Effective Communication Strategies For Builders

Part A: Communicating with staff and clients

Watch the video that shows Jai, the builder from Sullivon Constructions, conducting a weekly meeting with another builder and an apprentice. Within the meeting he discusses managing contractors that are coming on site that week, and potential work health and safety issues.

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In the table below, provide examples of the communication strategies Jai uses for each of the areas listed. You may use dot points to provide brief examples.

Communication area

Examples – provide two examples for each area

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What key issues are communicated by Jai?

1.    Site Week plan.

2.    Safety Issues.

3.    Security Issues.

Site Week plan.

-Jai stated that water proofing works would be carried on that week.

– Jai stated that Tiling works would be carried on that week.

Safety Issues

– Jai requests Grant to get a copy of Tilers insurance.

– He also requested Grant and the apprentice to inform the Water proofers and Tilers on the open trenches and electrical lift hanging down cables.

Security Issues.

-All  site visitors should be granted permission by Jai( Subcontractors’ owners walked around the site unsupervised)

How does this meeting assist communication between Jai, the other builder (Grant) and the apprentice?

·         The meeting enables to Jai outline the weekly activities and the sequence of execution. 

–      Jai gives instructions that handrails should only be fixed after the tilers work is complete.

–      Jai states that water proofing works and roof tiling works are to be carried on that week.

·         The meeting is a setting whereby Jai is communicating on the matters affecting the site works.

–      Jai gives a warning on the unauthorized visitors.

–      Jai states that the subcontractors should be informed on the potential dangers on site.

What work procedures and processes does Jai communicate the through the meeting?

1.    Jai explains the sequence to be followed on site works.

– Jai gives instructions that handrails should only be fixed after the tilers work is complete.

–      No unauthorized visitors.

2.    Jai states the requirements that need to be abided by the subcontractors prior to commencement of their works.

–      Subcontractors to submit copies of their insurance and licences.

3.    Jai states that the subcontractors to be inducted on safety measures prior to commencement of their works.

–      Subcontractors to be notified on the open trenches and hanging electric cables in second floor.

How Jai does used clear and direct communication in the meeting?

–      Jai explains the requirements to Grant and the apprentice in a short and precise manner.

–      Jai uses facial expressions to communicate on different issues.

What meeting structures does Jai use to help him communicate?

  • Priorities – Jai prioritizes the requirements of the week by stating that water proofing and tiling works would be executed on that week.
  • Results – Jai states that they ought to ensure that the framework on second level is complete so that the brick works can commence the following week.
  • Participants – Jai ensured that Grant the builder and the apprentice are the right audience of the
  • Sequence – Jai clearly outlines the sequence of the topics of the meeting i.e1
  • Timing – how much time will spend on each topic?
  • Date and time – when will the meeting take place?
  • Place – where will the meeting take place

Communicating with clients

Watch the video that shows Jai, the builder from Sullivon Constructions, discussing an alternate solution and a contract variation with his client (Cameron). The client wants bigger windows in his house. Jai has provided the client with a quote to make these changes, and the client is upset.

Click on the image below to watch the video.

In the table below, provide examples of the communication strategies Jai uses for each of the areas listed. You may use dot points to provide brief examples.

Communication area

Examples – provide two examples for each area


How does Jai discuss and propose alternative solutions and negotiation these with the client?

–      Jai discusses alternative solution in a friendly manner and in a facial expression that sends relievable feeling to the client.

–      The discussion of the alternative solution is meant to save Client’s money and shorten project period.

What communication techniques does he use to make sure his message about contract variation is clear and direct?

–      Jai displays confidence and seriousness when explaining the cost variation.

–      Jai uses simple words to explain the cost variation to the client.

–      Jai uses appropriate tone voice when explaining to the client.

–      Jai uses a body language that sends signals to the client on the impact of contract variation.

What interpersonal communication skills does Jai demonstrate? (listening, questioning , sharing information)

–      Jai depicts good listening skills when communicating to the client. He does not interrupt the client while he is talking.

–      Jai practices problem-solving skill when he discusses alternative solution for the cost variation to the client. He proposes change of the windows only on the main view of the warehouse. This would reduce the cost of variation and the time for project completion.

–      Jai practices assertiveness skill when explaining the reason of the cost variation and extension time of the project. He clearly states that the variation is due to structural changes of the project.

What non-verbal communication is shown by Jai and Cameron?

Jai’s Non-verbal communication.

–      Jai extends a hand shake to the client when he arrived on site. This depicts togetherness.

–      Jai maintained an eye contact while explaining the cost variation and time extension of the project.

–      Jai maintained a body posture that showed that he was listening to the client attentively.

