Effective Business Communication: Diagnosis And Reflection

Importance of Effective Communication in Personal and Organizational Development

Effective business communication is important for the personal development. In case of self-development organisational, the level of communication needs to be improved and that is the concern reason five effective tests have been done. All these levels of communications help my personal understanding to know about the situation I am. This reflective paper signifies the potential of my communication and also analyse the effectiveness of those tools.

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The effectiveness of communication is important for any person and I need to know the positional situation that I am lacking behind. Effective communication helps to make the good impression over any person. If communication is good in the workplace then people will appreciate my communication an interaction process and that is the concern matter for me. In case of complex situation, if I can use the effective communication process then the mater can be mitigated in simplified form too. The communication is important for the collaboration of the team and that is the reason leaders have to take initiative to communicate with their team. The process can be non-verbal communication in some cases where facial expression or movement of hands are the effective matter of business. The communication also helps to manage the stress and process some respectful way in the organisation. The five tools are Self-Perceived Communication Competence Scale (SPCC), Nonverbal Immediacy Scale Self Report (NIS-S), Personal Report of Intercultural Communication Apprehension (PRICA), Talkaholic Sale, and Tolerance for Disagreement (Bell & Muir, 2014).

The communication process is important as confronted situation faced by me in interacting is the key issue in the workplace so my score in this test is quite effective. The parameters are quite interesting in this process as the tool formulates the interaction with my friend and interaction with an unknown person. The entire range of communication is taken at that process. The communication of the general interaction process is the key matter of business and all the communication manner is situation basis.

I have scored some good numbers in the different process. In case of communication with the general public, I have a moderate score of 75 and that signifies I am not quite afraid of communicating with them. In case of the meeting, I have a little bit of confrontation as 57.33 are not just enough to state as moderate one. I need to work on that. In case of group discussion I am not quite comfortable; rather sometimes I do not attend this kind of corporate meetings. In case of interpersonal communication or Dyad, I have a moderate score of 70 and that signifies I have this capability to speak in case of this process. In case of a stranger, I am not quite capable to communicate and show in my number. 30.5 is the number that I scored and that signifies I need confidence and smartness to interact properly with strangers. The next section clarifies the acquaintance and I am not quite close to all of my friends. My introvert mentality is the key obstruction of this process and that shows in number also as I have scored 83.75 on that. Friends close to mine are the companion for me and that is the reason 90 plus signifies my good moderate rate of communication with them.

The Five Tools for Analyzing the Effectiveness of Communication

NIS-S is the feeling of mine towards another people. The expression and face validity is the major concern of this business and that examines more diverse culture and also recognises the difference between female and male. The variant is real in that case and the social desirability is the concerning aspect of that. The process is the amalgamation of both the factor. I have scored 96 in that test and that signifies the numbers are moderately high from males and a narrow escape for females. The expression and nonverbal interact process is the good sense of it.

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The PRICA test contains on intercultural context. The language of native speakers is always different from others and that is the reason people from other countries need some time to habituate with that process. The culture of the organisation and an interacting session with all are the key processes for business. This communication process is the disaster for me as I have scored only 28 over there. The score is in the level range but at the time of intercultural communication I feel nervous and this can be considered as my drawback also.

Talkaholic signifies high talker and that is the reason people desire to talk and people have to talk is the concern differentiation that segmented in that process. Sometimes students have to talk and in case of interaction, the process of communication occurs. In that case, my score is 23 and that signifies my introvert nature and mot to talk with people generally. If there is any crucial condition, then interaction will happen. People are truly Talkaholic is not easy to control and but the store of words is necessary in some cases.

The Tolerance for Disagreement is another patience related matter that signifies the level my patient and state in between the situation of misunderstanding or conflict situation. This is the link between people and their problems and confrontations.  My patient is high as I have scored 60 over this and that is the reason good decision-making sense and organisational decision-making cases are important for that section. The high TFD is the elected process for me and I have the cool mentality in every section of this process.  

