Effective Governance And Legal Requirements At Eat-Fresh Bakery


Behind every successful organization, there is praise that is directed to the governance of the company. At Eat-Fresh Bakery, effective governance will be put in place, and it is all with the aim of making sure that leadership provided from the top level is in line with the vision of the company. Effective Governance and observing legal requirements and considerations are two aspects that work hand in hand. With effective governance, there will be a team of leaders who do not violate the legal requirements. Through an effective governance and adherence to all legal requirements, Eat-Fresh Bakery will be able to operate in a peaceful environment and make big strides towards its vision and goals.

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Governance helps in defining and separating powers. When there are numerous people working under the same roof, there is a need to have a defined authority. Provisioning power to some individuals and outlining what is expected of them helps in bringing order and sanity to the workplace (Tricker, R. B., & Tricker, R. I, 2015). With that in mind, Eat-Fresh Bakery will need to have a governance structure in place. The governance structure will indicate the leaders and their role in ensuring that the vision of the company is realized.

The CEO has the mandate of making sure that the managers and the organization at large are performing in line with the vision of the company. At the same time, he is the superior authority in the Bakery and must make sure that ethics and organization values are respected. The CEO is supposed to know if the company will need additional employees or not. It is the dream of the Bakery to expand and serve many customers. As the person entrusted with the authority of leading the company, the CEO will be expected to guide the managers on the exact measures to take and implement for the assurance of organizational growth.

The bakery manager will have an overall responsibility of making sure that all processes and operations are smooth (Persons, 2015). The Bakery manager will act as the eye of the CEO on the ground. When the CEO is looking for investors and learning how other organizations or competitors are performing, the manager will be on the ground with other employees so as to make sure that the products of the bakery are of high quality, and the employees are provided with all that they need so as to be efficient in their operations.

Governance structure

As stated in part A, marketing plays a significant role in any organization. Therefore, a marketing manager is one of the team members entrusted with the governance of the company. The marketing manager will have two distinguished responsibilities (Meiners, R. E., Ringleb, A. H., & Edwards, F. L, 2014). First, the marketing manager will make sure that he or she identifies the most effective marketing strategies so that he or she can know the best to put in place. Second, the marketing manager must have information about the competing products. In marketing, quality is an aspect that cannot be ignored (Wellens, L., & Jegers, M., 2015). For the products of Eat-Fresh Bakery to win the hearts of the customers, the quality of the products must be higher than that of the competing products.

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The operations in the kitchen will be entrusted to the chief chef. The chief chef has knowledge that can help the Bakery beat its customers (Liu, T., Wang, Y., & Wilkinson, S, 2016). He will have the power to give directions in the kitchen and to make sure that all chefs give their best to enable the organization to have quality products.

The supporting chefs have the responsibility to give all their skills to the process of baking the products.

The junior employees comprise of all employees under the managers. Each of them has the responsibility of making sure that the strategies laid down are implemented without delays and flaws.

Having leaders to govern the Bakery is not enough; there must be policies and guidelines in place which will make sure that all employees and leaders are governed (Larcker, D., & Tayan, B, 2015). Policies will be the basis of ethics and organization values because they will state what a leader, as well as an employee, is expected to do. Putting in mind that law and order is paramount when it comes to running a business, the bakery will have a policy in place which will focus on the following;

  1. Ethical standards expected from all employees
  2. The values of the Bakery
  3. Procedures which must be followed in case of a conflict
  4. The responsibility or duty of the management to the employees
  5. The responsibility and duty of the management to the organization
  6. Separation and definition of powers
  7. Expectation of the company from all stakeholders

As a legit business, Eta-Fresh Bakery is aware that there are legal requirements that it must meet. The bakery is aimed at taking its business to another level, and that is only guaranteed if the company is not in conflict with the authorities (Filatotchev, I., & Nakajima, C, 2014). With the help of a legal adviser, the company will comply with all legal requirements and that is to enhance smooth operations in the bakery. Some of the legal requirements are honoring the labor laws, registering the name of the business, applying for an Australian Business Number (ABN), paying the operations license, filing returns for the sake of paying taxes and insuring the business.