Cameron Non-verbal communication

–      Cameron expressed anger when he declined a handshake from Jai when they met on site.

–      Cameron maintained a Facial expression that portrayed anger and disappointment due to the cost variation and project time extension.

–      Cameron extended a handshake to Jai after the discussion on the alternative solution proposed by Jai to depict that he was happy with Jai’s proposal.

If there were communication difficulties caused by cultural differences, how could Jai overcome these?     

Jai could have used below methods to overcome communication difficulties caused by cultural differences;

–      Use an interpreter who understands both Jai’s and Cameron’s language to translate the discussion.

–      Use visual methods such as drawings, videos and gestures to explain to the client.

–      Jai could learn the basics of his Clients language.      

Part B: Dispute resolution skills

Watch the video that shows Jai, the builder from Sullivon Constructions, handling an on-site dispute between two contractors; the electrician and the plumber.Click on the image below to watch the video.in the table below, provide examples of the communications Jai uses to facilitate a resolution to the dispute and find a solution to the contractual problem.

Dispute resolution strategy

Examples – provide two examples of each strategy                                                     

Clarifies the problems with the contractors

–      Jai clarifies that Brenda had not thoroughly checked the plans to determine the positioning of the exhaust fan against the pipes.

–      Jai clarifies that it would be more costly and time consuming to relocate the pipes.

Facilitates the on-site meeting and dispute resolution process

–      Jai carefully listens to both parties and the impacts that would face the parties if relocation of the utilities could be done.

–      Jai responds to the conflict between the parties very professional without fear or favour. He finally offers

Uses negotiation strategies that are suitable to the dispute situation

–      Jay uses time advantage factor strategy to settle the dispute. He assesses the time taken to fix and dismantle the pipes on the wall against the time taken to fix the exhaust fan on the other wall and makes the decision.

–      Jai avoided being provoked into an emotional response by carefully listening to both conflicting parties and making a win-win decision.

Uses problem solving to resolve the dispute

–      Jay tells Brenda that He had sent a set of plans that she should have checked thoroughly before signing off the contract.

–      Jay tells Brenda they would sit together that in future and check the plans thoroughly before signing off the contract.

–      Ken offers to assist Brenda on fixing of the exhaust fan.

Part C: Communicating with industry professionals and authorities

  1. Communicating with industry professionals

Listen to the following two podcasts that feature a builder communicating with a contractor and supplier. In the table below provide an example of how each communication strategy is used by the builder.

In podcast 1, Jim the builder is phoning his usual concrete contractor, Mark, from Concrete Deluxe for a quote. This includes costing the material and labour costs for laying a concrete slab.

Click on the image below to listen to podcast 1.

In podcast 2, Jim the builder is phoning Felix, from Windows Devine for a quote. This includes costing the material and labour costs for installing windows in a second storey renovation.

Click on the image below to listen to podcast 2.complete the table below providing examples of effective communication strategies used by the builder:   

Communication strategy

Podcast 1 or 2


Clearly communicates requests/ contract requirements

Podcast 2

–      He requests the windows specs and schedule.

–      He inquires on when the windows would be required on site.

Uses questioning to identify and confirm requirements

Podcast 2

–      Felix inquires on the windows specs and schedule.

–      Felix inquires on whether the client would also require delivery of the windows.

Shares information, listens and understands

Podcast 1

–      Jim shares detailed information on when the slab needs to be complete. Completion by 5 weeks.

–      Jim shares information on the size of the slab. Slab is approximately 30 square metres.

Seeks advice from contractor/supplier

Podcast 2

–      Jim seeks advice on the best windows to be used in the project.

Communicating with industry authorities

Listen to podcast 3 that features a builder communicating with a local authority representative. Briefly outline what the communication is about, and list two effective communication strategies used by the builder.

Click on the image below to listen to podcast 3.

  1. Briefly outline what the communication between the builder and the local authority is about (maximum 100 words):

The communication between the builder and the local authority is about the litter left by the builder’s next to a residence.  The local authority personnel visited the builder’s office to request him to clear the litter around the verge near the bridge and on the street gutters. The litter was left after the builder had finished his works. The builder was instructed to clean up all the litter.  The builder agrees that he would carry out the cleaning of the requested part of the town.

Good listening skills. The builder listens attentively without interrupting the local authority personnel.

Good interpersonal skills. The builder welcomes the local authority personnel in a friendly manner.

  1. List two effective communication strategies used:

Strategy 1__Focus on the issue and not on the person. The local authority personnel focused on his concern and not on the Builder.

Strategy 2__Good listening skills. The builder listens attentively without interrupting the local authority personnel.

Items to submit as evidence for this assessment:

1.    Completion of responses to questions in Parts A, B and C  