From the above test results, there are some valuable aspects has come up in front of me. I was quite amazed to see such problems that I have, and I am quite unaware of that. The major problem that I have faced in this entire process is the intercultural communication issues. The act of processing words, sounds and other factors are the key concern of that matter. The process is quite interesting as the exchange of behaviour and ideas are the important things to be shared. The ideas, thoughts and feelings are the concern issue over business. This is the concern aspect of communication as thoughts and feelings are important for the development of interpersonal communication. The process of communication has some good aspects to influence on. The open and respectful value of the partners is the key matter of business. The exchange of views is always important for cultural characteristic. The collectiveness of groups and the representation is the most important section of business and the process help to maintain the connecting aspect that showcases the business (Bovee, Thill & Raina, 2016). The situation is quite similar for me also, as I am struggling over the community maintenance which is the key prospect for me also. The unpleasant situation where I become irresponsive and could not utter a single word is the key challenge for me. In case of both the aspect of verbal and nonverbal cases, the situation is same and that is the reason I need guidance or training for that.

Self-Perceived Communication Competence Scale (SPCC)

Another challenge that comes in between is the problem that I have faced due to my introvert issue. The situation is not about the shyness that I am facing but this is the personal trait and core feeling of the internal situation. This is my personality and this is quite tough to be changed. The conceptuality and individual process and challenges faced by me and that is quite tough to overcome. This is the matter that creates obstacles for me to interact with strange people or the people who are not familiar to me. I interact with people when there is a purposeful reason and to find a solution to a problem. However, in case of engaging without reason is quite awkward for me. The interacting feeling is not systematic for me and that is the reason I do not make friends with everybody. The match of mentality is the key factor for me and that is the reason getting gel up with all the people is not suitable for me. In case of social interaction, the major challenge is being faced by me and that sometimes hurts my self-esteem. This is something that I need to change but the procedure is not easy and I do not want to be a Talkaholic person. In case of group activities are important for me and I need to break the out shell and talk with others so that intercultural barrier and introvert nature will mitigate through the term and that will be effective for me also.

There are some incidents that analyze the situation like in case business dealing with another company in Germany, I have faced the intercultural communication issues and that is the reason I feel so much concern with that matter. The business deal was not done and I failed to meet the organization objectivity. Another incident happened in my earlier job; where I have to take customer complain through a telephone. I have introvert nature and that is the reason I could not confront the situation where the company is right at their end. I need to go against the situation and rove that the company is right, maybe some technical or other issues are liable for that and that is the reason, I am quite concerned with the issue of introvert nature.

All these challenges curtail my position in the organization as these are the things that needed for development of the organization. My performance will be judged by all means and I am not familiar with these situations to meet unknown people and have a general discussion with any of the topics. So the mitigation of these processes and implements a revised behavioral manner for me is the crucial aspect for me. 

Nonverbal Immediacy Scale Self Report (NIS-S)

The two major issues that have found from the tests are the intercultural communication and introvert nature. The situation of personal understanding is good, and that is the reason if good communication power will attain by anyone then the person can be a good leaders also. The fear of speaking in concerts meetings and other important places are the concern reason behind that. The level of intercultural communication formulates with the attempt of accumulation of different cultures. There are six common barrier of intercultural communication like pretending similarity in its place of difference, anxiety, stereotypes and prejudices, ethnocentrism, nonverbal misinterpretation, and language (Chaney & Martin, 2013). The cultural difference is the key matter and that emphasis on the degree of the cultural discrimination that faced by the person suffering from intercultural communication issues.

As mentioned by Bergen and spring 2015, the cultural aspect of the business is the crucial aspect of the development of organizational evolvement and up-gradation. The area of theories and model is the main concern process of this. Lasswell’s model of communication is important in that section as the model has five steps and all these steps formulating the decision making processes. As commented DiSanza & Legge (2016), the process starts from the sender, who speaks some words, and after the said words from the person, it goes through a channel and then received by the receiver and after that at the final stage of the model receiver delivers a feedback of that (Ruben & Gigliotti, 2017). The model is considered an action or the liner model. This is the one way model of communication and for the situation of intercultural communication process; this is quite an effective one for practicing (Mazzei & Ravazzani, 2015).

In case of the intercultural communication process, Shannon and Weaver’s model is also important as the process has implemented for the better way of interacting with people. The people may not be known at each time and that is the reason most of the impromptus replies come in that case and that is the concerning aspect of communication (Grunig, 2013). The process starts from the sender and the person encodes some message from that and through the medium, the encoded messages are travelling to the receiver end and then the receiver has to decode the message and make a suitable reply for that (Pearson, 2017). The process of these factors like internal and external noises troubled in that factor. In case of self-inability, the internal noise is the ultimate manner of this and in case of the intervention of other external noise matter sustains (Jenifer & Raman, 2015). The communication model is important for the deliverance of intercultural communication process. The way of feedback can be verbal or nonverbal but the influenced manner is the important factor of business (Tran, 2018).

