Effective Human Resource Systems And Sustainable Value For Stakeholders

Effect of human resources on long term sustainability of stakeholders

Human resource management is considered to be a strategic approach which is based on effective process of managing the employees within an organization. The organizations are thereby able to gain huge levels of competitive advantage in the industry with the help of proper management of human resources. The performance levels of employees can be managed in an effective manner with the help of the proper human resource management (Bailey et al., 2018). The human resource managers are mainly concerned about the managing the people in organizations with the help of focus that they have on different systems and policies. The HR department of the organizations are mainly responsible for the ways by which the employees can be managed and recruitment process is also managed by the department.

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The discussion in the essay will be based on the ways by which the human resource managers are able to provide sustainable value to the stakeholders in an effective manner. The value which is provided by the human resource managers to the stakeholders is sustainable in nature. The relationship of long term sustainable value of the stakeholders with the effective human resource managers will be analysed in the essay.

According to Brewster, Chung and Sparrow (2016), the stakeholders of the organizations are able to create immense amounts of pressure on the human resource managers. The HR based professionals thereby experience conflicting levels of pressure from the different stakeholders. The expectations that the stakeholders have from the stakeholders vary based on different groups which include, employees, line management, owners and the external customers. The results that need to be provided to the human resource managers are also based on the short term results which are provided by the financial activities in the organization. The HR based factors are thereby set in such a manner which can help in the proper fulfilment of the expectations of different customers.

As discussed by Brewster et al. (2016), the HR department of the organizations are thereby categorised in a strategic manner into four different factors. The relationship which is further developed between the different activities of the HR department is able to develop an integrated unite in an effective manner. The performance levels of employees are thereby measured by the HR with the help of different performance measurement based tools, training processes and non-financial and financial rewards as well.

The integrated HR based practices mainly consist of the proper integration of the business based strategies, organizational capabilities, culture, HR based practices and the technical competencies as well. The HR department is also able to play a major role in the information management related activities and the process of importing the information based on customers. The process based on HR analytics is also an important part of the operations of different organizations in the modern business environment. The HR department is thereby able to play a significant part in improving the performance of the business in an effective manner (Collings, Wood & Szamosi, 2018).

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According to Jackson, Schuler and Jiang (2014), the HR department of the organizations are able to affect different stakeholders in different ways. The performance of the employees is an important part of influence which is provided on the short term based goals of the company. The HR based departments of organizations are thereby able to affect the line managers with the help of proper integration of the Hr based practices that are mainly able to emphasize on the culture, technical skills, HR based practices of different organizations. The focus of the HR department is clear and is based on the ways by which the expectations of internal stakeholders can be met. The line managers of the organizations are influenced by the human resource departments of organizations.


The HR department needs to focus on the agendas which have been developed in an effective manner in order to create sustainable levels of value for the external customers. The information of the company can flow in a proper way with the help of proper functioning of the HR department. The HR departments are able to play the most important role in the ways by which the organizations are able to improve their operations in an effective manner. The different researches have been able to show HR department has 45% influence on the external customers and 36% influence on the different investors of the organization (Jamali, Dirani & Harwood, 2015).

The major role is thereby played by HR in the management of information based system in an effective manner. The HR analytics based process has a modest impact on the stakeholders of the company. The HR measurement based policies have also started in the current business based environment. These measurements thereby need to be included within the HR practices for proper operations of the modern companies. The balance which needs to be maintained between the different HR based operations and the stakeholders is an important part of the operations of the department in modern business based environment. The HR practices have a major impact on different levels of the organizations (Kramar, 2014).

The HR based practices are thereby able to affect the collective stakeholders in a huge manner. The organizations emphasize on the different stakeholders in a different manner. The major challenge in this case is thereby to understand the levels of importance of different stakeholders. The HR departments of different organizations are thereby required to meet the different requirements of the stakeholders. The needs and demands of different stakeholders are thereby highly conflicting in nature (Mahoney & Kor, 2015).

According to Marchington (2015), the sustainable process of human resource management is thereby able to play a major role in the proper operations of the modern companies. The most important part of the operations of modern organizations is based on the ways by which they are able to manage the stakeholders. Sustainability has been able to become a major factor in the effective operations of the modern companies. The levels of sustainability of the human resource based operations are thereby able to affect the different stakeholders of the organizations. The human resource management departments of the organizations thereby need to face major levels of challenges in the process of proper usage of the human resources.

The human resource based strategies of the organizations are based on the ways by which they are able to manage the stakeholders in an effective manner. The improvement of performance of modern organizations is also based on the ways by which human resource departments are able to manage the stakeholders and to provide them with effective levels of value as well. The evolution of strategic HRM has been able to depict that the human resource managers need to implement the strategies in such a manner which can help in the development of proper value. The stakeholders are able to play a major role in the proper levels of operations of the organizations in modern business environment (Stone & Deadrick, 2015).

Sustainability-based levels of value provided to stakeholders

The contribution which has been made to the field of strategic HRM in the past few years have been able to affect the operations of the organizations. HRM is thereby able to provide effective contribution to the performance of organizations. The interests of stakeholders are thereby taken into concern in an effective manner by the HR departments of the companies. The stakeholders play the most important role in the ways by which companies are able to improve their operations in the industry in an effective manner (Tantalo & Priem, 2016).

The sustainability based levels of value which is provided to the stakeholders are important for long term profitability of the companies. The effective human resources have been found to highly important in the process of providing value to the customers. The stakeholders of the company are thereby provided with effective levels of value so that they are able to form an important of the organizational operations in modern business environment The sustainable value of stakeholders is highly important for the ways by which organizations are able to operate in the environment (Voegtlin & Greenwood, 2016). 


The analysis in the essay has been able to depict that the human resource based departments of different organizations are able to provide sustainable value to the stakeholders. The long term sustainability of the companies is thereby based on the ways by which the stakeholder based activities are integrated in an effective manner within the organizational operations. The important part of the proper operating levels of the organizations is thereby related to the ways by which the human resource departments are able to operate in the environment in an effective way. The modern companies thereby need to maintain the human resource based operations in such a manner which can help in developing the proper levels of value of the stakeholders. The sustainable value needs to be developed for both the internal and the external stakeholders of the company. This is considered to be an important part of the effective operations of modern companies.


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Jamali, D. R., El Dirani, A. M., & Harwood, I. A. (2015). Exploring human resource management roles in corporate social responsibility: the CSR?HRM co?creation model. Business Ethics: A European Review, 24(2), 125-143.

Kramar, R. (2014). Beyond strategic human resource management: is sustainable human resource management the next approach?. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(8), 1069-1089.

Mahoney, J. T., & Kor, Y. Y. (2015). Advancing the human capital perspective on value creation by joining capabilities and governance approaches. Academy of Management Perspectives, 29(3), 296-308.

Marchington, M. (2015). Human resource management (HRM): Too busy looking up to see where it is going longer term?. Human Resource Management Review, 25(2), 176-187.

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Tantalo, C., & Priem, R. L. (2016). Value creation through stakeholder synergy. Strategic Management Journal, 37(2), 314-329.

Voegtlin, C., & Greenwood, M. (2016). Corporate social responsibility and human resource management: A systematic review and conceptual analysis. Human Resource Management Review, 26(3), 181-197.