Effective Communicative Language Teaching Techniques For Improved Oral English Skills

Importance of Oral Skills in Learning English

Discuss about the Education for Grammatical Literatures and Spoken English.

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The focus of the lesson would be to understand the language in the most scientific way possible so that the students develop an internal affinity for the language and the students would feel comfortable in speaking they language whenever they feel like,. This will be achieved by teaching the technicalities of the language, the oral grammatical aspects of the language will be the greatest focus of the lesson. Therefore the focus would be given on grammatical literatures and spoken English materials.

English is one of the most important or can be said the single most important language that is spoken all over the world. It is the international language which the individuals should learn in order to develop communicate in any regions of the world. Hence oral aspect of the language is most important in that case. The rationale is to increase the oral skills and make the students comfortable in communicating the language.

The language tests will be held in which the most Importance will be given in the oral skills of the students and it will be seen whether the students can communicate orally with each other in an easy way or not.

The students should be accustomed with t6he alphabets and basic features of the English language, which will be developed further in the class room in order4 to give them the needed skill.

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The expectations of the students will be to speak freely in English after the course is complete, the people who come here to learn has the basic ambition of speaking in English in a seamless manner.

I need to have some very impactful material for teaching the students in a way that in a less time the students can develop the skill to speak easily in English. There will be lesson plans divided into weeks, syllabus, reading materials, exercise, and test modules that the students need to practice at their house before they appear for the final test.


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Oral Skills

Basic technical aspects of Spoken English

Controlled Speaking

Storytelling, discussion and role playing


Grammatical Skills

Basics of English Grammar


Usage and construction of complex sentences

Advanced grammar

Practical usage


Composition of emails, letters and other materials

Conversation using the target language in real life

Conversation using the target language in real life


Assessment week 1

Assessment week 2

Assessment week 3

Assessment week 4

The batch will be kept small so that individual care can be taken for each of the student’s and the students will be given dedicated time for their problems to be shared with the teacher. The problems of the students will be recorded in an excel sheet which will be solved in due time.


Roles for teacher

Roles for student



 The study materials and syllabus to be presented to the students

To explain the students all the materials and solve all the problems

To understand, learn and share their problems with the trainer.

Books and printed material


The given materials to be practiced by the students so that the fluency increases. Class assessments

The teacher has to clear doubts of the students

To practice at home or at spare time what is given in the class room, and appear for mock tests.

Mock test


Using the language for oral communication and the final exams

To design the assignments and conduct test

Perform in the test

Question papers and answer sheets.

The success of the students will be measured in the final assessment and then it can be understood the final lesson plan was proper for the teaching method or not.

Course Objectives and Strategy

Language learning intention (focus language element):

The focus of the language learning will be the oral elements of the language. The grammatical aspects that helps in developing the oral skills will be given focus. 

The students will have to use the language they are learning in real world in order to communicate and establish this language as one of their main spoken languages.

As practice there will be mock conversations happening within the class rooms apart from that there will be mock tests and practice sessions within the classroom. 

The final usage of the language tro communicate with people, write, keep records of daily activities or even think.

As per the learning development plan importance has to be given to each of the students in order to instil the maximum benefit of the lesson in them. The above plan has specific week wise objectives and lesson plans. These will be implemented in a systematic way. The plan has to have very definitive outcomes that are measurable, and quantifiable. The outcomes of the lesson plans will be measured by assessments and performance indicators.

The objectives will be achieved by keeping the classrooms small so that maximum amount of attention can be given to each of the students. The number of heads in the classroom per batch will be kept at 25 and the curriculum will be designed in a very interactive and lively manner (Tabors and Patton 2014). The students within the classroom will use various audio visual features, watch films, converse with each other, make a rapport with the teacher so that the teaching experience becomes fruitful. And the lessons learnt are understood properly and not just prepared for the exams that will be taken at the en d of the course. There will be various levels of learners and the batch will be divided according to that. Stage 1 learners are those who knows only basic aspects of the target language such as the letters the basic grammatical rules and so forth. Stage II learner will be those who can speak in English to some level but commits grammatical mistakes. Stage III learners are those who need a little more teaching to speak the language perfectly (Gardner 2014).

