Effective Training Plan For Red Telecom With RISE Strategy

Current Scenario of Red Telecom

The company of Red Telecom is one of the biggest telecommunication providers in Oceania and its service is spread through New Zealand and Australia. According to the case study, it has been understood that this company has implemented a diversification strategy known as Red’s Inclusive Strategy 2020 or RISE. This strategy has a lot of positive aspects, however; the company is greatly suffering due to the restructure. Therefore, the purpose of this proposal is to form an effective action plan through which the knowledge of team leaders can be improved for better performance of Red Telecom Company. This proposal allows plenty of scopes to access the current structure of the company in order to review a better plan for training and development. Through the aid of 70:20:10 Model of Learning and Development, a thorough action plan can be accessed for integration of RISE strategy in a more flexible and better aspect.

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The company of Red Telecom follows a team structure in a group of 8 to 15 people in front desk while various other teams provide back-office service. Each of the team consists of a team leader who provides effective guidance to their respective teams. As per the information provided in the case study, it has been accessed that almost 70% of the workers in this origination are female while the rest are male. This organization also heavily depends upon part-time workers who provide effective service to customers regarding telecommunication problems. In the company of Red Telecom, there are a fewer number of diverse people as seen after through assessment. Only 2% have stated their disabled condition and 3% belong to the LGBTQ community. Therefore, this organisation intends to diversify the internal environment of the company so that every individual gets an equal chance to work in this company.   

A thorough assessment has been performed in the company of Red Telecom where it has been observed that the company lacks a proper diversified working environment. Not only there are fewer people engaged from the disabled background but also from the LGBTQ community. Most of the people engaged with the organisation are female however when it comes to team leaders, there are only a few working in this role which has been identified as a major problem which is due to the lack of proper training. Therefore, the company has implemented a strategy known as the RISE in order to modify these aspects. The ultimate problem arises from here as this strategy has caused a re-structure of the whole company. As much as this strategy is beneficial for the long run of the company, the re-structure is affecting its current functioning due to which the employees are getting physically as well as mentally stressed. Therefore, adequate solutions have been discussed in this study through which these problems can be eliminated.

RISE Strategy Implementation

In order the Red Telecom Company to integrate the proper strategy of RISE, the employees need to have adequate skills and knowledge on how to work effectively, even under pressure. One of the most important skills to work under a newly implemented strategy is having an adequate amount of patience. As opined by Coccia (2016), it takes time for a strategy to fully take its shape and provide a fruitful outcome. Therefore, the employees need to brush up on their existing skills, mainly communication with customers. The main working of this company is executed through a call centre; therefore adequate linguistic skill is needed to be adapted for better communication (Cramer, 2017).  The company of Red Telecom depends on multi-skilling through the aid of various team members.

However, adequate lack of training is causing problems in this area. On the other hand, the HR department of the company needs to adapt to a more diverse process for its recruitment process. Through the aid of proper skills, the HR management can select people from a diverse background which would prove to beneficial in accordance to the RISE strategy implemented by the company. The company has effective team leaders who can provide guidance to its team in a proper manner. This indeed provides a lot of help for the functioning of the company as a whole. However, more unification is needed between the team leaders and managers of the company for experiencing more growth. Therefore, it can be asserted that the company needs more effective management skills for effective functioning (Carlos Pinho, Paula Rodrigues & Dibb, 2014).

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Through the implementation of a proper training and development program, the company of Red Telecom can experience an adequate range of benefits. In order for the RISE strategy to work accordingly, 70:20:10 Model of Learning and Development needs to be implemented in this company. According to this model, 70% of the learning can be gained from experience while 20% socially (ccl.org, 2018). The last 10% consists of learning by following a structured scheduled for training. This model is an effective form of strategy through which an adequate amount of practical knowledge can be experienced. This will help in increasing the rate of performance in a significant manner. Social learning will adequately help in increasing teamwork and unification which is an immediate need for the company (Su, Baird & Schoch, 2015: 44). Each and every employee can help each other out and therefore learn through this process. The last 10% of training is a formal one; however, its importance cannot be ignored (Clardy, 2018: 167). Though the aid of learning materials employees will be able to revise the practical experience they have learned through which employee performance can increase. This will significantly result in the rise of organisational growth of the company of Red Telecom (Refer to Appendix 1).