It is the obligation of any given company to make sure that it is familiar with the labor laws and at the same time, it implements all of them. In line with the Labor Act, the company will embrace and practice the labor laws to the letter. The bakery will ensure that fairness at the workplace is taken to a higher level (Ferrell, O. C., & Fraedrich, J., 2015). To make that possible, a policy will be drafted, and it aims to make sure that whatever employees need to be safe and productive is provided. Overtime will be paid by the labor laws. At the same time, the shifts will be monitored and in no way will they oppress the employees. When it comes to the freedom of the employees, the company will allow the employees to join employees’ union. By so doing, the rights of employees will be granted. Eat-Fresh Bakery knows that a kitchen is a place where good food comes from but also a place where the lives of the chefs can be affected in a negative way (Wu, S. P. J., Straub, D. W., & Liang, T. P, 2015). According to the ministry of health, there are health standards which must be observed by any company that deals with food. Every requirement that is associated with a safe kitchen will be met with the aim of making the bakery safer for all employees. 

The law prohibits an organization from using the name of another existing organization (Ebrahim, A., Battilana, J., & Mair, J., 2014). Therefore, Eat-Fresh Bakery will be registered to ensure that the company’s name is not used by any other organization. We have a dream of expanding and being one of the most successful and popular organizations, and therefore there is a need to protect the trademark. 

Australian Business Number is a requirement that every business must meet. To make sure that the government does not restrict the bakery from operating, the process of acquiring the business number will be initiated before the commencement of the operational processes.

Not only in Australia, but in every nation, a business must pay a license fee if it is interested in venturing into the specific area or location. The bakery will not be an exception (Biermann, 2017). The CEO will make sure that the business permit is acquired before commencing the business. The reason for doing so is for the purpose of being guaranteed of the government protection and avoiding conflicts with the authorities.

The Bakery Manager

There are different types of tax. Therefore, it is important for the bakery to know the types of tax that it is expected to file (Yarbrough, B. V., & Yarbrough, R. M., 2014). The Australian Government has made it possible for business persons to know about the type of tax expected from them. To know more about business tax and how to file it, the CEO will pay a visit to the ministry offices.

Having an insurance cover is one of the legal requirements which help an organization and the employees in case of any tragedy. The company will look for a competitive insurance company and insure the properties as well as other packages which need to be insured.

Biermann, F. (2017). A world environment organization: Solution or threat for effective international environmental governance? London: Routledge.

Ebrahim, A., Battilana, J., & Mair, J. (2014). The governance of social enterprises: Mission drift and accountability challenges in hybrid organizations. Research in Organizational Behavior, 34, 81-100.

Ferrell, O. C., & Fraedrich, J. (2015). Business ethics: Ethical decision making & cases. London: Nelson Education.

Filatotchev, I., & Nakajima, C. (2014). Corporate governance, responsible managerial behavior, and corporate social responsibility: organizational efficiency versus organizational legitimacy? The Academy of Management Perspectives, 28(3), 289-306.

Larcker, D., & Tayan, B. (2015). Corporate governance matters: A closer look at organizational choices and their consequences. New York: Pearson Education.

Liu, T., Wang, Y., & Wilkinson, S. (2016). Identifying critical factors affecting the effectiveness and efficiency of tendering processes in Public–Private Partnerships (PPPs): A comparative analysis of Australia and China. International Journal of Project Management, 34(4), 701-716.

Meiners, R. E., Ringleb, A. H., & Edwards, F. L. (2014). The legal environment of business. Boston: Cencage Learning.

Persons, O. (2015). Corporate governance characteristics of most admired companies. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 6(3).

Tricker, R. B., & Tricker, R. I. (2015). Corporate governance: Principles, policies, and practices. New York: Oxford University Press, USA.

Wellens, L., & Jegers, M. (2015). Effective governance in nonprofit organizations: A literature based multiple stakeholder approach. European Management Journal, 223-243.

Wu, S. P. J., Straub, D. W., & Liang, T. P. (2015). How information technology governance mechanisms and strategic alignment influence organizational performance: Insights from a matched survey of business and it managers. Mis Quarterly, 39(2), 497-518.

Yarbrough, B. V., & Yarbrough, R. M. (2014). Cooperation and governance in international trade: The strategic organizational approach. New York: Princeton University Press.