malware threats are mentioned below:

  • File-less malware: The systems are affected by the file-less malware as it travels and systems becomes infected. The file-less malware infects the systems by the utilization of the file system. The file systems or files is not directly affected by the file-less malware. The memory is exploited by this kinds of malware threats. These file-less malware gets spread rapidly in the memory of the systems. These kinds of malware also gets spread with the utilization of non-file objects of the operating systems such as registry keys, APIs etc. to name a few (Farney, 2103). These kinds of malware are attacks are initiated by the process of destruction of a legitimate program which already exists or by the utilization of the current legitimate tools which are constructed into the operating systems like Microsoft Powershell. This factors make the detection as well as prevention of these kinds of attacks more and more difficult.
  • Spyware: Spyware is helpful for the hackers as the users as well as their respective systems could easily be spied upon (Li et al., 2013). This kind of malware threat could be utilized for the purpose of key-logging and several kinds of similar activities which in turn helps the hackers for gaining access to confidential and personal data like important login credentials of the users as well as their intellectual properties. It is also utilized by the people for keeping track of the activities of those people who are known to them.
  • Adware: These kinds of malware attacks attempts in exposing the users to unwanted advertising which are malicious in nature. These types of advertisements ends up infecting the devices of the users. Users are redirected by certain kinds of adware programs at the time of browser searches to look similar to that of the web pages which comprises of the promotions of various other products. Removal of adware is easier as compared to that of the above mentioned malware threats. The malicious executable needs to be identified and removed.

Two reasons for the business risk in the context of accessibility of back end functions of e-commerce to new staffs are as follows:

  • The back end functions of the e-commerce site could be easily modified by the new staffs which in turn could hamper the privacy, authentication as well as the integrity of the e-commerce site (He, Chan & Guizani, 2015). It could also be accessed by the unauthorized user and third parties as well and also could proceed towards being hacked.
  • The accessibility by the new staffs could result in wrong handling of certain back-end functions of the e-commerce site of Simply New Zealand which might further lead to reliability issues in the e-commerce site where errors could be shown by online payment system and the e-commerce plugins could have bugs.

Risk Description

Chance of Occurrence

Impact on Project

Mitigation Plan

Modification of the back-end functions



Providing a good quality of training.

Wrong handling of the functions



Monitoring the activities of the new staffs.

Two actions for mitigating the poor performances of ISP are mentioned below:

  • Utilization of appropriate technology: The utilization of an appropriate technology becomes an essential factor as a flow-based technology helps in monitoring the behaviour of the network (Seo et al., 2014).It also helps in providing a live picture of the traffic of network on the network with the minimization of stipulated time taken for the detection of any abnormal behaviour.
  • Strengthening of the shields: The proper configuration of the firewalls are ensured along with the patching of the systems with the latest updates of security.


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