The different techniques of teaching English are as follows. The Direct Method- This method of learning is in which the language is taught totally based on the target language. The primary language of the student is totally not used in any ways to teach the secondary language. The induction of the secondary language happens totally by the use of that language itself and no other language is used. The grammar translation method- In this method the primary process is to translate texts from the primary language to the secondary language, the students learn by this translation method as they learn each of the words categorically (Myles and Mitchell 2014).  The structural approach is one of the more advanced method of learning in which the grammatical aspects of the language are structured in to set of rules, these rules are then learnt structurally in order to learn and induct the language.  The most effective method and which will be adopted for this course is the Communicative Language Teaching. In this method the main importance is given to the communication aspect of the language and the training is given in such a way that the students can very quickly adopt the various rules of speaking the language and communicate in the real world (Cohen 2014).  The various techniques that are used are “inviting, suggesting, complaining, expression of time, quantity and location”. Various technologies will be used in order to impart the lesson of language into the students in the Communicative Language Teaching method. Some of these are , virtual speaker which will assist the students in learning when they are alone, audio visual presentation, LMS or learning management system in which all the materials for learning will be uploaded which the students can access anytime to start learning (Bhatia 2014). The oral grammatical aspects of the language will be the greatest focus of the lesson. There will be appropriate lesson plans, syllabus, reading materials, exercise, and test modules that the students need to practice at their house before they appear for the final test. The students will be first divided within the batch as per their stages. The student’s stage will be decided by the level of understanding the particular student already have about the target language. After this the students will be given curriculum and learning material as per their stage. The maximum importance will be given on how much the students can adapt to speaking the language as fast as possible. “The flipped classroom method of teaching” will also be adopted. In this the students will be given the lesson to be taught in the classroom from one day prior (Carter and McRae 2014). The student will study and understand whatever they can and then come to the classrooms with their doubts, which will be then cleared by the teacher within the classroom. Therefore the ultimate overall situation of the classroom will be, the classrooms will be small, lesser students, and the technique will be Communicative Language Teaching, the method will be “Flipped classroom teaching”, and various technologies will be online tools, Learning management system, and audio visual presentations.

Techniques for Teaching English Language

The strategies which are selected for imparting teaching of English language to the students are having some short comings. These short comings needs to be contemplated upon before finally the method is applied in the classrooms. The various methods of teaching language have their own flaws. Communicative Language Teaching is sometimes criticised as the over simplification of the method (Larsen-Freeman and Long 2014). It is very important for a person who is trying to learn a new language to understand the grammatical aspects of the language. Without learning grammar and the technical aspects the students will find it difficult in writing the language. Therefore the structural approach is important in this case. Again a person is most comfortable in their own primary language which is also known as the mother tongue (Saville-Troike and Barto 2016). This mother tongue is the language in which a person develops the process of thinking therefore it is important to use the mother tongue or the primary language to impart teaching of the target language.  The process of grammar translation method is hence considered very important and still practiced in many parts of the world. Especially in the schools of the developing countries this process is widely practiced. On the other hand the process of Communicative language teaching is criticised as being a process which is more dedicate towards the spoken aspect of a language and less towards written aspect. The idea that a short class room helps in the learning process is sometimes criticised by some authors on the grounds that there is less diversity in such classroom and interaction of diverse culture ultimately helps in the process of learning. Therefore in many schools of the world diversification in class rooms are encouraged and inter cultural communication is seen as constructive (Rutherford 2014). The Flipped Classroom method of teaching sometimes is said to be detrimental in the process of the learning of the students, as they develop some pre cognitions and these disrupt the process of opening up to new concepts and new ideas. The students go through the material on their own and then develop some ideas of their own some of which are untrue, the teachers then find it difficult to properly explain the ideas to them as already they have an idea in their mind (Smith and Candlin 2014). However it is to be remembered that the processes chosen in this case are the most effective according most of the experts and the methods which are having the least number of criticisms and shortcomings are chosen in this teaching plan.


The materials that will be given will be designed to help the student with maximum understanding of the language and so that the students may induct the target language as quickly as possible in the most effective way. The students will be placed in an interactive environment with technological support to help in the learning process and the total process will be monitored through key performance indicators so that the improvement of the students may be known. The classrooms will be small, lesser students, and the technique will be Communicative Language Teaching, the method will be “Flipped classroom teaching”, and various technologies will be online tools, Learning management system, and audio visual presentations.


Bhatia, V.K., 2014. Analysing genre: Language use in professional settings. Routledge.

Carter, R. and McRae, J., 2014. Language, literature and the learner: Creative classroom practice. Routledge.

Cohen, A.D., 2014. Strategies in learning and using a second language. Routledge.

Gardner, R.C., 2014. Attitudes and motivation in second language learning. In Bilingualism, multiculturalism, and second language learning (pp. 63-84). Psychology Press.

Larsen-Freeman, D. and Long, M.H., 2014. An introduction to second language acquisition research. Routledge.

Myles, F. and Mitchell, R., 2014. Second language learning theories. Routledge.

Rutherford, W.E., 2014. Second language grammar: Learning and teaching. Routledge.

Saville-Troike, M. and Barto, K., 2016. Introducing second language acquisition. Cambridge University Press.

Smith, M.S. and Candlin, C.N., 2014. Second language learning: Theoretical foundations. Routledge.

Tabors, P.O. and Patton, O., 2014. One Child, Two Languages: A Guide for Early Childhood Educators of Children Learning English as a Second Language. Education Review//Reseñas Educativas.