Need for Training Program

As discussed in the previous section of the proposal, implementation of 70:20:10 Model of Learning and Development will help the entire organisation in an adequate manner. It is because of the nature of the model through which the desired result can be achieved (Dhar, 2015: 68). First of all, the training intervention is needed in Red Telecom Company is because of its lack of diversification. Therefore recruitment training needs to be given to the HR department by following the above-mentioned model. Practical experience will help get a real knowledge about how to perform such tasks. Human multitasking is another effective theory through which team leaders can be taught on how to effectively manage new employees as well as provide guidance to the old members (Heffernan & Dundon, 2016). Through the aid of concurrent multitasking, various practical, as well as theoretical tasks can be threaded together through which team leaders can gain through experience.  

The training program needs to be divided into two categories, one for the management and the other for team leaders. If people from these categories gain sufficient knowledge, then they can thoroughly guide the employees in the right direction. However, in order to implement these strategies and training program, an adequate amount of funding is required. Therefore, cost assessment is needed to be done in accordance with the level and amount of training required (Hezlett, 2016). This cost can be taken from the company savings or expenditure fund. This would essentially help the company to earn more revenue in the long-term; therefore, this investment is a must requirement for the company of Red Telecom.  

Apart from the cost, there are various other factors which need to be implemented in order for the strategic plan of actually provide a fruitful outcome. As the company is going through a procedure of complete re-structure, therefore, proper integration of the action plan is going to take at least a span of 12 months. According to Nijboer, Borst, van Rijn & Taatgen (2014), Tthese months could be divided into different sections where the three aspects of practical training following by social and theoretical training can be implemented accordingly. As the team leaders play the most vital role in the company, therefore, this training program will provide to be effective through which they can enhance the performance rate of the company. In order for the training program to be successful, proper observation is also needed to be done (Uncapher et al. 2017: 64). As this training program for integration of RISE strategy almost consists of a whole year, therefore monthly assessment can be done through which the conduction of the action plan can be checked.

70/20/10 Learning and Development Model

However, there are multiple challenges that can be faced during the course of the training program. The biggest hurdle is the cost of this program. As this program is pretty large, the amount required will be significant. This can result in the setback for the short-term goals of the company. In order to avoid this aspect, loams can be taken from banks to fulfil this course of action (Kong, Qin, Zhou, Mou, & Gao, 2014: 461). On the other hand, many employees belonging to the general category also feel threatened by the diversification program. Therefore, adequate assurance is needed to be provided in order to make them understand the significance of RISE. Apart from these two hurdles, the length of the program is itself a problem because it consists of 12 months. Many employees can get tired and frustrated due to the length. Therefore, through the aid of engagement contents, the employees can be encouraged for active participation.

Effective learning and development plan is an essential part of increasing the rate of organisational function. This proposal has dealt with the necessary aspects which need to implement for the benefit of the employees as well as the team leaders of the company of Red Telecom. However, it is necessary for the training and development program to be kept in a thorough checking if the company is moving forward in the desired manner (Cordingley, 2015). The aspect of evaluation is needed to be implemented in three stages. The first before the start of the program, the second time while it is ongoing and the third after the training program has wrapped up. Therefore, through the aid of knowledge transfer in a thorough manner by following the theory of workplace reinforcing, the proper evaluation process can be carried out. This aspect will essentially help in rectifying certain areas which can be moulded according to the needs of the organisation (Doppelt, 2017). The aspect of a through action plan along with its process of evaluation in this proposal has helped in understanding the different aspects required in the process of evaluation (Refer to Appendix 2).


This proposal mainly consists of a formulation of an action plan for the training and development of the workers in the company called Red Telecom. This aspect has been made by thorough assessment of the current situation of the company which is in turmoil due to its complete restructure because of the strategy known as RISE. Therefore, an effective action plan has been made by following the theory of 70:20:10 Model of Learning and Development along with concurrent multitasking. These aspects will essentially help the team leaders to work in a more organised manner so that employee performance along with organisational performance can be increased. Therefore, the action plan has been mainly divided into three sections in the form of 70% practical experience, followed by 20% social learning and 10% of theoretical learning. Thus, it can be asserted that the strategy will effectively help the company known as Red Telecom to achieve its desired goal of integration of RISE strategy to its full extent. 


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