Personal Report of Intercultural Communication Apprehension (PRICA)

The issue of communication is important in that case as a change in introvert nature is important. The major issue of an introvert is the lack of confidence that initiates those problems. The problem is not the combination of fear and anxiety but this is an internal activity rather practice that makes the man in this way (Jin, Liu & Austin, 2014). In order to build decisions, communicate policies and actions, and to organize across units, organizations must procedure an assortment of information and how this information is composed, how it circulates, and what assortment of information is collected in the manner and with which people are reliant on the society which the personage stems from (Sureka, Garg & Khera, 2018). This is the main reason that introvert mannerism is not accepted in the workplace. The Aristotle model of communication is the key factor evaluates the effects and process of mitigation for the introvert situation. As opined by Quintanilla & Wahl (2015), the process has four steps like a speaker, speech, occasion audience and effect. The model process is important as the model is a speaker centered model and the person dealing with the communication problem, this is the effective measure to do such situation in the workplace. The relevant occasion of the communication is important for the speaker and the delivered speech forecasted the audience and after having the situation the effect can be justified (Touhidul & Sorooshian, 2018).

The aptitude to communicate is theoretically different from communication trepidation, however, there is sturdy unconstructive associations among the two and the reason for this occurrence is supposed to be individual’s aptitude to temporarily overcome nervousness and continue to execute in an distasteful situation in which the unconstructive associations grow (Lear, Hodge & Schulz, 2015).

That is the reason, most of communication challenges are creating confrontation in case of business and that is the reason cultural accumulation and extrovert nature is important for the workplace. Key to this loom is not to presume that nationality equates to assured cultural morals even though it can weakly envisage certain tendencies (Ainsworth, 2013). Another predictor is whether peoples are trade with people in their own mores or another, as expats have a sole subculture that varies from place to place as much as nationwide ethnicity does (Quintanilla & Wahl, 2015). The challenges has come in case of intercultural communication when employees from one nation make a huge step forward and trying to make business in another nation in that case the effectiveness of intercultural communication is needed (Pearson, 2017). This is the process where employee has to speak or interact with people and extrovert mentality and approach is essential in that case.

Talkaholic Sale

Action Plan is an important aspect for the development of self-growth structure. I have to reassess the position I am in, and evaluate the weakness so that in future I can maintain a good position in organisation. The major two challenges for me is the intercultural communication and introvert condition that creates confrontation for me. In this action plan process, I have selected some processes that can help y learning situation.

The process of keeping a journal is needed to be set, where I have to chart down the entire work process that needed to be done by me. This is the complete scenario that helps me to evaluate the situation of my past situation as well as state the situation I am in. In the section of journal making, I will mention some dates as well and be trying to finish the work within the deadline.

Secondly, I will go through some books that help to mitigate the communication problem of mine. The books may be out of syllabus or may have no such influence in my academic learning but I need to learn the communication confrontation and that is the major aspect of my learning. “How to talk to anyone” by Leil Lowndes or “How to win friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie and “Talk like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking secrets” by Carmine Gallo are the important leaning books for me and I will read all of these. These are the books that motive me, teach me the importance of communication and that is the reason learning from these books are essential.

After that, I will choose my mentor and the man need to be patient on mine and have enough knowledge about the intercultural communication process. The process of choosing the mentor is important as he will be the person who can motivate me and state me the right path that helps me to mitigate the process.

I will choose the short term communication course for me and these communication courses will help me to interact with strangers and in that way, I will improve my position. The level of confidence will be acclaimed by me due to that course and that will help me in my future.


Start Date

Finish Date


Keeping journal



3 days

Reading books



6 Months

Choose mentor



2 Months

Short term communication course



3 Months

Mental Preparation



6 Months

Figure1: Gantt chart of the action plan

(Source: Created by Author)

The essay concludes two major communication challenges that I have faced like intercultural communication process and introvert nature of mine. The things are not highlighted in front of workplace and that is the reason I have to mitigate these processes for the development of cultural and positional aspect in the organization. At last, an action plan was shaped based upon the consequences of the test and evaluate my position and to mitigate the process. 

Tolerance for Disagreement


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